I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 79 Breaking the Formation! [Burst update 1W]

Chapter 79 Breaking the Formation! [Burst update 1W]

Saito, whose body was mostly splattered with blood, looked at Qingdeng who was shouting just now from the corner of his eye.

Saito froze immediately after his peripheral vision fell on Qingdeng's body.

At this moment, Qingdeng held his saber and held his head high.

Is... is the momentum different?
Saito always feels that Qingdeng now... seems to be a little different.

For some reason, after Qingdeng's shout just now, all the people—whether Saito, the guards headed by Komuro, Anton and Alodi, without exception, all involuntarily turned their attention to Qingdeng's body.

Those who have enough energy to look at Qingdeng from the corner of their eyes, all use the corner of their eyes to look at Qingdeng.

Those who didn't have the energy to look at Qingdeng from the corner of their eyes would prick up their ears.

Even hearing Qingdeng's shout just now... For example, Yamada, who thought he had a good chance of winning, turned his surprised eyes to Qingdeng uncontrollably.

"Everyone calm down!"

After attracting everyone's attention, Qingdeng turned his head, and continued to shout in a not-so-excited tone with no expression on his face.

"Calm down and take a good look at the enemy in front of you!"

"They are not invincible enemies!"

"Their offense has no coordination at all!"

"They are not all warriors who are one against ten or one against a hundred!"

"What they rely on is nothing more than numbers and momentum!"

"Hurry up and calm down!"

"As long as you can regain your composure and restore your due strength, what can these insects do to you?"

"You are all the first-class elite in Osaka Prefecture. Even if you are outnumbered, there should be no reason for you to lose to an enemy of this level, is there?"

Qingdeng's speech was neither lengthy nor generous.

But the strange thing is, all the people...including Anthony and the others, after listening to Qingdeng's words just now, they only felt that their heartbeats slowed down a lot, and their flustered mood calmed down a lot.
Everyone turned their attention back to the enemy in front of them—they were shocked to find that after listening to Qingdeng's words, the "world" in front of them also happened after their minds regained their composure.

The calmness of mind allowed them to see clearly what they hadn't seen just now!

As Qingdeng said, after regaining his composure and taking a serious look, the enemies in front of him were really chaotic.

A messy formation... No, it should be said that there is no formation at all.

Everyone is fighting on their own and hindering each other.

There are only a small number of people who seem to be very powerful, and the vast majority of them look extremely weak.

After seeing the enemy and the "world" in front of them clearly, everyone's expressions changed!
The fear and panic that filled their faces before have all disappeared now.

Instead, there was perseverance and...a blatant fighting spirit!

"What's going on...?" Yamada stared blankly at Qingdeng and the others in the distance.

He clearly felt... After Qingdeng's short speech fell, the atmosphere surrounding these barbarians and scum had changed.

Obviously, this group of people was still in a state of defense that might collapse at any time and be defeated by them at any time, but just Qingdeng yelled a few words, and everyone's expressions and atmosphere changed!
It wasn't just Yamada who felt the changes in Qingdeng and the others, most of the members of the barbarian group were also keenly aware at this time - the group of opponents in front of them seemed to be a little different.

The expressions of the team members began to waver a little.

An ominous premonition emerged from Yamada's heart.

"Go on!"

Yamada shouted at the top of his voice.

"They have only one breath left! There are only so few people left!"

"Go all out! Defeat them!"

As of now, there are only 3 people left who can still stand and fight, including Qingdeng, Saito, and Anthony.

Yamada's yelling worked.

The members of the barbarian group stopped shaking, shouted, and launched a new assault on Qingdeng and others like the tide again.

Saito, Komuro and others, who used their bodies as a line of defense to stop the "red tide", put their knives in front of them again, ready to start a new round of confrontation.

But at this moment, Qingdeng's voice suddenly sounded——

"The one wearing dark green haori, black hakama and black socks!"

"Huh?" A certain guard on Qingdeng's right, wearing a dark green haori, looked at Qingdeng who had suddenly called him by his name from the corner of his eye in astonishment.

"Don't guard that area!" Qing Deng said in a deep voice, "The enemies in your position are very weak! There is no need to keep so many people guarding that area! Come to this direction quickly!"

Qingdeng pointed to his north.

"Hurry up!"

After being yelled at by Qingdeng, "Dark Green Haori" shook vigorously a few times: "Yes, yes!"

"The one with the straw hat and the short spear! Yes! It's you! Back off and come in this direction!"

"Stand apart! Don't squeeze together!"

"You! Go to that location!"


Xiaoshi kept using his peripheral vision to look at Qingdeng behind him who was constantly dispatching troops and generals in astonishment.

Hello!Is your deployment reliable? !Don't command blindly!
Xiao Shi, who was not familiar with Qingdeng, couldn't help asking loudly in his heart.

Let alone Xiaoshi, Saito, who is a little more familiar with Qingdeng than Xiaoshi, can't hide the astonishment on his brows now.

If he remembers correctly... the young man he was responsible for protecting should be a "three times" concentric who is only responsible for handling cases and catching thieves on weekdays, not an officer serving in the standing army of the shogunate.

Hearing that Qingdeng dispatched troops there, Saito couldn't help being stunned.

In fact, compared to Qingdeng's command and dispatch, Xiaoshi was even more surprised by the behavior of his subordinates obediently listening to Qingdeng's command.

Why do you all listen to that person's command? !
Komuro was rather puzzled.

These subordinates of his were obviously not familiar with Qingdeng at all, and they probably didn't even know the name of the young man who was directing them.

But after Qingdeng's order came down, they obediently and quickly followed Qingdeng's order without objection or argument.

"Mr. Xiaoshi!" At this moment, after adjusting the positions of the six people in one breath, Qing Deng shouted loudly to Xiaoshi, the only one whose name he knew among all the guards.

Hearing that it was his turn to be called, Komuro's ears perked up subconsciously.

"You also retreat! Go to the east! It is enough to have Saito in your place! The east needs your garrison!"

Listening to Qingdeng's instruction, Xiaoshi was startled.

This place doesn't need my garrison?But the enemy's offensive here is obviously very fierce!

Regarding Qingdeng's assignment, Xiaoshi couldn't help muttering in his heart.

However... Xiaoshi now understands why his subordinates obediently listened to Qingdeng's instructions.

Qingdeng's voice at this time...is it strangely contagious?In short, it seems to have some "magic power".

After letting everyone regain their composure, a new "magic power" was set off again.

After hearing Qingdeng's order, Mingming couldn't help muttering and disagreeing in his heart.

But he just couldn't afford the slightest motivation to argue with Qingdeng.

He just wanted to follow Qingdeng's orders properly.

This feeling... made Xiaoshi feel like a "subject".

Facing the orders of the "King", I dare not disobey at all!
Xiaoshi hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, held the knife, and ran towards the defense line on the east side according to Qingdeng's instructions.

After instructing the small room to change positions, Qingdeng did not issue any new orders.

He stood there quietly, scanning his surroundings...

His eyes seemed to be observing something.

Yamada could clearly hear Qingdeng's order after order just now.

At this moment, Yamada pouted contemptuously.

"You only have so few people left, no matter how much you command, it's useless. Can you block us by adjusting the positions of the adjustment personnel?"

After muttering disdainfully, Yamada yelled again to boost his morale:

"The enemy is already dying!"

"Give Yi Di and the gang of scum who worked for Yi Di the last blow! Go!"

Except for Qingdeng who suddenly stood up and slightly manipulated the positions of some people on the defensive line, everything on the battlefield remained as usual.

The members of the barbarian group headed by Yamada still confidently believe that they have an absolute advantage in numbers, and they only need to kick lightly to make this crumbling house collapse.

However—after only a moment, the expression on Yamada's face changed.

The same expression changed... and Xiao Shi and others.

After fighting again with the "Red Ocean" that surged forward with all its strength, all the guards headed by Xiaoshi showed shock on their faces.

The battle situation... has become different!

No matter which direction the enemy launches an attack, they have the ability to repel the enemy's attack, preventing the enemy from gaining an inch. The defense line that was originally crumbling and constantly retreating suddenly became stable.

At first, Xiaoshi only thought that it was because their condition had improved that they managed to stabilize the battle line.

They were all warriors with one against ten, and it was only because of their chaotic state that they couldn't exert their due strength just now.

But now, their states have all regained their composure because of Qingdeng's previous words that calmed them down, and they are no longer flustered, and because of this, they are finally able to explode the combat power they should have shown.

But soon—Xiaoshi discovered that the reason why they were able to hold the battle line was not just because their current state returned to normal.

After beheading another enemy in front of him, Xiaoshi concentrated his energy and quickly checked the rest of the line of defense.

He was astonished to realize that the defensive strength of every part of the defense line...is just right.

Just enough to block the enemy's attack in that direction.

For example, the group of people headed by Xiaoshi are now in charge of the east.

There are many enemies attacking from the east, and their strength is not weak.

It wasn't easy for Xiaoshi and the others to fight - but Xiaoshi's strength just happened to be able to defend this area firmly!
It's the same in other areas: everyone is playing hard.

But everyone can precisely defend the area and direction they are responsible for!
Xiaoshi turned his head subconsciously, and looked at Qingdeng who had just re-deployed the defense line with unbelievable eyes...



"Escape! Escape!"

"What's going on with this old man?!"


"Help me... Goo!"


When Qingdeng and others were fighting with the enemy's large army in the southwest corner of the camp, there was also a fierce battle going on in the north of the camp.

No...it should be said "there was a fierce battle going on just now".

At this moment, this fierce battle has turned into a one-sided chase.

The four members of the barbarian team ran away in a panic.

Their faces were full of intense horror.

One of them even threw away the knife in his hand, just to run faster.

From time to time, they turned their heads and looked behind them to see if they had succeeded in getting rid of the "monster".

But every time they turned their heads, the look of horror on their faces became more intense.

Those who chased and killed these four people were not fierce tigers or beasts, or a large enemy force with a terrifying scale.

It's an old man with gray hair and at least 90 years old.

Kiryu held a sword that he picked up casually from the ground just now, lowered the center of gravity of his body, and bit tightly behind the four people.

Kiryu's speed was extremely fast, these 4 young adults couldn't outrun Kiryu!
The distance between the two parties quickly narrowed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a split second, Kiryu caught up with the slowest runner.

With a pull of the knife light - the guy with the slowest pace immediately fell to the ground without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, Kiryu caught up with two more people, without exception, and killed them all with one knife.

The last person left probably knew that he couldn't beat Kiryu with his speed, and it was impossible to escape from Kiryu's palm. He gritted his teeth, then stopped and turned around.

"Come on! You old guy! I'll fight with you..."


Tong physiology ignored this person.

With a horizontal swing of the knife, he directly cut the man's throat.

Kiryu's slash was extremely subtle.

Just let the tip of the knife graze the main artery in this person's throat, with no more force, no less force.

With only the smallest movement and the lightest strength, this person was given a fatal injury that killed him on the spot.

"Mr. Kiryu!"

After Kiryu beheaded the fleeing enemies with thunderous force, Mai Kinoshita's eager cry sounded from behind him.

Kinoshita Mai was holding a long object wrapped in a white cloth, and quickly chased after it.

"Finally, we have wiped out all the guys blocking our way." Kiryu raised his left hand, and wiped the few drops of enemy blood splashed on his cheek with the back of his left hand vigorously, "Young Master, follow closely! Let's go find Anthony and the others!"

Kinoshita Mai nodded vigorously, and then followed closely behind Kiryu, one behind the other, followed the sound of killing, and hurried to the southwest side of the camp.

Faced with the louder and louder shouts of killing, Kiryu was still calm, but Kinoshita Mai's expression became more and more ugly.

She was worried about Alodie's current situation.

The worry in her heart made Kinoshita Mai's pace a little faster—but she still couldn't catch up with Kiryu, so she could only keep a certain distance from Kiryu.

At this moment, Kiryu, who was running in front of Kinoshita Mai, suddenly threw away the knife that he picked up just now, and then stretched out his hand to Kinoshita Mai who was running behind him:

"Young master, give me Chana."

"Mr. Kiryu, do you want to use a mask?" Mai Kinoshita, who opened her beautiful eyes slightly, tightened the long cloth bag in her arms.

"The number of enemies who attacked was close to 200 at least." Kiryu said lightly, "To deal with this number of enemies, it is still too difficult to use only these ordinary knives. At least 10 knives must be replaced to go smoothly." Defeat these people."

"...I understand." Mai Kinoshita nodded vigorously, and then handed the long cloth bag in her arms to Kiryu.

When receiving the cloth bag from Kinoshita Mai, the young and old just happened to run to the "main battlefield" in the southwest corner of the camp.

"...Huh?" Kiryu, who had just arrived at the place where the shouts of killing came from, was suddenly startled when he had maintained a calm expression just now.

Regarding the battle situation on the "main battlefield", Kiryu had imagined various situations.

He thought that Anthony and others, who were completely outnumbered, might be being completely suppressed.

He had thought that Anthony and others might be in danger now.

He even thought that Anthony and others might be dead now.

But he didn't imagine...the scene that was presented before his eyes at this time...

After seeing the battle situation presented in front of her eyes, Kinoshita Wu couldn't help being stunned: "Are we... going to win?"



The line of defense did not retreat any further.

The line of defense was impregnable by them.

The gang of hateful "soldiers against barbarians" in front of them can no longer kill any of them, and can no longer destroy and suppress their defense line.

This greatly encouraged Xiaoshi and others, and their morale and fighting spirit soared.

The morale and fighting spirit of the members of the barbarian group began to decline rapidly.

They mustered up their momentum and launched an attack on Qingdeng and others who thought they could kill them all immediately, but they didn't get any results.

No matter how you attack, you can't break through any part of the defense line.

Go all out, then decline, and exhaust three times—this sentence is perfect to describe the current state of the Kobari group.

The attack suddenly couldn't work... This made the momentum of the barbarian group inevitably suffer a blow.

The reason why their fighting group was able to fight so smoothly just now was due to their only two weapons: momentum and numbers.

These two advantages of them complement each other.

But now, after their momentum was hindered, the disadvantages of the number of people began to show.

"Hey! You stepped on my foot!"

"Ahhh! Bastard! Your knife hit me!"

"Don't hug the people behind! Don't hug! Someone has been pushed to the ground! You are going to trample him to death!"


Previously, relying on their high momentum, they could barely cover up their chaotic weaknesses.

And now, without momentum, their chaos, their disorder, is nakedly exposed and magnified.

"How could this be..." Yamada, whose face gradually turned pale uncontrollably, looked at the battle situation in front of him helplessly.

It was obvious that they still had the upper hand just now, and severely suppressed this group of barbarians and scum.

Why did that young man just stand up, say a few words, and change the positions of some people, so that everyone on the defense line seemed to be reborn?
Yamada couldn't figure it out.

It was beyond his comprehension.

He has no time to think about these questions now.

His whole body and mind are now focused on how to regain strength and how to restore the order of his subordinates.

"People behind don't squeeze forward! People behind retreat first! Don't squeeze forward!"

"Everyone in that direction retreats temporarily!"

Yamada shouted, struggling to maintain the order of his subordinates who were constantly chaotic.

Xiaoshi and the others are neither blind nor deaf.

They have all seen—the tide has turned!
At this time, Xiao Shi, whose eyes were constantly shining with excitement, couldn't stop shouting excitedly in his chest: I can win!Can win!Here comes the chance to win!
"Everyone!" Komuro shouted in a very standard Osaka accent, "The enemy's decline is evident! Show off the energy of the Kansai men! Drive them all back!"


Relying on the extremely high fighting spirit at this time, Xiaoshi and the others launched a fierce attack on every enemy in front of them. The line of defense that had been compressed just now was pushed back for the first time.

Facing the onslaught by Xiaoshi and others, the weakening extermination team was beaten to the ground, which further aggravated their chaos.

As for the person who created all of this now——Qingdeng, he didn't show any excitement or excitement because of the improvement in the battle situation in front of him.

There was still no expression on his face.

He still turned his gaze so calmly that no one could see any extra emotion, scanning his surroundings.

——The "airflow" has become bigger...

Qingdeng saw that the invisible and colorless "air flow" flowing on the battlefield was slowly increasing at this time, and the flow speed was also increasing.

The gradually expanding "air flow", dancing like a dragon, gathered on Yamada who was trying his best to maintain order at this time!
Qingdeng stared closely at Yamada who was in the center of the "airflow", his eyelids sank slightly.

A sharp light burst out from under the slightly lowered eyelids.

"...Saito! Come here!"

"?!" Suddenly hearing Qingdeng's roll call, Saito hastily turned his head following the sound.

Saito also encountered the situation that Komuro and the others experienced just now—after hearing Qingdeng's current voice, he couldn't bear the slightest rebellious mood and motivation in his heart...

Saito quickly ran towards Qingdeng while shaking off the blood attached to the blade.

Saito, who had beheaded an unknown number of people in the fierce battle so far, was now covered in blood, most of his body was splashed with the blood of the enemy.

After Saito came to his side, Qingdeng raised the saber in his right hand, clamped the blade with the crook of his left arm, and wiped off some of the leftovers on the blade with the feather cloth at the crook of his left arm. Kill the blood and fat left by that bald head.

"Saito, follow me closely."

Qing Deng said lightly.

"It's about to break!"

"Huh?" Saito, who was usually expressionless, showed a confused expression at this moment.

"Follow!" Qingdeng kicked his hind foot, and rushed to the north outside the defense line like an arrow off the string!
"Huh? Hello!" Saito, who was startled by Qingdeng's actions at this time, subconsciously shouted.

But his shouting didn't have the slightest effect, he could only chase the back of Qingdeng who was gradually going away in vain.

"Tsk...!" Saito smacked his lips vigorously, then hurriedly picked up his knife and followed Qingdeng.

As soon as he broke through the line of defense and rushed into the enemy group, Qingdeng immediately slashed, knocking down an enemy standing in front of him,
Accompanied by screams, the blood splashed several feet high, and a gorgeous blood-red flower bloomed in mid-air, and then fell with a clatter.

Saito has followed up at this time, and his position is extremely particular.

Although Qingdeng has now become double-handed because of his "left-handed" talent, he is still more accustomed to using his right hand to hold a knife against the enemy.

Therefore, Qingdeng's unarmed left side of his body is where his greatest empty door lies.

And Saito stood on Qingdeng's left side, firmly protecting Qingdeng's biggest empty door.

After catching up with Qingdeng, Saito made a horizontal slash and knocked down an enemy on Qingdeng's left who was about to attack Qingdeng.

——My "lonely gall" should have reached its limit by now...

Qingdeng secretly said this in a half-joking tone in his heart.

Leading a small number of more than 20 people, fighting against an enemy group approaching [-]... with fewer enemies and more enemies, this has fully met the conditions for the "lonely" talent to activate.

Qingdeng took the opportunity to open his system interface to take a look—well, the "gudan" in the interface is indeed shining unprecedentedly.

The heart was beating with such force that it seemed to stretch his chest open, and the blood in the veins was also flowing rapidly.

The whole person is like a stimulant, and he is in great condition!

"Saito, follow me! Don't fall behind!"

After shouting "Follow closely" to Saito, Qingdeng then launched an assault on the enemy group ahead.

Be it Komuro and the others, or the members of the extermination team headed by Yamada, at this moment, they all found Qingdeng who suddenly rushed out of the "main formation" and led Saito alone into the enemy group.

"Hey! Mr. Ju!" Xiaoshi hurriedly shouted to Qingdeng's back that was getting further and further away, "What are you going to do? Come back!"

Komuro and the others felt pure astonishment, while Yamada was surprised first and then delighted.

"Wow! I was thinking about how to kill you! You rushed out by yourself!" Yamada smiled excitedly.

After realizing that it was Qingdeng's sudden appearance that turned the tide of battle, Yamada kept thinking about how to kill this nasty guy.

If Qingdeng, the "commander tower" who gave instructions to Xiaoshi and others can be killed, it will definitely deal a great blow to this group of barbarians and scum!

However, after thinking about it for a while, Yamada couldn't think of any way to threaten Qingdeng who was closely guarded behind the line of defense by Saito, Komuro and the others.

Not being able to break through the line of defense means not being able to touch Qingdeng at all.

Using their matchlock guns?
Don't be kidding, in the melee where both sides are already fighting close to each other, the extremely low-accuracy arquebus can no longer be of any use. If you use a matchlock to snipe Qingdeng, it is possible that Qingdeng was injured before he was killed. A large number of their own people led to further chaos.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a way to kill Qingdeng, but Qingdeng came out first by himself.

Although he didn't know why Qingdeng suddenly attacked the north side of them, and there were no big figures worth Qingdeng killing in the north side, but—whatever!

Overjoyed Yamada hurriedly shouted loudly:

"Quick! Kill those two people!"

In fact, Yamada's yelling was superfluous.

Without his reminding, those who were close to Qing and Zhai spontaneously surrounded them, trying to intercept and kill them.

A short man holding a short bamboo spear stopped in front of Qingdeng.

"Stop! You two national thieves! I am Xin Tianliu, Fujii..."

This dwarf wants to blow his own house.

However, before he finished speaking, the saber in Qingdeng's hand had drawn a straight cold light, swept across his flank, and brought out a splash of blood.

Using the potential energy generated when running, Qingdeng cut a big cut in the short man's abdomen and turned from his side, freeing his left hand, using the weapon-snatching technique he had learned in his previous life, and snatched away the dwarf. The dwarf's bamboo spear.

Now Qingdeng feels more and more that "left-handedness" is really a useful talent. Both hands are now equally dexterous, which makes the attack power and dexterity of his left half of his body skyrocket, allowing Qingdeng to use more diverse attack methods.

After snatching the bamboo spear back, Qingdeng turned the body of the spear and poked at a strong man with a beard in front of him on the right.

Qingdeng felt a huge force coming from his arm.

The tip of the bamboo spear sank deeply into the bearded chest, and the force generated by the impact of the bamboo spear made the bamboo spear suddenly bend into a bow shape.

Immediately afterwards, all the buffering power on the bamboo spear was released suddenly, and the bamboo spear was flicked straight, knocking the beard back into the air.

After killing the bearded man with a short gun, Qingdeng turned around and rushed directly into the empty space created by the bearded man's fall to the ground.

"Saito! This way!"

After reminding Saito, Qingdeng charged straight to the east.

Qingdeng's sudden turn made Saito feel that Monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

Where are you going?

Although he was extremely puzzled by Qingdeng's current series of strange actions, Saito obediently followed closely.

"Go to hell! Country thief!"

A samurai on the left and right sides swung a knife and slashed at Qingdeng.

Saito took a quick step forward, and Qingdeng and Qingdeng drew their sabers simultaneously, one on the left and the other on the right. Saito pierced the throat of the man on the left, while Qingdeng cut open the belly of the man on the right.

After killing these two, Qingdeng suddenly turned around again!

This time he turned to the west and launched an assault towards the west.

Saito frowned uncontrollably.

Why run around like a headless chicken?Where exactly are you going?
He really wanted to question Qingdeng seriously: What are you doing?
But at present, he is deeply trapped in the enemy's position, so Saito has no time to stop Qingdeng and ask Qingdeng questions.

He could only continue to follow Qingdeng silently.

Qingdeng just maintained the rhythm of "turning suddenly from time to time", leading Saito to rush left and right in the enemy line.

But gradually—Saito slowly noticed something strange.

He began to realize that since following Qingdeng into the enemy's formation, the enemies he encountered...seem to be quite weak.

The enemies encountered, for both Qingdeng and Saito, are all the same as one knife.

Therefore, the assault of the two of them went horribly smoothly.

Basically wherever they kill, everyone will be cut to pieces by the two of them.

Saito, vaguely aware of something, raised his gaze, and cast an unbelievable gaze at Qingdeng in front of him just like Komuro who had discovered Qingdeng's role of dispatching troops before.



——The enemy in that direction seems to be very strong...

Qingdeng quickly scanned the surrounding area.

——The enemies on the left are weak!

With this thought in mind, Qingdeng quickly turned around and threw himself at an extremely ugly looking boy on his left.

Seeing that Qingdeng was suddenly coming towards him, Zuo Nan raised the knife in his hand in a panic, ready to defend.

But his swordsmanship was so poor that before he even raised the knife, Qing Deng chopped his head into pieces.

Ever since the group of guys in blood-red feathers suddenly attacked them, things that Qingdeng couldn't even understand happened to him.

First, the mood became extremely calm.

Then, the field of vision suddenly became extremely wide, and it was possible to clearly see the positions and movements of both the enemy and the enemy on the battlefield.

At first, when he suddenly had this inexplicable "overlook" perspective, Qingdeng thought that he could just recognize the positions of the people around him more clearly.

But he later realized that what he saw in his eyes was not limited to this.

His eyes, in a vague way... can still see the strength of everyone around him!
Or to be able to "feel", it may be more accurate.

I can feel the strength of my teammates and enemies around me.

Get a sense of which direction the enemy is stronger.

Get a sense of which direction the enemy is weaker.

It was this strange "intuition" that gave Qingdeng the confidence to command Xiaoshi and others to turn the tide of the battle.

It was thanks to this "intuition" that Qingdeng successfully adjusted the deployment of the defense line, spreading out the defense force reasonably and evenly, so that the defense force of every place on the defense line was just enough to block the enemy's attack.

It is also thanks to this "intuitive feeling" that the present Qingdeng feels as if he has entered the land of no one in the midst of the enemy formation!

Qingdeng kept looking for weak spots in the enemy's formation, and when he saw an enemy that was not easy to deal with, he directly bypassed it, and only looked for those weak enemies to fight.

And Qingdeng's current "overlook" field of view also played a big role at this time. This is like overlooking the battlefield, allowing Qingdeng to see clearly which place is the best direction to attack.

Although Qingdeng's constant turning and detours made him and Qingdeng look like they were circling aimlessly in the enemy's formation, but their current terrifying record of invincibility has gradually developed. Terrifying effect.

In the eyes of others, Qing and Zhai seem to be possessed by Hachiman Daimyo.

Wherever the two of them fight, the people there will be defeated.

Those who strike are broken!Take what you deserve!

No one can beat them!
No one can stop them!
Most of those who wanted to stop Qing and Zhai aggressively could not help but stop at this moment.

How are these two people going to be intercepted?

Morale couldn't stop falling.

The onslaught of Qing and Zhai further exacerbated the chaos in their order.

The characteristics of the disorganized "rabble" of the barbarian group were revealed again.

Those who did not dare to approach Qing and Zhai stopped, and even wanted to back away.

Those who have the courage to go forward to confront Qing and Zhai are difficult to go forward to meet Qing and Zhai because they are disturbed by people whose courage has been crushed.

"Hey! Get out of the way! Get out of my way!"

"Why are you backing away? You're blocking me!"


Fighting with people on such a chaotic battlefield, injuries are inevitable after all——Qingdeng's right shoulder was accidentally slashed just now, but he didn't feel any pain... It should be the adrenal gland caused by "lonely courage" The analgesic effect brought about by hormone surge.

Knowing no pain, no fatigue, the increasingly favorable battle situation made Qingdeng more and more courageous!
On this turbulent battlefield, Qingdeng dashed from left to right, his sword was shining, and the wind was blowing on his feet!
Faces full of anger, faces distorted by fear, fallen corpses, shiny knives and guns, blood-soaked clothes, blood scattered everywhere... These paintings are full of mixed, passing by Qingdeng's vision.

Saito, who had already sensed Qingdeng's intention of dashing left and right in the enemy formation, no longer looked at Qingdeng with strange eyes.

Saito is actually exhausted now. Ever since the barbarian group entered the camp, he has hardly rested. He has been fighting with a knife. His arms and legs are now extremely sore, but he still clenched his teeth. Every nerve in his body was tensed, tightly protecting Qingdeng's left side like a shadow.

Qingdeng and Saito, with only two people's strength, they tore apart the enemy formation gathered like clouds from one end, and disturbed the enemy formation.

Looking at the increasingly chaotic enemies around him, Qingdeng thought to himself:
——It's almost...

After the words in his heart fell, Qingdeng raised his eyes and looked at Yamada, who was not far away from him.



On Yamada's face, the expression of joy when he saw Qing Deng voluntarily running out to "send his death" just now was no longer there.

Looking at his subordinates who were gradually being defeated under the onslaught of Qing and Zhai, he gradually showed an expression as if he had eaten a fly.

But soon, his extremely ugly expression disappeared—it changed into a look like he ate flies and poop.

Because he suddenly noticed: These two guys who they can't stop no matter what... Are they getting closer to him...?
Qingdeng has been beating and rushing around aimlessly. Although Yamada has been paying attention to Qingdeng's movements, he has been unable to figure out where Qingdeng is going.

It wasn't until now that he finally gradually realized that the current locations of Qing and Zhai were so close to his current location...

A coolness penetrated from Yamada's waist to the top of his head.

He suddenly realized something.

And in the next moment, his guess that made his whole body break out in cold sweat turned into reality.

Qingdeng, who had been rushing left and right among his subordinates, suddenly changed direction.

Towards his side, rushed straight!
Today is another 1-word update.

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

The author also wanted everyone to watch the climax in one go yesterday.

But there is no way—I am a part-time author who has not saved a manuscript, and I have things to do during the day.

Because I am very busy during the day, I often cannot write articles on that day due to some unexpected situations, so I have not been able to save the manuscripts. Not long after the book was opened, the only few manuscripts were quickly exhausted. , the author has been "writing today's chapter yesterday" for the past half month.

The total number of words for this climactic episode is around 4—a part-time writer like me wrote the 4 words in one go the night before it was put on the shelves, even the eagles can’t do it... Every day is my limit. (Leopard Head Cries.JPG)

Although there is no way for everyone to watch this episode in one go, I can assure you that until the end of this episode, try to maintain a daily update frequency of [-]. (Leopard Head Cries.JPG)

 Some readers may be curious: why did I publish such a large chapter, cramming [-] words into the same chapter instead of dividing it into several chapters.

  This is mainly because the author is too lazy to think about the title.

  If you publish 5 chapters of 2000 words, you must think of 5 titles.

  And to publish a chapter with 1 words in one chapter, you only need to think of one title.

(End of this chapter)

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