I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 80 The Coach's Showdown, Qingdeng vs. Suehiro 【7600 words】

Chapter 80 The Coach's Showdown, Qingdeng vs. Suehiro 【7600 words】

The author did nucleic acid last night, and it took a lot of time, which directly led to less writing time last night...Although I tried my best, I only had time to write 7600 words (leopard headache crying.jpg)

It’s really a slap in the face at the speed of light... Yesterday I said that I would finish writing this plot with a daily rhythm of ten thousand words, but it ended up being a slap in the face today...

I want to get back on the field!Tomorrow, I will make up the 2000 words that are missing today!1.2W will be updated tomorrow!

Qingdeng has not figured out what is going on with these "air currents" that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes until now.

But for no reason, after seeing these "air currents", Qingdeng felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy.

These "air currents" fluttering on the battlefield gathered on Yamada's body. Seeing this scene, a powerful voice kept echoing in Qingdeng's ears:

As long as that guy is still alive, the group of enemies in front of them still have a chance to come back.

Go get that guy!
After leading Saito into the enemy group, Qingdeng's purpose has always been clear.

It's not just hitting and rushing aimlessly.

Nor is it to further aggravate the chaos of the enemy group!

But to get rid of Yamada who is in the center of the "air current"!

Ever since he attacked and entered the enemy's position, Qingdeng has been intentionally approaching Yamada by "circling around".

Now——Qingdeng visually judged that the distance between him and Yamada was about 200 meters.

This distance...is enough!
Seeing that the time was ripe, Qingdeng no longer made a disguise—turned directly, and launched a straight charge towards Yamada!
The order of the enemy line has further deteriorated under the fighting of Qing and Saito, and it is difficult to stop Qingdeng and Saito, who are now in full swing.

Qingdeng is invincible in all directions!
At this time, Xiaoshi and others also started to support Qingdeng.

After seeing Qingdeng rushing towards Yamada, Komuro finally realized what Qingdeng was going to do.

"Good boy... do you want to imitate Sanada Yukimura..." Komuro couldn't help clicking his tongue.

After a short moment of shock, excited smiles appeared on Xiaoshi's cheeks.

Qingdeng's heroic act of forcibly charging into the formation, invincible in all directions, and directly attacking the enemy's generals, made Xiao Shi, who is also a warrior, feel excited.

"Come on! Go all out and defeat them!" Regardless of the hoarseness of his voice, Xiaoshi yelled at his companions beside him. He took the knife first and chopped down the two enemies in front of him.

Xiaoshi led his subordinates to launch a new round of general attack on the enemy group surrounding them, helping Qingdeng attract a large number of enemies and firepower.

A pure white snowflake fell on Yamada's right palm at this time - but Yamada couldn't feel the slightest coolness.

Because at this moment, after seeing Qingdeng rushing towards him, his hands and feet became colder than the falling snow.

Almost without any hesitation - Yamada turned around and fled with his sword in hand!
Yamada is very self-aware of his strength: he has hardly learned any martial arts!
Take on these two monsters who are chopping up many of his mates like melons and vegetables - how many lives does he have? !



At this moment-

The "main formation" of the barbarian group——

The 30 members of the "reserve team" who were left here by Suehiro in the "Honen" looked at each other with expressions of astonishment and fear.

Those who stayed on the high slope with a better view have clearly discovered that they... seem to be losing...

Although the distance was a bit far away, they could still see that their companions who were fighting at the forefront were getting more and more confused.

The members of the "reserve team" subconsciously looked at... Suehiro standing in front of them.

Suehiro didn't show any unnecessary expression at this time.

His face was ashen, and his eyes were constantly flashing with anger and puzzlement, staring at the battlefield in the distance.

Until... After a long while——

Suehiro raised his right foot and kicked the wind shear stuck in the snow on his right.

The Kazekiri who was kicked fell down towards Suehiro.

Suehiro raised his hand to grab it, then lifted the wind shear and swung it down violently.

The blade of the gun cut through the air, bringing up gusts of wind pressure, blowing away some of the snow under his feet, and making the blood-red feathers on his body rustle slightly.

"...you all come with me."

Suehiro turned his head and said in a deep voice to the "reserve team" behind him.

"Going out...!"



Yamada desperately wants to escape, and wants to stay away from Qingdeng.

However... escaping from the chaotic enemy group... the difficulty is not difficult to imagine.

Before Yamada fled a few steps, he was stopped by the chaotic crowd and got stuck in an awkward position where he couldn't move forward or retreat.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Killing God was approaching, and Yamada couldn't help but angrily demanded that all those who stood in front of him get out of the way, so as not to block his retreat.

The characteristics of their "organizational chaos" in the barbarian group were once again exposed to the fullest at this moment.

Even though Yamada had commanded hoarsely, the slow movements of his companions made Yamada feel desperate.

Being blocked by his companions... For the current Yamada, the most crucial time was wasted just like that.


Suddenly, a scream sounded from behind Yamada.

This scream was extremely close to him... probably only about 3 or 4 steps away.

Yamada froze, then quickly turned around and looked behind him.

As soon as his eyes turned to his back, a knife with a blade like a knife covered with sticky red oil slashed straight at his head!
After beheading an unknown number of people in this densely packed enemy group, Qingdeng's family saber was a bit overwhelmed.

From the tip of the knife to the scorpion, it was covered with a viscous liquid mixed with blood and fat.

The blade that was originally smooth now has more than a dozen gaps.

Before and after finally reaching Yamada's heels, Qingdeng immediately switched to holding the saber with both hands, held the saber high, and then slashed it down heavily!

Seeing the blade approaching his head quickly, Yamada's heart skipped a beat, and reflexively raised the sword in his hand——

Double-edged collision.

Make a little spark.

Yamada's Taidao is a family treasure that has been passed down from generation to generation in his family and has a history of nearly 200 years.

Yamada's father is very supportive of Yamada's ambition of "removing barbarians".

Therefore, when Yamada decided to leave his hometown and join the "Movement against Barbarians", Yamada's father specially handed over the family treasure of their family to Yamada.

Use this family treasure of our Yamada family to wipe out all the barbarians on this land—this was the last sentence Yamada heard from his father before he left his hometown.

This sword is worthy of the name of "family treasure".

After the two knives collided and hit a few sparks, Qingdeng's severely damaged saber saw a new gap.

On the other hand, Yamada's sword was unscathed.

Although in terms of the quality of the sword, Yamada has the upper hand - but what's the use of it?
With the blessing of "Gudan", Qingdeng's current physical fitness has risen to the point where Qingdeng can't help but sigh, "Is this really my body?"

Yamada, who couldn't resist Qingdeng's strength at all, let out a mournful "goo", his right knee gave way, and he knelt down on one knee, his arms were numb, and he almost couldn't grasp the sword in his hand.

Saito, who has always been with Qingdeng, cooperated with Qingdeng, who had successfully opened up Yamada, and launched an offensive!

He wanted to cut off the head of Yamada, who was now fully exposed by kneeling on one knee.

However, due to the angle, Saito had to temporarily change the direction of the attack, changing the blade that was originally cutting towards Yamada's head to be cutting towards Yamada's belly.

There was a flash of the knife——Yamada had a big gap in his stomach that could fit a grown man's head.

"Cough! Cough cough! Ugh—!" Yamada's cheeks instantly turned a strange crimson red, the whites of his eyes turned blood red, and he vomited out big handfuls of blood.

The body lost the strength to hold the knife again in an instant.

The dagger slipped from his palm.

Looking at Qingdeng, who was no longer able to block any of his attacks, he took a deep breath, and once again held his knife high——


With the knife in his hand, Yamada fell to the ground with his eyes wide open due to the pain, and the blood dripping out dyed a large area of ​​bright red plums in the pure white snow.

"Saito!" Qingdeng roared, "Give me that short gun at your feet!"

Saito nodded vigorously, then stretched out his right foot, picked up a short gun at his feet with the tip of his toe, and threw it to Qingdeng.

After receiving the short spear thrown by Saito, Qingto picked Yamada's head on the tip of the short spear.

"Your leader has been killed by me—!" Qingdeng raised the short spear high, so that everyone around could clearly see Yamada's head poked on the short spear.

Qingdeng's shout spread to every corner of the battlefield.

Looking at the bloody head held high by Qing Deng, Xiaoshi was taken aback for a moment, then raised his knife and shouted with extremely quick reactions:

"Your leader is dead—!"

The rest of the guards also joined in the shouting.

They kept repeating with one louder cheer:

"Your leader is dead—!"

"Your leader is dead—!"


Yamada was killed in battle - this was undoubtedly a fatal blow to the morale of the barbarians.

After experiencing "the defense line cannot be breached" and "Qingdeng swept away thousands of troops", the morale of the barbarian group has already fallen to the point of collapse.

Seeing Qingdeng, who seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, charge directly behind them and cut down Yamada who was in charge of commanding them, their morale immediately fell like an avalanche.

The vast majority of "people with lofty ideals against barbarians" are a group of speculators who are almost unable to survive.

Life is poor, and I can't see any hope of class advancement, so I pin my hope of changing my life on "removing barbarians".

I hope that by relying on the vigorous and full-fledged "Movement against Barbarians" that is currently being staged, I can earn fame for myself and hope to change my life.

This is why the vast majority of "soldiers against barbarians" are a bunch of poor, skinny and poor warriors.

It's okay to let speculators like them fight against the wind, but let them fight against the wind?
How determined are you to expect these speculators to fight?
As Qingdeng expected—the enemy group began to collapse.

More and more people are running away in a hurry, trying to stay away from this bloody battlefield.

More and more people fled, fleeing in groups.

"Hey! Don't run away! We are outnumbered by so many! We haven't reached the time to admit defeat yet!"

"Come back! Don't run away! Fleeing after encountering such a small setback, how will we get rid of all the barbarians in the country in the future?!"


Some people who still had some fighting spirit tried to call back all the fleeing people.

But as more and more people broke up, these people who still had fighting spirit could not help but waver.

Seeing that the enemy group began to collapse, Xiaoshi and others excitedly launched a pursuit.

You bastards beat us hard enough just now!
Before Qingdeng showed up to start micro-manipulation, Xiaoshi and the others had been suppressed and beaten by the barbarians.

So many comrades were killed by you, and we were almost killed by you... It's impossible not to hold back your breath!
Seeing the members of the barbarian group who were so invincible just now, and now running around like bereaved dogs, how can Xiaoshi and the others not be excited and excited?

They spontaneously pursued the fleeing enemies, sticking to the buttocks of these rout soldiers and beating them hard.

The pursuit of the victory by Xiaoshi and others also directly led to the further acceleration of the defeat of the enemy group.

Of course - Xiaoshi and the others were not dazzled by this victory.

What if someone secretly ran to attack Anthony and the others while they were all rushing out to chase the rout?
Therefore, Xiaoshi left a few of his subordinates to protect Anthony and others before personally leading the people to launch a retaliatory pursuit.

Anthony...his expression has become extraordinarily exciting since Qingdeng micro-manipulated the defensive line.

He opened his mouth slightly, staring blankly at the battlefield in front of him where the situation had suddenly reversed.

From being on the verge of death, to being victorious... The speed of the transition was so fast that Anthony couldn't react until now.


At this time, an old voice sounded from behind Anthony.

"Kiryu?" Anthony quickly followed the sound and looked back.

Kiryu, who was holding a long cloth bag, led Mai Kinoshita slowly towards Anthony.

"Miss Mai! (French)" Seeing Mai Kinoshita appearing in front of him without incident, Elodie, whose face was full of excitement and joy, quickly broke free from Leroy's arms and ran towards Kinoshita Mai, and then embraced closely with Mai Kinoshita, who also showed excitement and joy behind Elodie.

"Kiryu!" Looking at Kiryu who suddenly appeared, Anthony gritted his teeth, "Where did you go just now?!"

"Just now, the young master and I have been at the northernmost part of the camp." Kiryu said calmly, "It's far away from here, and it took a lot of time to wipe out the enemies blocking my way and the young master."

Having said that, Kiryu turned his gaze back to Aoto who was still holding Yamada's head high.

"What an incredible young man..."

Kiryu narrowed his eyes slightly at this time, looked at Qingdeng with meaningful eyes, and murmured in a volume that only he himself could hear clearly:

"Unexpectedly, with only my own strength, I united Mr. Xiaoshi and the others, and successfully killed the enemy general in a dense crowd..."

As soon as the murmur fell, the old man opened his eyes slightly as if he had suddenly discovered something, and slowly turned his gaze to the southeast.

"...It seems that this battle can't end like this."



"Whirring whirring……!"

Qingdeng, who was still holding Yamada's head high, his chest was heaving violently like a blower.

Saito's state at this time is worse than Qingdeng's. Although Qingdeng's breathing is very short, his breathing rhythm is not disordered.

And Saito's breathing is now in a mess, unable to adjust back to normal breathing rhythm for a long time.

But even though his physical strength was reaching its limit, Saito still faithfully fulfilled his mission. He clutched his left arm and silently continued to stand by Qingdeng's side, guarding against anyone wearing blood-red feathers from approaching Qingdeng.

Qingdeng raised his head and looked around him.

The "air current" on the battlefield...began to gradually shrink and dissipate.

Looking at the "air flow" that gradually dispersed like mist, an idea popped up in Qingdeng's mind for no reason:

Winning...these enemies are no longer a threat...

Feeling relieved, Qingdeng let out a long sigh of relief.

But at this moment-

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha...!
The sound of hurried footsteps suddenly exploded behind Qingdeng!

With the appearance of these footsteps, the "air current" on the battlefield that was about to dissipate suddenly grew stronger, rushing towards Qingdeng's back!
Qingdeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned around quickly.

The next moment he cast his gaze behind him, he saw a short, lean figure holding a long spear bouncing off the ground.

When this figure jumped to the commanding heights, he raised the spear above his head, and then, using gravity, he smashed the spear in his palm towards Qingdeng!
Almost at the same time, Qingdeng and Saito discovered the spear that was flying towards them, and then jumped back almost at the same time.

The long spear smashed heavily on the place where Qing, Zhai and the others had just stood, stirring up clusters of snow and snow fog.

Qingdeng, who fled backward, stood up quickly after landing, and then looked towards the snow fog in front of him.

Under the snow dance, there is a strong man with an extremely strong body and two guns in his hand.

It was Suehiro who came out of the "main formation" to support the frontline battlefield.

"Come back to me!" Mo Guang yelled, "We still have so many people! We haven't reached the point where we can't do anything!"

Suehiro was a man with a loud voice, and his roar clearly reached the ears of everyone who remained on the battlefield.

"It's Mr. Suehiro! Mr. Suehiro is here!"

"Mr. Suehiro is here!"


Seeing the appearance of Suehiro and the 30 members of the "reserve team" he brought, the atmosphere of the extermination group that was about to collapse immediately changed.

I don't know if they want to continue to fight, or they want to run away like the others, after seeing Suehiro's appearance, their faces are full of hope, and the fighting spirit is ignited in their pupils again.

"There are reinforcements?" Looking at Suehiro who suddenly appeared and the "reserve team" following Suehiro, the guards headed by Xiaoshi all darkened.

"..." Looking at Suehiro in front of him, Qingdeng silently threw aside the short spear with Yamada's head stuck in his left hand.

The "air current" that was about to dissipate was now concentrated on Suehiro's body.

The "air current" gathered on Suehiro's body... I don't know how much bigger than the "air current" gathered on Yamada just now!

"Are you the coach..." Qingdeng murmured.

When Qingdeng was looking at Suehiro, Suehiro was also looking at Qingdeng.

"...Look carefully, aren't you that Ju Qingdeng..." Suehiro's face was as black as the dark clouds above their heads.

Suehiro, as an important cadre in the anti-barbarian group after Kanno, naturally recognized Qingdeng, who was also one of the targets of their anti-barbarian group.

—they know me?

Hearing Suehiro call out his name accurately, Qingdeng immediately realized what was going on, and immediately frowned.

"...The group of people who have been attacking me frequently recently, could it be you?"

"Heh." Suehiro sneered, "No comment."

"What a coincidence... Yidi and the national thieves are all together."

"It's you kid who caused us so many casualties..."

Suehiro glanced at the short gun that was thrown aside by Qingdeng just now, with Yamada Shouchi still stuck in it.

Suehiro, who had been staying at the "main formation" to watch the battle from a distance, didn't know exactly what happened on the front line, which ruined the originally good situation.

But he could vaguely see that there were two people rushing left and right among his subordinates, smashing their formation to pieces.

Now that we are approaching the front line, one of the two of them is Tachibana Qingtou, one of the must-kill targets of their extermination team. After seeing Qingtou holding the short gun with Yamada's head in his hand, Suehiro Instantly realized: The reason why Yamada and the others were beaten so badly was probably related to this Qingdeng.

"Huh..." Su Guang let out a long breath.

Immediately after...

Suehiro turned stillness into movement, holding a spear with both hands, kicked the snow on the ground, and rushed straight towards Qingdeng!
Seeing Suehiro suddenly attacking, Saito, who just jumped 3 steps away to Qingdeng's left, immediately wanted to rush forward like a conditioned reflex, and wanted to assist Qingdeng in the attack. It didn't look like some idle person of Suehiro.

However, before Saito's body was activated, shouts and shouts came towards him—a total of 4 members of the "reserve team" attacked Saito!
The members of the "reserve team" who stayed in the "main formation" with Suehiro before, because they have not participated in the battle, they are quite sufficient in terms of physical strength and energy.

About 40 members of the team recovered their fighting spirit due to Suehiro's timely reinforcements.

Together with the "reserve team", they launched a full-scale counterattack.

Suddenly, there was a fresh force in good condition... Although Xiaoshi and the others looked ugly, their fighting spirit and morale, which was rising now, would not be extinguished because of this accident.

Fearless, Komuro and the others bravely fought against the counterattacking enemy group.

The four people who are currently besieging Saito are not strong.

In normal times, Saito would quickly turn all four of them into corpses.

However... Saito's current physical strength is almost exhausted due to the long-term struggle just now...

Although it is not a problem to parry the attacks of these 4 people, but it is unable to quickly solve these 4 people.

After Qingdeng entered his attack range, Suehiro stabbed without hesitation!
The tip of the gun scraped through the air, making a sharp cracking sound.

Qingdeng rolled to the right, and got out of the way just in time before Suguang's Fengqie stabbed him.

Qingdeng's rolling was not aimlessly rolling.

His saber is now "semi-disabled" and is no longer suitable for fighting.

He made a point of rolling over to a knife on his right hand that was stuck in the ground and still looked pretty good.

Rolling over, receiving the body, throwing off the overwhelmed saber in his hand, and grabbing the knife that was still in good condition stuck on the ground-the movements were done in one go.

Just as Qingdeng stood up holding the new knife, a new round of attacks from Suehiro came.

Suehiro stabs Qingdeng's chest again.

The tip of the spear pierced out again, compressing the atmosphere and carrying a terrifying momentum.

Through the shot just now, Qingdeng has already noticed: Suehiro's power is very strong!In terms of strength, Suehiro's strength is probably completely above him.

Knowing that he had encountered a strong enemy, the expression on Qingdeng's face became extremely serious and dignified.

He didn't dare to take Sue Hiroshi's attack head-on.

He stared at the tip of the gun that was getting closer to him.

When Fengqie's spear tip was about to stab him, Qingdeng swiftly dodged to the side, causing Fengqie to pass Qingdeng's side in vain.

Seeing that Qingdeng dodged his attack again, Suehiro's brow twitched slightly in surprise.

Passively dodging Suehiro's attacks all the time, but he couldn't defeat the powerful enemy in front of him.

Therefore, after dodging Suehiro's attack, Qingdeng immediately stomped on the ground and rushed towards Suehiro like a bull, trying to get close to Suehiro's body.

However, just as Qingdeng had time to take four steps forward, he saw that Suehiro was able to take one step back with ease——

The sharp spear head stabbed at Qingdeng again.

If he rushed forward, he would be stabbed into strings by the wind.

Therefore, Qingdeng had to stop, and jumped to the side again to avoid Suehiro's stabbing.

Looking at the spear in Suehiro's hand, Qingdeng couldn't help but smacked his lips:

——The longer the "hands" are, the more dominant they really are...

In his previous life, Qingdeng heard that there was a "three-stage theory" theory in the Japanese martial arts world.

A person with a 1st degree of kendo can beat a person of a 3rd degree of karate, and a person of a 1st degree of spear can defeat a person of a 3rd degree of kendo or a 9th degree of karate.

These numbers in this theory are not necessarily correct, but the idea conveyed by the theory is correct: in combat, the person with the longer attack distance has the advantage.

The spear used by Suehiro has a total length of more than 3 meters.

The attack distance...is much greater than that of Qingdeng Guangshang.

When Suehiro could attack Aoto, Aoto couldn't even touch Suehiro.

"You are much more capable than I imagined..." Suehiro calmly adjusted his gun-holding stance with a cold face.

Suehiro, who had full confidence in his spear skills, thought that he only needed to stab one shot to end the life of this hateful national thief.

But now, he found that the opponent in front of him seemed not so easy to deal with.

Suehiro, who silently adjusted his stance, sent the gun forward again!
Seeing that Suehiro attacked again, Qingdeng held his breath and focused, staring at the rapidly zooming-in spear tip within his field of vision.

Although Suehiro has outstanding spear skills, as well as the two advantages of strength and attack distance, through the few moves just now, Qingdeng also noticed a disadvantage of Suehiro.

Suehiro's gun speed is not fast.

Although his gun is powerful and heavy, its speed is not very fast.

Now possessing the talent of "Hawkeye" copied from Kondo Shusuke and possessing super-normal dynamic vision, Qingtou can capture Suehiro's shooting trajectory with ease.

And the increase in strength brought about by "Lonely Dan" allows Qingdeng to have the reaction speed and agility to "follow his heart".

This "lonely courage" is really a god-level talent.

If it was in a normal state, facing Suehiro's spear, Qingdeng felt that even if his eyes could keep up with the speed of Suehiro's spear, his body would not have time to react.

But now, "Gudan" has directly strengthened Qingdeng's strength to the point where he can barely keep up with Suehiro's gun speed.

Relying on "Eagle Eye" and "Lonely Courage", Qingdeng once again managed to escape Suehiro's attack.

At this time, Suehiro suddenly changed the grip of the spear.

He held the barrel of the gun a little further back—this is a classic technique in spearmanship.

This kind of grip can further increase the attack distance of the spear.

Suehiro changed his grip and swung the spear like a windmill.

He is the axis of the windmill, and this spear is the blade of the windmill.

One dance, another dance!

The spear drew a beautiful arc, and launched two consecutive sweeps towards Qingdeng from a distance!
The first time the spear came over, Qing Deng dodged it in a very dangerous way.

But after the spear swept over for the second time, Qingdeng was no longer so lucky.

Qingdeng retreated a little slower for half a beat, and the tip of the spear swept across Qingdeng's chest, drawing a long bloodstain on Qingdeng's chest.

Qingdeng immediately jumped back a few steps, widening the distance between himself and Suehiro, then looked down at the injury on his chest.

Fortunately - the wound was not very deep, only a little bit of flesh was cut, no bone was injured, it was just an ordinary skin trauma.

The wind cut through the air, and struck towards Qingdeng again!

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(End of this chapter)

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