I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 788 Dark Version of Tachibana Aoki! [4600]

Chapter 788 Dark Version of Tachibana Aoki! [4600]

Deng Goro looked up at Qing Deng.

"Sir, I don't need to elaborate on the whole story of the 'Oshio Uprising', right?"

Qingden nodded.

Thanks to the detailed explanation given by the guy who slandered Oshio Heihachiro a few days ago, Qing Deng now has a good understanding of the "Oshio Heihachiro Uprising".

Deng Goro nodded slightly.

"That's good. This way I can save myself some trouble."

Having said this, Deng Goro stopped again.

This time, his pause was quite long.

He seemed to be formulating his words and recalling the past, a look of reminiscence gradually appearing on his cheeks.

Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai did not rush and just waited silently.

The Kyoto Warriors, the Kirin Child of Namikka… both “Wushuang” and “Kirin”.

Although Qing Deng was used to seeing all kinds of titles, some majestic, some funny, he rarely saw such a cool title.

Although Japanese people like to give people titles, to be able to have such a rare title, this person must have some ability.

If he was such a powerful figure, why did he disappear in the long river of history, so that Qing Deng had never even heard of him?
According to what the old monk just said, this person became famous about 30 years ago.

30 years…is not a very long time span.

Even if information exchange is not well developed, there will be some deeds passed down, right?

At least Mai Kinoshita, who was born in Osaka, must have heard of this person's name, right?
But in the end, Mai Kinoshita had never heard of this person either.

In any case, Deng Goro's words aroused Qing Deng's curiosity.

He really wanted to know what kind of man this spearman who was dubbed "unparalleled" and "unicorn" was.

What he wanted to know more was: what did he do to make Deng Goro, who was once a member of the "Oshio Army", hate him so much and denounce him as "the executioner who killed countless people."

In this way, he and Mai Kinoshita stared at Deng Goro eagerly, scratching their heads and waiting secretly.

About 2 minutes later, Deng Goro finally spoke calmly:

"…The losers have no say."

He did not continue to elaborate on Kazuma Kazami's career, but suddenly started talking in strange and confusing words.

"When you fail, the winner will step on your dead body and shout triumphantly: 'Look, this is the ungrateful bitch.'"

Deng Goro sneered half at himself and half in hatred.

"Let me make it clear in advance that everything I say next is the unquestionable truth."

"As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you."

"26 years ago, after Mr. Oshio launched the uprising, I... our peasant army did not collapse without a fight!"

"We fought!"

"We took up arms and fought bravely!"

"But... the enemy... that damn Kazami Kazuma...! He is just... too strong..."

When he said the first half of the sentence, "Damn Kazami Kazuma," his face became redder and the blue veins on his forehead became more numerous.

He clenched his fists so tightly that the knuckles of his fingers turned white, and he was unaware even when his nails pierced into his palms.

But in the second half of his speech, he was like a deflated ball. He slowly and dejectedly let go of his hands and lowered his head.

He just looked at his toes and continued the topic:

"The sudden appearance of the powerful insurgent army frightened the shogunate deeply."

"Closing down unscrupulous merchants, providing relief to disaster victims, and quelling famine... Faced with these practical matters that benefit the people, the officials of the shogunate turned a blind eye."

"No action, no responsibility."

"The only thing they know how to do and are good at is to shirk, shirk, and shirk again."

"'This kind of thing is not my responsibility', 'Please be patient, we are trying to find a solution', 'We have a monthly rotation system, I am not responsible for this month's work, please come back to me next month'... We have heard enough of these nonsense, we are tired of it..."

"Everyone is starving to death and turning into bones, but these damn corrupt officials are still watching."

"The only thing that the shogunate could do was to show amazing enthusiasm in suppressing the people."

"On the day the uprising began, the shogunate quickly organized an army and quickly mobilized the armies of nearby domains such as Amagasaki, Kishiwada, and Koriyama, ordering them to send troops to support immediately."

"The long period of peace and the comfortable life without wars left the warriors with no place to use their skills. They could not rely on military merit to turn the tide like their ancestors in the Warring States period did."

"Those high-ranking warriors who have a high status and a comfortable life may no longer have the motivation to make progress."

"But the vast majority of middle and lower-level warriors are always looking forward to war - looking forward to a war that will allow them to show their skills and rise to prominence."

"Therefore, when the shogunate issued an order to attack the rebels, a large number of samurai actively participated in the war."

"Their purpose is very simple - to gain fame on the battlefield and to have their wives and children honored."

"Kazuma Kazami is one of them."

"With the great reputation of 'Kyosaka Warrior' and 'Namika's Kirin Child', Kazami Kazuma was highly valued right after joining the army and was promoted to Vanguard General in one go."

"From the perspective of the shogunate, Kazuma Kazami did a great job. He really lived up to his mission."

At first glance, it sounded like Deng Goro was praising the other person.

But in the next sentence, the content and tone of his words turned into naked sarcasm.

"He is really a good dog of the shogunate."

"The shogunate just threw him a few bones, and he was so grateful that he burst into tears and was so full of ambition that he wanted to rush to the battlefield immediately and practice 'a gentleman will die for his friend'."

"Soon, this hastily assembled army arrived at Osaka and entered the battlefield."

"Then... we encountered the vanguard led by Kazuma Kazami himself."

"As soon as the battle started, Feng Jianyi was the first to charge at us single-handedly, killing us alone."

Speaking of this, Deng Goro seemed to recall something terrible. His originally flushed face gradually turned pale, and the blue veins on his forehead disappeared, replaced by beads of cold sweat.

"Their offensive was so fierce that they totally disregarded their own lives."

"He wielded his gun tirelessly and committed violence like a mad dog."

"Every time he swings his big gun, several bodies fly into the sky..."

"Every time his figure moves, another front line is breached..."

“We really fought…”

“We fought really hard…!”

"I clenched the bamboo spear tightly in my hand, thinking, 'Just one stab, just one stab.'"

"As long as we can stab Feng Jian Yi Ma, even if it's just a simple stab, it will weaken his strength and thus reduce the pressure on our companions."

"But...I can't even get close to him."

"It's not because I'm far away from him, but because... I can't move."

"After I saw with my own eyes that Hiiragi Taro... my close friend, was hit by the huge gun shadow and shattered into pieces of flesh of varying sizes, I could no longer hear any sound and forgot that I was on the battlefield. I felt as if I was underwater."

"When I came to my senses, I found myself slumped on the ground, my legs as limp as noodles."

"No matter how hard I beat my legs, no matter how hard I prayed, I couldn't stand up again..."

"We...can't stop Feng Jianyi Ma..."

"In just half an incense stick of time, countless companions fell under his spear, and his spear blade was covered with minced meat."

"He defeated our army with his own strength."

"The huge casualties and the fear of Kazuma Kazami caused us to collapse."

"We are scrambling to escape, just to get away from Kazunari Kazuma, away from this killer..."

"This is... the truth behind 'the peasant army collapsed without a fight'..."

"We didn't collapse without a fight... We were just... too weak..."

"Unable to defeat a strong enemy... can only flee like a rat crossing the street..."

Deng Goro stopped talking again. He lowered his head so low that his chin almost touched his chest, as if he wanted to fill his entire head into his chest.

His trembling shoulders, his listless posture that showed he had lost all his energy... everything revealed his extremely unstable and depressed mood.

"…After our collapse, Kazami Kazuma wanted to pursue our victory."

He restarted the phone, but his voice became much hoarser.

"Fortunately, at the critical moment, one of Mr. Oshio's disciples shot him in the right abdomen with a homemade rocket, causing him to lose his combat capability temporarily."

"I saw it clearly... After the rocket hit his right abdomen, the blazing flames left hideous scars on his skin that could never be healed."

"In terms of military exploits, Kazuma Kazami has undoubtedly made a huge contribution to the shogunate."

"Haha, he probably never thought that he, who had made great contributions, would end up like 'the cunning rabbit dies, the running dog is cooked'!"

"Although Mr. Oshio's uprising failed, it succeeded in arousing the resentment and dissatisfaction of the people of Osaka towards the shogunate."

"Even though the shogunate announced that 'Oshio Heihachiro has surrendered,' there are still many people who firmly believe that Oshio is still alive."

"There are many people who are dissatisfied with this uprising that was quickly defeated."

"All this threatens to reignite the flames of war and lead to a second round of uprisings."

"In order to calm people's hearts, the shogunate has no choice but to compromise."

"We will mobilize supplies and work hard to eliminate the impact of the 'Tempo Great Famine' so that the people of Osaka will no longer go hungry."

"At the same time, we should try to reduce the publicity of this "great victory" as much as possible to avoid irritating the people of Osaka."

"And just like that, Kazuma Kazami received no recognition for being a hero of the war."

"Even official documents from the government rarely mention him."

"He worked so hard for the shogunate, but in the end, he was ruthlessly abandoned...Hahahaha! He deserves it! He deserves it!!"

"After the war, he mysteriously disappeared."

"He no longer appears in public, and no news about him has been heard since."

"Some say he was hurt by the shogunate's ruthlessness and became a hermit, never to care about worldly affairs again."

"There are also reports that he went to the shogunate to ask for an explanation, but was silenced by the shogunate."

"It was also said that he died in bed in agony due to the worsening of the wound in his abdomen."

"Whatever the truth is, he has indeed disappeared."

"As time passed, he was gradually forgotten by the world. No one remembered this once-popular genius spearman anymore."

"He carries the resounding name of 'Namika's Kirin'... Countless people, including me, admire and respect him, and regard him as the pride of Osaka..."

"But he raised his butcher knife and swung it at his compatriots..."

"I will never forgive him..."

"I will never forgive him...!"

"Although many people say he is dead, I will not give up until I see his body with my own eyes!"

"I must kill him!"

"I'm going to stab the knife into his chest with my own hands! Pierce his heart... cough! cough! cough! cough!"

His eyes bulged and he began to cough violently, his chest rising and falling rapidly like a bellows in a blacksmith's shop.

Seeing this, Qing Deng immediately reached out and steadyed his body.

"Are you OK?"

Kinoshita Mai followed closely:
"Wait a moment! I'll get you another bowl of water!"

Kinoshita Mai was about to turn around and look for water, but Deng Goro waved his hand:

"No, that's not necessary... I just couldn't catch my breath, I feel much better now..."

He stroked his chest, lay on his back, and a sharp sound like coughing came out of his throat as he greedily swallowed the air.

"Haha... I seem to have talked too much without realizing it..."

"I haven't talked so much in a while."

"For more than 20 years, everyone has been avoiding me, saying I am a lunatic and trying to avoid me as much as possible."

"I know that everyone secretly calls me a 'remnant of the Great Salt Party'."

"Haha... this title really flatters me..."

"To this day, the heroes of the Oshio Party are still running around and fighting bravely to realize Mr. Oshio's ideal of 'a world of great harmony'."

"I am just a coward who is so scared that my legs go weak in battle, but is as fast as a rabbit when running away... How can I be compared with the heroes of the Great Salt Party?"

"Rather than calling me the 'ghost of the Great Salt Party', it would be more accurate to say that I am the 'ghost of the Great Salt Army'."

"I died on the battlefield 26 years ago..."

Deng Goro finished.

I don’t know if it was because he had just vented his anger through roaring, or what, but his complexion became much better and his eyes became clear again.

"Thank you for listening to the ramblings of an old lunatic like me."

As he spoke, he supported himself on the earth wall behind him and stood up shakily.

"I'm leaving."

"Before we part, I have an unwelcome request."

"If you encounter someone who looks like Kazami Kazuma in the future, please come to Osaka and inform me."

"I've been wandering the streets of Osaka, so it's easy to find me."

"I have no other hope in this life except to kill Kazami Kazuma with my own hands before I die...!"

"If this wish cannot be fulfilled, I will die with my eyes wide open..."

After saying this, without waiting for Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai to respond, he staggered away, straight towards the dark street corner in the distance.

Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai stood there, silently watching his back.

After a while, silence returned to the surroundings - the old monk's figure had disappeared from their sight.

However, the two of them were still standing there in a daze, looking at each other... About 10 seconds later, the person who spoke the first sentence was Mai Kinoshita.

“What a heavy story…”

Qing Deng nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, tonight's "night tour" turned out to be an unexpected surprise - I accidentally learned such a tragic and heavy story...

It is actually not difficult to understand Deng Goro’s inner world.

The hero I once admired suddenly turned into a ruthless executioner who massacred the Osaka righteous army...

Such a huge contrast and blow is enough to cause a huge and irreversible impact on a person's original three views.

In fact, from a certain perspective, Kazuma Kazami is similar to a "dark version of Aoto Tachibana".

Equally talented.

He also made great contributions to the shogunate.

He is also a young man in the prime of his life.

But in the end, the two of them had very different outcomes due to different choices and different opportunities.

One became a hero who was highly respected by the people and famous all over the world.

The other one became a poor person who was covered up by the shogunate and whose name was not even passed down...

——Kazemi Kazuma…

Qing Deng remembered the name silently.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

Today is the last chapter of the "Osaka Arc"! I've finally finished writing all the foreshadowing, foreshadowing, new characters, etc. (豹下机板.jpg)

Next, it is finally the much-anticipated "Marriage Chapter" (豹激極.jpg)豹豹子 will strive to finish writing the "Marriage Chapter" within 7 chapters, and then will skip about half a year and quickly dive into the "Ikedaya Incident"! (豹嗨.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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