I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 789 Qin Jinfan becomes rich instantly! [4500]

Chapter 789 Qin Jinfan becomes rich instantly! [4500]

The next morning, the sky was just turning pale.

Osaka, northern suburbs, the road to Kyoto——

"Grandma, I'm leaving!"

Kinoshita Mai walked forward and hugged Kinoshita Lin tightly.

"Well, have a nice trip."

Kinoshita Lin smiled and patted her on the back.

As planned, Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai officially set off to return to Kyoto today.

Kinoshita Lin led the boss Kiryu, Mogami Yoshikiyo and other senior executives of Huluya to see them off, and the scene was quite grand.

Mr. Kiryu did not accompany the two to Kyoto, nor did he return to Edo.

According to him, he will be staying in Osaka for quite some time and Senjiya will be closed for a while.

As for why, Boss Kiryu didn't say it clearly, and Qing Deng didn't ask any more questions.

Qianshiwu is temporarily closed... Qingdeng felt as if he could hear the crying of the aunties and grandmas living near Qianshiwu.

At this moment, facing her grandmother who came to see her off, Mai Kinoshita's reluctance to leave was beyond words.

Although Kinoshita Lin always looks serious and stern, she always shows her gentle side in front of her granddaughter.

Just now, Kinoshita Mai received a parting gift from Kinoshita Lin - a set of bright red, dazzlingly gorgeous furisode.

Kinoshita Lin often expresses her care for her granddaughter by "giving clothes".

She gives away clothes quite frequently.

Mai Kinoshita would receive new clothes every now and then.

From yukata to large furisode, from simple design to gorgeous patterns... Kinoshita Rin has a heroic spirit of "giving all the red clothes in the world to her granddaughter".

Because of this, Mai Kinoshita's wardrobe can be described as luxurious.

Qing Deng once calculated that if Kinoshita Mai changed into a new piece of clothing every day, she could guarantee that she would not wear the same outfit twice for a month!
In terms of the richness of her wardrobe, she even has much more than Sanako and Souji combined!
After a while, Mai Kinoshita reluctantly let go of her grandmother in her arms.

As soon as she gave up her position, Qing Deng immediately filled the "gap".

Qing Deng opened his arms and gently hugged Kinoshita Lin.

"Ayi, have a nice trip."

Qingden smiled slightly.

"I will hold the wedding as soon as possible. You must come to support us on our wedding day~"

Kinoshita Lin curled up the corners of her mouth and chuckled a few times.

"Then I look forward to it with all my heart."



"Moo moo~~"

Luobo raised his head high and let out a joyful cry.

Ever since it came to Osaka, it has been living in the luxurious cowshed provided by Huluya. It lies on the ground doing nothing every day and is almost getting sick from it.

Qing Deng gently stroked Luobo's big head and looked back at Osaka behind him.

The beautiful street scene with rows of buildings is almost disappearing into the horizon.

Although the time was short, this prosperous town still left a deep impression on him.

Qing Deng slowly withdrew his gaze and turned to look forward - to be more precise, he looked at Kyoto and Otsu in the distance.

——Next... we need to speed up!

He secretly made up his mind: within three years, Qinjin Clan must rise up to be a powerful force that stands out from the crowd!

Now that we have the full support of Huluwu, there is no reason not to do this!
Qing Deng narrowed his eyes, and a surge of fighting spirit burned in his eyes!



Gyeonggi, near Nara——

Creak! Creak! Creak! Creak! Creak! Creak! Creak!

"Huaihui! Weiweiwei!"



Carriages were moving quickly on the ruts.

The neighing of horses was mixed with the harsh "squeak" and "squeak" sounds of the turning wheels.

Several pedestrians along the way stepped aside to make way.

They thought the convoy would pass quickly.

But who would have thought... starting from the time the first carriage passed, a total of more than 10 minutes had passed, but the tail of the team was still not visible!
This scene and situation made the passers-by dumbfounded and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

A passerby couldn't help but exclaim:
"How many carriages are there...? At least more than a hundred, right?"

Another person asked curiously:

"Where is this carriage team going?"

"God knows!"

"The direction they are heading... is the direction of Otsu!"

"Dajin? Could it be that... the destination of this carriage team is Qinjin Domain?"

"No doubt about it! It's absolutely true! Have you forgotten? Not long ago, the big businessmen in Osaka issued a statement of 'full support for Nioh'!"

"That means... this carriage team is a transport team carrying supplies and preparing to go to Qinjin Clan?"




A strange silence suddenly fell.

Then, they all turned their heads at the same time and looked at the huge carriage convoy that was still nowhere to be seen.

Someone expressed the thoughts of the people:

"So many carriages...how much supplies are they carrying...?!"

The other person shrank his neck and added:

"Are they planning to arm a new shogunate?"



Qinjin Domain, Otsu——

"A few more people over here! Be quick!"

"Don't block the road! There's a pile of food and grass waiting for us to move! Go faster!"

"Lord Iwasaki! Granary No. 3 is full!"

"Then open granary No. 4! Move all the food to granary No. 4!"

"Lord Iwasaki! Another convoy of grain has arrived!"

"I can't leave! Let Todou-kun handle it!"

When supplies from Huluya and other merchants were continuously delivered to the Qinjin domain, Iwasaki Yataro, the president of the Shinsen Chamber of Commerce and the "Minister of Finance" of the Qinjin domain, was so busy that he had no time to spare.

Just organizing and sorting out this huge amount of materials is a dizzying and daunting task!

Who will be responsible for receiving the convoy, who will sort out the supplies, who will be responsible for delivering the supplies to the warehouse... This is both a mental job and a physical job.

Only people who are proficient in management can handle such an arduous task.

Fortunately, Yataro Iwasaki is a very good manager!

Under Qing Deng's instructions, Yataro Iwasaki temporarily put aside all the work at hand and took full responsibility for the integration of materials.

In order to share his pressure, Qing Deng lent him Sanako, Yamanami Keisuke and Fujido Heisuke, who were both good at handling paperwork. Even so, Iwasaki Yataro was still very busy and wanted to learn the legendary "Shadow Clone Technique".

However, despite the hard work, there was no sign of fatigue or boredom on Yataro Iwasaki's face, only intense joy.

To put it bluntly, he is in pain and happy!
When it comes to the desire to "build the Qinjin Domain", Yataro Iwasaki is no weaker than anyone else!

He was originally an underground ronin in Tosa Domain, of humble identity and low status.

Because of this, he has always been holding a grudge in his heart - I must accomplish something brilliant!

Not only to repay Mr. Tachibana's kindness, but also to prove to the world my ability, Yataro Iwasaki!
The great success of the newly elected Chamber of Commerce was not enough to satisfy him.

Now, a new and huge opportunity lies before him - he is now in charge of the finances of a large feudal state with 30 stones of land!
If the Qinjin Clan could rise to become an unrivaled powerful clan in a very short period of time, he would be able to leave a significant mark in the glorious history!
I dare not say that I can be compared with Guan Zhong and Zhuge Liang, but at least I can earn the reputation of being a "talented assistant to the king"!

He was full of confidence, but what could he do... He had the will but not the strength.

With the assistance of Yamanami Keisuke, Hijikata Toshizo and others, he had already drawn up more than a dozen plans to enrich the country and strengthen the military.

However, due to the lack of money and food, these plans could not be effectively implemented.

These days, looking at the empty granaries and treasuries, his hair really turned white with worry.

In this way, it is hard to imagine what kind of mood Yataro Iwasaki would have after seeing the endless flow of transport teams and the mountains of rice and gold coins.

In short, he was ecstatic! He jumped three feet high and wanted to dance with anyone he caught.

Even though he hadn't slept for more than ten hours and hadn't even had time to eat lunch, he didn't feel tired at all and was full of energy!

Now he just wanted to complete the integration of materials as soon as possible, and then quickly implement the plans for strengthening the country such as "reclaiming farmland" and "building bastions" that he had prepared long ago!

Another person who has been very busy in recent days is Elodie.

After becoming the head of the Shinsengumi, Elodie naturally took over the Shinsengumi's account books.

At the same time, she also took over Qin Jinfan's accounting work.

In terms of functions, she is very similar to Yataro Iwasaki, both of whom are in charge of finances.

The difference between the two is probably that the former is in charge of the work behind the stage, while the latter is responsible for the planning in front of the stage.

As the accountant of Qinjin clan, she has been so busy in recent days when huge amounts of materials have been put into the warehouse that it is difficult to describe in concrete words!



Qinjin Fan, Dajin, accountant——

The "tick-tick-tick-tick" sound of the abacus is like the rain curtain during a typhoon.

Elodi, dressed in a yellow dress and with a light green belt around her waist, sat on the main seat. She wrote data on the account book at a rapid speed with her right hand, while she operated the abacus with her left hand skillfully - these two actions were performed simultaneously.

Although she was trying to do two things at once, her movements were extremely smooth, without any lag, and her efficiency was extremely high.

Especially her left hand - when she was fiddling with the beads, she was creating phantoms.

After witnessing her ability to multitask, Qing Deng once suspected that she also had the talent of "playing both sides at the same time".

【Note: Being able to do two things at the same time means being able to do two completely unrelated things at the same time.】

Right below her, more than 20 surveyors were busy with the case, doing their best to complete their work.

[Note: Grassroots clerk in the finance department]

At this time, a surveyor ran to Elodi's desk, holding a scroll with wet ink.

"Ms. Angouleme, the inventory of granary No. 2 has been counted! Please take a look!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Elodie gave a bland consolation, then temporarily stopped the work at hand and reached out to take the scroll.

She only read a few lines and then handed the scroll back.

"The number of salt is wrong. It is not 472 stones. The correct number should be 482 stones."

The surveyor was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the scroll in his hand.

"How, how is it possible? I've checked it many times!"

Elodie smiled slyly.

"What? You don't believe my calculations? Then check them again to see if I'm right."

As she spoke, Elodie handed over her abacus.

Kan Ding hurriedly took it and started calculating.

Before long, his facial lines became extremely stiff and his expression was awkward.

"How? Am I right?"

"Yes, yes...it is indeed 482 koku...I miscalculated...I'm sorry..."

Elodie smiled kindly:
"It's okay! Working long hours and dealing with complicated numbers all the time can make even me dizzy and make mistakes. I'll just be more careful next time."

"Yes... sorry to bother you..."

After saying this, Kanto fled back to his workstation and rechecked the documents and account books he was responsible for.

This little episode immediately filled the accounting office with an inexplicable feeling of surprise.

In the Edo period, when science education was lacking, being able to use an abacus was a rare skill.

Those who can pass the Shinsengumi's assessment and work here are all carefully selected "actuaries" who are particularly good at using an abacus.

Especially the surveyor who just went to Elodie to confirm the account amount was the best among them.

Even though this person had an abacus, he checked it several times but was unable to find this tiny mistake.

And Elodie just flipped through it and took a few glances, and accurately picked out the mistakes...

What a powerful calculation ability!
Just when everyone at the scene was secretly sighing and admiring, Elodie suddenly stood up.

Because she is petite (1 meters), even when she stands up, she gives people a sense of weakness, as if she is in urgent need of protection.

However, the space between his brows was filled with an astonishing aura of dignity.

"Everyone, please stop!"

The "tat-tat-tat-tat" sound of the beads disappeared in an instant.

"The account books we compiled are not meant to look good!"

"Behind these figures are the rice, radishes, and salt stored in the warehouse... They are the important lifeline for maintaining the Qinjin Domain and the Shinsengumi!"

"When famine comes, we will rely on this money and food to tide us over!"

"When war comes, we will rely on this money and food to defeat the powerful enemy!"

"These 'numbers' are so important!"

"Whether it's 10 more or 10 less stones, it could have a huge impact on the management of the disaster and the outcome of the war!"

"So, everyone, please cheer up!"

"There must be no mistakes in the numbers in the account book!"

“Even if it’s just a bushel of rice or a penny, make sure it’s correct!”

After she finished speaking, Elodie swept her eyes majestically around the entire audience.

Her passionate speech and her confident attitude without any stage fright did not seem like that of a 15-year-old girl at all.

As soon as she finished speaking, high-spirited shouts rang out in the accounting office.

Elodie, who saw the whole scene, smiled:
"Then, get on with your work!"

After another high-spirited shout, the "tapping" sound of the abacus once again enveloped the accounting office.

Elodie chuckled contentedly, then knelt down and continued to deal with the work at hand.

When she first took over the important task of "Head of the Finance Department", Elodie acted very green, shy and coy due to various reasons including being unfamiliar with the place.

But soon, she adapted to the environment.

In front of her subordinates, she gradually showed the demeanor of a boss.

Nowadays, even when facing the famous "thorny" Duck Serizawa, she dares to refute the other party.

This was not only because of her innate self-confidence, but also because she suddenly realized a truth: as a disciple personally chosen by Ju Qingdeng, the status she possessed was far beyond her imagination!

Are you kidding! Who dares to provoke Ju Qingdeng's direct disciple?

Even Serizawa has to think carefully when facing Elodie!
It is no exaggeration to say that Elodie's status in the Qinjin clan and the Shinsengumi is second only to her "fiancée" Sanako, Mai Kinoshita and Souji!

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