My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 290 Contact with Rie Komiyazawa

Chapter 290 Contact with Rie Komiyazawa

After Kimura Hiroshi's bathroom education, his girlfriend Akina Nakamori continued to work happily, and Kimura Hiroshi also re-entered the working state full of energy.

After two days of continuous adjustments, the character image of Pokémon has been determined. Wearing a red baseball cap, the optimistic, caring boy Xiaozhi has yellow skin, red cheeks, round and round overall, and the cuteness of releasing lightning. The elf Pikachu has blue skin, a Squirrel turtle with orange-red upper part and orange-yellow lower part, and a strange but cute frog seed.

So many character images were determined in such a short period of time, but many cartoonists in the manga department suffered. They not only had to draw, but also kept revising after Kimura Hiroshi's review, and the final image was finalized.

After the image was determined, Hiroshi Kimura also specially asked people from the manga department to show the image to his colleagues in the film and television department to ask their opinions, which received a lot of praise, especially the very cute Pikachu, which received the most female votes. Colleagues love it, while male colleagues prefer the fire-breathing charmander and the strange frog seeds.

The feedback received was very good, and Hiroshi Kimura did not continue to torture the young artists in the manga department. He said to Takashi Hirono who came to his office to report the results, "Now that the character image is determined, let's start creating the plot. Zhou’s third comic is temporarily vacant, but it must be filled next week, I have already written the plot and screen requirements, Mr. Hirono will take it to the manga department.”

"Okay, I'll do it now, President." Takashi Hirono left the office with the manga plot in hand.

The manga has been finalized, but Hiroshi Kimura's work is not over yet. In the afternoon, he will go to the first meeting of the crew of the new movie. After the meeting, the filming will officially start, which means that he is about to start his life First supervisory career.

Just as he was preparing the things needed for the new film conference, the phone rang, and Kimura Hiroshi picked it up, and Hosono Yoshiro's voice came from the opposite side, and he said with a little excitement, "Kimura-san, the matter with Rie-chan has been settled , for the next 20 years, she will belong to Stardust Communication, and I also let her move out from Mitsuko Miyazawa."

This matter has been planned and implemented for a while, and Kimura Hiroshi was also very happy to hear the news that it had been completed suddenly. Hosono Yoshiro's ability to do things is really strong, and the speed is not slow. He is very interested Asked, "Oh, it was done so quickly, President Hosono is really amazing, so please tell me how you managed to get that woman done."

When the major shareholder asked, Yoshiro Hosono naturally wanted to tell him. After all, this was the first thing Hiroshi Kimura asked him to do, and he did it so beautifully, so he naturally wanted to talk about it.

So I talked about how I set up a game, how Mitsuko Miyazawa, that stupid woman, easily fell into the trap, and Hiroshi Kimura shook his head again and again. In fact, it was Mitsuko Miyazawa's greed and short-sightedness, and she fell into it easily.

This woman's short-sightedness and greedy Kimura Hiroshi in the previous life saw it, and she was full of blood. When her daughter Miyazawa Rie had become a rising star in the film industry, she tricked her into taking a photo shoot. At that time, Miyazawa Rie had not yet As an adult, I didn't know much about it, so I went to shoot it, and Mitsuko Miyazawa did this just to get a large sum of money from the magazine.

Naturally, the photo was a big hit, becoming the best-selling photo magazine for actresses in the history of Neon, but this kind of self-destructive behavior almost didn't make Miyazawa Rie quit the entertainment circle.

Miyazawa Rie, whose career was frustrated, began to understand the horror of her mother Mitsuko Miyazawa when she became an adult, and chose to get married to avoid her, but Miyazawa Mitsuko easily ruined her daughter's marriage because she was afraid that after Miyazawa Rie got married She has no source of income.

After ruining her daughter's marriage, she turned around and gave her daughter to a benefactor who was about the same age as her as a lover. Eat and be starved to death.

Now, although he can be regarded as cheating Miyazawa Rie, making her work for him for 20 years, but it can be regarded as dragging her out of the pit of fire. As a qualified capitalist, if he helps you, then you have to pay me more Too much, what is more important than life, this is priceless, so work hard.

"President Hosono, you have done a great job. Now that Miyazawa Rie's big trouble has been solved, I will bring her over this afternoon and meet people in the crew. It happens that this afternoon is the first assembly meeting of the film crew. She But the important lead actor, by the way, what about Hitomi Kuroki?" After complimenting him, Hiroshi Kimura asked another actress he valued.

The matter of Rie Miyazawa has been resolved, so Hitomi Kuroki will be next, and Yoshiro Hosono replied, "There is no progress yet, but it is confirmed that she will quit the Takarazuka Theater in April."

"Quit in April, it's not too late, don't contact her for the time being, let her make her own way, at two o'clock in the afternoon, bring Rie-chan, I'm going to be busy, sorry, Hosono President, I don't have time to chat with you." Hiroshi Kimura said respectfully.

Knowing that Kimura Hiroshi was busy, Hosono Yoshiro didn't care, and the two quickly hung up the phone.

After getting things ready, having lunch, and having a short rest, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Kimura Hiroshi came to the meeting room of Hegemony Club on time, and saw that almost all the crew members were present this time.

Including three directors, Katsumi Nishikawa, Takeshi Kitano, and Shunji Iwai, the rest are crew members and actors. Among them, Hiroshi Kimura paid attention to Rie Miyazawa who seemed a little scared in the corner of the conference room. Yoshiro Hosono brought her here himself.

"Everyone is here. It seems that I am the latest. I'm sorry, then let's have a meeting, assign work, and start shooting the day after tomorrow." Kimura Hiroshi started the meeting.

Everyone is acquaintances, Kimura Hiroshi is also very kind, the meeting is naturally very relaxed, and the task is assigned within an hour, Kimura Hiroshi is in charge of the general supervision, Nishikawa Katsumi is in charge of assistance, Iwai Shunji is in charge of the screen, Kitano Takeshi He is in charge of coordinating, that is to say, Hiroshi Kimura is in charge of the filming and it's over, and there are people who will give him the bottom line. This kind of treatment is really nothing to say.

The meeting ended soon. Hiroshi Kimura left Takeshi Kitano and Yoshiro Hosono behind. First, he asked Takeshi Kitano about the editing of "Once Upon a Time in High School". , Guaranteed to complete the production before June, and now most of the editing has been completed, no one is holding back, my speed is very fast."

Well, I don't forget to give him a yin and yang look at him. He really doesn't take his boss seriously. Hiroshi Kimura was not annoyed, and said, "That's good, thank you Kitano-san."

"Don't say such things, I remember your original promise, after I help you finish this shit fantasy love story, the next movie will be my own movie." Takeshi Kitano said very solemnly.

This Kimura Hiroshi did not deny it, and nodded, "Yes, this is my promise, then please Kitano-san to prepare as soon as possible, and the funds will definitely be in place by then."

"I love to hear this. I will prepare it as soon as possible. Okay, I won't bother you, but I still have to warn you, don't touch anyone under the age of 14." Then Takeshi Kitano whispered to Kimura Hiroshi He said it in his ear, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Rie Miyazawa who was not far away.

There are black lines all over his head, this guy has a dirty mind, he actually thinks he is the same kind of person, it's unbelievable, too lazy to talk to him, Kimura Hiroshi walked up to Hosono Yoshiro and Miyazawa Rie, not to mention, they haven't seen each other for almost half a year , this little girl is even more beautiful.

"President Hosono actually came in person. It's really troublesome." Hiroshi Kimura greeted Yoshiro Hosono.

Said it was okay, Yoshiro Hosono pushed Miyazawa Rie over and said, "How about it, the image hasn't changed much, so it shouldn't affect Kimura-san's shooting, right?"

"It has become prettier, but it doesn't have any effect, the childishness is still there, Rie, do you still remember me?" Kimura Hiroshi bent down and asked.

A little scared, Miyazawa Rie moved closer to Hosono Yoshiro, and then took a closer look at Kimura Hiroshi. She knew the person in front of her, so she nodded and said, "Yes, you are the idol singer that everyone likes. We There are girls in the class who are your fans."

Good guy, does this count as recognition or not? She doesn't remember seeing him at the office, but she knows his identity, but she has already invaded elementary school girls. Could it be that she is so charming that even elementary school girls can't help him? I refused, but it's normal to think about it. There are many eleven or twelve-year-old girls chasing stars in later generations, and the girls in Nihong are more precocious.

"Haha, that's not what I'm talking about, we met in the office." Hiroshi Kimura asked his assistant to bring over the sunglasses and put them on.

Now Rie Miyazawa really recognized him, and happily called out, "Ah, you are the big brother who helped us, right?"

"It's really smart, it's me. I will reward you with an ice cream later. In the next few months, you will go to school from Monday to Friday, and you will be filming with me during your break. It will be very hard, is it acceptable?" Kimura Hiroshi There is still a bit of kindness towards children, not to mention that this is his future cash cow.

Shaking her head, Miyazawa Rie said firmly, "Rie is not afraid of hardships, Rie wants to earn money for her mother, so that she can live a good life, so she won't beat me, say I'm useless, and delay her. "

Another little girl who was tortured by domestic violence, Hiroshi Kimura sighed a little, and said, "Good boy, I will give you two ice creams later, President Hosono, take good care of her, so that I can go back to meet Mitsuko Miyazawa once in a while." , although this mother is not qualified, but without her company, there will always be some problems."

"Yes, I know, Kimura-san don't worry." Hosono Yoshiro replied.

Even if the matter is settled like this, Kimura Hiroshi personally delivered two ice creams to Miyazawa Rie when she left according to the agreement just now, but the little girl was so happy that she thanked Kimura Hiroshi again and again, looking at his eyes It's different, obviously treating him as a close big brother.

(End of this chapter)

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