My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 291 Wear Mature 1

Chapter 291 Dress Mature

"Hey, today is Hong-kun's first day as a supervisor. You have to be more formal. How can you dress casually? I bought so many suits for Hong-kun, and Hong-kun must wear them." Dissatisfied, he said to Kimura Hiroshi who was about to go out.

Because today is the official start of filming of the first movie "Kimura no Nawa" directed by Hiroshi Kimura, Nakamori Akina, who is very busy, will also take time to go to the set today, so she came back last night even though she was very late. Hiroshi Kimura's apartment, the two went to the set together today.

It’s just that when I got up early in the morning and was about to set off after breakfast, Akina Nakamori changed his clothes, but Hiroshi Kimura was unmoved, and dressed in his usual casual attire to go to the set. Akina Nakamori was not satisfied with this. She felt that the supervisor It has to look like supervision.

But Hiroshi Kimura didn't care much, scratched his head, looked at his outfit again, and said, "It shouldn't be a problem if you dress like this, Akina, the film director doesn't have to be so formal, right?"

"Then how can it be, Hongjun is the first time to be a supervisor, and he is still so young. If he is casual, he will be looked down upon by those guys. He must dress more formally, remember to be more serious when speaking on the set, and suppress them Just like Mr. Kitano, um, let me choose for Hiro-kun." Saying that, Akina Nakamori went to the closet to find clothes for Hiroshi Kimura.

With his girlfriend insisting so much, Kimura Hiroshi couldn't say much, so he could only let her deal with it. Soon she picked out a dark suit and matching white shirt. Tidy up the mature hairstyle.

After dressing up, Akina Nakamori nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Well, that's pretty good, Hong-kun looks like a president and a supervisor in this way."

It doesn't matter what Hiroshi Kimura wears, but the Neon people seem to care about this very much. They have opinions on what to wear on any occasion. Seeing such a mature and formal attire, he pretended to be unhappy and asked, "Does Akina think that I am not mature enough, so Is that why you dress me up like this?"

"Hey, no, Hong-jun don't wrong people, Mingcai just wants Hong-jun to be more mature, how can my mind be misunderstood by Hong-jun like this, hum." She turned her head away in a very arrogant way, but in her heart A little flustered, because she really likes Hiroshi Kimura to look more mature.

There is no way, as a senior, she is about to enter the legal adult stage of 20 years old, while her boyfriend, the popular top male idol Hiroshi Kimura, is still 19 years old, not yet an adult.

Xiaoxin couldn't hide it from Hiroshi Kimura, but he didn't expose it. He patted her head and said, "There's nothing wrong with being mature, but in fact, what I like most is falling in love with older female seniors."

He said the last sentence in Nakamori Akina's ear, but it made Nakamori Akina blush, and she couldn't help but say, "I hate it, Hiro-kun, saying such strange things."

Seeing her shy face, Hiroshi Kimura still wanted to continue teasing her, but unfortunately now is not the time to flirt, the car from the office downstairs is still waiting, and there are still employees and actors waiting on the set, Don't dare to do any more ridiculous things.

When I went downstairs, Akatsuki Yoshizawa and Ms. Ji Zi were waiting below. Seeing them coming down, I couldn't help muttering, "I'm 10 minutes late. It's a virtue for young people to be punctual. It's not good to be late like this."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mingxing, it's because I took a little time to change clothes, so hurry up and leave if you're late, don't make the people on the set wait in a hurry." Kimura Hiroshi took the responsibility, after all, it was indeed because he changed caused by clothes.

I didn't think too much about it. Seeing the two getting into the car, Yoshizawa asked Ms. Kiko to drive and took the two to the set. The set was located in a small town on the outskirts of Tokyo. This is a hilly area next to the town. There is a small lake, which is similar to the town in the comics, but it is still a bit difficult to be exactly the same, and it depends on the later technology to restore it.

Today is the first day of filming for the crew. Most of the crew and actors are in place. When Hiroshi Kimura arrives, everyone gathers together and waits for Hiroshi Kimura to speak. The reason why it is so formal is because he is not an ordinary supervisor. , a collection of screenwriters, supervisors, investors, and leading men in one, can be said to have great authority in the crew.

However, Hiroshi Kimura did not intend to show the majesty of supervision. He just briefly talked about the rules and precautions of filming on the set. These were taught to him by Katsumi Nishikawa in advance. He just repeated it. By the way, the supervision speech before the official start of filming is over, the disbandment is announced, and then everyone is asked to make up and change clothes, ready to start filming.

He just announced his disbandment, and there was a figure running towards Kimura Hiroshi in the group of actors. It was Miyazawa Rie. She was a little shy, but she ran to Kimura Hiroshi's side and said, "Brother Hiroshi, this is the morning president." The breakfast I bought for me, I specially left a copy for you, please eat."

She held a lunch box in her hand, and Kimura Hiroshi saw that there were two sushi and spring rolls in it. She obviously remembered that he had treated her to ice cream a few days ago, so she wanted to invite him back. Hiroshi Kimura didn't refuse, he took it with a bow and a smile, and said, "Thank you, Rie-chan."

"No, I'm going to prepare for the shooting." After the things were delivered, she immediately ran away in a hurry. Hiroshi Kimura straightened up, and saw Akina Nakamori looking at him with great interest, and then walked towards him, asking Said, "What a beautiful little girl, is she your friend?"

Obviously Akina Nakamori would not be jealous of the little girl, but she was a little curious, she was very curious about everything around Hiroshi Kimura.

"It was discovered by accident. I helped her with some things, so she is closer to me. She will play your younger sister, Miyamizu Yotsuba. She is also a poor child. Take care of her on the set, Akina." Kimura Hiro looked at the back of Miyazawa Rie running away and said.

Hearing about the poor child, Akina Nakamori didn't understand. The little girl looked red-faced and white-toothed, but her body looked a little thin, and she didn't look very pitiful. She could only look at Hiroshi Kimura suspiciously.

Faced with a curious girlfriend, Hiroshi Kimura was naturally responsible for telling her what happened, took her to the dressing room to change clothes, and then talked about Miyazawa Rie's life experience, including the irresponsible girl she was born with. Bai Pi's father went back to a foreign country, and her mother felt that she was a burden for the sake of the so-called upper-class life, so she didn't support her and sent her to relatives.

After that, her mother's so-called upper-class life was shattered. When she went back and found that her daughter was slim, she planned to use her to realize her dreams, take her in and out of bars, and accompany people to drink and so on.

This shocked Akina Nakamori. Although her family life was not very good when she was a child, she still felt the affection and love from her mother. When she suddenly heard that a little girl was so miserable, the feeling of pity in her heart was overwhelming. Some can't stop.

Knowing the kindness of his girlfriend, Kimura Hiroshi still warned her, "Akina, don't deliberately show pity for her. This kind of little girl is more sensitive in heart, so just treat her like an ordinary little girl, and just give her more care. Now she's at my friend's office, and everything will be sorted out."

Nodding her head, Nakamori Akina naturally understood these things, she said, "I know, Hong-kun, since she is going to play my sister, then just treat her as my sister, Hong-kun is also a kind person , very caring.”

"My Mingcai is not bad, okay, let's go to make up, we don't have a rivalry scene today, I'll get used to the work of supervision first." Hiroshi Kimura said to her with a smile.

"Well, I'm going." After speaking, she happily went to the dressing room to change into costumes.

 Thank you for the 100-point reward in the deep pool and the shallow moon, and thank you for the 1500-point reward for the dim lights and no people!
(End of this chapter)

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