My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 476 Give You a Reward

Chapter 476 Give You a Reward
Summer has come unknowingly, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, which also makes Hiroshi Kimura's single "The Hottest Summer in the World" released in April maintain a good performance even though he has seldom promoted it. In the first half of June, 80 copies were sold, with a total sales of more than [-] copies, and it was able to rank in the top ten of the record sales list.

Although the record market is recovering, because the investment boom is still there, everyone's money is mainly used for investment or to enjoy the beautiful nightlife, and record consumption is still excluded from the consumption plan by many people.

However, the current market is still acceptable. After all, it has returned to the level of almost five years ago. If you want to reach a million sales, you have to work hard. It’s just that Hiroshi Kimura can’t concentrate so much energy on the record. .

Akina Nakamori, on the other hand, doesn't have much extra work this year. Her main job is to release records and albums. On June [-], she started the song promotion for this year's second single "Lan's Su Yan". It is still her A single provided by her boyfriend Hiroshi Kimura.

Unlike the previous movie theme song "Not Just Lonely", which was light-hearted and also had some funny tunes, this song "Lan's Plain Face" has a cool feeling, especially when combined with the powerful dance of rock rhythm , Immediately, many viewers felt their eyes brightened, as if they saw the cool girl who sang "The Ten Commandments" a few years ago.

It's just that Akina Nakamori is obviously more mature and charming now than at that time, especially dancing in an office worker's OL outfit, which gives people a cool urban beauty instead of a girlish feeling.

And this is also the first time that Akina Nakamori has tried a dance with such a strong rhythm. Although Akina Nakamori also danced before, it was just a taste of it. There are very few dances such as "My Lover" and "The Puritans". Lord, this combination of singing and dancing is the first time, and it also gives people a very novel feeling.

Neon people in the era of the bubble economy like new things, and they like things they haven't seen before. Now Akina Nakamori is making this kind of new things, so they naturally like it very much.

This made "Lan's Plain Makeup" sell very well in the first week of its release, becoming the second album to sell more than 20 copies in a single week after Kimura Hiroshi's "The Hottest Summer in the World", and the weekly sales reached 20. Thousands of sheets.

This is not the blessing of a hit movie, but a record released by Nakamori Akina very dutifully. Such sales prove that Nakamori Akina is not far behind Kimura Hiroshi in terms of popularity.

Naturally, some media would want to speculate about the comparison between the two people's record sales and popularity, but the two parties didn't care much about it.

The two of them had rare time to lean on the sofa at home and watch TV. Hiroshi Kimura was watching Akina Nakamori's performance of "Arashi's Suyan" on TV. The script of "Long Vacation" written by Hiroshi Kimura.

This TV series has eleven episodes, and the total time is much longer than a movie, so the script will also become much longer. It took almost ten days to write, and Kimura Hiroshi has not finished writing the script. There is no way, I typed it on a typewriter The speed of the computer is indeed a bit worrying, and it is not comparable to the computers of later generations.

Watching Akina Nakamori's performance on the TV show, Hiroshi Kimura praised, "You danced very well, but there seems to be a mistake in the dance steps. Besides, why are your hands still shaking? It's been six years since your debut. Are you still so nervous on stage? "

Nakamori Akina's shaking hands when singing and performing on the show can be regarded as a characteristic of her. She seems to be like this since her debut, but logically speaking, Nakamori Akina has debuted for six years now. She is an old artist and is still top-notch. Logically speaking, this kind of tension should not appear, but Nakamori Akina seems to have always existed, and there has been no change at all.

Akina Nakamori, who was reading the script, twisted her body in embarrassment, and said, "I will be nervous, and I can't change it no matter what, especially when playing new songs, I am always afraid of making mistakes, so I will be nervous and my hands will shake. , is there any way for Hong-kun to overcome his nervousness?"

Nervousness is related to mentality. Hiro Kimura didn't know how to change it. He touched Akina Nakamori's forehead and said, "I really think your Hiro-kun is an omnipotent superman. I don't know how to overcome this. In fact, there is nothing to overcome, and this has no impact on Akina's performance, if this is the case, let it go."

"Well, listen to Hiro-kun." Akina Nakamori said without looking up while reading the script.

This is obviously because he was fascinated by the script. Hiroshi Kimura couldn't help asking, "Is the script really that good, Akina?"

You must know that the script is not a novel. It is actually not very readable. It will be divided into several scenes and scenes. You can read it so fascinated. If it is not good, it really cannot be justified.

Gently nodded, Nakamori Akina said, "It's very good-looking, Hong-jun, he is indeed a genius, whether it is writing novels or scripts, it is very good-looking, just use less Chinese characters, so I can't read some things." I understand very well."

You scumbag, Chinese is the most important foreign vocabulary in Japanese, and people don’t use it if they don’t understand it. Hiroshi Kimura couldn’t help but tap Nakamori Akina’s forehead and said, “It’s because I use too many Chinese characters because I don’t study well. If you have free time, you must teach me to study hard.”

"No problem, Hong-jun will teach me personally. In that way, I will be motivated to study. If I study well and give some rewards, then I will learn faster." As a scumbag, Akina Nakamori He actually said that he wanted to learn this kind of words.

It’s just that Akina Nakamori’s words inexplicably thought of some weird things in Hiroshi Kimura’s mind, learning, rewards, no, no, wrong gender, no, this should be a little fun between couples That's right.

Hurrying to get these strange things out of his mind, Hiroshi Kimura asked, "Since Akina is so serious about it, you can't just praise your Hiro-kun. Is there any problem with the script? If you have any, you can bring it up."

Because the script was written from memory, Kimura Hiroshi didn't know if there was any disclosure in it, so he asked Nakamori Akina to make suggestions.

Unexpectedly, Nakamori Akina nodded, sat up from Kimura Hiroshi's arms and said, "There is a problem, Hiro-kun, there is a big problem with this script."

"Hey, what's the problem, where is it?" Unexpectedly, this scumbag really found a big problem, and Kimura Hiroshi suddenly regained his energy and hurriedly asked.

"The biggest problem with the script is the male protagonist Sena. This guy is actually vacillating between the female protagonist Nanchan and his favorite school girl Ryoko. He is a scumbag. He actually chooses a scumbag as the male protagonist. The problem is too big. I'm too old, I absolutely can't admit it." Nakamori Akina said very solemnly.

With black lines all over his forehead, Hiroshi Kimura thought there was some big problem, but he didn't expect it to be a problem with the character design of the protagonist. Speaking of the urban youth love TV dramas at this time of Neon, which hero and heroine are not such vacillating people Assume?Aren't these all scumbags and scumbags? It's not a big problem, it's normal.

"What are you talking about? The script design is like this. If the male and female protagonists are very determined people, then how can there be a follow-up story and how to film the plot. So this is not a big problem, is there any more?" Kimura Hiroshi directly said this The so-called big question was rejected, and she was asked if there was anything else.

Shaking his head, Nakamori Akina said, "No, but Sena is vacillating and he is a scumbag. This is the biggest problem with the script."

Still maintaining his point of view, Akina Nakamori also firmly confirmed his thoughts very loudly.

Too lazy to talk to her, Hiroshi Kimura felt that Akina Nakamori might have substituted it severely, because at that time the male lead would be played by him, and the female lead Nanchan would be played by Akina Nakamori. If he was so vacillating, Akina Nakamori would definitely not be able to accept it , so she must have substituted it, and there is no need to refute it.

"Let's not talk about this. Now the male and female protagonists in the TV series have been confirmed, but the male, female, and several other important roles have not yet been determined. Does Akina have any suggestions? If you have any, you can tell me. I am working on it. It's a headache to choose an actor." Not wanting to continue to entangle with Akina Nakamori about whether the male protagonist's scumbag is a big problem, Hiroshi Kimura quickly changed the subject.

However, choosing actors is indeed a headache. The second male and female second characters in this show are very important roles, and they must be chosen well. However, there are not many suitable actors here, and Hitomi Kuroki is not suitable for the second female lead. , junior sister Ryoko, as for Miyazawa Rie, this girl is too young and her age is wrong.

As for the rest of Koizumi Kyoko, she is about the same age, but her temperament is a bit inconsistent, and he is not familiar with other actors.

If it was any other TV series, Hiroshi Kimura would have let his people choose the actors, but this is the first TV series starring him and Akina Nakamori, so Hiroshi Kimura wants to make this TV series into a classic For TV dramas, role selection is very important, and Hiroshi Kimura wants to check it out himself.

Similarly, Akina Nakamori also knows that choosing actors for a TV series is a very important thing, because it is related to whether the TV series is good or not, so she began to think seriously and wanted to help Hiroshi Kimura.

After a long while, after serious thinking, Nakamori Akina said, "As for the second female school girl Ryoko, I really have someone to choose, Kikuchi Momoko, that is, Peach Sauce or Kawai Yuanzi, Yuanzi Sauce is very suitable for this role, two people They all look very pure and gentle in appearance, similar to the image of Ryoko in the script, as for the male lead, I don’t know much about it, Hong-jun needs to choose by himself.”

He named the artist who he thinks is suitable for the second female lead. Thinking back on these two choices, Hiroshi Kimura felt that they were both okay. It should be no problem to choose one. As for who to choose, it depends on whose acting skills are better. Hiroshi Kimura prefers Momoko Kikuchi, because she has acted in film and television dramas and has a good foundation. Sonoko Kawai has little experience in this area, but her image is more suitable. Momoko Kikuchi's image is too sweet.

"Wow, as expected of Mingcai, you have such a good vision. You are right. From these two people, you can choose one, but who to choose depends on their schedule and who is more suitable. I will let the company's people Go talk to their office." Hiroshi Kimura agreed with Akina Nakamori's choice.

After finishing speaking, he sighed, and then said, "It's just that if the female second is confirmed, it will be difficult to choose the male second. There are too few suitable young male actors in the entertainment circle."

In this era when female idols almost rule the entertainment circle, the neon entertainment circle is very yin and yang. There are not many young male artists, not only singers, but even actors. Those young men he saw Most of the actors did not make a deep impression on him.

Seeing how distressed Kimura Hiroshi was, Nakamori Akina straightened her body, put her hands on Kimura Hiroshi's shoulders, and said, "Since all the young actor Hiroshi are not very satisfied, has Hiro-kun considered those who are not famous at all?" As for artists, or choose one from the public, I think with Kimura-san's reputation, if you choose this way, there will definitely be many people who sign up, and you will always be able to choose a suitable person."

I have to say that this is really a good idea. Hiroshi Kimura's eyes lit up when he heard it. There is now a wave of enthusiasm that can attract the attention of many people.

In addition, by doing this, you may be able to select a few well-known male artists in later generations. If you can select two who have not signed a contract and put them under your own name, then you will have two more tools for him to make money in the future. This is true. It's a good way and couldn't be better.

Couldn't help holding Nakamori Akina's face with his hands, and then gave her a big one, Kimura Hiroshi said happily, "Akina, you are so smart, you actually thought of such a way, really It’s great, the filming of the TV series still needs several months of preparation, and there is plenty of time, so it’s no problem to choose actors like this, and it can even attract enough attention in advance.”

Seeing that Hiroshi Kimura was so happy, Akina Nakamori was also very happy. She hoped that she could keep doing things like helping Hiroshi Kimura. She also happily said, "Well, this is the best, so congratulate Hiroshi in advance Find the right actor."

"I will definitely, but Akina has helped me so much today, so I can't be stingy, I have to give you some rewards today." Kimura Hiroshi said with a slight twist of his mouth.

It’s just that Nakamori Akina, who is a little white rabbit, didn’t know yet, and thought that Hiroshi Kimura really wanted to give her a reward, so she grabbed Hiroshi Kimura’s arm and asked, “Ah, what kind of reward is it, is it delicious, or… ah!”

Before she could finish her sentence, Hiroshi Kimura picked her up and said to her, "It's a physical reward, let's cash it now."

At this moment, Akina Nakamori couldn't understand what Hiroshi Kimura meant, her face turned red, and she spat, "Necrosis!"

 Thank you Fanhuahua for your 1000 point reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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