My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 477 You Can't Go

Chapter 477 You Can't Go
Now that he decided to choose the second male lead of the TV series from amateurs and those male artists who are not yet famous, Kimura Hiroshi did not mean to delay, he immediately found Yoshiro Hosono and asked the Stardust Communication Agency to take charge of this matter , As for why he didn't find Yanyin, it was simply that Yanyin signed some popular artist and it didn't bring any benefits to Hiroshi Kimura.

"Kimura-san needs to choose a male artist who is suitable for acting. Our Stardust Communication has never done this. However, the office needs to expand, and there must be male artists. I will send people to prepare immediately. It will take about four days. Come to prepare, Kimura-san remember to send us the selection conditions." For the things requested by Kimura Hiroshi, Hosono Yoshiro will naturally try his best to do it.

It's just that before Stardust spread, they have always selected female artists, especially beautiful girls. They have a lot of experience in this area. I guess they can pick out what Hiroshi Kimura wants, but they are also the first male artists. This time, Hosono Yoshiro was very cautious and asked Kimura Hiroshi to send the selection conditions in paper form.

"No problem, I'll send someone to send it to you after I go back. Remember, good looks are a condition that will never change. No matter what kind of good looks, delicate or heroic or a little wilderness, there is no problem." Kimura Hiroshi First briefly mention the selection requirements.

This kind of TV drama that reflects the love of young people is actually similar to the idol TV dramas of later generations. Actors do not need to be invincible in acting, at least they must be good-looking.

After writing down Hiroshi Kimura's request, Yoshiro Hosono said, "I've written it all down, thank you Kimura-san for bringing us new business again, if you advertise with your fame, this time the spread of stardust will be recognized in the entertainment industry." I am afraid there will be a slight increase in awareness, and it may even sign a few high-quality newcomers."

Although Hiroshi Kimura asked Stardust to choose candidates, it seems to increase the workload for Stardust, but in fact it has greatly improved the reputation of Stardust. Think about how Hiroshi Kimura entrusted them to select the second male lead of an important TV series. , then this firm is definitely not bad, and being able to attract more high-quality newcomers to join is a very beneficial thing for both parties.

"Small things, Hosono-san, don't forget, I am also the major shareholder of Stardust Communications, so I will naturally leave it to Stardust to do things that are beneficial to Stardust." Hiroshi Kimura said not to care.

Even if the matter of selecting a male artist is finalized, Hiroshi Kimura will ask someone from the TV drama department to explain the specific requirements of the selection to Stardust, but he is not here today just for this matter, Hiroshi Kimura continued, "Recently How is Sachiko-chan's job?"

Hiroshi Kimura has no intention of changing since she determined the way of training Sachiko Kamachi. Now Sachiko Kamachi has been performing as a singer at Toei Karaoke Machine for several months, and she doesn't know how she is doing with this job now.

Speaking of this, Yoshiro Hosono couldn't help but chuckled, and said, "Kimura-san, now Sachiko-chan is a well-known underground singer, every time she goes to sell karaoke machines to perform, there will be some fans Onlookers, this makes the sales of karaoke machines increase by about 15.00% when she is present."

This was beyond Hiroshi Kimura's expectations. He didn't expect that Sachiko Kawachi would do such a good job. Originally, he just wanted to give Sachiko Kawachi a taste of live singing and her qualifications. He didn't expect her to do it. Very good, it is rare to be true.

"I didn't expect this. Sachiko-chan is far better than I thought, but Hosono-san has to remind her from time to time not to indulge in this job. Lyric writing and other training still need to continue. After half a year, She's going to get used to her new job." Hiroshi Kimura was a little worried that Sachiko Puchi did so well that she forgot the most important thing.

"Well, I understand. Sachiko-chan is a top singer in the future, not a record player queen. I will give her plenty of time to train her lyrics and singing skills." Hosono Yoshiro still divides the matter It is clear that Sachiko Kamaike will be more valuable in the future than selling this broken record player now.

After taking a sip of the black tea in front of him, Hiroshi Kimura said, "Of course, Hosono-san can handle things with confidence. By the way, WINK has released their debut single. How is the sales?"

The two champion and runner-up girls selected by the magazine made their debut in April and released their first debut single. The creator of this debut single was contacted by Hiroshi Kimura, but Hiroshi Kimura did not know much about the sales volume. , He has a lot of things to do, and he can't pay attention to many things at the same time.

Speaking of this, Hosono Yoshiro shook his head bitterly, and said, "The sales are not very good, Kimura-san. It has been almost three months since it was released, and the sales volume is only about [-] copies. I have invested a lot in the production costs of WINK. If in the future If the record sales are still like this, the investment is likely to lose money.

The two of them can sing well, but they don't have much dance foundation, and the simple dance steps are a bit stiff. I decided to strengthen their training in this area. "

The production cost of an artist can be high or low. If the investment is very low, it doesn’t matter if it’s not very popular. At least the cost can be recovered, and there may even be some profits. But if the artist invested in the production is not popular, it will be a loss. It will even affect the confidence of the firm, which is the case with Yoshiro Hosono now.

In this regard, Hiroshi Kimura did not forget his promise. He said before that if WINK is not popular, then he will write a song for them, but this alone is not enough. He said, "For If Hosono-san does not lose money, then I will personally write a single for them, but this is not enough, Hosono-san found the video of their performance, let me see if there is any problem."

Hearing that Kimura Hiroshi was willing to help, Hosono Yoshiro was very happy, and said with a smile on his face, "It's really great that Kimura-san is willing to help. What video are you watching? The two of them are in the office now. I let them go In the training room, let's perform live, and Kimura-san will see what's wrong."

"Don't do this." Hiroshi Kimura quickly stopped him, and then continued, "If they know that I have gone, the performance will be more cautious. I'm afraid it will be different from the usual stage, so what I see will be different, then The suggestions made are likely to be wrong."

I didn't expect Hiroshi Kimura to be so thoughtful. Indeed, the two little girls are still newcomers. If you see Hiroshi Kimura, a senior, and a top singer to watch their performance, I'm afraid they will improve more than on the show. It's better to watch the video , to give advice on their performance on stage.

"It's Kimura-san's thorough consideration. I'll send someone to get the video immediately." Yoshiro Hosono picked up the phone on his desk and made a call. Soon someone sent the video to the president's office, his office There is a TV and video playback equipment.

Looking at the two beautiful girls in the video, Hiroshi Kimura felt that there was nothing wrong with the appearance of the two of them. The singing was considered qualified, and the dancing was very stiff. These were not really big problems. The problems were in other aspects.

After watching the two video clips, Hiroshi Kimura stopped watching them, and he put forward his own thoughts, "Hosono-san, in terms of dancing, stiffness is actually nothing. You can choose simpler dance steps. Even if the movements are repeated, there is no problem. What should I say? As for the big problem, I think there are two aspects."

"Which two aspects?" Yoshiro Hosono still thinks highly of this group that he invested a lot of money in, and hopes that they can become the first singers to spread Stardust's popularity.

According to his impressions, Hiroshi Kimura said, "The first aspect is the selection of singles. This is a warm love song, but now popular European dance music and rock, everyone likes singles with a strong sense of rhythm. I think the next It is better to choose European dance music with strong rhythm for a single.

On the other hand, it is the song clothing. It is better to choose the gorgeous European dress. Of course, some changes need to be made, which is more in line with the aesthetics of the neon people. As for other aspects, there is no need to make too many changes and keep the current state. Because it is difficult for them to change it in a short time. If it is a single, I will send someone to send it in two days. "

After recording Hiroshi Kimura's opinions one by one, Yoshiro Hosono said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, thank you very much Kimura-san. I will do all these suggestions one by one. As for the single, I will thank you."

"It's okay, just write a single." Actually, Hiroshi Kimura already had a suitable single in his mind at this time, and that was "Love Will Not Stop". This song was originally a European dance song released by WINK. Wink has been promoted to the ranks of first-line idols, and the sales volume is also very good, reaching nearly 60 copies.

The two exchanged opinions again, and it was almost evening. In order to thank Hiroshi Kimura for his help in spreading Stardust, Yoshiro Hosono decided to invite him to dinner, and even said that he would find some beautiful girls from the office to accompany him. he eats.

Originally, Hiroshi Kimura wanted to rub Hosono Yoshiro for a meal, but when he heard what he said later, he immediately refused. You must know that Akina Nakamori has an eyeliner in Stardust, first of all is Rie Miyazawa, this girl But the son will tell a lot of information to Nakamori Akina.

Not to mention that Nakamori Akina and Kawachi Sachiko also know each other, and there is also a sister-in-law. If she is looking for a beautiful woman to accompany her for dinner, she will be known by Nakamori Akina tomorrow. Entertainment, if you find artists from other firms, it is a bad intention.

Quickly refused, and then drove back to Hegemony Club, and asked the staff of the TV drama department who were already studying the script to quickly write up the actor's request and send it to Stardust, and at the same time asked them to send it to Kikuchi Momoko and Hehe Yuanzi's office Send an audition invitation to the two of them to come and see who is suitable to play the role of the second female Ryoko. After finishing all these, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. Akina Nakamori was not in the apartment today, so Hiroshi Kimura invited the staff of the TV drama department Eating, this is to reward them for working overtime, and the other is not to eat alone.

Because of the generous salary of the Hegemony Club, and the fact that Hiroshi Kimura usually does not require any mandatory overtime hours, the work efficiency of the staff of the Hegemony Club can be said to be very fast, because they can leave work after the get off work is done, whether it is Go out to play or go home, you can choose freely.

So after Hiroshi Kimura gave the task, the staff faxed the audition invitation to the two firms early the next morning, and even made a special phone call.explained the situation.

The reactions of both parties upon receiving the invitation call for an audition were exactly the same. After Kikuchi Momoko learned from her agent that Hegemony had sent a cooperation invitation, she was very excited, but soon she was poured cold water down by her agent.

"Peach Jam, you asked yourself not to follow the idol route, and to form a band, now is the critical time, and don't forget, you still have a TBS TV series to star in, and Hegemony Club's partner this time is Fuji TV , if you go, the good relationship you have built with TBS may no longer exist.”

Tired of the fierce competition of idols, Kikuchi Momoko has long wanted to change her career as a singer. The agency has always refused to agree. Last year she struggled for almost a year and only released one single. The agency finally agreed According to her request, we will form a band for her this year, and the band is still working out now, and she still has a TV series contract with TBS TV, so it is impossible to cooperate with Hiroshi Kimura, everyone knows that Fuji TV’s current TV series are quite targeted at TBS TV the meaning of.

Although I really want to cooperate with Hiroshi Kimura again, the two have collaborated on the cover of a single and collaborated on a single before, but this time, I am afraid that she will not be able to go to the cooperation of filming a TV series together. Kikuchi Momoko can only say "in this case , then I will call Kimura-san personally and tell him the reason, I think Kimura-san will understand me."

Although Kikuchi Momoko and Kimura Hiroshi are just ordinary friends, she still wants to maintain this relationship, and she doesn't want to destroy this ordinary friend relationship because of something. She wants to call herself to explain.

Kikuchi Momoko had to refuse, and Kawai Sonoko, who was also excited about receiving the audition invitation, didn't have so many worries. Although she had a bad quarrel with Fuji TV, Hiroshi Kimura didn't care about it at all, and Fuji TV wouldn't be there either. What do you ask Kimura Hiroshi about this little thing.

Since the disbandment of the Kitten Club, Hehe Yuanzi's career has plummeted immediately, which made her helpless, because she couldn't control this kind of thing, and she was always looking for opportunities, because she didn't want her own The artist career is over.

Originally, she thought about looking for Hiroshi Kimura, but she didn't dare. Although the relationship between the two is not bad, she felt the energy of Hiroshi Kimura more clearly after the disbandment of the kitten. This is not her point. People who can handle it with small means.

Unexpectedly, she didn't dare to come early, but someone else came to find her. This made Hehe Yuanzi very happy, and immediately agreed to the invitation to audition.

 Thank you Xia O for the 2000 point reward, and thank you Doubi Giant Panda for the 5000 point reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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