Chapter 478

For an artist who is quite ambitious but looks like he is about to pass away, every opportunity is precious. After receiving the audition invitation from Hegemony Club and the accompanying performance of the audition requirements, Hehe Yuanzi immediately Put all your energy into it, and start to watch it seriously according to the above performance requirements.

After watching it, she started to perform in front of her agent again. Although there were only two or three shots, they insisted on practicing until one or two in the morning, and then around [-]:[-] the next morning, Hehe Yuanzi and her agent went to the Hegemony Club The door, and at this time the Hegemony Club hadn't even opened for work, and the front desk didn't even come over.

Hegemony will not go to work early unless there is really an urgent shooting task. The usual working hours are around 08:30, so Hehe Yuanzi and his agent just waited at the door of the company for about an hour and a half. Just came to open the door.

When they heard that they came to audition and waited for an hour and a half, the front desk lady was stunned, and said to them, "Hegemony usually goes to work at 08:30, and in the afternoon, they usually get off work before 09 o'clock, unless it is There is an urgent overtime task. If Ms. Yuanzi comes to the Hegemony Club in the future, it is best to come at this time. In addition, the president may come after 30:[-]. Come in and wait. I will prepare coffee and sandwiches for you. Our company's unique breakfast benefits."

These words opened the eyes of Hehe Yuanzi and her agent. I didn't expect that this production company, which has a great energy in the entertainment industry and integrates movies, TV dramas, and comics production, has such loose working hours. Think about those Which of the large production companies doesn't work overtime until ninety o'clock in the evening.

"Okay, thank you for letting me know, Miss. We understand, so I'll trouble you. Let's wait for a while." Hehe Yuanzi said very politely.

At this time, Hiroshi Kimura has already come to work, but he did not come directly to Hegemony Club, but went to Yanyin to prepare a new single. He released his first single this year in April, and it will be released in September. The second single is released, and it is almost July now, and he has to go to Yukio Tomioka for his new single to be released, and prepare for the arrangement.

But he had just entered Yanyin, and met Si Linchao at the door. He saw Hiroshi Kimura, greeted him with a smile, and said, "I heard that Sang Kimura is preparing a new TV series recently?"

"Yes, Terabayashi-san, the new TV series is to cooperate with Fuji TV. They have resumed the TV series, but the ratings are not very good, so they invited us to cooperate." Kimura Hiroshi replied.

"That's right, Kimura-san is really amazing. He was able to get the TV station to take the initiative to invite cooperation. By the way, I heard that the second female lead of your new TV series has not yet been selected. I wonder what Kimura-san thinks of Fazijiang? "Silin Chao first praised Kimura Hiroshi, and then revealed his true purpose.

It turned out that he was waiting here for this, and Hiroshi Kimura didn't feel anything against it. After all, he was also an artist of Yanyin, so it was quite normal to want to get a relationship with him.

Stopping suddenly, Hiroshi Kimura said to Si Lin Chao very seriously, "Si Lin Sang, considering the relationship between me and Yan Yin, if the role is suitable, I will definitely consider Yan Yin's artist, but this time the second female lead of the new TV series is A student who is about to graduate from university, Fazijiang is too young, and her appearance is too immature, which does not match the role."

Noriko Sakai has just turned 17 this year, and she looks very young. Like Akina Nakamori, she can look more mature through makeup, but Noriko Sakai can’t. She has a small round face, and she can’t look like it even with makeup. An adult in his 20s.

Hearing what Kimura Hiroshi said, Si Linchao nodded and said, "Then I understand, I'm really sorry to bother Kimura-san."

After speaking, he bowed and left immediately. Originally, he just wanted to give it a try. If it didn't work, forget it. He didn't have the ability to force Kimura Hiroshi to agree.

After talking to Terrin Chao, Hiroshi Kimura continued to walk towards his office. When he came to the office, he saw Yukio Tomioka and several assistants inside, and Hiroshi Kimura greeted them one by one.

He took out the single that he planned to release in September from his bag and sent it to Yukio Tomioka’s desk. Hiroshi Kimura said, “Mr. Tomioka, this is the single that I will release in September. The first rock song, I gave it an English name "Diamonds", which is diamond."

This is a rock single released in [-]. It is not a rock single with a very strong rhythm. It is completely different from "The Hottest Summer in the World". It is a very relaxed and happy rhythm. Single, the theme it promotes is to enjoy happiness.

This is also a rock single that is very in line with the mood of people in this bubble era, so it was immediately popular after it was released, and became the top single of the year in 1990. By [-], it was a million-selling single.

Unfortunately, when we entered the 90s, the stock market bubble could no longer hold up and burst. Although real estate was still holding up, Neon people already felt that something was wrong, which made its sales seem to have insufficient stamina, because everyone already felt the crisis , where there is still the mood to enjoy happiness.

However, it is very appropriate to release it at this time, because the bubble will reach its peak next year, and everyone is still in the mood to enjoy the fun.

"Diamond, the title of the song is very suitable for this luxurious era. Let me see how the song is." Picking up the sheet music on the table, Yukio Tomioka read it carefully. After reading it for a while, he was very satisfied. nodded.

"It's very good, Kimura-san. The tune and lyrics of the song are very consistent with the song title and the current atmosphere. If it is released, there will be no problem at all. That's it." Has always been quite confident.

Yukio Tomioka agreed, so there is no problem with the single. Hiroshi Kimura smiled and said, "Since there is no problem with the single, then I will work hard on Mr. Tomioka. Contact Warner and prepare to arrange the song. In my words, There is no time to deal with this matter, there are too many things in the Hegemony Society, and I have to deal with it."

"Go, go, I know that Kimura-san is a busy person, and I don't have any important things recently, but remember the next few programs I will participate in, and don't stay away from the phone, lest you can't find someone when you get it, if it doesn't work, you buy it A mobile phone." Hiroshi Kimura was going to deal with the Hegemony Club, and Yukio Tomioka had no way to stop him, so he could only let him go.

But what Kimura Hiroshi needs to do as an artist, his agent still needs to take care of it, lest Kimura Hiroshi forget about the show in a hurry, that would be bad.

Quickly waved his hands, Hiroshi Kimura said, "I don't know how to buy a mobile phone. It's too inconvenient to carry such a big thing on my body. Then I will work hard for Mr. Tomioka. I will go first."

After finishing speaking, Hiroshi Kimura left the office, and it was not more than half an hour since he entered the office. An artist like him can be regarded as the most unique one among the artists.

After leaving Yanyin, Hiroshi Kimura went to his own company, Hegemony. The distance between the two companies is quite close. Hiroshi Kimura just drove the car from this parking lot to another parking lot.

Just after entering the company, Hiroshi Kimura got the news from the lady at the front desk that Sonoko Kawai came to prepare for the audition, which surprised Hiroshi Kimura, "Didn't you just send out the invitation for the audition yesterday? Why did you come here today? Don't you need to prepare?" Shall we take a moment?"

The audition requires the artist to perform the performance required by the audition, so some time will be allowed for the artist to prepare. The Hegemony Club has given three days, but Hehe Yuanzi came the next day after the invitation was sent. This speed In fact, it was a little too fast.

When he came to the reception room, Hiroshi Kimura saw Kawai Yuanzi and her manager inside. Hehe Yuanzi was drinking coffee. She was obviously not in a good state of mind and wanted to refresh herself with coffee when she heard the sound of the door being opened. , both of them looked back, and then quickly got up.

"Kimura-san, you're here."

"Mr. Kimura, hello."

Both of them greeted Hiroshi Kimura.

Nodding to the two, Hiroshi Kimura said, "Long time no see, Yuanzi-chan, but why did you come here today? Didn't the audition give you three days to prepare? If you come now, is Yuanzi-chan ready?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Kimura, you don't know. After receiving your audition invitation yesterday, Sonoko-chan immediately started preparing. She has been preparing from the afternoon until after two o'clock in the morning. I'm sure there is no problem. Seven o'clock this morning Sonoko-chan takes the audition for Mr. Kimura's new TV series very seriously." Before Sonoko Kawai spoke, her manager couldn't help but speak, as if she was afraid that Hiroshi Kimura might misunderstand that they came here without preparation Same with auditions.

But in fact, what she said was also quite skillful, and she told all of Kawai Yuanzi's efforts and emphasis on the audition, which could increase Kimura Hiroshi's favor for Kawai Yuanzi and increase the chance of success in the audition.

And when Hiroshi Kimura heard this, he naturally increased his favorability for Hehe Yuanzi a lot. Although this girl may have some tricks, she still takes her career very seriously. Come here, work hard, and know how to seize opportunities. Opportunities favor those who are prepared. Hiroshi Kimura likes such people, although he himself is usually a salted fish lover.

"It's really good, Yuanzichan. I didn't expect you to work so hard. If I don't give you this chance, then I'm going too far. Come on, follow me to the TV drama department for an audition. If there are no problems, basically This role will definitely be handed over to you." Kimura Hiroshi signaled Kawai Sonoko and him to leave the reception room and go to the office of the TV drama department.

Originally, he invited Sonoko Kawai and Momoko Kikuchi to audition together, but Momoko Kikuchi called him last night and told him that he was preparing for a rock band and would also participate in the filming of a TBS TV series, so there was no schedule, In other words, only Kawai Sonoko is auditioning now.

Logically speaking, she is the second female number one, but the process still needs to be followed, the audition still needs to be tried, this is the work process, even if he is the president, he can't change it at will.

Seeing Hiroshi Kimura's attitude, the two people in the reception room looked at each other and smiled. They knew that their chances were very high. As long as there were no problems in the audition, they would be considered to have won the role.

"Okay, Kimura-san, let's go to the audition now." Sonoko Kawai said a little excitedly, she needed this opportunity so much, since she entered the entertainment industry, she didn't want to leave the fame and fortune circle so quietly, and even more so What matters is that she wants to prove that she can be popular without relying on the kitten club.

It was not decent for her to leave the Kitten Club at the beginning, and she had a bad quarrel with the management staff of the Kitten and even Fuji TV. At that time, she wanted to get rid of the label of the Kitten Club, but the reality was quite cruel. Leaving the Kitten She didn't perform well, and she couldn't even get in as a first- and second-tier idol. Now she finally has an excellent opportunity.

When he came to the TV drama department, Hiroshi Kimura directly approached Akio Yoshida, who was in charge of filming the TV drama this time. He had filmed three TV dramas in Hegemony, and the ratings were extremely high. Hiroshi Kimura was ready to promote him as the director of the TV drama department. up.

Under his training, Yoshida Akio, who was still a beginner at the beginning, improved so much in just two years, which proves that he is indeed very talented in shooting.

He gave Sonoko Kawai some time to prepare, and then he and Akio Yoshida watched Sonoko Kawai’s audition performance in the training room. How should I put it, the acting skills are actually not very good, because she has very little filming experience, and has only filmed some Special dramas, such as Taimei Criminal, don't play an important role in it.

However, she looks very good, and her performance is hard enough. Hiroshi Kimura and Akio Yoshida talked about it and felt that this is not a problem, just need some training, so the two quickly settled down, and Sonoko Kawai played the second female role No.

At the end of the performance, Kawai Sonoko was a little nervous, waiting for the final result, and then she heard Kimura Hiroshi say, "Sonoko-chan, congratulations, you passed our audition, then the second female lead of "Long Vacation" will be handed over to you , but your acting skills still need some training, and you can come to Yoshida-san when you have free time and ask him to teach you some acting skills, you know?"

Hearing that he had passed the audition, Sonoko Kawai trembled slightly with excitement, and said tremblingly, "Thank you, thank you Kimura-san, thank you Mr. Yoshida, I understand, I will work hard, and I will spare the most time for training."

"Well, that would be great. Houtian Yuanzi remember to come and sign the contract." Hiroshi Kimura said very relaxedly. Now that it is confirmed that Hehe Yuanzi will play the second female lead, a contract needs to be signed, mainly to agree on some shooting Period, salary, and other things such as plot secrecy and publicity, all of which need to be signed on the contract.

Now the female number two has been confirmed, but the male number two has not been found yet, and I don't know how long it will take to find a suitable candidate. Hiroshi Kimura is not particularly anxious, because there is still enough time now, and some time to choose slowly.

 Thank you for the 1500 point reward for reading for two hours a day, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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