Chapter 483
In this era when Xiangjiang action movies are rampant in East Asia, action movies have far more audiences than romance movies, and the same is true in Neon. Hong has accumulated a large number of fans, and the album can sell almost [-] copies without any publicity. He and other Kung Fu stars are quite well-known in Neon.

Nowadays, the action movie starring Kimura Hiroshi, a neon top artist, even claims to be a Hollywood-style action movie. They also bought tickets to enter the movie theater one after another, wanting to see what this neon-made Hollywood-style action movie looks like.

The result naturally did not disappoint them. The actor played by Hiroshi Kimura is a Hollywood-style lone hero, but not entirely, with some neon chivalry on his body. There are not many superfluous plots throughout the whole film. Fighting and killing, intense and exciting, various scenes continue one after another, making people excited to watch.

The whole movie is quite well-produced, and many scenes can be seen to use advanced special effects at a glance. The audience who have seen it are very fond of it.

""John Wick" is a neon Hollywood-style action blockbuster, worth watching!"

"Attack Hiroshi Kimura, the next Neon Dragon Brother?"

Many professional movie magazines have given good reviews, admiring this neon production, and also praised Hiroshi Kimura's acting skills. They think his performance is very good, and the fighting scenes are not that soft and weak, which is very similar to an action. star.

In fact, these fight scenes were designed in advance by Xiangjiang’s action directors during filming, just to save costs, and none of the well-known action directors were hired, but this is enough, because Hollywood-style action movies also It doesn't require a lot of fighting moves, and it doesn't need to be as complicated as a real kung fu movie.

After winning the praise of professional film magazines and newspapers, the film box office even created a record for Hiroshi Kimura's film appearance. The box office exceeded 5000 million yen on the first day, and jumped directly to 3000 million yen on the second day. On the third day, it exceeded 6000 million yen, and on the fourth day it reached the peak of its release, with a box office of more than 2000 million yen. This is also the first time since the 80s of the Neon movie that the box office exceeded [-] million yen in a single day. Yen.

In the first week of its release, the total box office exceeded 20 billion yen, reaching 20 billion 2000 million yen, which also created Toho's best movie first-week box office record in recent years.

Fukada Yuya's mood when he heard the news can be imagined. Since he and Kimura Hiroshi became friends, the films he took over from him have all made a lot of money. There is no need to worry about performance. If you get a movie from Hiroshi Kimura every year, then his performance in a year will not be too bad.

Although the two people often have some small calculations with each other, the cooperation is generally pleasant. After the box office hit in the first week, he immediately contacted Hiroshi Kimura and invited him to dinner as a celebration banquet. Over there Kimura Hiroshi did not refuse, and agreed directly.

But just when Yuya Fukada was about to go to the appointment, he suddenly received an order from the president, Nosei Shimadani, to take Yasuko Sawaguchi to the celebration banquet, let her get to know Hiroshi Kimura, and let him see if the next movie can be with him. Yasuko Sawaguchi collaborated.

Isamu Fukada didn't dare to refuse the order given by the president, he could only agree, but he didn't dare to take Yasuko Sawaguchi to meet Hiroshi Kimura alone. Although Yasuko Sawaguchi seemed to be just an artist of Toho, she The relationship behind her is not that simple, otherwise, a rookie who has just debuted will be able to star in NHK morning dramas, host the record awards, and quickly become popular, without even thinking about it.

What was originally just a private meeting between him and Hiroshi Kimura turned into a party where he brought several staff members to attend. He dared not tell Hiroshi Kimura about this change and called him directly.

Hiroshi Kimura was more or less uncomfortable about this kind of temporary stoppage by relationship, but he heard that it was Yasuko Sawaguchi who came, and he felt comfortable again. Yasuko Sawaguchi, one of the great beauties of the Showa era, Dong The champion of Bao's first Cinderella beauty pageant, it is said that he has an unusual relationship with someone at the top of Dongbao, and he really wants to see it.

So Kimura Hiroshi readily agreed, and made an appointment for the meeting place and time, and he would bring a few staff to go there, even if it was a celebration party for both companies.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Hiroshi Kimura arrived at a high-end restaurant on time. As soon as they entered, Dongbao's staff was waiting for them downstairs, and they were taken directly to a large box on the second floor.

"Kimura-san, you came here quickly, please sit down quickly." Seeing Kimura Hiroshi who opened the box and came in, Fukada Isamu hurriedly beckoned him to sit down.

Hiroshi Kimura, who walked in, first nodded to Fukada Yuya, and then looked at the young woman sitting next to him, but a little distance away. , not the traditional neon female appearance, but a bit of the beauty of Europe and America.

Going to sit across the table, Hiroshi Kimura said, "How dare I be late for Fukada-san's invitation, I set off more than an hour earlier, and I will come soon."

"Really, when did Kimura-san respect me so much? Haha, just kidding, let me introduce, this Yasuko Sawaguchi, our Dongbao celebrity artist, have you met before?" Fukada Isamu also introduced him Yasuko Sawaguchi next to him.

"I've seen it before. I saw it backstage when I participated in Fuji TV's Night HIT, but I didn't talk to it, and I'm not very familiar with it. I just don't know if Mr. Kimura remembers it?" Yasuko Sawaguchi said first, and after she finished speaking, she Looking at Hiroshi Kimura with a smile on his face.

They are all entertainers, and they are all very famous. Naturally, it is impossible that they have not met at all. They are just in the backstage of the program group. If they are not familiar with each other, he will not casually meet a strange female artist, let alone that female artist is Sawaguchi Jingzi.

"I remember, Ms. Yasuko is as beautiful as ever, but I was a little shy. At that time, I didn't dare to go up to say hello to Ms. Yasuko." Kimura Hiroshi said a little shyly.

As soon as he said this, the two people on the opposite side were stunned, and then Isamu Fukada couldn't help laughing, pointing to Hiroshi Kimura and said, "Kimura-san, you, you are really humorous, you will If I'm shy, then I'm even more shy, I haven't even touched a woman's hand."

"It's really humorous, Kimura-san, I didn't expect you to have such a funny side." Yasuko Sawaguchi also had a good impression of Hiroshi Kimura, at least not too serious.

A joke brought everyone closer. After we exchanged pleasantries, Isamu Fukada called the waiter to start serving the dishes, and then he was about to start talking about business. He said, "Kimura-san, this time the box office of the fast chase is really more than It exceeded my expectations, it seems that action movies are still very popular, I wonder if you have any plans to make action movies in the future?"

Since action movies make money, Isamu Fukada naturally feels that it is better to continue making them, because this is a business that is sure to make money and not lose money.

"Of course there are, and there should be a few more in the next few years." Quick Pursuit is not one, but a series. If it can continue to make a lot of money, Kimura Hiroshi doesn't mind shooting all of them, so let's take a good look. Earn a fortune, but Neon people like the new and dislike the old too fast, and he is not very confident about whether the subsequent sequels can get a good box office.

But Isamu Fukada also heard that Kimura Hiroshi had the idea of ​​shooting a sequel, and his eyes lit up immediately, and said, "That's really great, I believe the box office of the sequel will not be too bad, and Kimura-san, if you shoot a sequel, can you give Ms. Yasuko arranges a role?"

Unexpectedly, there was such a request. Hiroshi Kimura turned his head to look at Yasuko Sawaguchi. She is indeed beautiful, but Yasuko Sawaguchi can't fight. If she is in an action movie, she may only be a role like a vase.

"If Kimura-san is in a difficult situation, you don't need to care about what they think." Seeing that Kimura Hiroshi looked at him silently, Yasuko Sawaguchi thought he was in a difficult situation, so he said.

Waving his hands, Hiroshi Kimura said, "Arranging a role is not difficult, but for action movies, Ms. Yasuko's role may not attract too much attention. Why don't I prepare a new movie with Ms. Yasuko as the main character? What do you think?" ?”

Knowing that Yasuko Sawaguchi will appear here today, he is a big shot in Dongbao, probably arranged by someone with great energy in the entertainment industry. It is best not to offend this kind of person, since the other party wants to be with him. If you want to cooperate with characters, then just cooperate and express your kindness, and the other party will give him enough kindness if he wants to.

"Ah, this is indeed a good idea. I have seen Kimura-san's scripts before, and each of them can be regarded as a classic. If such a movie takes Ms. Yasuko as the protagonist, then it will be very difficult for Ms. Yasuko's acting career." It’s a huge improvement.” Isamu Fukada didn’t expect Hiroshi Kimura to do this, which is naturally the best idea, because it shows the importance he attaches to Yasuko Sawaguchi.

Even Yasuko Sawaguchi never thought that Hiroshi Kimura would be willing to make a movie with her as the main character. As a movie star, she has watched all the movies written by Hiroshi Kimura. Although she does not like all genres, from a professional point of view Each one can be called a boutique, even if it has a great influence overseas.

She also knows that everything is because of the people behind her, and many things are not up to her to decide, but Hiroshi Kimura did not just give her a role to dismiss her because of this relationship, but Yasuko Sawaguchi is inexplicably a little bit concerned about her so much. Moved, he said, "Will it be too troublesome to do so, and will it affect the business of Kimura-san's company?"

"That's not true. It just so happens that I don't have any plans to shoot a new movie this year. Since that's the case, let's start planning now. Besides, Miss Jingzi is also a popular star. With you as the protagonist, I think the box office will definitely not be bad. I have great confidence in Miss Yasuko." Hiroshi Kimura said very solemnly.

Now Yasuko Sawaguchi was even more grateful, and said, "That was really troublesome Kimura-san, thank you very much."

"Haha, it's nothing, and if there is a suitable role in the future, I will also consider Ms. Jingzi, especially Ms. Appropriate." Kimura Hiroshi praised.

Women like to praise, even if she is a big star, let alone Kimura Hiroshi, Sawaguchi Yasuko was delighted to hear that, and said with a smile, "Ah, really, I didn't say that to Kimura-san." It’s so beautiful, but if possible, I would be happy to cooperate with Kimura-san.”

The two continued to chat about Shenmei's problems. Seeing that the two of them chatted more and more speculatively, and the distance between the tables became shorter and shorter, Isamu Fukada next to him also coughed twice quickly, which brought Yasuko Sawaguchi back to his senses. She talked too much with Hiroshi Kimura today, and I can't blame her for that. Hiroshi Kimura is handsome, has a humorous conversation, and even compliments others. I'm afraid even a woman can't resist this kind of charm.

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'm very sorry." Knowing her identity, she couldn't be tempted by other men, so she chose to go out quickly and calm down.

When Yasuko Sawaguchi left, Isamu Fukada said to Hiroshi Kimura in a very low voice, "Kimura-san, do you know her identity, and you are still so close to her, which will get you into a lot of trouble."

Leaning on the chair, Kimura Hiroshi didn't have the feeling of hospitality at all, he grinned and said, "I know, so I won't have any private contact with her, but doesn't Fukada-san know how to please the person next to the big man?" In fact, will it be more effective, if they help to say a few good words, then many things can be solved, even if they betray a little color, it's nothing."

I never expected that Hiroshi Kimura had this idea. Isamu Fukada was shocked again. He found that he couldn't see Hiroshi Kimura more clearly. Many things this guy did were completely beyond his expectations. It's also terribly deep.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, Fukada-san, how is the overseas box office of Quick Pursuit? Is there any news? Compared with the box office of Neon, I actually care more about the box office in Europe and the United States. If it can If so, we can continue to shoot this type of movies in the future and make a lot of money overseas."

The bubble economy can last for another two years, and it will soon be on the verge of collapse. At that time, it will be an excellent time to buy low-quality assets. At this time, it is necessary to accumulate funds. As long as the funds in hand are strong enough, the returns will be terrible. , You can even sit back and relax for the rest of your life, so what Hiroshi Kimura has to do now is to collect as much money as possible, the more the better.

"It will take a few days, and overseas news will not come back so quickly, but judging from the effect of the early publicity, it shouldn't be too bad. Please rest assured, Kimura-san, once the overseas box office is settled, Dongbao will use the best I will settle the settlement for you as quickly as possible, and I promise you won’t have to wait too long.” Seeing Hiroshi Kimura’s mansion today and knowing his abilities, Isamu Fukada would not dare to offend this guy.

"If that's the case, I'm relieved. I've made so much money from investing recently, but I'm also very short of money." Hiroshi Kimura said half-truthfully.

 Thank you book friend 20220602080946426 for the 200-point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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