My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 484 Need a Secretary

Chapter 484 Need a Secretary

Since Yasuko Sawaguchi promised to tailor a movie for her, then Hiroshi Kimura will naturally not break his promise, and the more famous the better, it is best to make her popular abroad, because Yasuko Sawaguchi In Neon China, she is already considered as the top group of film and television stars. She does not lack the domestic popularity of Neon, but what she lacks is overseas popularity.

The reason why the people behind her let her know herself may be because Hiroshi Kimura wants to help Yasuko Sawaguchi develop overseas markets and increase her popularity. If this is the case, Hiroshi Kimura will naturally satisfy the other party's ideas.

Even if he wants to push the film to overseas markets, he will not invest a lot, because it only needs to be filmed. How to go overseas at that time will be a matter of Dongbao's investment, and Kimura Hiroshi can guarantee that Dongbao will The resources invested will definitely be greater than those given to him.

This is also very good for Hiroshi Kimura, because relying on this movie, maybe he can not only gain the favor of the big boss, but also make a lot of money, and it can even be said to be a business that makes money without losing money.

It's just that he doesn't have time to make a movie for Yasuko Sawaguchi recently, because his new single "Diamonds" has started an official song promotion, and Kimura Hiroshi's main energy is concentrated on this new single. What energy to prepare for the new movie.

"Diamonds" is a relaxed and cheerful song with some taste of timely enjoyment. After Hiroshi Kimura started promoting it, it immediately showed its power in the bubble era. After only three days of promotion, it successfully boarded the It won the first place on the cable song list.

Many young people called the karaoke station and asked to order this single, because they felt that this song sang their hearts, even the neon male youths who did not like Kimura Hiroshi thought so, felt that Although Hiroshi Kimura's appearance made them feel annoying, but the single made them feel very comfortable.

The result of this is that in the first week of the single's release, it actually achieved a rare first-week sales of more than 30 copies, reaching 32 copies. This sales volume shocked many insiders in the record industry. I know, I thought the record market had fully recovered.

But in fact, looking at the single sales of other singers, we know that the record market is far from recovery, because the single sales of a large number of first-line singers are still hovering between a dozen to two 10,000+ copies, and the sales of single records exceed 50 copies. Singers are extremely rare, and the recovery of such a market situation is really far away.

And the good news for Hiroshi Kimura is not just this one, the overseas box office of "Quick Chase" has also begun to return to Neon one after another. The box office in East Asia is the first to come back. With Hiroshi Kimura's popularity in East Asia, In addition, he personally went to various places to promote it, and the quality of the film was excellent. Under such circumstances, the box office of the film was a big hit in East Asia.

According to the data sent back from various places, "Junior Chase" swept a total box office of more than 400 million US dollars in East Asia in the first week of its release. Although this box office is the sum of all regions, it is also a very terrible box office. Just the first week.

Compared with East Asia, the box office in Europe and the United States, although there has been some publicity in the early stage, due to the film schedule and popularity, the box office in the first week is not particularly good. The data collected from various places is only about 600 million US dollars.

Naturally, Hiroshi Kimura will not be satisfied with this box office data. You must know that there are many action movies in Europe and the United States that have grossed over 600 million at the box office in this era. For example, First Blood released in [-] had a total box office of more than [-] million US dollars. So it doesn't make sense to only have a box office of [-] million US dollars in the first week, which is the sum of Europe and the United States.

"Ah, I don't know if Dongbao's channel capabilities are not strong enough, or because the quality of the movie is not good enough, or some kind of discrimination?" Looking at the total box office reported by Europe and the United States, Hiroshi Kimura directly expressed his dissatisfaction. out.

Takaaki Matsumoto, who reported the situation to Hiroshi Kimura in the office, did not dare to answer this question, because he could not answer the three reasons that Hiroshi Kimura said, so he replied after a little thought, "It may be because of the lack of publicity in the early stage. The rate of the top-ranked films did not exceed [-]%, so the box office did not meet expectations, and it is not certain that the subsequent box office will rise when people who have seen it go out to help us promote it.”

Is it possible to rely on the quality of the film to increase the box office, but Hiroshi Kimura also felt that it is not easy to make a breakthrough in the European and American markets. It is also the special lover relationship played by him and Nakamori Akina in the movie, plus some elements of hunting.

This also made Hiroshi Kimura understand why the neon art circle of later generations seldom hits the European and American markets, because even if your works are good enough, you may not be able to open the market you want due to some discrimination reasons. In the end, the investment is far greater than benefits you can get.

Therefore, Hiroshi Kimura is quite skeptical about whether the quality of a movie can increase the box office. He said with a slight sigh, "Maybe the box office will improve. If there is, you can tell me the news. By the way, I always ask you Reporting the news really doesn't seem like what a president should do, how about finding a secretary for me?"

As the vice president, Takaaki Matsumoto still has a lot of things to do, and every time he has to ask a vice president to report to him, which is not in line with his identity, so Kimura Hiroshi asked him to find a secretary, and now hegemony club There are more and more businesses, and he really needs someone to summarize and handle various things in the company for him.

"Ah, I'm already preparing. Because of the special status of the president, you need to pay more attention to recruiting a secretary. But there is no suitable candidate yet. If the president has any special requirements, you can still say it now." Regarding the matter of finding a secretary for Hiroshi Kimura, Takaaki Matsumoto is extra cautious, because Hiroshi Kimura is not only the president of the company, but also a top star. If you find an unreliable secretary, you don’t know what will happen things to come.

Secretary, Hiroshi Kimura really didn't have any special requirements, but after thinking about it, he still said, "As for the secretary, I know that Matsumoto-san will definitely check the professional ability seriously. As for other requirements, if it is a female secretary, it is best Don't be too pretty, you know what I mean?"

How could Matsumoto Takaaki not be clear about this meaning? Obviously, the president didn't want to cause the future proprietress to misunderstand, so he wanted to find someone with a mediocre appearance. He said, "I understand, president, please rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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