My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 486 Why Don't You Call Me?

Chapter 486 Why Don't You Call Me?
At [-] o'clock in the evening, Sachiko Kamachi, who had completed a day's training, took the subway to the restaurant she had made an appointment with Yumi Maeda. She was a little hesitant along the way, not knowing what to say when she saw Yumi Maeda later.

When she entered the restaurant, she saw Yumi Maeda who was sitting by the window waving vigorously at her, and Sachiko Kamaike hurried over.

"Ah, are you so busy, Sachiko-chan, you didn't come here until after eight o'clock, it seems that you are going to be popular soon, how is it, how does it feel to be a singer?" Yumi Maeda said with a slight smile.

The two of them are good best friends who have been together since high school. Sachiko Kamachi changed her job and became a singer. Naturally, she would tell Yumi Maeda, but she is a semi-underground singer, but Yumi Maeda would not say this in front of her girlfriends. .

Some Sachiko Puchi who didn't know how to speak, listened to the slightly laughing words of her best friend, and relaxed a little, and said, "Is it the feeling of being a singer? It's okay, but it's not easy. Also, how do you feel?" After ordering such an expensive thing, I started looking for a job, so I need to save some money."

Looking at the expensive steaks and even a bottle of red wine ordered on the table, Sachiko Kawachi couldn't help but said that working is different from when she was a student. How much money you earn and how much you spend must be carefully calculated, and you can't just spend it randomly. In case the salary has not been paid and the money is spent first, that would be uncomfortable.

"Hee hee, happy, when I think that I will soon become Kimura-chan's secretary, I want to jump up for joy, treats are nothing, you can eat at ease, I still have some money saved, um, here Kimura-chan's salary as a secretary must be quite good." Maeda Yumi couldn't restrain her inner joy at all, and said with some dancing.

"Congratulations, Yumi-chan, you have fulfilled your wish." Kamaike Sachiko first sent her blessing, and then said, "Yumi-chan, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, just say Sachiko-chan, even if you ask me to borrow 100 million yen, I will find a way to lend it to you now that I am in a good mood." Yumi Maeda said very generously.

Just borrowing money is fine, but the problem is not, but Kamachi Sachiko also knows that if she continues to hide, it may cause a rift in this friendship. She puffed up and said, "Yumi-chan, it's like this. The firm is actually a firm in which Kimura-san holds shares, and I was recommended by Kimura-san to become a singer, that is to say, Kimura-san and I got to know each other very well last year."

Mustering up the courage to say it all in one breath, Yumi Maeda, who was sitting opposite and was about to enjoy the steak, was completely stunned. She didn't expect that what Sachiko Kawachi was going to say was this, she said in disbelief, "Sachiko-chan actually went Kimura-chan's subordinates have become singers, and you two got to know each other very well last year, but I remember that you hate Kimura-chan very much, do you think he is very horny?"

Seeing Maeda Yumi's expression of complete disbelief, Kamaike Sachiko thought she was angry, and just opened her mouth to explain, but she didn't expect Maeda Yumi to speak again.

"Did you give in to Kimura-chan, Sachiko-chan? Could it be that he really fell in love with you? Did you guys already have sex? My God, why didn't you call me for such a crazy thing? I want to try it too, Sachiko Sauce, what does that taste like?"

What and what, now it's Sachiko Kawachi's turn to be stunned, she doesn't know what Yumi Maeda is thinking about, what does it mean to call her, no, what does it mean to give in to Kimura-san, she Are you crazy?

"Yumi-chan, what are you talking about? Kimura-san is not that kind of person. I misunderstood him before. In fact, he is a gentleman. He is the major shareholder of a firm with many beautiful female artists, but he I don’t watch it often, Kimura-san and his girlfriend Akina-san have a good relationship and are very dedicated, when he saw me, he just wanted to think that I was suitable to be a singer, but I didn’t expect that I misunderstood him.”

Putting down the knife and fork in her hand, and listening to Sachiko Kawachi's words, Yumi Maeda's face changed back and forth, happy for a while, and a little disappointed for a while, and when Sachiko Kamaike finished speaking, she said with a strange look, "I didn't expect Kimura It's really exciting that sauce is so dedicated, but if this is the case, then I don't have a chance, Sachiko-chan, how about we join forces, get Kimura-chan, I promise to be with you Shared."

The more she listened to Sachiko Kawachi's complexion, the worse she felt that her best friend was really crazy, so she hurriedly said, "Yumi-chan, what are you talking about, absolutely not, and you can't destroy the relationship between the two of them, absolutely not, You know, he is your idol, don't you wish him a good life?"

Sighing, Yumi said the day before yesterday, "Oh, of course I hope that Kimura-chan will live well, but he is so good, good-looking, and such a nice person. If I can't take a bite, I always feel sorry for myself, especially there are With such a great opportunity."

It's hopeless, my girlfriend, Puchi Xingzi is already thinking about whether to talk to Kimura Hiroshi, and be careful with his girlfriend who is about to arrive at the post.

At this time, Hiroshi Kimura naturally didn't know that he was actually being targeted by a woman who was about to approach him. He was fully preparing for the new TV series "Long Vacation". Now all the actors have been selected and the venue is basically ready. Then the filming officially started.

But before the official start of filming, Hiroshi Kimura and Akina Nakamori still have one very important thing to do, which is to attend the graduation ceremony of their friend Kayo Sato.

In Nihong, most of the universities graduate in April, and a few will graduate in September. Kayo Sato suddenly decided to retire and then went to university. The time she entered the university was the beginning of the semester in October. , instead of entering in March like other students.

Because she didn't have time to take the official university entrance exam, in fact, she entered the short-term university based on her high school grades, with a two-year schooling system, and graduated in September this year.

As the two friends who almost helped her regain her new life, Kayo Sato would naturally invite the two of them to go there during the graduation season. Hiroshi Kimura and Akina Nakamori did not refuse either. After setting the time, the two of them spent a lot of effort. I finally had a day free and drove there.

The two people have special identities. In order not to be recognized by others, they both disguised themselves. Akina Nakamori wore her hair in a bun for two days and wore thick black-rimmed glasses. She really wanted the cartoon character Arale. , wearing sunglasses and a mask, looking very cold.

When the two of them parked their cars and entered the university campus, they could immediately feel a breath of youth coming towards them. There were young students in graduation uniforms busy taking pictures everywhere. Obviously, there are quite a lot of students graduating from this university in September.

"It's great to be able to enjoy this kind of campus life, study, and find friends." Looking at the laughing graduate students, Akina Nakamori was obviously a little envious.

It’s just that at this time, Hiroshi Kimura was rather shameless, and said, “Ah, you can be envious. With Akina’s learning ability, I’m afraid you won’t be able to enter university. Well, there is a chance for community college.”

I was lamenting the beauty of college life, but my boyfriend said that she was a scumbag, how could Nakamori Akina bear it, and I was going to teach him a lesson when I came up, but Kimura Hiroshi had expected it a long time ago, and immediately threw away Nakamori Akina and grabbed him hand, and ran forward.

"Hey, you want to hit me, unless you can catch me." Kimura Hiroshi shouted at Nakamori Akina while running.

"Stop, stop for me, you bad guy, you are getting more and more annoying, and you can't make me happy." Akina Nakamori followed behind and wanted to chase Hiroshi Kimura, but with her short legs, how could she chase her? Hiroshi Kimura, Hiroshi Kimura waited for her after running for a while, even so, Akina Nakamori couldn't catch up.

After running for quite a distance, Nakamori Akina was exhausted and out of breath, and the weather was very hot, so Kimura Hiroshi stopped running. He hurried back to Nakamori Akina, supported her and said, "Are you still chasing after me, your boyfriend?" But a hundred meters high... ah!"

Being twisted hard, Hiroshi Kimura felt the pain and screamed terribly, which attracted the attention of many students passing by.

"It's so miserable. This is another guy who imitated my sassy girlfriend. It's really too miserable. Many girls have learned badly after watching this movie."

"Yeah, none of them have learned the kind of care and concern for boyfriends that Akina-chan showed in the movie. They only learned to use violence. Hiroshi Kimura is very harmful, this damn guy."

The two of them could hear the discussion of the people next to them, but when they heard what they said, the two of them looked at each other, and then they couldn't help but burst out laughing. Your film study is broken, Hong Jun, you really deserve to die."

"Hmph, you are the heroine, so you can't just blame me." Hiroshi Kimura said arrogantly.

Seeing Akina Nakamori running sweating, Hiroshi Kimura said, "Wait here, I'll buy ice cream, cool off, and then go to Kayo-chan's graduation ceremony after eating."

"Well, hurry up, don't be late." Nakamori Akina nodded and said.

Walking quickly, Hiroshi Kimura walked towards the convenience store inside the university, and after a while he bought two ice creams and came out, but when he came out, he saw a boy chatting with Akina Nakamori there, okay Guy, even without much makeup, this guy can see Nakamori Akina's natural beauty.

He walked forward quickly, and heard the boy say, "Miss, you really look like Akina Nakamori, but you are cuter, can I know you?"

It's just that Akina Nakamori didn't want to talk to him, she looked behind him and said, "My boyfriend is back, I'm sorry, little friend."

The boy also sensed that there was someone behind him, and when he looked back, he saw a very tall figure standing there, wearing sunglasses and a mask on a hot day, looking down at him, giving people a sense of oppression, but he Holding an ice cream in both hands makes this sense of oppression seem a little funny.

"Boy, dare to talk to my girlfriend, and still use such old-fashioned words, your level needs to be improved, Akina, let's go." Kimura Hiroshi directly called Nakamori Akina's name, not afraid that the boy would find out.

Facts have proved that this boy did not notice that he was still there in a daze, obviously shocked by Hiroshi Kimura, and when he saw Akina Nakamori took the ice cream from Hiroshi Kimura and happily ate it, he finally Come to yourself.

"Okay, what a scary guy, how can there be such a person in our school, no, is this girl Ming Cai, why haven't I seen it before?" He was full of questions, but he didn't dare to go forward and ask, The main reason was that the man with the sunglasses was a bit tall, which really scared him.

Over there, looking at Nakamori Akina who was happily eating ice cream, Kimura Hiroshi jokingly said, "No one can stop Akina's charm, I left for a while, and someone approached me, it seems I have to be by your side all the time."

"Got it, you know your girlfriend's charm, hmph, in the future, you need to coax your girlfriend more, don't try to anger her, you know?" Nakamori Akina said arrogantly while eating ice cream.

"Got it, got it, eat it quickly, the temperature is too high, it will melt if you don't eat it soon." Hiroshi Kimura promised again and again.

The two quickly wiped out the ice cream in their hands, and then walked towards the place Kayo Sato said. It was too hot, and neither of them wanted to stay in the sun for too long. That feeling was not very good.

After a while, the two arrived at the agreed place. This is obviously the place to take graduation photos. There is a small lake behind and many trees. The environment is very good. Many graduates and their friends gather here to carry out while shooting.

Everyone is wearing the same graduation gown. If you want to find someone, you really have to look for them one by one. Fortunately, Kayo Sato is also a beautiful woman. There must be many people around her. After a while, Hiroshi Kimura relied on Seeing her with her height advantage.

"Kayo-chan, Kayo-chan, here." Kimura Hiroshi waved at her vigorously, telling her that he was here.

Hearing a familiar voice calling himself, Kayo Sato turned his head and saw Hiroshi Kimura who stood out from the crowd, and Akina Nakamori who looked like Arale beside him. Bian also waved vigorously, "Kimura-san, Nakamori-san."

She didn't dare to call out Nakamori Akina's name, for fear of being discovered, but after she finished calling, she immediately ran towards them with the bachelor's hat on her head. As for the people around her, she He didn't even say hello, because in Sato Kayo's opinion, Kimura Hiroshi and Nakamori Akina are the two most important people. As for these people now, he doesn't know if he will see these people after graduation.

(End of this chapter)

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