My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 487 Please say more later

Chapter 487 Please say more later

Since retiring two years ago, Kayo Sato's expression has improved visibly to the naked eye. Today, after almost two years of college life, she has fully recovered both physically and mentally. It is the same as when she was still in the office before. It was completely different. When she saw Kimura Hiroshi and Nakamori Akina at this time, the excited smile in her eyes couldn't be faked.

"Kimura-san, Akina-chan, are you really here?" Seeing Hiroshi Kimura and Akina Nakamori, Kayo Sato was overjoyed. She just asked them tentatively, and didn't really think that they would come. How busy they are , Kayo Sato knows.

Holding Kayo Sato's hand, Akina Nakamori also said excitedly, "Since we are invited to the graduation ceremony of my good friend, why not come, and ah, I haven't attended the graduation ceremony of the university yet, just come and see lively."

"Yeah, I finally got a leave of absence, but I don't know what I need to prepare for the graduation ceremony?" Hiroshi Kimura followed closely.

Quickly waved his hands, Kayo Sato said, "There is no need to prepare anything, but you are late, the graduation ceremony is over, but it is just right, I hope that you are here to let you stay in the memory of my graduation, then we Hurry up, let's go take pictures together, take a lot of pictures."

As he spoke, he dragged Akina Nakamori to take pictures, and even showed off his camera, but Akina Nakamori, who was being pulled, didn't expect that the graduation ceremony was just taking pictures, so he said with a wry smile, "It turns out that the graduation ceremony is just taking pictures. Just dress up and come back."

It's just that I can think about it, because if she dresses up as usual, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation by this time, and if she wants to take a good photo with Sato Kayo, it's just a daydream.

The two of them were led by Sato Kayo and began to run around in every corner of the school, taking pictures with her, some of her and Nakamori Akina, some of her and Kimura Hiroshi, and three people together. In the photo, Sato Kayo smiled She was very happy, obviously she wanted to fully record the beauty of this moment.

I don't know how many pictures were taken. Hiroshi Kimura felt that his legs were a little sore from walking, but when he walked behind, he could still hear the two women in front discussing where to take pictures and where to take good pictures. Let him yell that some people suffer, women are not only very good at shopping, but they are also very good at taking pictures.

They kept taking pictures until the sun was slanting to the west and the light started to get bad. This graduation photo tour was not over. They almost took pictures of the memorable places in the whole school.

After getting what they said that the light was not good and the photo was over, Kimura Hiroshi waved his hand to the west-slanting sun and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Sun. Fortunately, you are going down the mountain. Otherwise, I would not have known that these two women were going to take pictures." When is the time, thank you for saving me."

"Haha, it seems that Hong-jun is really tired. You have worked hard today. Let's go to dinner later. I treat you. It's considered a reward. I treat you to a big meal, no problem?" Nakamori Akina looked at Kimura Hiroshi looked like he was about to die, and he couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Well, Kimura-san has worked so hard for filming with us for so long. Let me treat you, after all, this is my graduation ceremony." Sato Kayo also said.

What you said is conscientious, but Kimura Hiroshi shook his head at Kayo Sato, and said, "Since it is Kayo-chan's graduation ceremony, then we should invite our friends to celebrate, and you are only a student. Wait until After working in the future, it’s not too late to treat us to dinner when we get paid.”

"Yeah, Kayo-chan just graduated, and still needs to work to earn money, and then treat us to dinner, oops, I forgot, now that Kayo-chan has graduated, as promised before, come to Hongjun's company to work, Is Hiro-kun okay?" Nakamori Akina suddenly thought of a very important thing.

"No problem, Kayo-chan, please come to our company. You must know that our Hegemony Club is notorious for not working overtime. Although the work will be stressful, it will be much easier than other companies." Kimura Hiroshi also warmly invited.

Hegemony Club has been expanding, and people have always been lacking, especially Kayo Sato, who was still in the entertainment circle, was a first-line idol, sang songs, acted in plays, and came to a film production company to work as a behind-the-scenes production staff , is actually very suitable, not to mention, Kayo Sato is absolutely trustworthy.

"Yes, yes, in this case, we can still meet often in the future, Kayo-chan, I don't want to make a special appointment with you in the future, that would be too uncomfortable." Nakamori Akina grabbed Sato Kayo's hand, Said very sincerely.

Being invited so warmly by two good friends, Kayo Sato felt that if she didn't go, she would be sorry for them, so she could only nod her head and said, "Well, it's ok, then I will invite Kimura-san and Mingcai sauce together in the future. A president, a president's wife, please take care of me, don't bully me, a young employee who just graduated."

"Ah, did Kayo-chan agree? That's really great. We will have more opportunities to meet each other in the future. No, I haven't been to Kimura-san's company yet. It just so happens that Kayo-chan will go to work in the future. I also went to take a look when I was in Beijing, and I heard that his company is very powerful, and many firms and big companies want to cooperate with them, so I happened to be visiting as well.” Akina Nakamori suddenly remembered a very important thing when he was happy The thing is that she has never been to Kimura Hiroshi's Hegemony Club.

"You are welcome to visit and guide at any time, but Kayo-chan has just graduated, so I should go on a graduation trip, so I can join the company before December or come next year." For Nakamori Akina to visit the company, Kimura Hiroshi naturally doesn't care. Enough.

This matter was settled, the three of them walked and chatted, and at this time, they had arrived at the door of Kayo Sato's apartment near the school. She went up and changed her clothes, and then the three of them went down to enjoy a very sumptuous meal together. The dinner was treated by Akina Nakamori, which was regarded as a celebration banquet for Kayo Sato's graduation.

If there is such an opportunity, Akina Nakamori will definitely seize it, drink a few more glasses, and Kimura Hiroshi will let her go, but he didn't drink too much, because he still has to drive back.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the evening that Nakamori Akina and Sato Kayo reluctantly said goodbye, and Kimura Hiroshi took Nakamori Akina back to Tokyo as the driver.

The summer evening wind was blowing, and Akina Nakamori's face, which had turned pale from drinking, was also slightly flushed by the evening wind. She turned her head slightly in a good mood, and opened her mouth to the evening wind, "Ah , ah, ah..."

Just like a naughty little girl, Kimura Hiroshi didn't say anything, just looked at her with a silent smile and let her play freely.

"Haha, isn't it so naive, Hong-jun, but I'm really happy. Kayo-chan has completely let go of her former idol status and has become a college student who just graduated. I'm really happy to see her like this. I even remember the fake photo taken at the door of the store that day, time flies so fast." Akina Nakamori said with great emotion.

Stretching out a hand to grab Akina Nakamori's hand, Hiroshi Kimura said softly, "This is what we should do as friends, and what's more, no matter how fast time passes, I will be by your side."

It's rare for him to say such gentle words of love. Akina Nakamori couldn't hide the smile on her face when she heard that, and her body began to twist a little restlessly. She wanted to lie on Hiroshi Kimura and tell her love , but Hiroshi Kimura was driving again, so he couldn't lie down.

"Hiro-kun would say such a thing, hehe, I like to hear it very much." Akina Nakamori said happily.

Raising his hand and pinching his nose, Hiroshi Kimura agreed, "Okay, I will definitely say it often in the future, now, I'm going to drive, you have to be honest in the co-pilot, our lives are still long, You have to be more careful and live your whole life."

"Don't say it, don't say it, I really can't stand it anymore." Nakamori Akina really couldn't stand Kimura Hiroshi's love words, and became even more uneasy.

In order to drive safely, Hiroshi Kimura chose to stop, and waited for a good opportunity to talk to her slowly.

After attending Kayo Sato's graduation ceremony, Hiroshi Kimura is still concentrating on preparing for the TV series. It is confirmed that the filming will officially start on September [-]th. The crew and actors are all starting to make preliminary preparations. As for Hiroshi Kimura and Nakamori Mingcai is also starting to adjust the schedule.

Just when Hiroshi Kimura was intensively preparing for the TV series, the popularity of "Quick Chase" abroad became more and more popular, and the related entertainment reports were also reproduced by Neon's domestic entertainment media.

"A Hollywood-style action movie from a Neon director?"

"It became popular in Europe and the United States, quickly chasing and killing 1000 to [-] million box office in a week!"

"Super craze, Hiroshi Kimura is popular in Europe and America!"

The titles of these neon entertainment media are exaggerated one by one. There is no way. In neon, advocating Europe and the United States is a morbid cognition. If you can become popular in Europe and America, then it means that you are really good. Now Hiroshi Kimura has once again become popular in Europe and the United States since the killer was not too cold, which raised his status in the neon entertainment circle again.

And Hiroshi Kimura has always been paying attention to the box office changes of "Quick Chase" in Europe and the United States. He was a little discouraged and angry at the box office of 300 million US dollars in the first week of its release, and only 500 million US dollars in the second week. That's it.

But I didn't expect that in the third week, the box office of "John Wick" unexpectedly rose sharply, reaching 1000 to 900 million U.S. dollars, especially in the American market, where the box office broke [-] million U.S. dollars a week. Hiroshi Kimura's prediction.

"Why did the box office soar suddenly? What happened, Fukada-san?" Kimura Hiroshi, who was completely confused about the situation, could only call Fukada Yuya and ask him why.

Fukada Isamu also laughed, and said, "Kimura-san, this is a good relationship with you. Some important people used their connections to invite several powerful directors and two movie magazines from America to promote your movie. This is a relationship that I can't use, so Kimura-san, you should know how to do it, right?"

It turns out that Hiroshi Kimura knows it. This is very similar to the celebrities of later generations bringing goods. His yellow skin doesn't get much attention from America, but if a famous local director in America can help him say a few words, If I watched a very good Asian movie or something, his popularity will be raised immediately.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, the movie is really good. "Wicked Chase" is completely filmed in the way of Hollywood, which is in line with the appetite of American people. The special effects, story and fighting are all very good. Most people who have watched it Everyone thinks that the quality of the movie is good, the word-of-mouth has fermented, and there are celebrities on the platform, which has resulted in a soaring box office.

This is the benefit that the big man gave him in advance, so he has to give back, such as making a good enough movie for Yasuko Sawaguchi, and must have Yasuko Sawaguchi as the absolute protagonist, so that it can be regarded as giving back to him. benefit.

"I know what to do, Fukada-san, help me to thank that great man, I have recorded the help he gave me, please rest assured, the movie I provided is definitely an excellent movie, I promise to let him Satisfied." He was so open-minded, used the resources in his hands, and brought him such great benefits, so he naturally had to be more generous.

"Well, it's good that Kimura-san can understand, then I look forward to your finished product, Kimura-san, you must do this well, if you do it well, it will be of great help to my future status , please work harder." Isamu Fukada said a little excitedly.

After all, he was the one who introduced Hiroshi Kimura to Toho, or he was the one who introduced Hiroshi Kimura to Yasuko Sawaguchi. That is to say, he made a lot of contributions. Kou Yasuko is the protagonist, so he has worked hard and will definitely be recognized by the big shots.

"No problem, it's just that if I do well, Fukada-san remember to give me more benefits." Since Fukada Isamu also asked him, Kimura Hiroshi naturally had to get some benefits.

Over there, Isamu Fukada took a deep breath, and then said, "Don't worry, Kimura-san, the benefits I can give you will definitely satisfy you. This time, the overseas box office of the movie can get you 60.00%. This benefit is big enough right?"

Hearing this ratio, even Hiroshi Kimura is very excited. There is no other reason, because there are really enough. With the current box office of "Quick Chase", the final box office will definitely not be low, and it may be several million dollars by then. , this is not a small sum.

"Fukada-san is really generous, please rest assured, I will definitely come up with a movie that satisfies everyone." Hiroshi Kimura also decided that he must come up with a classic movie.

 Thank you for the reward of 1500 points for reading for two hours a day!
(End of this chapter)

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