My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 489 Love You More Than Anyone In The World

Chapter 489 Love You More Than Anyone In The World
Writing scripts with a typewriter is a very hard work. Although the typewriters of this era have evolved quite well, Hiroshi Kimura has already liked the somewhat foolish typing of computers in later generations. It is very difficult for him to use this typewriter now. That was quite a torture.

After typing until eleven o'clock in the evening, Hiroshi Kimura finally finished more than half of the script of "Horror Cruise", which made him take a long breath, stretched himself, and then went to rest.

Early the next morning, Ms. Michiko drove Yukio Tomioka to the downstairs of his apartment. After he got off the car, the three of them went to the Kobe company to participate in the recording of "Endless Stream".

After more than half a month, since he visited Misora ​​Hibari in the hospital last time, this was the first time Kimura Hiroshi saw her after she recovered from her illness, but Kimura Hiroshi found that Misora ​​Hibari's complexion was worse than last time Well, if she didn't wear makeup, everyone would be able to tell that she was seriously ill.

Misora ​​Hibari, who is only in her 50s, feels like she is 70 or [-] years old, and she is already old and frail. This is all caused by illness.

But even so, Misora ​​Hibari had a determination that no one else had on her face. She saw Hiroshi Kimura approaching and tried to stand up. Although her body was shaking a little, she refused the help of the staff around her and stood up by herself .

"Kimura-san, you are here. I am really sorry. Your body has not been able to recover. It has delayed you for several months. It is really an annoying thing." Misora ​​Hibari stood up and said to Kimura first. Hong expressed his apology. This kind of cooperation has been delayed for several months, which is a great delay.

Quickly signaled Misora ​​Hibari to sit down, Kimura Hiroshi said, "It's okay, Hibari-san, you also know that I am still very leisurely, and I am not as busy as other artists. I have not delayed anything in the past few months."

"Haha, I know this, but I also want to thank Kimura-san for being tolerant to me. Well, since my body can support me to continue singing, let's continue recording today and finish recording as soon as possible. Otherwise, I don't know When will your body have problems again." Misora ​​Hibari said a little anxiously.

She obviously has a deep understanding of her physical condition, knowing that she may be seriously ill at any time, so she wants to finish all the work at hand as soon as possible, so as not to cause problems later and delay for a long time.

Naturally, Hiroshi Kimura had no objections, and immediately agreed, and then the group went to the recording studio to start preparing for today's recording.

At the beginning of the recording, Hiroshi Kimura found that Hibari Misora ​​performed very well. Although she was not in good health, her breath would sometimes be a little unstable, but she showed the familiarity with the song and the grasp of the artistic conception of the song when she recorded. , It doesn't look like he just came into contact with this song.

This proves that even during the hospitalization period, Misora ​​Hibari has not been idle, but has been silently contacting this single, perhaps lying on the hospital bed and looking at the score, which once again made Kimura Hiroshi realize Misora ​​Hibari She also feels that she is really working hard, her body is like this, and she can't let go of work even during breaks.

Soon after the first recording was completed, Hibari Misora ​​walked tremblingly to the door of the recording studio and asked, "How is it, Kimura-san, has it met your expected standards?"

"Very good, Hibari-san, there are just a few points that need to be changed, let me tell you." Hibari Misora ​​has worked so hard, so naturally Hiroshi Kimura has to be serious and responsible, and begins to exchange opinions with Hibari Misora, and strive to Complete the recording of the single to the best.

As an old singer who has been in the music scene for decades, Hibari Misora ​​is quite capable. She can always quickly understand Hiroshi Kimura's meaning. Following the communication, Hibari Misora ​​also knows how to sing.

Hibari Misora's singing was impeccable after recording like this until the afternoon. Hiroshi Kimura gave her a thumbs up. The recording of this single was considered complete, which made Hibari Misora ​​heave a sigh of relief. With his help, he sat down.

For her, this kind of high-intensity work that lasted for several hours was not an easy task. Fortunately, the results of several hours of hard work were very good, and she finally recorded the song.

"Thank you, Hibari-san, you sang very well, so let's release this version of the recording, I believe it will be a hit single." Hiroshi Kimura expressed his respect to Hibari Misora.

"Thank you for your hard work too, Kimura-san, working with me took too much of your time." Hibari Misora ​​was also very happy after finishing the recording, and at the same time expressed apology.

Hiroshi Kimura doesn't want to answer these words. What do the Neon people say? The politeness is a bit too much, especially when it brings trouble to others. Hibari Misora ​​is also the same as a senior. If Hiroshi Kimura accepts these words, It is not yet known how many rounds will be played.

After a brief chat for a while, it was confirmed that the time was almost up, so Kimura Hiroshi got up and said goodbye. With Hibari Misora's body, it was obviously impossible to hold a celebration banquet. If this is the case, then go back first. The matter will be handled by Kobe Performing Arts Company, and he may have to cooperate with the publicity.

Back from the Kobe Performing Arts Company, Kimura Hiroshi did not go directly to the apartment, but went to Hegemony Club to ask how the final preparations for "Long Vacation" were going. In two days, the TV series will officially start filming.

The news from the TV drama department is that all the preparatory work has been completed, and Hiroshi Kimura is relieved, and returns to his office to think about the new single for Akina Nakamori.

There are a lot of ballads in the neon music scene. For example, winter is about to come. There is Mika Nakashima's "Snow Flower". Akina Nakamori also sang it, but this song is too sad. It is obviously inappropriate to release it in this bubble era. Yes, there is also "Psychological Effects", which is very famous in later generations, but the tune of this song is too high. If there is no such high-pitched explosive power, the singing will not have that kind of taste, and this has to be ruled out.

However, Hiroshi Kimura quickly found a suitable single, from the rock ballad released by Miho Nakayama in the 90s, "Love You More Than Anyone in the World", this is a rock single, because Miho Nakayama There is a problem with my singing skills, the tune of this song is not high, and it has a strong rock tune, which is very suitable for the present.

The sales volume of the song "Love You More Than Anyone in the World" is also quite impressive, reaching 180 million copies. Of course, there is also a factor of it being the theme song of a TV series, but its quality is undeniable. Elements, even if it is a ballad, the sales will not be too bad.

Now that it was decided, Hiroshi Kimura began to compose, but he had only written about halfway, when he heard a knock on the door, and then saw Koaki Matsumoto walking in, followed by a young woman in professional clothes.

Without even looking up, Hiroshi Kimura continued writing his single, asking "Matsumoto-san, is there anything I need to take care of?"

"Ah, it turns out that the president is busy. Excuse me. That's it. The job of recruiting a secretary for the president has been completed. We finally selected Miss Maeda Yumi next to me. She has been working in the Hegemony Club for several days. , The performance is very perfect, so I want to bring it here to show the president in advance." Matsumoto Takaaki explained the reason.

"Maeda Yumi?" The name Hiroshi Kimura felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, but he was not sure, it might have been too long, he stopped writing, and looked up at the person standing not far behind Koaki Matsumoto that young woman.

She was dressed in black and gray professional attire, with ponytails and light makeup, giving off a delicate and elegant look, but her eyes were a little wrong. Hiroshi Kimura noticed that when she looked at him, she had a burning feeling, as if Very interested in myself.

But no matter what, Kimura Hiroshi felt that he had seen her before, but he was not familiar with it, so he tentatively asked, "Miss Yumi, have we met somewhere?"

"Ah, I didn't expect the president to still remember. A few years ago, I met you with Sachiko-chan in a beverage store. I was only a high school student at that time." Seeing that Kimura Hiroshi seemed to remember himself, Maeda Yumi was overjoyed and said very happily.

No wonder it feels like someone he has met before. Hiroshi Kimura has a very good memory now. If he is familiar with people, he will definitely remember them. However, he will only have a vague memory of this kind of people who have only met once and have crossed paths for a long time. , as expected.

"It turned out to be a good friend of Sachiko-chan. I really didn't expect you to come to work in my company. It's really fate." This was a magical encounter, and Kimura Hiroshi had to sigh fate.

"Yes, President, we are very destined." Yumi Maeda said pointedly.

This time it was the turn of Matsumoto Takaaki next to him, who was dumbfounded. The recruited secretary was actually an acquaintance of the president Hiroshi Kimura.

"It turns out that the president and Ms. Yumi know each other. This is really a miraculous thing." Matsumoto Takaaki followed the words of the two people and praised.

This experience made Kimura Hiroshi more fond of Maeda Yumi, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that you were still a high school student, and now you have graduated from university and are going to work. Just work hard, if there are no major problems, this position will be yours, Matsumoto-san, please don’t be too demanding.”

"President, please don't worry, I will definitely help Miss Yumei to work hard, so that he can become a qualified secretary as soon as possible." Since he is an acquaintance of the president, it is natural to give more care, at least as long as he does not make a big mistake, then Yumi Maeda's position is absolutely stable.

When Yumi Maeda heard this, besides being happy, she felt better about Hiroshi Kimura. If it weren't for someone here, she would even want to pounce on him and stick to Hiroshi Kimura to express her gratitude to him. Hiroshi Kimura is indeed his idol. , It's really too perfect, as the president, he has such a good personality.

"Thank you very much, President, thank you for your care." Yumi Maeda's grateful voice became much louder.

"Well, work hard, well, if you have nothing to do, go out first, I still have some things to do, I am more anxious, and I will have a chance to talk to you in the future." I almost met, and Kimura Hiroshi began to push He's dead, he still has things to do, but he doesn't have much time to chat.

Knowing that Hiroshi Kimura had something to do, Takaaki Matsumoto didn't dare to disturb him, so he hurriedly replied, "Okay, President, you are busy first, we will go out to work first, so we won't waste your time."

After finishing speaking, she greeted Maeda Yumi to leave. At this time, Maeda Yumi naturally didn't want to leave. She still had a lot to say to Kimura Hiroshi, but she also knew that now was not an opportunity. If she deliberately stayed in the office to delay Kimura Hiroshi's work, It would leave a very bad impression on him, so she followed Matsumoto Takaaki out of the office after bowing to signal.

In the office, Kimura Hiroshi's subordinates were even faster, and in less than ten minutes, they finished writing the rest of the score and lyrics of the single. After finishing writing, he stretched out his fingers to play the score and said, "It's done, now it's time to finish it." If you have time, take it to Mr. Mingxing, lest he wait too anxiously."

Seeing that it was still early, Hiroshi Kimura did not delay, and drove directly to the office, because Akina Nakamori went to other places to participate in the program, and Yoshizawa Akatsuki did not follow. Generally speaking, he would stay in the office to deal with other things, so Hiroshi Kimura went directly to the office. Find him in his office.

Unexpectedly, he was really in the office, and he seemed to be discussing with other staff members about Nakamori Akina's advertisement. When he saw Hiroshi Kimura coming over and motioned to him, he immediately got up, walked out of the office, and asked, "Kimura-san, can you find me?" What's the matter?"

Handing the score to Yoshizawa Akiyuki, Hiroshi Kimura said, "I called Akina-san last night and asked what kind of single she wanted to sing. She wanted to sing a ballad, so I wrote this rock ballad." Song, as Akina-san's last single released this year."

After receiving the sheet music, Mingxing Fangze said in surprise, "So fast, only a dozen hours have passed since last night?"

But he quickly reacted and said, "Kimura-san's talent is really the same as the rumors. It's really amazing. It's true that he was able to write a single in such a short period of time. Great, then I’ll take a look first and give you my opinion later, but I think there shouldn’t be any problems with the single written by Kimura-san.”

"Well, I hope so. Mr. Mingxing will take a look first, and then tell me if you are satisfied. In addition, I will also participate in the arrangement. Remember to talk to Warner about it." There must be no problem with this single Yes, Hiroshi Kimura naturally has absolute confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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