My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 490 Is This a Single or a Love Letter

Chapter 490 Is This a Single or a Love Letter
After sending away the staff who came to negotiate with the advertisers, Ming Xing Fangze had time to look at the sheet music he had just received from Hiroshi Kimura, but when he saw the name of this single, he wanted to laugh a little.

"There is no one in the world who loves you more than me. With such a title, Kimura-san is really romantic. To write a single for my girlfriend, there must be something else implied in it." Looking at the title of the song, Ming Xing Fangze felt that Hiroshi Kimura had ulterior motives, and actually used the new single to show off his love. This is somewhat romantic, but it also makes people feel a little funny.

Then he looked at the single carefully, and he had to say that it was a very good single. Although it was a lyrical single, it was not sad at all. It was all about deep love for lovers. In this era when sad ballads are not very popular, such ballads are the most suitable choice. If they are paired with the strong rhythm of rock, the audience's acceptance will be higher.

"It's really a creative ability beyond genius. It not only satisfies Minna-san's idea of ​​singing a lyrical single, but also satisfies the market, and even mixes some of his own very personal ideas. It's really an amazing ability." After watching the single, Yoshizawa Akatsuki once again admired Hiroshi Kimura's ghost-like creative ability.

After confirming that there was no problem with the single, he immediately asked the staff to make a few copies, one for Warner Records, one for the production staff, and one for the office. As for the original, he planned to give it to Akina Nakamori. It is a single written by Hiroshi Kimura for her. This original copy is kept, and it will be very commemorative in the future.

At noon the next day, Akina Nakamori finished her activities in Osaka and other places, returned to the office, first summarized the work situation, and then took assistants and some staff to discuss with Akina Nakamori in the conference room for the next few days Work.

In addition to the routine programs, there are also advertisements. As a top singer, Akina Nakamori has done more and more advertisements over the years, and the advertising fees have also been getting higher and higher. Often, one advertisement costs tens of millions of yen. The advertising fee is in the The entire entertainment circle is also the existence of the first few.

In terms of advertising fees alone, Nakamori Akina and Kenyin can earn a lot of money every year, so this is a very important matter, and every time they decide to accept an advertisement, they need to be discussed carefully.

Naturally, Akina Nakamori doesn't accept all advertisements. With her current status, she only accepts some relatively high-end items, such as the Pioneer stereo for this bidding advertisement, which are very high-end household appliances nowadays.

After confirming the advertising fee and schedule arrangement, Akina Nakamori agreed to shoot the advertisement this time. Although she doesn't care much about the advertising fee now, the staff around her have almost completed the contact work. She I don't want to let their previous jobs be wasted just because I don't want to accept advertisements.

After discussing the advertisement, the next thing is the last single released by Akina Nakamori this year. Yoshizawa Akatsuki took out the original score and put it in front of Akina Nakamori, "This is the new single written by Akina Kimura. Song, take a look at Akina-san, it is a lyrical single written according to your request."

"Ah, so fast. We just called the night before yesterday. I was too busy yesterday, so I didn't call Kimura-san. I didn't expect him to write the single so quickly." Akina Nakamori was a little surprised At the same time, he picked up the score and prepared to take a good look at it, to see what kind of lyrical single Hiroshi Kimura wrote for her.

At this time, Ming Xing Fangze had an inexplicable smile on his face, and said, "It's very fast, and this single is very special. Remember to take a good look at Ming Cai-san."

"Really, then I really want to take a good look." Nakamori Akina, who didn't understand what Mingxing Fangze meant at all, looked at the score seriously, and first saw the title of the single "No One in the World Loves You More Than I". Seeing this name, Akina Nakamori couldn't help saying, "What a strange name, no one in the world loves you more than me."

"Yes, it's a strange name. No one in the world loves you more than me. I don't know why Kimura-san chose such a name. Maybe he wants to use a single to say such things to a person. Usually it may be I can't speak." Mingxing Fangze said with a teasing tone.

None of the staff around couldn't understand what he said, and they all secretly laughed there. As for Akina Nakamori who didn't understand the situation at all just now, she also realized at this time, no matter how stupid she was, she knew what Akiyoshi Yoshizawa said. mean.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Akira, this is just the name of the single, it's meaningless, don't think too much about it." Akina Nakamori said with a serious face.

She just said so on her lips, but she felt so sweet in her heart, because she felt that this was something that Hiroshi Kimura could do. No one in the world loves you more than me, Hiroshi Kimura couldn't say such nasty words, so Just write it in the single and tell her, it seems more romantic.

She looked at the lyrics in the music score, "I love you more than anyone else in the world, you always have a smile on your face, I really want to have you all the time, through the seasons forever and ever."

This is a lyrical song full of love words. It is not a problem to say that it is a love letter to a lover. Akina Nakamori held the original score, and the sweet feeling in his heart became more and more obvious. Can't help but bring some smiles.

This scene was naturally discovered by the surrounding staff, and the smiles became more obvious. Even Ms. Noriko couldn't help but whispered in Nakamori Akina's ear, "It's really romantic, Akina-chan, unexpectedly Write your love in the single, ah, I’m afraid only Kimura-san can do it, but I don’t know how much speculation and jealousy from those women will be attracted when this single is released.”

"What are you talking about, Ms. Kiko, this is just an ordinary single, how can you think of so many things, well, the writing is good, so I will sing it as the last single of this year, In the autumn and winter season, such a single is the most suitable." Akina Nakamori continued to speak with a firm mouth.

But what she wanted in her heart was to go back quickly, find Hiroshi Kimura, and ask him clearly whether he just wanted to write a single for this single, or he wanted to talk to her.

The surrounding staff looked at the stubborn Nakamori Akina, and didn't intend to continue teasing. They all pretended not to know, especially Akiyuki Yoshizawa, and said quickly, "Okay, okay, it's because we think too much, so we can discuss everything." It's over, it's almost time to get off work, everyone has worked hard these days, go back and rest."

(End of this chapter)

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