Chapter 100
These questions created deep doubts in their minds.

"Next, we'll start arranging work." Liu Hongjin saw that they had almost all eaten lunch, and spread out the map he just brought back. "We have assigned six lifeboats to our team to be responsible for the rescue of these two buildings."

Liu Hongjin pointed to the two buildings near the center, "There are not enough rescue personnel now. We are responsible for all rescue matters in these two buildings. It is roughly estimated that more than 600 people are trapped on these two buildings, and we will deliver food for them. , it is our task to bring them ashore,

Our people are divided into six teams of three people. When we go, we bring instant noodles and water to them. Each lifeboat can take ten people, and when we come back, each boat can bring seven people. That is to say, if the All the people inside were rescued, requiring us to run back and forth fifteen times.

When I went, I put on the equipment that was issued, I wore a cold-proof tights inside, put on a wetsuit on the outside, then put on a life jacket, and finally put on a small oxygen tank on my back.
The river water is mixed with acid rain. Although it is not highly corrosive after dilution, it is quite dangerous to drink it into the stomach. If a swarm of piranhas comes over and overturns the boat, you quickly put on an oxygen mask and try to escape.

And the six ships should set off at the same time, take care of each other, don't act alone, do you hear? "

"heard it!"

One by one, they all started to get busy, getting dressed and finding teammates. This was a life-threatening job, and they had to be careful, and no one wanted to die.

Liu Hongjin waved to Jiang Wan, "You are on the shore, helping everyone carry instant noodles and water, and when the boat returns, help them settle the refugees."

As soon as Jiang Wan heard this, she came to go into the water, "I can swim, I'm going to save people!"

"You can't go, your little body falls into the water, and it will be eaten by piranhas in a while. You listen to me, stay on the shore, and if you want to save people, you have to protect yourself first."

"I'm small, I can swim flexibly, I can swim fast when I fall, and the fish can't bite me!"

". Can you get fish as fast as you can? The lifeboats are finished, there is no place for you."

"Then I and Yi Chen are in the same team!" After speaking, Ma Liu put on his equipment and ran to Yi Chen's boat without saying anything.

In the end, Liu Hongjin had no choice but to follow her, thinking that when she saw the ferocious piranha, she was naturally too scared to go.

The boat is a kind of tin boat, and all the supplies are moved to the boat. The six boats are as close as possible to each other and slowly row towards the center.

In her boat, apart from Yi Chen and Ye Chu, there was also a man in his 40s, whom Yi Chen called Lao Zhou.

While rowing the boat, Lao Zhou said to Jiang Wan, "What do you have to do with a girl doll on the water? That piranha has long arms, a big mouth and sharp teeth. It looks so scary that it will fall off after a bite. A piece of meat, not to mention they all show up in groups, why should you take the risk."

Jiang Wan turned on the light and smiled, "You are not afraid, and I am not afraid either."

Lao Zhou sighed, "Why aren't we afraid? It's all for one bite. The whole family is waiting to eat. I have to come for the food!"

"It's okay, there are so many boats on the water, you may not be able to find us!" Jiang Wan comforted him.

Lao Zhou laughed along, "You young people are optimistic."

The area they were assigned to was not far from the aquarium. Jiang Wan took a lantern and shone in the direction of the aquarium. The aquarium was standing alone on the rushing river, and it was only a matter of time before it was washed away.

She had to find a way to get out and go over there to have a look. If it was washed away and the fish ran around, it would be difficult for her to collect it again.

I have to say that sometimes I really want what to do. Jiang Wan is thinking about finding an opportunity, and the opportunity will come.

I saw where her light was shining, a few splashes appeared on the water first, like a fish jumping out of the water, and then more and more.

A group of black things swept over, densely packed, and swam towards this side, causing the water surface to swell like boiling water.

Others apparently saw it too.

I only heard Liu Hongjin shouting, "It's a school of piranhas, turn around and go ashore, hurry up!"

The first time they entered the water today, they encountered a shoal of piranhas, and they swam in their direction. If they swam under the boat here, their posture would definitely overturn the lifeboat. They didn't want to. After hanging up like this, they all worked hard to turn around and go back.

"It's really bad for me to be a teacher, I don't want to die yet!"

"Swipe fast, turn on the power, use the pusher!"

"When it's turned on, the pusher can only run so fast. Those fish are swimming too fast."

"Mother, I'm going to die, I can't hide it later, everyone jump into the river to escape!"


I don't know about their team, other rescue teams around see this situation, and they are also screaming.

Jiang Wan clearly saw that another rescue team not far from them was attacked by a school of fish.

"Fuck!" Ye Chu's legs softened when he saw this scene, "I'm still young, I don't want to die!"

Before they came, they had been psychologically prepared and knew that the piranhas in this place could eat people, but they had never seen them with their own eyes. They thought they were just fish, and at most they would be eaten by two bites. As long as they swam fast enough, there would not necessarily be an accident.

Seeing this situation now, I have completely collapsed. This is a piranha. It is simply a killer fish. It will die after falling into the fish school for a few seconds, and there is no chance to escape.

At this moment, Ye Chu was crying while holding Yi Chen's arm with tears and snot.

Yi Chen patted him on the back, "Don't be afraid, if we die, we will die together."

It's okay not to say that, Ye Chu cried even louder.

The panic sound of people resounded on the entire water, and the other rescue teams became chaotic when they saw this scene.

"Liu team, think of a way! These fish are coming towards us!" Someone shouted.

Liu Hongjin will panic too!He can do anything, but if there is any way, he will not be helpless to these fish.

"Run! One is one!"

Seeing that the school of fish was getting closer and closer, he jumped into the water if he couldn't, and he didn't believe that the school of fish could split up and chase them!
"I'm coming! They bite when they see anyone, and I'll lure them away!"

This sound was like a drop from the sky, giving the panicked people a little hope. They looked in the direction of the sound and saw a woman standing on the boat with bright eyes and excitement!

"Jiang Wan, don't mess with me, just stay with me on the boat." Liu Hong's earnest voice was split. Isn't this adding to the chaos?
Jiang Wan took off his life jacket, "It's okay! I'll save you."

"Lao Zhou, hold her, don't let her go into the water, she is courting death!" It was too late when Liu Hongjin shouted this, and Jiang Wan buckled the oxygen mask and plunged into the water very flexibly, moving towards The direction of the school of fish went.

When the piranhas saw someone going into the water, they all rushed over and drowned Jiang Wan in it. For some unknown reason, the fish that were swimming towards them really turned around and left.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Only Liu Hongjin was still holding on to a heart. He lost a person when he came up. This person jumped down voluntarily to save them. Can he feel better in his heart?

Although he knew that the possibility of Jiang Wan's survival was almost zero, he still prayed that Jiang Wan would come back miraculously.

On the other side, Jiang Wan jumped into the school of fish and swam in the direction of the aquarium, and all the black schools of fish rushed towards her.

Anything that hits her will disappear inexplicably and be taken into the space.

Piranhas are also fish, and fish are living things. It seems that there is nothing wrong with throwing them into the specimen grid.

Tang Xiyuan looked at the steady stream, and the piranhas that were sent into the specimen grid were a little speechless. This was collecting specimens. It was like his space was used as a garbage station.

Jiang Wan went against the river, swam directly to the aquarium, climbed up the stairs next to it, looked back at the fish that jumped on the water, stretched out her head and still wanted to nibble on her, grinning, looking very ferocious, these fish The group does not know how many.

She swam all the way, and fish kept trying to bite her, so she kept putting them in the specimen grid. She didn't even know how much she had thrown in, and now there were still a large area on the water.

Jiang Wan quickly grabbed a piece of research from the water. This kind of fish is very fierce, with a long mouth and pointed teeth that grow crookedly on it, a bit like serrations. .

I squeezed its body again, and it was very sticky and slippery. It was full of bones, and there was no meat at all. Even if it was eaten, it was not delicious.

I don't know if this kind of fish is poisonous or not, and how it tastes. If it is not poisonous, it should be good to stew with bones. After all, it can be regarded as a kind of food, which is more nutritious than drinking water.

If it's poisonous, use it in wine.

Born in our country, there is no food that cannot be eaten.

Throwing the fish into the space, she has to get ready for business.

The huge aquarium is surrounded by water, and there is no one in it.

The aquarium is located in the middle of the river. It is very dangerous at first sight. The staff inside were rescued early, and now there are only beautiful but unappreciated fish left.

Now that no one outside can save them, and no one cares about these fish, this place has become Jiang Wan's paradise.

She has been to this aquarium before, and she knows where the fish are.

As the water level rose, some places were flooded, and some marine fish died and ran, which made Jiang Wan very distressed.

All kinds of ornamental fish, not to mention starfish crabs, Jiang Wan also found freshwater sharks, beluga whales, seals, penguins, these are animals that she can't even buy.

Jiang Wan looked at them all very lively. It seems that even if the water source was polluted before, they did not treat these small animals badly, and they still fed them well, but it was a pity that they had to be cheap for Jiang Wan now.

She was very happy to catch fish here, Liu Hongjin and the others are worried about losing their hair at the moment.

 To be honest, until now, I'm still thinking about whether I want a male protagonist or not!
  From the beginning of the construction of this book to now, I am more inclined to have no CP. Some cute people think that it would be better to have a male protagonist supporting each other in the end of the world.

  I also struggled for a long time, and finally decided to follow the original setting and not want a male lead. After all, our female lead is thinking about struggling to survive every day, and really has no time to talk about love.

  It's almost enough to give you a perfect male partner. As for the male lead, we don't want it!

  Small partners with ideas and suggestions can mention them in the comment area, I will see them all, and I will also adopt them and write them in the text when I encounter them.

(End of this chapter)

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