Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 99 Are you a monster?

Chapter 99 Are you a monster? (3000-word chapter)

Jiang Wan waited at home for two more days. About ten people entered the rescue group one after another. Liu Hong would like to inform them that they will gather at the door of the shopping mall where the relief food is received tomorrow. It is estimated that I will wait until the disaster relief is completed and come back.

Jiang Nanny and Jiang Ma said that she would not agree to go, and she would not let her go if she pulled her.

Jiang Nian poked her head and said, "What's wrong with you? Did you forget the last time you were injured? You haven't been safe at home for a few days, and you have to run outside again. What are you running as a girl? The fish eat people there. You know that? So danger is where you girls go?"

"What's wrong with the girl, I'm very powerful, those fish dare not bite me." Jiang Wan is really not afraid, the piranha's teeth can be sent into the space before it touches her, how many are there? .

Jiang Ma gave her a sideways glance, "You can do it, but I don't dare to bite you. I don't think you have enough fish to eat, so stay home for me."

Jiang Wan knew it would be like this, "I've already agreed with Team Liu, what if I don't go?"

"Then you can talk about it, you can't talk about it." Jiang Ma replied to her.

Jiang Wan scratched his head, what can I do!Looking to Dad Jiang for help.

"Mom, I give three catties of meat, three catties of dehydrated vegetables, and twenty liters of water a day. If I go for ten days, it will be thirty catties of meat, thirty catties of dehydrated vegetables, and two hundred catties of water. What if I go for twenty days? No Something is missing." Jiang Wan resorted to her trump card.

She and Dad Jiang don't like these things, but Nanny Jiang and Mom Jiang do. Seeing that the situation is getting worse and worse, who doesn't like to eat them now.

Sure enough, Jiang Ma stared and confirmed, "So many?"

Jiang Wan nodded solemnly, "Yeah! Let me go, Liu team said, don't let me go into the water, let me be the logistics on the shore, it's very safe."

"Then let your dad go!"

Jiang Wan: .
Dad Jiang: You are really my daughter-in-law.

It's not that Dad Jiang didn't want to go. He told Jiang Wan before that he went to the aquarium to collect animals. He went for Jiang Wan, but Jiang Wan did not agree.
He also temporarily shut down his authority to send specimens to the space, and asked him to keep watch at home, in case someone who doesn't have a long eye will come to the door again.

Jiang Wan continued to analyze, "Liu team said that I was a girl, and they wouldn't let me go down. I could get so much food by moving things on the shore. My dad went, can he be a big man and let him stay on the shore? For sure? I have to go into the water, how dangerous it is!"

It makes sense to say this. Jiang Wan saw Jiang Ma's expression hesitating, "Oh, let me go, I definitely want to go."

After such a soft and hard soaking for a night, Jiang Wan decided that if they didn't nod again, she would run away secretly in the middle of the night. Fortunately, Jiang Nanny and Jiang Ma couldn't beat her. Thinking that if she didn't go into the water, there would be no fish eating people. It shouldn't be so dangerous. If you really need something to eat, I agree.

Waking up early the next morning, Nanny Jiang and Mother Jiang began to work and pack her luggage.

Her quilts, thick down jackets, food and clothing, baked scallion pancakes, boiled eggs, and a large pile of assorted things, wrapped in a sheet and wrapped in a big, round package, for fear of getting wet outside, it was still covered with a rain cloth.

When she went out with the package on her back, Ye Chu and Yi Chen outside were stunned.

I saw a huge round package, pressed on Jiang Wan's back, and I could barely see her head. How big is it?When Jiang Wan walked to the door, she was stuck in a package and couldn't get out, but was pushed out by Jiang's father.

Ye Chu looked at his suitcase and then at Jiang Wan's big package, "Don't you think it's too heavy? Would you like me to carry it for you?"

Jiang Wan waved her hand, "No, hurry up, you won't be able to catch up with the gathering after a while."

The three of them walked down the stairs under the eager and reluctant eyes of Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, and Jiang Nianyou.

At the height of the 25th floor, halfway down, Ye Chu and Yi Chen were both out of breath carrying their suitcases, and they couldn't walk anymore. Jiang Wan carried a big package and walked down so slowly, without panting.

"It's too scary, why is she so powerful as a girl?" At the beginning, Ye Chu insisted for a while with inexplicable competitiveness, but at the back, he couldn't walk anymore, so he simply put his suitcase away and sat down. Rest on the steps.

Yi Chen also panted, "I'm afraid she's not a King Kong Barbie, is she still carrying cotton. It looks big, but it's not heavy at all?"

"Who knows, whether it's important for you to carry it." Ye Chu urged Yi Chen to take a look. He was also curious about how heavy Jiang Wan's package was.

"Okay!" Yi Chen stood up and greeted Jiang Wan who was walking in front, "You also sit down and rest for a while, and I'll help you take down the package."

Jiang Wan saw that they were really tired. Without waiting for Yi Chen to help, she took down the package and placed it at the corner of the stairs, as if she was carrying a chicken.

Yi Chen didn't believe in this evil, he had to go over and check how heavy the package was.

He grabbed the knot with both hands, once, didn't lift it, twice, slightly off the ground, that heavy feeling, he might not be able to carry it on his shoulders, this girl actually carried it down a dozen floors like no one else. Building, the atmosphere does not take a breath.

The two of them looked at Jiang Wan's eyes and began to slowly become frightened, "Are you a monster?"

"You guys are too weak. Young people nowadays don't like to exercise every day, so they don't have the strength." After saying that, he continued to walk downstairs with the big package.

This word deeply pierced the self-esteem of the two men, and they didn't stop, carrying the suitcase and walking down behind Jiang Wan.

What boy would admit to being weaker than a girl?

When he chased Jiang Wan to the mall, he was out of breath and exhausted. As soon as he lost his suitcase, he lay on the ground panting heavily.

Liu Hongjin and some people who came early were already waiting here. Seeing the three young people coming over, they turned their heads and saw Jiang Wan calmly put down the big package on him.

I thought in my heart that she was worthy of being a girl, it was so troublesome to go out, I could not wait to move the house.

Liu Hongjin came over to help her put her luggage into the bus at the door, and she could go straight away when everyone arrived.

He picked it up, but he didn't pick it up. Ye Chu and Yi Chen sat on the side watching the joke, watching Jiang Wan effortlessly, as if the package was very light,

Everyone who saw it thought that a girl could move her back, which led to misjudging its weight, but she couldn't lift it all of a sudden.

Liu Hongjin was also stunned for a while, and then smiled, "My dear, what's inside? It's so heavy! I didn't see that you are a thin and weak girl, but you are quite strong."

After gathering strength again, he carried it into the bus.

Others who saw this scene looked at Jiang Wan strangely, but didn't say anything. Some young people now like to exercise, and it's not surprising that they have some strength.

Jiang Wan looked around, they were all middle-aged men in their 40s and [-]s, and she and Ye Chuyichen were the youngest.

When the rest of the people arrived one after another, the group took a bus to the city center. Looking at it from a distance, high-rise buildings were submerged in water.

The edge is better, that is, it looks like three or two floors are flooded. Further to the central wetland park, the terrain is lower, and the floor is directly flooded for more than ten floors, and the people inside are gathered on the upper floor waiting for rescue.

Liu Hongjin took them to a place that should be a commercial street, and led them into a shop of two or three hundred square meters.
"This is our station. During this period of time, we eat and live here. There are wooden boards outside. You can make a bed on the ground. Someone will come to bring you meals, sleeping bags and protective equipment. I have to go to a meeting to see how it is arranged."

The ground was a little damp, and it was raining and windy outside, and no one complained that the environment here was not good, so they all consciously moved wooden boards to build their own beds.

"Jiang Wan, you are a girl, sleep in the corner, Ye Chu and I sleep next to you." Yi Chen looked at Jiang Wan, a girl, it was inconvenient to sleep with a group of big men, so he took the initiative. Let her sleep in it, and he and Ye Chu can protect her next to him.

"Okay!" Jiang Wan was also polite, put down the wooden board he had brought over, and placed a few bricks on the ground. Once the wooden board was placed on top, the simple bed was ready.

Others silently spread the quilt they brought under, and put the sleeping bag on top. When they were quite satisfied with their little bed that could keep out the cold, they saw Jiang Wan take out a folding tent from her big package.

That's right, it's a tent!
The whole thing is spread out and placed on the wooden board, and a shelter that can keep out the wind and moisture is paved, and then take out the thick quilt from the package and put it in, which is soft.

This operation made the twenty big men beside him stunned.

Is this for disaster relief?I'm afraid I'm not here for a vacation. Take a look at the soft quilt. Compared with my hard bed, I'm like a dog kennel.

People are really mad at people, so don't watch it, let's eat the boxed lunch honestly.

Maybe they are going to save people, it's all manual work, the lunch box here is still good, there are multigrain rice, fried mushrooms, and a chicken leg.
There is rice, meat and vegetables. They haven't eaten such a good meal for months. Even if it's cold, this chicken leg is delicious. Twenty big men are sitting on their hard bed. Gobbling it down, you can pull the rice into your mouth.

Eating and eating, a fragrant, warm smell penetrated into their noses, looking in the direction from which the aroma came, I saw that Jiang Wan did not know when, and took out an outdoor pot with alcohol wax burning underneath. , the lunch box was heated by her in the pot,
I also took out a sausage from the package, put a marinated egg in it, and then took out a bottle of Lao Ganma and mixed it in. The lunch box that seemed to be light and light, instantly became a fragrant companion meal.

It wasn't over yet. When she put out the bibimbap, she poured the [-] liter of mineral water she had just made into it, and took out a little seaweed from the package again.
When the water boils, find out a raw egg and beat it in, put some sea salt, sprinkle a handful of small shrimp, and finally find a scallion pancake and start to eat contentedly.

Ye Chu and Yi Chen sitting next to them: .
Other big men: .
Liu Hongjin, who just came back:
They deeply doubt that they and Jiang Wan are not from the same world, and they are also eating boxed lunches. Why can she feel like eating a big meal?There are also dishes with soup.

The same is sleeping on a hard board, why can she sleep with the feeling of an outdoor vacation.

And her package, is it a treasure chest?How can I take out anything, why are there pots and shovels inside, even seasonings.

(End of this chapter)

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