Chapter 11 Buy Buy Buy

So she has to prepare enough drinking water this time, according to the amount of ten years.

Jiang Wan calculated, if one person consumes two liters of water a day, four people need about [-] liters of water in a year, and [-] liters in ten years.

Considering the hot weather and high water intake in the next few years, store as much as possible.

Jiang Wan entered the space and pulled out a storage space of [-] cubic meters. If it was fully filled, it could hold [-] liters of water.

The bottled water that we usually put on the water dispenser is filtered and can be drunk directly. She remembered hearing from Jiang Ma before that this kind of bottled water is not expensive.

I usually buy a barrel for ten yuan at home. If I buy it directly from the water plant, it will cost about three or two yuan for a barrel of [-] liters.

Then 1 liters is [-] barrels, and you can buy [-] liters of water for a little more than [-] yuan.

After Jiang Wan finished knocking on the computer, it was really not expensive, and then changed the storage space of [-] cubic meters to [-] cubic meters. The more the better, the more water is usually used for cooking.

A storage space of [-] cubic meters was spelled out next to it. She prepared to put clean well water in it, and the daily water for washing clothes and bathing was enough.

As soon as she said it, Jiang Wan was about to go to the water plant. Thinking that [-] barrels of water was not a small amount, she even hired a big truck before going.

Jiang Wan is desperately buying and buying here, and the old man in the warehouse is also desperately collecting.

He thought it was not difficult to see a warehouse, and it would be enough to have someone deliver the goods and open the door, but he didn't expect him to wander around the warehouse almost all the time.

It will come to deliver food at a later time, and express delivery at a later time. Anyway, there are all kinds of things. Especially when the old man saw all kinds of piglets, sheep, sheep, and cows, he was completely restless.

I have been thinking about what this girl does, she has everything she buys, and there are no grocery stores that she buys.

The old man was afraid of these cubs, and he ruined the wheat on the side. He also specially found an iron net to encircle the cubs to prevent them from running around.

After calling him to open the warehouse door more often, the old man simply didn't go upstairs, he just moved a small stool and sat at the door while basking in the sun while waiting.

This day, it was not easy. I went to bed early at seven or eight in the evening and fell asleep.

Jiang Wan pondered that he had bought a lot of things in the past two days, the warehouse should be full, and the meat bought today would not be fresh after two days.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, while Jiang's father and mother were asleep, he sneaked out and drove to the warehouse.

Gently open the warehouse door, turn on the small lights in the warehouse, and gently close the door.

Looking around, it was neatly arranged inside. The little cubs were circled in the corner. There were various express boxes on the side, as well as a pile of tall plastic bags, which should contain the meat she bought. .

The seeds she bought were given priority to the nearest sellers so that they could be delivered faster, so some of them were delivered today.

There are neat piles of bottled water on the side. Fortunately, this warehouse is big enough, otherwise it can't hold so many things.

Jiang Wan put all the bottled water into the space, and inside was a large pile of more than 1 catties of wheat piled directly on the ground.

Putting the wheat into the specimen grid, Jiang Wan looked at the neatly stacked courier boxes, as well as the cubs surrounded by iron nets, thinking that the uncle who came to help organize them.

She was silent for a while, then took out a hundred and ten kilograms of wheat again and piled it in the innermost corner of the warehouse. It was a kind of gratitude.

Now it seems that these hundred and ten kilograms of wheat are not worth much. After a few months, maybe these can help the uncle's family through a big difficulty, or at least keep them full.

The old man who is now sleeping soundly doesn't know, he just kindly helps Jiang Wan sort out the warehouse, which brings great luck to their family.

Later, Jiang Wan told the old man to no longer use the warehouse. He found this pile of wheat in the corner and sorted it out and put it in it.

Until a few months later, when the world was facing a disaster and resources were scarce, their family relied on this wheat to support the government to rescue them.

Jiang Wan disassembled the cubs and the courier, put them into the space one by one, and disassembled them to the back, and found that the cold protection clothing and epidemic prevention supplies she bought had also arrived.

The cold-proof clothing is very thick and thick, so thick that it is estimated that everyone is round when wearing it. There are also many anti-epidemic items, and they are all put away.

Put the cardboard box packaging and the like on the small pile of wheat in the corner, then gently closed the warehouse door and left.

She took a look just now. After collecting all kinds of animals at the slaughterhouse today, plus some seed couriers that were dismantled just now,
In addition, I saw some medicinal materials in the pharmacy, and bought some seeds or rhizomes that can be planted. Now more than 5000 special specimens have been collected.

There is also more than 5000 cubic meters of storage space, and [-] cubic meters are used to store water resources. The rest is enough for her to buy various things in the future.

For the time being, there is no need to worry about insufficient storage space.

"The number of non-special specimens collected reaches [-], and the planting function is rewarded."

Just as Jiang Wan started the car and was about to go home, she heard the sound of the system ringing in her mind, "What? Planting function?"

She originally wanted to stop and go into the space to see that it was already two o'clock in the morning, but she had to endure her curiosity and prepare to look at it when she got home.

The system explained to her unhurriedly, "As the name suggests, you can grow things."

Hearing this, Jiang Wan was even more excited, and even drove much faster.

The Chinese people like to farm in their bones, not to mention in an extreme environment like the ten years of natural disasters, if there is still a chance to grow crops and eat fresh ingredients, it is simply a dream that can wake up with a smile.

Thinking that when others are eating grass roots and soil, she can harvest fresh ingredients one after another in her space, she is simply overwhelmed with happiness.

It was already three o'clock in the morning when Jiang Wan returned home. Even though she was very light-handed, she still alarmed Jiang's mother.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Jiang Ma come out of the bedroom and asked her sleepily, "It's so late, what are you doing?"

Jiang Wan rubbed her stomach, "I woke up in the middle of the night and was hungry, so I went out to have some supper."

"There is something to eat in the refrigerator. It's not safe to go out at night. Don't go out next time." Jiang Ma ordered and went back to sleep.

"Okay." Jiang Wan nodded as if pounding garlic. Seeing that Jiang Ma didn't ask any more questions, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Can't wait to enter the room, got into the quilt and entered the space, Jiang Wan saw about one-fifth of the bottom of the space, there was an extra piece.

When she got closer, she saw that it turned out to be a field, about the size of an acre, and there was not a single grass on it at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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