Chapter 12 Farming
Jiang Wan stepped on the field. For the first time, she felt the beauty of being down-to-earth in this space. Before she came in, her spiritual body was floating in the air, and it felt like it was hanging in the air.

Jiang Wan squatted down and picked up a handful of soil from the ground. It was the kind of very fertile black soil that was very moist.

"This is the nutrient soil cultivated by people in my world, which can shorten the growth cycle of plants." The system explained aloud.

Jiang Wan walked on this land and liked it so much, "How long can it be shortened?"

"Thirty times."

"Thirty times!!!" Jiang Wan was stunned.

In other words, vegetables that grow in a month can grow here in one day, and crops that mature in half a year can mature here in six days. This speed is amazing.

Immediately, Jiang Wan seemed to think of something again, and said, "Didn't you say that the time here is still? How can it still be planted?"

The system said proudly, "This is my space, so it's not that I want it to be quiet, but that I want it to move."

Hearing this, Jiang Wan silently gave a thumbs up, "You are amazing."

Don't talk nonsense anymore, just roll up your sleeves and work.

She found that so many seeds that she had collected before were not just for the system, but now they are very convenient for her to use, including fruits and vegetables.

Although she didn't buy much before, it's okay to mix out more of each.

Jiang Wan took out the seeds from the grid, and when she stood on the ground again, she found that she didn't seem to know how to plant them.

Although I used to grow fields in my hometown when I was a child, but now I don't really think about it anymore. It seems that some of them need to raise seedlings or something.

After pondering for a while, I simply didn't think so much. According to the size of the plants, according to the rough calculation of the gap, one by one was buried in the soil.

For example, strawberries are planted according to the distance of two palms, and the bigger grapes are farther away.

Small seeds are scattered directly on the ground.

Jiang Wan divided this acre of land into twelve small plots of about 60 square meters, including strawberries, watermelons, and grapes.

Apple, peach, apricot, pear, pomegranate trees were also planted on a piece of land in the corner, each of which was separated from each other.

Vegetables are planted in the remaining plots, and almost all the vegetables that are usually eaten are planted again.

After doing this, Jiang Wan left the space contentedly, and waited to wake up tomorrow to see if there was any change in the seeds.

Turning on the phone, it was four o'clock in the morning. She had been busy inside for so long, and less than an hour had passed outside. It seemed that not only did the growth of the crops speed up, but also the time she spent on farming.

She was busy in the middle of the night, and now she can finally sleep. Jiang Wan almost closed her eyes and fell asleep. When she woke up again, she was woken up by the continuous roaring phone.

After answering the call, the anxious voice of the old man poured into Jiang Wan's ears at once, driving away a lot of her sleepiness.

"Master, talk slowly, what's the matter?" Jiang Wan heard the other party's anxiety like ants on a hot pan, and quickly comforted her.

The old man took a breath and said, "The courier for you arrived today. I took the courier and opened the warehouse door to see that there was nothing in it. Why did it disappear overnight? Was it a thief? Immediately call you."

"It's okay, uncle, don't panic." Jiang Wan quickly explained, "I was pulled away by someone last night, not a thief, you don't have to worry."

"Pull it away?" The uncle's voice changed from panic to consternation, "Why didn't I hear the sound? So many things were pulled away overnight?"

"Yeah, isn't it urgent? I went to pull it in the middle of the night. I was afraid of disturbing the surrounding residents, so I asked them to make their voices quieter. Probably because you slept more deeply last night, so I didn't hear it." Jiang Wan said.

The old man will be completely relieved, "It's good that you don't lose it, it's good that you don't lose it."

In the morning, the uncle was very frightened. So many things were lost. How could he explain to Jiang Wan? What if he was asked to compensate.

Jiang Wan hung up the phone and looked at the sky outside the window. Even if there were curtains, she could feel the sky outside was extraordinarily bright. I thought it was a good day today.

Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning, and then I got up in a hurry.

I was still thinking, why didn't I hear Jiang's mother calling her to get up today. Before she slept late, Jiang's mother would call her to get up for breakfast in the morning.

If Jiang Ma knew what she thought, she would definitely call out her injustice. She didn't stop shouting. She called it four or five times without any response.
Later, she didn't get up after breakfast was done. Jiang Ma thought she was wrong. She walked in and saw that the sleeping one was called Shen, and she couldn't wake up no matter what.

Thinking that it might be that she didn't sleep well when she went out to eat supper last night, so Jiang Mama left her alone, left her breakfast and went to the supermarket.

Before Jiang Wan got up, she did not forget to enter the space to see the vegetables she planted last night.
After only a few hours, buds had already sprung up, green and tender, covering the black soil with a layer of greenery, and the few fruit tree saplings also grew a little taller.

It seems that she doesn't need to stock vegetables or the like, she can grow her own.

So while nibbling on the buns that Jiang Ma prepared for her, she took out her mobile phone and started to organize today's big purchases, including seasonings and daily necessities.

Shower gel, shampoo, soap, towels, skin care products, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrush, and a series of things are indispensable.

I also need to buy some clothes. In the next ten years, the clothes for the whole family will have to be prepared.

Buy more wet wipes. It is very convenient to wipe sweat and wash your face when it is hot. There are also garbage bags, especially small garbage bags.

When there is no water to use in the future, the toilet cannot be flushed, and the smell is so unclean, you can put a small garbage bag under it, tie it up after use, and throw it out, it is not very useful.

As soon as he said it, Jiang Wan drove his car to various wholesale cities in the afternoon. It would be much cheaper to go to the wholesale cities for these things.

Oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, oil-consuming light soy sauce, almost all the store is about to be rounded up, and I also buy all kinds of braised pork with star anise peppers, as well as hot pot ingredients, large plate chicken ingredients, anyway, she buys everything in the store .

This stance can make the seller happy, and she bought it alone, which is more than the business they sold for half a month.

Clothes and daily necessities in spring, summer, autumn and winter are also in the same posture. Going into other people's stores is a sweeping sweep, and you will buy whatever you can find in the future.

After this pass, the deposit in her hand is also rapidly decreasing, and in just a few days, she has already lost a small million.

She was completely relieved to buy these back.

After returning home in the evening, he had other ideas.

Jiang's father and mother, Jiang's mother, sat chatting in the living room after dinner, determined that Jiang Wan, who was determined not to wander in front of the two of them for the past two days, joined up again.

He smiled and said, "Dad, I want to discuss something with you."

(End of this chapter)

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