Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 17 The girl has to say anything

Chapter 17 The girl has to say anything

"That won't work, add more." The boss replied.

"It's only eighty, don't give it to us, don't le." Then he pulled Jiang Wan out.

When the boss saw that the person was really gone, he quickly stopped, "Come back and come back, eighty for you."

This rutin chicken has recently been fried by a sub-net wind. In fact, the purchase price is very cheap.

When Jiang Nian turned her head, she didn't forget to wink Jiang Wan's eyes, as if to say, Jiang must be old and spicy, isn't your grandma amazing?

Jiang Wan secretly gave Jiang Nian a thumbs up.

When you go out, you can give ginger milk to a rare cage of rutin chicken and don't let go.

Jiang Wan saw that the purchases were almost done, and when he returned home, he turned around and bought ten vegetable fill lights. Soon the sun would disappear. These plants would not grow well without the sun, and needed artificial light.

After returning home, Jiang Nian first put the rutin chicken on top of the chicken coop, and then began to help Jiang Wan build a shelf.

The three large flower stands can be put down along the side of the balcony, and the rectangular wooden flower pots are placed on the upper and lower layers of the flower stand, and the coconut bricks are soaked with water and spread in the flower pots.

Taking advantage of the time when Jiang Nian was going to collect water, she quickly dug out some soil from the edge of the black soil in the space and spread it in the flowerpot on the shelf in the far corner. She wanted to see if the soil was outside the space and planted it. what the vegetables look like.

After doing this, Jiang Wan fixed the vegetable fill light on the window, and this was considered a complete set.

"Grandma, you can start growing vegetables." Jiang Wan looked at Jiang Nian's good mood, and seemed very satisfied with the renovation of the balcony.

Jiang Nian pondered in her heart that although it is not as good as her hometown, as long as she can grow vegetables and raise chickens, she will be able to return to her hometown to grow vegetables after two years when her granddaughter's business is up and running.

Then take your own small shovel and start to sow the seeds.

Jiang Wan took out a piece of white paper, sat in the living room and drew a rough picture of the courtyard wall of her hometown. She built a large courtyard wall to enclose the front yard and the open space at the back. The courtyard wall should preferably be as high as the house. .

The top of the yard is also covered with a large tin roof, and the roof has to be two layers, with a layer of insulation cotton sandwiched in between.

In this way, basically the entire house, the front yard and the back yard are surrounded by walls, and the top of the top is covered tightly, it is really like a big warehouse.

When Papa Jiang and Mama came back at night, before entering the door, they heard the crows of chickens. Papa Jiang hurriedly entered the house to take a look. Good guy, the balcony was tightly placed by chicken coops and flower racks. Nanny Jiang was taking it She feeds her chickens and chickens with a few rotten leaves.

Dad Jiang stared at Nanny Jiang, and then stared at Jiang Wan who was sitting in the living room, "Whose idea is this? Keeping it on the balcony doesn't make the house smelly."

Seeing that something was wrong, Nanny Jiang stared at Jiang Wan with her eyes. Dad Jiang looked at Jiang Wan and seemed to be waiting for her to explain.

Jiang Wan saw this situation, but grandma sold her clean, so she stepped forward and pulled Dad Jiang to sit down and whispered, "Dad, it's not that you don't know grandma's temper, she can agree if I don't do this. Do you live in the city?"

Dad Jiang was angry and funny, "It's okay to grow vegetables on the balcony, raising so many chickens, don't let the neighbors complain if they croak?"

"It's okay, the hens don't croak. Keep the windows tightly closed at night so that you won't disturb others." Seeing that Dad Jiang wanted to say something more, Jiang Wan quickly pushed the drawings she drew in the afternoon in front of Dad Jiang and said, "Dad, Business matters, everything is for business, bear with it, it doesn't stink."

Jiang Wan guessed that her parents would dislike these chickens in the past two days. When it was difficult for others to eat meat in a few months, they would know the preciousness of these chickens.

When Dad Jiang heard what Jiang Wan said, he had to swallow the words that came to his mouth again, thinking in his heart, everything is for the sake of the daughter, so just bear with it.

After I took a look at the blueprint, my face changed again, "The second-story building with the walls of your courtyard is so high, and you want to add a roof and a double-layer roof? Then I will directly find an open space for you to build one. If the warehouse is not good, why are we still building our house in it?"

He found that he didn't quite understand the brain circuits of his daughter these two days. Could this be the generation gap between the two generations?

Jiang Wan opened her eyes and started fooling around, "That's the kind of dad, I think our hometown is in the countryside, with a vast area and few people, and the security is definitely not as good as in the city, so we built the fence a little higher and put valuable things in the building. Inside, double insurance is more secure.”

After he finished speaking, he pointed to one of them and showed it to Dad Jiang, "Look at the place where you go up the stairs on the second floor, I specially added a security door, and put valuable things on the second floor. Whoever wants to steal something needs to open several locks. , it's not that easy."

Dad Jiang looked at the drawing with suspicion, "Is that so?"

Jiang Wanyi clapped her hands firmly and said, "Yeah, that's it, I've thought of all the potential safety hazards, it's better to install two sets of wind energy generators on the roof, and then install a set of cameras, so that you don't have to use it even in the event of a power outage. I was worried that the camera would be out of power and someone would take the opportunity to enter."

Seeing Jiang Wan being so cautious, Dad Jiang asked incomprehensibly, "Xiao Wan, what are you planning to sell? These security measures seem to protect the peerless treasures inside. You even thought about wind power generation."

Jiang Wan thought secretly in her heart, isn't it just to protect the peerless treasure, but in the future, it will protect the four lives of their family.

Seeing that Dad Jiang still didn't nod, Jiang Wan was about to change his strategy and use a unique trick. He moved his butt to Dad Jiang's side, put his arm around Dad Jiang's arm, tilted his head, and hummed, "Oh, Dad, your daughter is so smart, Can you do useless work? Since there must be my reason for doing this, you have to believe me and support me."

Dad Jiang hated his daughter's coquettish behavior the most. Being coaxed by Jiang Wan like this, there was no problem at all, and he said cheerfully, "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you, I believe you have your own plans."

Hearing this, Jiang Wan sat up straight and grinned, "I knew Dad would support me, so I'll leave this to you."

Dad Jiang drank the ecstasy soup that Jiang Wan poured, and patted his chest, "Don't worry, I promise to do it for you."

The girl opened her mouth and had to have everything.

Besides, her daughter has never been ignorant and has her own ideas in her heart. Since there must be her reasons for doing this, as long as it is not too much, there is no need to get to the bottom of it.

Ma Jiang, who was sitting on the side picking vegetables, said at this time, "You can get used to her. You are used to her daring personality now."

"My own daughter, I'm happy to get used to it." Dad Jiang was lying on the sofa looking at the drawings and smiling.

Jiang Wanchong stuck out her tongue to this mother Jiang, and asked Papa Jiang with a dog-leg smile on her face, "How long will it take to cover it up?"

(End of this chapter)

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