Chapter 18
Dad Jiang thought for a while and replied, "It will be a month younger."

As soon as Jiang Wan heard it, how can this be done? The epidemic is coming next month, and no one can afford to build a house. He shook his head and said, "Dad, I need it urgently, you can find more people, and it must be completed by the end of the month at most. "

Dad Jiang thought about building a yard wall and a roof. Although the yard is a little taller, it's not a technical job. Find more people to start building it together. It's not a big problem to build it at the end of the month, so he nodded. It's a promise.

Jiang Wan's mind was fulfilled, and he ate two more bowls for dinner at night.

Before going to bed, I went to the space to collect a batch of green vegetables and sprinkled new seeds. Today's strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, eggplants and the like have all started to bear fruit. It should be possible to start harvesting in about two days.

After coming out of the space, Jiang Wan thought that she had almost finished all the things she should buy in the past two days, and now the most important thing is to get some more gasoline.

Otherwise, it would be a hassle for her to drive without gas if she bought an RV, but where to buy gas.

Because gasoline is more dangerous, it is easy to be used for damage, and the people's awareness of prevention is weak, so gas stations generally do not sell bulk gasoline.

If you buy or sell bulk gasoline, you need to go to the relevant department to issue a certificate and buy it under the real-name system.

Jiang Wan doesn't plan to register. The big data is so powerful now. When she is found out in the future, she will be asked why she bought so much gasoline. How should she explain it?

But where can you buy it other than the gas station?Does she have to go to the gas station to fill up, and then put it in the space to refuel?How long will it take to store enough?

At this time, Jiang Wan suddenly thought of the guy named Song Rui. Since he runs a modification shop, all kinds of modification parts can be sourced. Will there be a source for gasoline?

It seems that when she has time, she has to go over there to inquire, and by the way, to see how her RV has been modified.

Jiang Wan looked at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, guessing that the others were already asleep, so she crawled up and went out.

She has been shopping a lot in the past two days. I am afraid that the warehouse will be full. She has to go and put it away.

Jiang Wan sneaked up, opened the door and saw that the warehouse was full of stuff, food and drink, everything.

According to the list at the time of purchase, she roughly checked the quantity. There was no problem, and she put it all into the space. She closed the door of the warehouse and left. This time, even the courier did not dare to open it in there.

She was afraid that she would wake up the old man who was watching the door. When she came down and asked her when she moved things away, it was really hard to tell.

The old man saw that the warehouse was empty again. He stood at the door and was stunned. He wanted to ask which logistics company Jiang Wan was looking for to carry it. The service was so good that it didn't disturb the people at all.

I used to come here to rent a warehouse, and the people who were making a lot of noise in the middle of the night couldn't sleep well.

After Jiang Wan returned, she parked the car in the underground garage, sat in the car and took out the couriers and took them apart piece by piece, many of which were seeds and saplings she had bought before.

And the self-defense telescopic stick, electric shock stick, and composite crossbow she bought also arrived after two or three days.

The compound crossbow is not very big, about the length of the arm, and it is also equipped with a complete set of metal arrows.

When this kind of thing is not life-threatening, it will not be easily taken out to show people.

He threw the express box into a trash can. When Jiang Wan came home, he was more cautious than last time, for fear of waking up Jiang's mother again.

The things that should be done are almost done. In the next few days, she took Jiang Nian around, using the excuse that she heard that the prices would rise in the future, she urged Jiang Nian to store things at home.

Jiang Nian looked at the prices of those oily rice in the supermarket and waved her hand, "Don't buy it."

"Grandma, if you don't buy it now, wouldn't it be very uneconomical to wait for the price to increase after a while?" Jiang Wan advised.

Jiang Nui smacked her mouth, looking at the uninitiated Jiang Wan, who hated that iron was not steel, "You child, your mother runs a supermarket. When she buys more, she can store it at home, isn't it more cost-effective than buying in the supermarket? ?"

"My mother doesn't like to stock up, can she buy it?" Jiang Wan didn't think about it. If she suddenly stocked up a lot of food for the family, Jiang's mother would definitely feel strange and ask her to give a reason.

But Jiang milk is different. People who have been in the old life have suffered hardships and hunger when they were young. Even now, when they have food and drink, they still like to store things, and they feel safe at home.

Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother will definitely not care about anything with grandma.

When disaster strikes in the future, when she doesn't eat, she will take out the things in the space, saying that it is grandma's stocking, and she will be fooled.

"Don't worry, I'll tell your mother." Jiang Nian gave Jiang Wan a look to signal her to be relieved.

"Then let's go to sell meat and buy some vegetables. My mom's supermarket sells few of these, and I have to buy some snacks." Jiang Wan took Jiang Nian's arm and walked inside.

At this time, Nanny Jiang's old computer rang, and Nanny Jiang pulled Jiang Wan's hand off to answer the phone, "Hey, Jiang Yan!"

Jiang Wan frowned when she heard the name, but she didn't have a good impression of this little aunt.

In the second year of the disaster in the previous life, Jiang Ma was killed by a robber in her hometown, and Jiang Wan suspected that an acquaintance committed the crime.

Because those robbers pried open the door and went straight to the room where they stored the food, it didn't look like they walked into a house casually and searched everywhere.

Jiang Ma heard the movement and went out to block, and was killed by someone while pushing, and then those people fled quickly.

If they are not acquaintances, how can they be so familiar with the layout of their home.

At that time, Jiang Wan investigated the people around him. The people in the village had more or less food in their homes. Even if they didn't have enough food, they were not at the level of robbery. It was impossible to rob their own village.

That is relatives. At that time, the only person who was hated and hated was probably this little aunt, because they once asked Jiang's mother and Jiang's mother for food and was rejected.

They always thought that if Jiang Ma opened a supermarket, there would be something they couldn't finish. However, during the epidemic, Jiang Ma sold out everything that could be eaten in the supermarket. At that time, the control was strict, and the goods could not come in. Where would there be? extra.

Later, when their family was not full, there was nothing to help them. As a result, Jiang Yan scolded Jiang's father and mother for being cold-blooded and disregarding family affection in order to eat enough for herself.

Jiang Wan also checked later. The robbers ran fast and could not be caught, but she always suspected Jiang Yan, even if there was no evidence, she still doubted.

In this life, she must catch those thieves out.

Seeing Nanny Jiang hanging up, Jiang Wan asked, "Grandma, why did my aunt call you?"

(End of this chapter)

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