Chapter 2 Collection
"Why did the natural disaster suddenly come?" Jiang Wan couldn't understand why such a terrifying natural disaster happened without warning.

Such a surprise, not only human beings have been hit hard, but even all kinds of animals and plants have been wiped out due to natural disasters.

The system explained, "Humans have consumed all kinds of resources on the earth in recent years, resulting in environmental deterioration and global warming. Now it seems that there is no problem.
This is just the surface. When the earth can't bear it, it will repair itself. Those natural disasters are just caused by the earth's self-repair. "

Jiang Wan was a little flustered and scared, she didn't want to go through that kind of suffering again, she was struggling on the edge of dying every day, stepping on the line of life and death every day, "What do you mean by cooperation just now? You can really change my destiny? "

"Yes, after this natural disaster, human beings finally realized the importance of protecting the environment, and began to restore their homes after reorganization. Unfortunately, many animals and plants have become extinct, and it is difficult to find signs of life on earth.

In 6000 A.D., which is the era when I was created, human beings broke through the problems of time travel and parallel universe travel, and sent me to collect those extinct animals and plants so that they can be brought back to breed again. You help me collect, and I help you alive, how? "

Jiang Wan was puzzled, "You can travel through time and space, just collect it and bring it back. Why is it so troublesome."

"I was not born in your parallel universe. I can't directly touch anything. I can only use the host as a medium to help me complete the task."

Jiang Wan clenched his fists, since there is a chance to change his fate, he must seize it firmly.

Even if it's not for herself, she has to do it for her parents and family. She can't repeat the same mistakes. In the end, several members of the family died in the disaster.

"Okay, how to cooperate?" Jiang Wan nodded firmly.

"Follow me!" the system said.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Wan felt a burst of darkness, instinctively closed her eyes, and when she opened it again, she found herself suspended in the air, stretched her legs and found that there was nothing under her feet, she couldn't help being shocked.

The system looked at her in a panic and explained, "I will bring your spiritual body here, you can move around with your heart, and your surroundings are the tasks you need to do."

Jiang Wan looked up and found that her top, bottom, left, right, front, and back were dense grids with a transparent glass texture.

It was a bit like a stack of empty glass fish tanks, and she was dazzled by the dense look, and she was in the middle of the inside of this cube composed of transparent squares.

This space is huge, so big that she is as small as a speck of dust standing in the middle.

"What are these?" Jiang Wan's mind moved slightly and walked to one side. This seemingly large space, originally thought it would be far away to go to one side.

Unexpectedly, she came to the front as soon as her thoughts moved, and saw the names of plants and animals on these small grids.

"These are the things you need to collect. There are [-] kinds of special-grade specimens, and millions of non-special-grade specimens. Special-grade specimens must be collected, and non-special-grade specimens must be collected."

The system said lightly, Jiang Wanting's scalp was numb, and she couldn't help but say, "Where do I go to collect so many things, [-] kinds, and there are animals and plants all over the world, do you think I'm a god? "

"As long as you are willing to work hard, there is always a way. I will also assist you, and each time you collect a special class, you will be rewarded with one cubic meter of storage space. You should know what storage space means in the next ten years. There will also be corresponding rewards for collecting a certain number of non-special specimens.”

What does storage space mean?Means her hope of living!It means she can store more life-saving resources.

Jiang Wan tilted her head and thought about it. She still didn't understand a little bit, "Isn't this kind of collection and storage of specimens to protect the continuation of life not something the country has been doing? Why are so many creatures going extinct? The country has not Can it be preserved?"

"In the late stage of the disaster, there was nothing to eat, and the environment was not suitable for planting, so they opened the warehouse and ate the seeds and cultivated the animal egg cells in the gene bank for food, so they could only rely on this space to leave some samples. ." The system explained.

Jiang Wan was shocked again. Scientists were very concerned about the continuation of these creatures, but they all ate the seed bank and gene bank in the end.

What a terrifying catastrophe they will face, and even those leading figures have been forced to this step, so can these ordinary people still have a way to survive?
Jiang Wan secretly decided that she must find a way to lead her family to live this time, and a sense of urgency suddenly appeared in her heart.

"How do I get out?" She had to figure out a way to get some life-saving resources in the last days.

"You can go out, come in, and store specimens in the same way, just think about it in your heart."

The first time after Jiang Wan came out, was to test the function of the system. She just looked at the classification of those specimens, and among the special grades that must be collected, they were classified as major categories.

For example, tomatoes can be divided into large and small, red and yellow varieties, and only one of them needs to be collected in the special grade, and some other types can be collected for the non-super grade.

The purpose of collecting special-grade specimens is to ensure the continuation of each variety. For non-special-grade specimens, we should collect as many varieties as possible under the premise of having the opportunity.

Jiang Wan looked through the things in the house and found some raw melon seeds, as well as seeds of sunflower, cosmos, and gypsophila.

She was going to plant these flowers on the balcony. She originally wanted a beautiful balcony with flowers, but she hadn't had time to plant them, and it just came in handy.

Now I still think about whether it is beautiful or not, and the most important thing is to save my life.

Jiang Wan took these seeds in her hand, her mind moved slightly, and a handful of raw melon seeds disappeared at once, leaving only a few flat in her palm.

"It's amazing." Jiang Wan was amazed. She picked up the ones that had not been taken away and peeled them open. The melon seeds inside were flat, and the ones that couldn't germinate were filtered out by the system.

(End of this chapter)

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