Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 3 Preparing Supplies

Chapter 3 Preparing Supplies
Putting the sunflower, cosmos, and gypsophila seeds in again, she entered the space again, stood in the middle, and saw a lattice like a glass box.

Four of them lit up, and when viewed from a distance, they looked like four stars shining in the sky.

She stood in the middle, and there was an extra 2*2*2 cube, which was brighter than the surrounding area.

It was like placing a transparent glass box in the air, which should be the storage space for system rewards.

Jiang Wan felt that all this today was a little unreal, but the experiences and feelings of the last days were still fresh in her mind.

Thinking of the feeling of being frozen, sunstroke, and hunger, I can't help but be smart, get up decisively and start to pack my things and go home.

She just graduated from college last year and was working as an intern at a decent company, which is far from her home.

My home is in the south of the city, and my company is in the north of the city, so I rent a house near the company to live and go to work.

Just as she was packing her things and stuffing them into the storage space, the phone rang, and Jiang Wan picked up the phone and looked at it.

It was her colleague Li Li. Before she could speak after pressing the answer button, Li Li's voice sounded anxiously.

"Xiao Wan, why haven't you come to work yet? You haven't sent the plan that the leader asked you to sort out. It's time for you to turn regular, don't lose the chain."

"You tell the leader, I quit, and I will send the resignation application in the afternoon." Jiang Wan interrupted Li Li's words.

She had a good relationship with Li Li when she was in the company. Probably because Li Li didn't see her today, she called to ask about the situation. Who knew that Jiang Wan opened her mouth and said she would resign.

He hurriedly asked worriedly, "You are about to change to a regular position soon, why did you resign? Wasn't it fine yesterday? Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened, I just don't want to do it." Jiang Wan explained.

"Impossible. You worked so hard to get in for the interview. Now you're about to change your job and quit. Is there something wrong?"

Seeing her unrelenting appearance, Jiang Wan had to make up an excuse, "I came here for experience, but now I think it's almost the same, and I'm going home to start a business."

She didn't dare to say job-hopping. According to what she knew about Li Li, she said that she would definitely ask which company to go to for job-hopping, and she wouldn't be able to say that at that time.

"That's it, that's fine, I have to go to work, let's talk when we have time." Li Li heard Jiang Wan say this, so she stopped asking and hung up the phone.

After Jiang Wan packed her things, she sent a message to the landlord to cancel the rent. She had already lived in the house for three months, and she had already lived in the house for three months.

Seeing that the landlord replied that he was not at home now, he would transfer the rest of the rent to her when he came over in the afternoon to see if there was no damage. Jiang Wan left the key in the room and closed the door and left.

Her luggage and other things were in the space, and she walked out easily, but her heart was very heavy, looking at the warm sunshine, she would soon disappear.

At the end of this month, there will be dark clouds covering the sky, and the gloomy ones will not be able to see the sun for a long time.

When I saw the sun again, it was even hotter, not as soft as it is now.

On the way back, Jiang Wan was thinking about what to do next.

Storing supplies requires money, and collecting specimens also requires money. She just graduated last year and has been doing an internship for nearly a year. She only has 5 yuan in hand, which is far from enough.

The next ten years will usher in natural disasters, and she must prepare as much as possible, including food, water, and various supplies.

The important thing now is to open up as much storage space as possible first, otherwise it will be futile to get more materials and no place to put them.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wan decisively turned to the farmers wholesale market on the outskirts of the city, where she could buy all kinds of common seeds.

The next question is, how to ask parents to get some money to buy supplies.

When disaster strikes and resources are in short supply, money is the most useless thing, and now it is the most important thing to spend it early to buy some important things.

But how to speak, they will give her the money?This needs to be thought carefully.

To tell them the truth?Jiang Wan decisively dismissed the idea, not to mention whether they believed it or not.

Even if they believe it, in case they say something wrong to others, when they don't eat or drink in the future, others will react and guess that their family started storing food early.

It will definitely be remembered by others. This is a very dangerous thing when food is scarce in the last days.

What's more, letting parents know that the next decade of disaster will only increase their worries and fears.

The farmers' wholesale market on the outskirts of the city is the largest trading market here, mainly focusing on agricultural products.

For example, the trade of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and grains, etc., the villages and towns around the city are all purchased here.

In the past, when her family was still farming in the countryside, she often came here to buy seeds and fertilizers. She followed Dad Jiang twice, so she was relatively familiar with this place.

Jiang Wan drove around the farmers' wholesale market and found a seed store that looked like a relatively large store.

The store is full of people, who look like husband and wife are entertaining a few customers. They are in their 40s. It seems that this kind of store is opened by their husband and wife.

"Beauty, take a look and tell me what you want. We have some goods in our warehouse." The proprietress told Jiang Wan with a smile, and went to entertain other guests.

March is a good time for spring sowing, and many people come to buy seeds.

Jiang Wan stood by and watched for a while, and saw a person who bought a large batch of vegetable seeds and left, and waited until the boss's wife was free before speaking. Boss, I want to buy a little of each kind of seed. "

Jiang Wan was a little nervous about what she said. Others bought a few kinds of seeds, but a lot of them. She bought a small amount of each kind of seeds. She was really embarrassed to speak.

"Buy a little of everything? Our store is full of fruits and vegetables, and there are dozens of flowers and grains. Do you want them?" The proprietress said unsurely, and it was rare for customers to buy seeds like this.

"Yes, everything is required, just buy half an acre of land for each." Jiang Wan nodded.

She just collects specimens, so she doesn't need so many, but she buys a small handful, and she is afraid that the boss will think that she is here to find trouble, and he will shoot her out. How can she buy seeds that only buy a small handful of each, and simply buy half of each. acres of land.

Anyway, a lot of seeds can be planted with a little bit, and there won't be too many if you want to come to half an acre of land.

"Do you want the seeds of radish and cabbage planted in winter? These seeds can only be planted in early winter. If you buy them now and store them poorly, they will become unusable in winter."

(End of this chapter)

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