Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 30 It's time to come

Chapter 30 It's time to come

How did she know that this was not due to the exercise, but the space health food that Jiang Wan planted. After eating it for so many days, it began to work.

Jiang Wan was busy with her purchases and delivered groceries to Su Xiaoyao. She didn't deliver much food every day, until the trunk and back seat were full. That would be a few hundred catties, and she could earn more than 1 yuan a day.

After two or three days, probably those who bought vegetables in the live broadcast room received the vegetables and ate them, and Douyin started to fry slowly.

"Ordinary red strawberries that taste better than light snow strawberries, have you seen them?"

"Crystal grapes, sweet and addicting."

"Let's get out of the way, what are you? It's amazing that my daughter-in-law, who is three months pregnant, has an appetite to eat after eating the little cabbage bought by Su Xiaoyao's live broadcast room. Can you believe it?"

"Upstairs, you are exaggerating. You say it's delicious, I believe it, but you say that cabbage cures morning sickness, are you lying?"

"I didn't lie to you. I didn't believe it at first. Later, I bought it twice and found that my daughter-in-law only had an appetite after eating the small cabbage in Su Xiaoyao's live broadcast room, and the small cabbage bought elsewhere would not work."

"I prove that the landlord didn't lie. After you said that, I found out that my grandfather who just had an operation, after eating the lettuce and strawberries from Su Xiaoyao's family, his energy is much better. It's better than taking medicine."

"Really? Just ordinary fruits and vegetables that are so evil as you say? I'll buy some to try."


When Jiang Wan was free at home, he flipped through Douyin, and saw a lot of videos and pictures of Xiaoyao's live broadcast room shopping for food, and the comment area below was even discussed by many people.

Su Xiaoyao sells vegetables in the live broadcast room, and Su Xiaoyao sells vegetables with magical effects. This kind of title has become a hot search topic and has become a new topic of discussion for Douyin in recent days.

Jiang Wan didn't seem surprised that this would happen, but Su Xiaoyao didn't calm down.

While the topic was getting hotter and hotter, she finally couldn't help sending a message to Jiang Wan, "What is said on the Internet is true or false, and these dishes of yours still have the effect of curing diseases?"

When she started, she just wanted to use the impact of fashion bloggers selling vegetables to create a wave of popularity,
But the current development direction of the popularity is not discussing the fact that she sells vegetables, but that the vegetables she sells can cure all diseases.

If the fermentation goes on like this, the relevant departments of Douyin will have to check whether she has done anything in the dishes. Although these dishes have passed the quality inspection of their team, there is no problem. Start to bottom out.

Jiang Wanwen sent a voice back and said, "Don't worry, it is watered by mountain springs, which is natural and pollution-free. It is beneficial to the body and harmless to eat. It can accept any test. Pregnant women and the elderly will feel better after eating it, but it is also because of the pure green food. The reason is not that there is any magical effect, young people will not be so evil after eating."

After listening to Su Xiaoyao, she found that most of the people who said that the treatment was for the elderly and children with frail health, pregnant women and patients, those young people who were in good health, but did not say that there was any difference after eating,

She was a little relieved, and said that her team's quality inspection department is still very trustworthy.

That night, he responded in the live broadcast room, and the general content was similar to what Jiang Wan said.

But those who feel that their physical problems have eased after eating, also feel it, so even if she responds, there are still many people who come to her live broadcast room to buy food and find out.

There are even a lot of influential anchors and Internet celebrities to make unboxing videos. Some anchors with channels directly take the dishes to the inspection department for identification. The results are naturally very good quality, without any pollution. , no pesticide residues.

Let things that were not low in popularity rush to the hot search again, but this time the wind has changed a bit.

"As expected of Su Xiaoyao, the benchmark of conscience among the anchors, saying that there is no pollution, then there is really no pesticide detected."

"That is, where can you buy pollution-free green vegetables now? Even if there were, it would be ridiculously expensive."

"At first, I thought that Su Xiaoyao was expensive, but now that I think about it, with such quality, it's all cheap."

"It seems that you still need to eat more healthy food to benefit your health!"


Some of these remarks may be Su Xiaoyao's team marketing. In short, the popularity she began to want is not only there, but also unprecedentedly high. She has also been labeled as a conscientious anchor, and her fans are rising again.

However, at this time, Jiang Wan had no intention of caring about these things anymore. She got up in the morning and stood in front of the bedroom window for two hours, staring straight at the sky outside, expressionlessly motionless.

I saw the dark clouds rolling in the sky outside, curled together in groups, and the black clouds hung in the sky, pressing down in a low voice, making people breathless.

Many people who went out looked up at the tumbling dark clouds in the sky, discussing that there would be a rainstorm at any time. Jiang Wan knew that it would not, and it would not rain in a short time.

Those dark clouds hung in the air like that, without rain or thunder, they were pressed down like that, as if they were pressing on everyone's heart, and then quietly watched the virus take away people's lives.

When people fought against the epidemic after countless days and nights, and finally saw a glimmer of dawn, these dark clouds hanging above their heads officially entered the venue, bringing new disasters to people.

"It's time to come." Jiang Wan took a deep breath and picked up the phone to check the time.
April 3022, 04, at 01:[-] am.

"You two bring umbrellas, I'm afraid it's going to rain heavily today."

As soon as Jiang Wan walked out of the bedroom, she saw Nanny Jiang holding two umbrellas and handing them to Mom and Dad Jiang.

She watched this scene in silence. At this moment, people all over the country, and even the whole world, should be like Jiang's father, Jiang's mother and Jiang's milk, thinking that the dark clouds hanging in the sky outside were just a big rainstorm, how could it be? Knowing that this day will be the first day of a tragic decade of natural disasters.

But soon they will find something strange, because these dark clouds are not regional, but like a black cover, covering the whole earth, and then, the earth will not see the sun for several years.

"Dad." When Jiang Wan saw Jiang's father and Jiang's mother going out, she put on her shoes and chased out, "How's the house in your hometown?"

There are only a few days before the outbreak of the virus, Jiang Wan has to finish the last thing to do as soon as possible, and then take his family to avoid the disaster.

"Promise that you will complete it at the end of the month, and it was completed yesterday." Dad Jiang said with a smile.

"Is the wind power generation and the fireplace I want installed? Is the wall high enough as I said? The iron sheet on the top can be made tightly. Is there a two-layer insulation that I said?" Jiang Check again later.

(End of this chapter)

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