Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 31 Make 1 big, hey!

Chapter 31 Make a fortune, hey!

Dad Jiang looked at Jiang Wan's serious face and asked with a smile, "Why doesn't this child believe me? I did everything as you said, exactly.
You said that there should be no gaps between the wall and the iron roof, for fear of rain leakage. I also specifically explained that they should seal it with cement, and the door outside is also a large anti-theft door. Don't worry, why do you suddenly care so much about your hometown today? "

"Oh, I'm just going to use it." Jiang Wan tried to ease her panic, and pulled out a not-so-good-looking smile, "I'm going to make a big order recently, and I want to buy some goods, Mom and Dad, if you have spare money in your hands, go first. Give it to me to use."

Not long after, the economy collapsed, and money was just like wasted paper. Jiang Wan wanted to take all the money from Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother and hoard them into supplies.

"Yes, but not much. I can free up 5 yuan for you." Jiang Ma replied.

A few days ago, Jiang Wan earned more than [-] yuan just from selling vegetables. Jiang's mother saw it. Jiang Wan said that it would take money to do big business. Naturally, she was a hundred supporters.

Dad Jiang thought for a while, "I can still spare more than [-] yuan for you."

"Okay, I need it urgently today, you can transfer it to me in a while." Jiang Wan got into her car after saying that.

He took out his mobile phone and made a voice call to Song Rui. The first time the other party connected, there was no nonsense at all, and he asked directly, "When will my RV be refitted? And when will the gasoline I ask for? Can it be delivered?"

"It's ready, I'll send it to the warehouse tomorrow." Song Rui replied.

"No, it's best to deliver it today."

Song Rui looked at the RV that had just screwed the last screw on, and he really didn't feel relieved, "Okay, today is today."

"Okay, after I receive the goods, I will transfer the balance to you."

Jiang Wan hung up the voice call and sat in the car in a daze. She had to calm down her nervousness. She had prepared for it early in the morning, but she was still nervous on this day.

Don't panic, there are still a few days before the arrival of the virus, Jiang Wan hinted to herself that these few days are enough for her to make the final preparations.

After sorting out his emotions, Jiang Wan drove to Su Xiaoyao's studio.

"Ms. Jiang, are you here to deliver food again today?" Assistant Liu saw Jiang Wan's warm greeting, "It's just that the food you deliver every day is too small, most people can't buy it, and you shout in the anchor room every day to let the boss Order."

"There is no food today. I want to meet Su Xiaoyao, and there is still a business. I don't know if she is willing to do it." Jiang Wan replied.

She doesn't plan to sell vegetables anymore, what time, how can she have time to sell vegetables, and she won't do these anymore after finishing her last business today.

Assistant Liu heard that Jiang Wan was going to see the boss directly, indicating that she could not control the business herself, "Okay, I will inform the boss, you sit here and wait a moment."

Jiang Wan waited for a while before Assistant Liu came over and invited her to Su Xiaoyao's office.

"My lucky star." Su Xiaoyao saw Jiang Wan warmly stood up and greeted, "You don't know how many fans I have gained these days because of your dishes, and the anchor ranking has even reached the top five."

Seeing her smiling face, Jiang Wan's heavy heart was much better, and she also joked with a smile, "Isn't your lucky star Song Rui? How could it be me."

"Both of you are my lucky stars, sit down!" Su Xiaoyao sat with Jiang Wan on the coffee table beside him, "But now is the hot season of sales, why don't we sell vegetables all of a sudden? I was wondering if you could increase the amount."

"That kind of quality vegetables is not suitable for large-scale planting management, just a little, and it will be gone when sold out." Jiang Wan said nonsense.

This made Su Xiaoyao extremely regretful. The popularity she just raised was about to die halfway.

"However." Jiang Wan continued, "I'm talking about two flour mills now. If you're interested, you can continue to sell flour. This time, you can go for the price."

This is the only thing Jiang Wan can do. She knows the horror of natural disasters in ten years, and she also knows the disasters that people will face.

But for the safety of herself and her family, no one can tell her, let alone spread it on the Internet, otherwise she will definitely be arrested on the charge of disturbing social stability.

The only thing she can do is to use this extremely natural method. In the eyes of others, she is just doing a mercenary business, so that many people can save some food, and the next period of time will not pass too much. Difficult to endure.

There is no outside rescue for this disaster, because it is happening all over the world, and you can only rely on yourself to survive.

She knows she can't save many people, she just doesn't want to watch and do nothing, just buy peace of mind for herself, that's all she can do.

What's more, she can make a lot of money from it, hey!

Su Xiaoyao said, "These flours are also pure natural and pollution-free?"

"No, it's just ordinary flour here. There's nothing special about it. You can think about it. It doesn't matter if you don't want to sell it." Anyway, she can do what she can do.

Su Xiaoyao thought quickly, now is when her popularity is high, the live broadcast room has tens of millions of people every day, and has become the most popular anchor in the industry. Those people come to see what those magical dishes look like, and buy them by the way. Go back and try it.

Stopping the sale at this time may cause the audience to bounce back, and even anger her for failing to satisfy their curiosity, which is not good for her.

If she chooses to sell flour, it is still ordinary flour, then she can directly connect with the flour mill. Why go to Jiang Wan and share a part of the profit?

"Since you said it, then sell it." Su Xiaoyao replied with a smile.

She is a businessman, but she is not stupid. At present, only Jiang Wan has that kind of high-quality vegetables and fruits. If she wants to cooperate with Jiang Wan for a long time, she must be avoided.

For this benefit, bypassing Jiang Wan to make her angry, she turned her hands and sold the dishes to other anchors, which was not worth the loss.

Next, the two settled on the details of the cooperation. For example, this time the flour is not sold retail, a bag of [-] jin. When placing an order, it is either bought in bags or not. Anyway, there is no small bag of [-] to [-] jin.

The price is not high. The brand of flour she chose is a good brand with a good reputation in the market. If it is sold in a 139-pound pack, the supermarket price is [-] yuan.
The price of her live broadcast room is 119 yuan. After deducting the courier fee and labor cost, they can still get a net profit of 20 yuan per bag.

According to the cooperation, five or five are divided equally.

No matter how much flour can be sold, it will only be sold for one day. Su Xiaoyao is a fashion anchor. Now whether she is selling vegetables or flour, it is all to create a wave of popularity, but she has no plans to really switch to selling vegetables.

Jiang Wan went to negotiate with the flour mill two days ago.
After all, the popularity of Su Xiaoyao's live broadcast room is unprecedentedly high. It is really hard to say what kind of sales it can create.

(End of this chapter)

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