Chapter 38 Real or Fake?

"Jiang Qing has been clever since he was a child. He is so attentive, so let's pay more attention. I will go to the market to buy things this afternoon." Wang Ling said.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Jiang Wan was full of food and drink, so he stood up and patted his buttocks to leave, and continued to walk towards the back mountain.

After all, they are all relatives who watched her grow up. It is better to remind those who can take the opportunity to remind them. Maybe it is her words that can save a few more discerning people.

Jiang Wan went to the back mountain to fill another [-] cubic meters of mountain spring water, and then drove to the surrounding grain stores to buy large quantities of food. Now is not the season for harvesting crops, so the price may be slightly higher than usual.

She swept the streets one by one, wheat, corn, soybeans and peanuts, as long as she had them, she also bought as much salt as she could when she encountered the wholesale market. After buying them, she was willing to pay more. Send it directly to the flour mill.

For her now, expensive is not a problem, the most important thing is to be fast, preferably today, and no later than tomorrow.

Generally, there are a lot of food points in towns and villages. In two days, the more than 200 million yuan in her hand is not worrying about buying, and it will be spent quickly.

On the afternoon of April 2000th, Jiang Wan returned to the flour mill and gave [-] yuan to the old man who was the gatekeeper. fired.

Before the uncle left, Jiang Wan gave him two extra bags of flour.

Although the uncle lost his job, he left with a smile after seeing that he had received a lot of money in the past two days.

Jiang Wan watched him walk away, locked the door tightly from the inside, and went directly to the warehouse to put all the things bought in the past two days into the space.

At present, she has 300 tons of wheat, 236 tons of corn, 265 tons of peanuts, 21 tons of soybeans, 55 tons of flour in the storage space, and 5.6 tons of edible salt in her 100 million in exchange for specimen grids.

With all this, Jiang Wan felt that she was the landlord for the next ten years. Well, she might be the biggest target of robbery.

After collecting the grain in the warehouse, Jiang Wan saw the two sets of flour mills in the workshop when he left. He hesitated for a moment, thinking that the space should still be able to fit, and put the two medium-sized flour mills into the space as well.

She bought these things with money, no matter what they don't need in the future, she should keep them.

After doing this, Jiang Wan didn't go anywhere, just drove home. Tomorrow will be the beginning of all disasters, the beginning of the fall of the death scythe.

When she got home, Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother had already left work and were busy cooking in the kitchen, chatting about something.

Dad Jiang looked up at the person who came in, "Xiao Wan is back? How's the business going?"

"Very good, what were you talking about just now? It's so lively." Jiang Wan walked into the door and first slumped on the sofa to rest for a while, but she was exhausted from running for the past two days.

Seeing Jiang Wan's tired expression, Dad Jiang poured her a glass of water and put it on the coffee table in front of her, "Just now your mother said that business in the supermarket has been good these two days, and the sales in one day are two or three times that of the previous day."

"Is it good for food?" Jiang Wan said with a smile.

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Recently, people on the Internet have been panicked by the strange weather outside. Some people are afraid that it will be difficult to go out when this heavy rain falls, so they have started to buy some food to keep at home."

It's just a pity that they never imagined that the next most in short supply is not food, but water!
Jiang Wan took a breath and became active, "Mom and Dad, you two should rest at home for a day tomorrow, don't go to work."

How could Mama Jiang listen to Jiang Wan, "These few days are good times for business. One day less work and less money to be earned."

Jiang Wan knew that it was not so easy to let them stay at home innocently, and she was helpless, so she could only rely on her nonsense again, "I heard from the gossip that there seems to be an infectious disease in China recently. Certainly dead."

"Oh, is it true? I've never heard of it." Jiang Nian looked shocked. Jiang Wan told her about this disease, and it felt more serious than cancer.

When Dad Jiang saw Jiang Nian, he was so frightened that he couldn't listen anymore. "Don't listen to her nonsense. If such serious news was reported long ago, why didn't you see it on TV at all."

Jiang Wan solemnly explained, "I'm not lying to you, it's a matter of the past two days. At the beginning, people will have a fever, then vomit and cough up blood, and finally there is no cure and can only wait for death. People suspected of being an infectious disease were sent to the hospital. I went to the CDC for treatment, and the results should be available in the next two days, and it will definitely not be reported until the results are out.

The family looked at Jiang Wan's words, and their expressions were not very good. Jiang's mother stopped cooking, so they approached Jiang Wan and said, "Is it true? How did you know if it wasn't reported? Where is the matter?"

"There are similar cases all over the country. These are all told to me by an old classmate of mine who works in the hospital. He said that it is now controlled to prevent the spread of rumors, but he also reminded me to pay attention. Now the hospital can handle this matter. It's serious, I'm afraid it's serious." Jiang Wan explained.

The case is real, but it hasn't appeared yet, and it will start tomorrow, so she is determined not to let her family go out. What if she is recruited?
"Yo, if that's the case, it's going to be a big deal." Dad Jiang drank tea blankly, almost getting burned.

Jiang Wan nodded heavily, "No, you can't make enough money, whether it's true or not, listen to me, hide at home for two days, life is more important than anything else."

"Listen to my daughter." Dad Jiang hesitated, "Our daughter is not a fool. Your supermarket is closed for two days, so those employees don't go there. My company also has two days off, let's see the situation first. ."

Dad Jiang is cautious in doing things. He didn't know in advance in his last life. Fortunately, they were lucky and were not infected. Later, Dad Jiang watched the people in the community being carried into the hospital one by one.

When he felt that something was wrong, he bought protective equipment as soon as possible to prevent Jiang Wan and Jiang Ma from going out. He took a mask and alcohol to the countryside to pick up Jiang's milk. Unfortunately, it was a step too late, and Jiang's milk could not be rescued.

"Well, it's strange enough that the whole world is shrouded in dark clouds now, don't really think of something else." Jiang Ma was also furious when they said this.

Anyway, her daughter is able to make money like this, so if the supermarket is closed for two days, it should be closed for two days. If you have money, you have to spend your life!

Seeing that they were all interested, Jiang Wan was still worried. Taking advantage of the time when they were cooking, Jiang Wan wandered around in several bedrooms and closed all the windows in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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