Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 39: Do you still eat melon rind?

Chapter 39: Do you still eat melon rind?

White water vapor oozes out from above, filling the air like mist, and then slowly rises upwards.

The virus is parasitic in such a mist, floating in the air and pervasive.

For a long time later, experts failed to understand why the earth was smoking everywhere, and in the end they could only infer that it was caused by the activities inside the crust.

This virus is resistant to cold and high temperature, and it is difficult to kill, but it also has a fatal weakness, that is, it is afraid of a dry environment.

As if its appearance is accompanied by fog, it can multiply in any humid place, but it will die quickly in an environment with low humidity and dry air.

Unfortunately, by the time experts reach this conclusion, many people have already died.

After the family finished eating, Jiang Nian called Jiang Yan to remind her that she should be angry, but she was still her daughter.

Jiang Ma also sent a message to the family group on the uncle and second uncle's side, asking them to pay more attention and be careful of infectious diseases.

Second Aunt Wang Ling: "I knew when I came back in the evening two days ago. I have already bought protective equipment. Have you all bought it?"

Uncle Yang Lifu: "It's quite scary to hear what you just said. I'll go buy it tomorrow."

Jiang Wan: "Don't go tomorrow, go now, buy more food and water to store by the way. If the infectious disease spreads, I'm afraid I won't dare to go out. When you go out tomorrow, remember to wear a mask. Your life is important."

Big cousin Yang Zhuoye: "Is your news reliable?"

Jiang Qing: "My niece heard from the hospital, she would rather believe it and be on guard."

Wang Ling: "@杨兴文, son, you should buy more, don't you know?"

Jiang Ma looked at the chat records in the happy family, and asked Jiang Wan suspiciously, "You knew it two days ago? Are you going back to your hometown? Didn't you go to talk about business?"

"Oh, I went to the south of the city to talk business. I thought it was close to my hometown, so I went back. I heard from my friend in the hospital two days ago, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I mentioned it when I went to my second uncle's house. Mouth, I didn't expect the second aunt to feel relieved,

In the past two days, that friend of mine sent me a message saying this, and I thought it might be serious, so let's hide at home. "Jiang Wan felt that recently, her ability to make up nonsense has been tempered more and more smoothly.

"You're a good friend, I really miss you when I have something to do," said Dad Jiang.

"That's not it." After all, it was her friend out of nothing.

When Mom and Dad watched TV and went to bed, Jiang Wan was still sitting in the living room in a daze. Tonight, she was destined to not be able to sleep. Thinking of what to greet next, she felt a little flustered.

She has sealed the windows and turned on the central air conditioner in the house to over 35 degrees to keep the room dry. Even if the virus seeps into the house, it can die quickly.

He ran to the bathroom again, filled the bathtub with water, went to the kitchen to find the water gate at home, closed the water gate, then found a small wrench that Jiang Dad brought back, and removed the small ring that was twisted back and forth on the water gate to hide it.

It was fine a few days ago, but the virus will seep into the water source later, even if the water is boiled, it is useless, and it will still be infected. Just in case, it is better to prevent family members from drinking this water.

When she was at home two days ago, the person who delivered the bottled water had just sent the water, and there were five barrels of [-] liters of drinking water at home, which could be drunk for a few days.

After doing this, Jiang Wan still didn't want to sleep, so she simply took out a watermelon from the space, cut it into pieces, then took out a few packets of potato chips, took out a cup of bubble milk tea, and a small cake, lying on the sofa leisurely nibbling.

After nibbling, I threw the melon rind to the side of the coconut that I was eating, and the coconut crunched and gnawed, and it was delicious to eat.

"Do you still eat melon rind?" Jiang Wan was surprised to see coconuts who were not picky eaters. There shouldn't be many dogs who like to eat fruits, so she took out two strawberries from the space and handed them to the coconut.

When I saw it, I choked it twice and ate it, then took out an apple and nibbled it.

Jiang Wan took out a cucumber in disbelief, and saw that the coconut was still chewing with relish.

"It's a good dog, so it's easy to feed." Jiang Wan patted its head and continued to eat his own.

One person and one dog do not sleep, Jiang Wan watches TV, and when she is bored, she goes to the space to grow vegetables, feed animals and pick fruits.

Jiang Wan herself didn't know how many eggs and duck eggs she had taken out. As the temperature in the room slowly rose, she felt sleepy. She also lay on the sofa in a daze and fell asleep. Coconut was quiet. Quietly sleeping at her feet.

When I woke up again, I was woken up by Jiang's mother's voice.

"What's the matter, is the heater turned on? It just woke me up." Jiang Ma came out wearing a pajamas, and saw Jiang Wan wearing a chicken coop, just woke up from the sofa. With you as a child, why don't you go to sleep in the house, why are you sleeping here, the TV is on all night?"

After waking up, Jiang Wan was stunned for a while, and sat up smartly, not caring about anything. First, he lay on the balcony and looked outside. Sure enough, the outside was already covered with thick fog. If you look carefully, these fogs are not naturally formed. , but emerged from the cement cracks in the soil on the ground.

Hurrying to check the window again to make sure that it was closed tightly, Jiang Wan lightly sighed.

Jiang Mama turned off the heating, and muttered, "It's been a few months, and the heating is still on, which costs a lot of electricity."

Jiang Wan secretly opened it again, "There has been no sun for the past two days, and the house is too humid, so I drove it to go to the tide."

Jiang Ma wanted to say something, but saw Jiang Daddy holding up an empty cup with a mouthful of foam coming out, and said vaguely, "Why is there no water? I went to the kitchen to see, why did the sluice cap fall off?"

"Well, when I was taking a bath last night, the water was halfway out. I went to check the sluice, but I accidentally screwed it off and didn't know where it went. You wash your face with the water in the bathtub first." Jiang Wan Showing two rows of white teeth.

Dad Jiang took a glass of water from the water dispenser, "I'll see if I can fix it later."

It's impossible to fix it. She has hidden the hat. Whoever can twist it and go out to buy tools, Jiang Wan Duanduan will not let them go out.

Just stick to this day, and there will be relevant news reports tomorrow.

There is really nothing to do when the family is idle at home. Jiang Ma and Jiang Nian are busy making dumplings. There is meat, vegetables, noodles and free time at home, so they can make dumplings.

Jiang Wan sat in the living room and watched them. If anyone went out, they would quickly pull them back.

In the afternoon, it was time for Coconut's dog walk. Coconut squatted at the door and watched for a long time, and found that no one took it out to play today.

 Do many people have a group called "Happy Family"?
  Two more, two more, the tickets are well received, I hope this recommended pk can advance!ah!ah! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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