Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 58 Fear of crime and absconding

Chapter 58 Fear of crime and absconding

Unexpectedly, when the online supermarket opened, in addition to food, the fastest selling out of stock was cat litter and dog litter, which made those families with pets speechless.

What's going on with these people grabbing cat litter from their own cats and dogs?However, when these shit shoveling officers found out that the cat litter and the dog litter were very convenient to use, they would not lead to the toilet at home, because there was no water to flush the toilet and the smell was stinking, so they also joined the rush to buy.

Compared with the future, the situation is still better now. When Jiang Wan and the others went downstairs to collect relief food for the third or fourth time, the embarrassed expressions of the people all showed in front of them.

Those people not only stinks, but even their hair is dirty in strands because they haven't been washed for too long, especially women's long hair, which sticks together like a bucket of oil has been poured on their heads, from time to time. Others scratched their heads.

Some girls who like to be neat and tidy have no choice but to face this situation. The water they received and the water they snapped up were not enough to drink, so why would they want to wash their hair?

Among such a dirty group of people, Jiang Wan's family seems out of place. The refreshing loose hair and clean and tidy clothes can attract people's envious eyes every time.

Later, in order not to get too much attention, when Jiang Wan and the others went to collect the relief food, they also wore hats to cover their fluffy hair.

They stocked up half of the study's water at home. Although they were not as embarrassed as those people, they were still very economical when using water.

Usually, the water for washing vegetables is kept for washing dishes, after washing dishes, it is kept for feeding chickens and vegetables, and the water for washing face is kept for washing hair, and after washing hair, it is kept for flushing toilet.

I can't take a bath every day like before, but I also pour half a pool of water in the bathtub every few days, and the four people in the family take turns taking a bath.

Even under such conditions, it is much better than those who haven't showered for half a month and have washed their hair.

If people know that the water they usually don't have enough to drink is used by Jiang Wan and the others for bathing, they will not feel distressed.

"Hey, the things in the online supermarket are really expensive. For 200 yuan, you can buy 25 bottles of 50ml mineral water. If it was before, you could buy it for [-] yuan.

You explained that you have it in your supermarket, and you have to donate it. Now it's better, we have to spend so much money to buy it back. "Mother Jiang was shopping in the supermarket with her mobile phone in her hand.

While shopping, she didn't forget to mutter to Dad Jiang. She didn't understand the big truths that Dad Jiang said. She knew that she was distressed about money, and the hundreds of thousands of items in the supermarket were gone.

Although there is water in the house, the situation outside shows no signs of improving at all. Mom and Dad are inexplicably flustered, and they are always worried that there will be a day when they will finish eating.

So when the online supermarket opens, they will buy some food and drink to come back. With more food at home, they can always feel a little more at ease.

When Dad Jiang heard what Jiang Ma said, he touched his nose and looked at Jiang Wan, who was playing with his mobile phone, and changed the subject, "How about the investigation of the supermarket theft?

"There's really some news, but it's not about the supermarket being stolen." Jiang Wan said inexplicably.

"What's the news? The praise for donating materials has come down?"

Jiang Wan shook his head, "No, team Liu said two days ago that they would give us an award and give us some bonuses, and then the media promoted it and praised it, but I rejected it."

In such an extreme situation now, bonuses and a good reputation are useless. Jiang Wan naturally doesn't want them. She still wants the title of outstanding citizen.

The title of "excellent citizen" is not something that can be obtained by anyone who wants it, or who can get it by donating a lot of money. It is determined according to the actual situation.

For example, a celebrity is worth hundreds of millions, but he is only willing to donate 500 million. This 500 million may seem like a lot, but it is only a very small part of his net worth, and he will not be awarded the title of outstanding citizen.

But an ordinary person, even if he only has 10 yuan, is willing to donate 8 yuan when the country is in trouble. His heart and patriotism will be rewarded.

Such patriots will receive better assistance and support in the future when more and more difficulties are encountered.

This is also to make the masses unite as one and do more good deeds!

"You are really a living Bodhisattva, don't leave your name when you do good deeds." Jiang Ma didn't know what Jiang Wan was thinking, but when she heard Jiang Wan say this, she felt even more distressed, and she didn't even get a reward in the end.

Jiang Wan listened to Jiang's mother's nagging, and did not say anything like Jiang's father. She knew that Jiang's mother was distressed for money, and a period of time would pass after her nagging.

Looking up to see Jiang Nian busy feeding chickens and collecting eggs on the balcony, Jiang Wan lowered her voice a little and said to Jiang's father and mother, "Liu team told me that he checked Wang Tiancheng, trying to rule out some suspects. Man, but this is impossible to check,

Wang Tiancheng and others secretly reselling food at high prices. The government fined them and confiscated their illegal income. I didn't expect that this group of people wanted money or life. hunt them down. "

"What? What are you talking about? Wang Tiancheng sells food at high prices and flees in fear of crime?" Jiang Ma exclaimed in disbelief.

Jiang Wan covered Jiang's mother's mouth and quietly looked at Jiang's milk on the balcony for no response, "be quiet, don't be heard by my grandma, or she should be worried that she won't be able to eat well and won't be able to sleep."

"How about Jiang Yan and the others?" Dad Jiang didn't expect Wang Tiancheng to be so courageous and dare to do things like absconding in fear of crime. This is a typical case of wanting money and not dying.

"Team Liu said he came to ask me, but Jiang Yan insisted that she didn't know where he went, and she wasn't involved, so she was still at home. Team Liu asked me about Wang Tiancheng, and I told him briefly. Some." Jiang Wan said.

Jiang Ma asked nervously, "Then what happened to our supermarket was stolen by Wang Tiancheng, right? Jiang Yan wanted to buy something from our supermarket before, but we didn't give it. Wang Tiancheng needed a source for reselling food, so he stole our supermarket. already?"

"I don't know. Team Liu is still investigating this matter. Let's wait and see. Maybe new news will come out soon." Jiang Wan said.

She thought that she had never sold anything to Jiang Yan's family in her life, and that Wang Tiancheng would not re-sell anything, so he would not be investigated by Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother, and he would not have to be locked up.

In his last life, Wang Tiancheng refused to pay the fine before he was arrested. The money he made by reselling food was eventually confiscated.

Unexpectedly, Wang Tiancheng has become more courageous in this life, and even if he sells it, he and his accomplices abscond in fear of crime.

(End of this chapter)

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