Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 59 You Can Pull It Down

Chapter 59 You Can Pull It Down
"What are you muttering about?" Jiang Nian came in with the little egg she just picked up, and saw the three heads huddled together muttering something.

"No, it's nothing, let's discuss what vegetables to buy in the online supermarket, grandma, the eggs you just collected, why don't you make tomatoes and eggs at noon today." Jiang Wanzui said sweetly.

"This child, where can I still eat tomatoes? The vegetables in the refrigerator have long been eaten. If you want to eat potatoes and onions, there are still a lot." Jiang Nian sighed, and a lot of things in the refrigerator have already started Slowly bottomed out.

There are still a lot of rice noodles, some meat in the refrigerator, plus Jiang Wan and others, the bacon and sausages brought back from the supermarket can also be eaten for a while, that is, the vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator are almost finished.

After that, I can only eat more durable vegetables such as carrots and potatoes, and fresh green vegetables, I hope that the ones she grows on the balcony will be able to pick a few leaves and eat them every once in a while.

Jiang Wan hasn't put anything in the refrigerator recently. The vegetables and fruits have been kept for a month, and they haven't been eaten. It's not normal for two months. Since she didn't put vegetables in the refrigerator, it was full. The refrigerator, after so many days of consumption, will naturally bottom out.

"Grandma, I'll show you something good." Jiang Wan ran into the room and took out some seeds from the space, as well as a few coconut bricks left over from the last time, and handed them to Jiang Nian.

Jiang Nian smiled when she saw the seeds in the small plastic bag, "Oh, it's vegetable seeds, cabbage, chicken feathers, lettuce, water spinach, and coriander, leeks, and shallot seeds, where did you get so many seeds? vegetable seeds?
I have recently regretted that I bought fewer vegetable seeds at the beginning. The vegetables on the balcony will no longer be planted after the elders. Why do you take out so many? "

"It was when I asked the anchor to sell vegetables, and I saw that the vegetables were delicious. When I went to buy the vegetables, I asked the vegetable farmers there for some. I planned to plant them when I had the opportunity in the future. eat?

Just take it out and plant it. It should be enough for us to eat. It happened that the two of us bought some coconut bricks last time. "Jiang Wan said nonsense casually, and by the way put the five coconut bricks in his hand on the ground.

Now it's not just Jiang Milk that is happy, even Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother are happy to see it. If this can grow vegetables, there is no need to worry about not having green vegetables to eat.

"Is your bedroom a treasure chest? How can you take out everything?" Jiang Ma picked up a coconut brick and looked at it.

In normal times, I can see Jiang Wan when I have nothing to do. I took out a bunch of snacks from her bedroom to eat, and the protective clothing last time was also taken out from the bedroom by Jiang Wan.

Now I have taken out coconut bricks and vegetable seeds, and they are all good things that just happen to be used. They are more useful than treasure chests.

Dad Jiang also said strangely, "You explain that you can dig some soil and install a few vegetable fill lights to grow a lot of green vegetables.

Jiang Nian was puzzled by what Jiang Dad said, "really, why are those people so stupid."

"Maybe they don't have water!" Jiang Wan answered their doubts.

The truth is, why is it just not as simple as water?The vegetable fill light can only be used to supplement the light when the light is insufficient.

It can't completely replace sunlight, just relying on vegetable fill light, there is no way to grow strong plants.

The reason why ginger milk can grow lush vegetables is because those soils have been replaced by Jiang Wan. The soil on the black soil of the space does not need light or watering, so that the plants can grow vigorously, and No pests yet.

Jiang Nian had already started to think about planting, and said, "Without a flowerpot, even if there are seeds and soil, there is no place to plant them!"

"Isn't there a lot of big mineral water bottles? I cut a big hole on the top of the bottle and put the soil in it, so it can be used as a vase!" Dad Jiang came up with an idea.

"Remove all the flower stands on the balcony, and place a circle of mineral water bottles filled with soil around them, and lay the soil directly on the ground in the middle, which is convenient and convenient for planting." Jiang Wan said.

The balcony of their house is more than one meter wide, the chicken coop is placed on the right, and a land of three or four square meters is spread out on the left, which can still be used to grow vegetables.

"Can your coconut bricks soak up so much soil?" Jiang Ma was skeptical about those small coconut bricks.

"This piece can make a big pot, absolutely enough." Jiang Wan vowed, and contracted the work of soaking coconut bricks.

Jiang Nian contributed all the water she had saved for feeding the chickens. Jiang's father and mother were not idle. Jiang's father was responsible for cutting large mineral water bottles.

Jiang Ma and Jiang Nian were in charge, put away the flower shelf on the balcony, and placed the six rectangular flower pots on the flower shelf by the wall.

Jiang Wan went to the bathroom to soak the coconut bricks. Taking advantage of the fact that several people outside were busy with their own affairs, he secretly put the coconut bricks into the space, and then took out the soil on the black soil and put it into a large pot and moved it out. Jiang Ma put it into a mineral water bottle.

After moving back and forth three times in this way, the balcony was finished, and a small piece of land was made. Jiang Dad hung the vegetable fill light on it.

Nanny Jiang took a small shovel carefully and spread the seeds one by one, as if she was holding a big baby in her hand.

"Otherwise, let's say that our daughter has the ability, and see how useful these things our daughter has made." Dad Jiang said.

Jiang Nian, who was busy sowing seeds, couldn't listen anymore, "You can pull it down. You didn't let me grow vegetables on the balcony at first, but now you eat the most."

Dad Jiang touched his nose and didn't return his mouth. It's not easy to think about being a man.

The daughter-in-law was unwilling to keep animals at home, and let him act as a bad guy to prevent Jiang Nian from raising chickens and vegetables at home, and finally ended up complaining.

Jiang Wan wanted to donate the supermarket, but in the end, he threw it to himself to wipe his butt, which made Jiang Nian and Jiang mother beside his ears, and he just nagged for half a month.

Jiang Nian planted her vegetables, the family ate lunch, went to collect relief food, put on masks, covered their smooth hair with hats, and went downstairs with coconuts.

Recently, online supermarkets have opened. People don’t say that they are full, at least they can eat a serious meal. It will not be like before. Every time a large group of people see coconuts, they want to shed saliva.

One by one, they wanted to eat two bites of dog meat on Coconut. Coconut shivered in the crowd who looked at it like this with green eyes.

The people on the first floor were all lining up to receive supplies, and they were talking to each other. There was a lot of noise. At a glance, adults and children were all dirty, and their hair was dirty on their heads, especially some children. All are black.

Some adults who love cleanliness will buy some wet wipes. Even if there is no water to wash their hair, it is good to wipe their face and body with wet wipes.

(End of this chapter)

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