Chapter 6
"I heard from your mother that you resigned?" Dad Jiang gave her a piece of fish with few thorns and put it in a bowl, concerned.

Jiang Wan looked at the energetic and well-dressed Dad Jiang, and suddenly felt a little sad.

In the natural disaster, her father protected her all the way to the ninth year, and died on the road together because he handed her a piece of earth cake.

In the second year, her mother was accidentally beaten to death by a burglar.

Their family runs a supermarket, and when food is slowly running out, people are staring at their house. They always feel that there must be food storage in their house, and they think of robbery.

But the goods in the supermarket are all those on the goods, and when they are sold, they will not be stockpiled in large quantities at all.

Otherwise, if the sales are not good and the backlog is in the hands, it will only cause the funds to fail to operate.

In addition, when there was a shortage of food at the beginning, Jiang's mother couldn't bear to see that other people's homes had nothing to eat or drink, so she sold all the goods, where is there any stock.

I felt that it was difficult for a while, but after we got through it, the roads were restored to traffic, and everyone felt that way.

When Jiang Wan thought of this, her heart was aching, and her eye circles turned red.

When Dad Jiang saw Jiang Wan's grievance, it looked like he was being bullied, his heart softened, and he quickly comforted, "If you resign, just resign, stay at home, and Dad can support you."

Jiang Wan quickly collected her emotions, held back the tears that were about to fall, and said, "Dad, I just want to start my own business."

"Entrepreneurship?" Jiang Dad thought for a while and nodded, "Entrepreneurship is good, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Wan said what she had prepared before, "Isn't it very popular to bring goods through live broadcasts? No matter what kind of goods, as long as you find a good big anchor to bring goods, you will definitely be able to sell them.

I just wanted to set up a trading company, go to various factories to find good products to buy, and then sell the goods through the anchor to make a profit, or train one or two big anchors to bring the goods. "

Jiang Ma didn't understand much. She didn't know much about these emerging industries, and she said uncertainly, "Can this really work? If it is so profitable, not many people will do it."

Jiang Wan nodded firmly, "Yes, I started paying attention to this industry when I was not graduating, and I also learned a lot of similar things during my internship. Now that Douyin is so popular, it is a good opportunity to enter the market."

Speaking of which, Jiang Wan put on an embarrassed smile, "It's just that the registered capital is a bit large, so I thought that since I have registered a company, it's better to register a foreign trade company, so that I can get any good things abroad. Come to China to sell, you can see that Afkhan came to our country to sell pine nuts some time ago, and they were sold out in one day."

When Jiang Wan said this, she felt a little foolish, no matter what, as long as her parents were willing to give her the money.

"Oh, you can't do it. We don't have that foreign connection, so it's too unreliable." Jiang Ma always felt unrealistic after hearing what she said so well.

"I'm just saying, let's register the foreign trade company first, and start from the country. If we do it well, maybe it will become bigger in the future?"

Mom Jiang couldn't make up her mind, she turned to look at Dad Jiang, "Old Jiang, what do you think?"

Dad Jiang pondered for a while and said, "How much registration capital do you need?"

Jiang Wan tied up two fingers silently, "200 million!"

She calculated the family's belongings, this house, and the savings in her parents' hands, which was about the same number.

Mother Jiang's heart skipped a beat when she heard that, 200 million is the savings of the two of them for half their lives, what if they lose it.

But such a big thing still requires Dad Jiang to make up his mind, so he turned to look at Dad Jiang, "You are relatively good at this kind of thing, the girl said it, can it be done?"

They have no culture. They farm at home when they are young, and go out to work in their spare time.

Dad Jiang used to work on the construction site, but fortunately, he has a smart brain. After a long time, he has some ways to work, so he followed people to contract projects and slowly made some money.

The two discussed whether it was better to do some business than farming, so they rented a store in the city and opened this supermarket for Jiang Ma to show, and he continued to run the project.

Later, the supermarket can also earn 10,000+ every year, and with the money Dad Jiang earned outside, he bought this house with full money near the supermarket a few years ago.

Only then did they feel at ease, and they always felt that no matter where they were, they only felt at home when they had a house.

Later, after saving some savings in the past few years, Dad Jiang stopped running around outside, registered a decoration company by himself, and did a good job.

So Jiang Wan said about the registered capital, he knew what was going on.

Dad Jiang explained it to Mom Jiang, "Although what the girl said is very bluffing, in fact, the registered capital is the capital to be registered. How big a company you can register and how big a business you can do depends on how much money you can put out. To set up this company, people will go through the corresponding procedures for you,

This money is from your own name and put it into the company's name, but the company is our daughter's, so isn't the money still our daughter's?

As long as you don't rush for quick success when doing business in the later stage, and don't want to lose money on large orders without any experience, there is generally no problem. "

When Jiang Wan heard what Jiang's father said, he was overjoyed and felt that this could be done.

Ma Jiang was still not at ease listening to this, "Can this work? Why don't you try to start a small company first? This is in case you lose money."

Dad Jiang motioned to Mom Jiang to relax, "Aren't we all girls' daughters after we make money? It's a good thing for girls to want to start a business. If I was afraid of wolves and tigers later, I wouldn't have borrowed money to follow people to contract projects, and then I opened it again. The supermarket, and now there is a decoration company, there will not be our home today,

Besides, we can still make money. Even if we lose, we can make more money. We can't limit the development of our daughter just because of our worries. "

When Jiang Ma thinks about it, what she said is right. Every time she spent a lot of money to invest, she always looked forward to the future. She felt that making money was not easy. What if she lost money,
It was Dad Jiang who relied on a lot of ruthlessness and said that if he lost a big deal, he could make more money, and he got to this day step by step.

Now it seems that every decision of Dad Jiang is right, thinking that this time will not be bad.

"But we don't have that much money in our hands." Mama Jiang did the math, and the total savings in her hand is only 80 million.

"You don't have to worry about this, I can still borrow some from someone." Dad Jiang said after thinking for a while.

Hearing this, Jiang Wan quickly said, "You have to lose face if you borrow money. If you don't mortgage the house first, I will redeem it after I make money."

This can’t be borrowing money, it needs to borrow more than 100 million. If you wait until the end of the world, these favors will not be easy to repay. One by one, they are in trouble, and they come to their door, should they help or not?

(End of this chapter)

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