Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 7 Start stocking up supplies

Chapter 7 Start stocking up supplies
Don't help, I owe such a big favor, and even the supplies she kept in her hands were bought by them borrowing money, and I felt sorry for it.

Help, how can you help me in the next ten years?

Dad Jiang thought it was okay, he had already decided to support his daughter, so he didn't want to worry so much. He went to ask one by one to borrow money. It was really not convenient to mortgage the house.
"You should study more during this period of time. After I mortgage the house, I will take you to register the company."

"Dad, it's better for me to go, apply for a loan, and register a company. There are a lot of things to do, so I won't delay your work. I'll do it myself."

Jiang Wan hurriedly said that she was just looking for an excuse to register the company, but she didn't really plan to open a company, so how could she secretly let her father follow her.

"Can you do it?" Jiang Ma said uncertainly, looking at her delicate daughter.

It's not that she doesn't trust her daughter, but that her daughter has never suffered much since she was a child, and now she just graduated and doesn't understand anything, how can she rest assured.

"Don't worry, if I can't even do this well, what kind of company do I have to start? You have to trust your daughter, these 20 years of study are not for nothing." Jiang Wan comforted.

"Yes, yes, our family has a college student like a daughter, who must know more than us." Jiang Dad smiled, "I, a junior high school graduate, can make a business, the daughter graduated from college, plus It's definitely okay to inherit my ingenuity."

"Well, now that it's decided, Xiaowan has to work hard. I will accompany you and your dad to take out a house loan tomorrow, and then I will take out the regular period in the passbook and give it to you, and the rest is up to you. ." Jiang Ma said as if she had made up her mind.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad." Jiang Wan hurriedly gave the two people a piece of braised pork and said happily.

In fact, she is very grateful to her parents for their nurturing education. From childhood to adulthood, the children of other families are all the parents think are good, so they force the children to learn, regardless of whether the children like it or not.

Her parents respected her opinion. When she was a child, her mother thought that girls were good at learning dance and wanted her to go to a training class. As a result, she didn't like to say anything and didn't go to class.

It was her father who talked to her and asked her what she was thinking. Later, when she heard that she liked taekwondo and didn't like dancing, Jiang's father decided to quit the dance class and enrolled her in the martial arts class.

After that, I don't know what Jiang's father and Jiang's mother said. From now on, Jiang's mother will not force her. She will ask her if she has any ideas, and she will communicate with her parents if she has any ideas. Her parents respect her decision very much.

So from childhood to adulthood, as long as it's not a crooked way, or something that doesn't do the right job, her parents are very supportive of her, and she lives more freely.

It was because of knowing this that Jiang Wan felt that her family would probably support her idea of ​​starting a business.

At night, Jiang Wan couldn't sleep. She was excited to get the money, and she also panicked about the imminent end of the world. She slept in a daze until dawn and got up early in the morning.

Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother took the real estate certificate and passbook, and they went to the bank together. The mortgage of the house and the withdrawal of money were not troublesome, and they were done in one morning.

When Dad Jiang transferred the money to Jiang Wan, he also solemnly instructed, "Dad knows that you are an ambitious child, but society is no better than school, people are sinister, and you need to be careful when doing business, you know? When I was young, I started with small orders and waited until I had experience to take on big business.”

"I know Dad, I will remember what you said." Jiang Wan also nodded solemnly.

Dad Jiang waved his hand and went to work with Mama Jiang. After leaving, he felt relieved and a little worried, but sooner or later, he would have to let the child go.

He went out to work hard when he was a teenager. If he could be like a girl back then, with education and capital, maybe he would have achieved more than he is now.
So he wanted to let his daughter try it out, even if it was a mistake, it didn't matter, the two of them were middle-aged, and they could start a new family business for the daughter.

Jiang Wan looked at Cary's long list of numbers, and his heart was heavy, is this just money?It is the love of parents.

She must make sure her family survives the ten years of natural disasters.

There is not much time left, the clouds will cover the sun at the end of the month, there will be epidemics next month, and then there will be extreme cold weather accompanied by large and small disasters.
At the coldest time, the world can reach minus fifty degrees, and after that, there are various storms, earthquakes, and extreme heat.

She must use the money to prepare for the future life.

Jiang Wan returned to the car, found a pen and paper and started writing the list. She had to make a budget. It seemed like a lot of money, but it was very unnecessary.

According to the importance, write them down one by one, buy life-saving things first, and then buy the rest of the money according to various needs.

The first is to eat. She has to ensure that their family of three, plus the grandmother who lives in the country, will have food rations for the next ten years.

They mainly eat pasta here, so they buy wheat. One catty of grain per person per day is 360 catties a year, [-] catties in ten years, and [-] catties for four people.

Calculated on the basis of 500 catties, when she visited the farmer's market yesterday, she saw that the current price of wheat was two yuan and five catties, and it cost [-] yuan to buy it.

As for why you choose to buy wheat instead of flour, first of all, wheat can be put into the specimen grid as a seed without occupying her own storage space,
The second is that wheat is cheaper than flour, and when you buy a flour mill, you can save some bran by yourself.

Even bran is a good thing that cannot be obtained in the years after the natural disaster.

Since it is the most important life-saving material, there is no need to ask so much. If there is no major accident, this batch of wheat may not be used.

Jiang Wan wrote the quantity after the wheat, then the flour mill, and then the medicine.

In the ten years of natural disasters, medicine is more precious than food. She must prepare all the medicines she can buy in advance, just in case,

This can be swiped with a medical insurance card, and she can buy it after she goes back and gets their family's medical insurance card.

The most important thing is the clothes for epidemic prevention and cold protection. The weather will change in the future, so she must prepare in advance.

Extremely bad weather can kill many people.

This afternoon, I bought these important things first, and made up my mind, Jiang Wan drove to rent a large warehouse first.

She bought so much wheat that she couldn't take it directly in front of people, and there was no place to transport it. She could transport it into the warehouse at that time, and then put it in the space when no one was there.

(End of this chapter)

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