Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 61 Is it the truth when there are more people?

Chapter 61 Is it the truth when there are more people?

Looking at Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, and Jiang's mother's faces are getting more and more ugly, Jiang Wan has no plans to let this time go, a very good teaching subject.

With more oil in his mouth, he whispered in their ears, "Look, what kind of people are these sour words, the supermarket is ours, what should we do with them?

As the saying goes, helping them is a love, not helping is a duty. It was originally our duty, so how could it be said by them that the crime is so bad? Are people like them worthy of letting us help them? "

"Not worthy!" Jiang Nian's face was ashen, and she spoke with anger. When did she suffer such grievances? If she hadn't seen so many of them, she would have to go up and shred their faces.

The people around were startled by Jiang Nian's voice, and they turned their heads to look at them. Jiang Nian was even more angry when she saw them looking at herself one by one.

Roared, "What are you looking at, I heard that there is an old couple in our building, who are not in good health and can't go hungry.

You are all living bodhisattvas, why haven’t you seen you donate some of your water and food to the old couple, and you’re all neighbors and have not seen you help? "

"Well said, every one of them said the same thing as a living Buddha, why didn't I see you reaching out to help!" Ye Chu, who was in the back, followed Jiang Nian's words, stretched his head and said such a sentence, which was given by Yi Chen. Pulled and pressed into the team.

Jiang's father and mother's angry expressions were extremely ugly, but the two of them, like Jiang Wan, knew that it was useless to quarrel with such a person to explain.

Not only will they not think what you said is justified, but they will accuse more unscrupulously. Many times no one will care. This matter itself is right or wrong. It is believed that the number of people is the truth.

"In the end, supermarkets shouldn't donate, so they have something to eat, how good we have money to make!" Jiang Ma has always regretted the donation from the supermarket. Now hearing those people's remarks, Jiang Ma regrets it even more. .

Dad Jiang also felt a little bit of a drum in his heart. He didn't know whether the decision made by Jiang Wan was right or not. Is it really a rational decision to donate the most important materials for future conjectures?
"Do you think they will be grateful if you keep the things in the supermarket and sell them to them? With their current expressions, do you think,

Will they force you to come out with more things, or are they more likely to be grateful to you? "Jiang Wan saw the mood of Jiang's father and mother, and directly broke the facts.

In the last life, Jiang Dad and Jiang Mama sold out the items in the supermarket when there was no water pollution, but are they grateful?

No, before the state investigated and dealt with vegetable vendors and online supermarkets did not start, during that difficult time, they called Jiang Ma and Jiang Dad one by one and brought out more food.

Even if Jiang's father and mother kept explaining that the food and drink in the supermarket were all sold out during the previous period, they didn't believe it at all.

Some people even said that they must have something to eat at home and let them sell it, but they didn't care about Jiang Wan's family and whether they would be hungry without food.

In this life, Jiang Wan and the others did not sell the items in the supermarket on the grounds that they could not get out without protective clothing, and those people did not have protective clothing to get them, so they did not force Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother, and they had to sell things.

But with the current situation, what would happen if she didn't donate the supermarket, but sold it to people in the community, as Jiang Ma said?

If Jiang Wan guessed correctly, when there is a problem with the mineral water they bought from the vegetable vendor, they would immediately point the finger at their home, accusing Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother of making huge profits and selling unclean water polluted water. good dealers and demand compensation.

If this is the case, instead of being held in a big black pot by these people, it is better to donate it directly.

More and more people gathered around Yan Huai, all asking about buying water, and many people asked whether they could buy it in a group and make it cheaper.

The movement here is slowly aroused. The staff who are distributing food and water pay attention. Wang Qing picks up the loudspeaker and reminds, "Don't drink water of unknown origin, don't drink it, say important things three times, don't drink it, when the time comes If there is a problem with drinking, you will lose your own life."

His loudspeaker was still somewhat useful, and many people began to murmur in their hearts, but they were quickly misled by Yan Huai.

"Don't listen to him yelling, what can be wrong with good mineral water, I've been drinking it for several days, and I haven't seen any problems. They just don't want you to buy water from other places, which will affect the sales of online supermarkets. The things in the supermarket are so expensive, how can you make money if you don’t buy them.”

At first glance, Yan Huai's words seem to be quite reasonable. For those who were hesitant, seeing so many people wanting to buy, it should not be a problem, so they dispelled their doubts.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Wan thought to herself, it really took you from the brink of death, and you won't be able to pull it back.

After returning from receiving the relief food, Jiang Wan felt that her life was not as good as before.

I can only eat chicken and potato curry with white rice, then make a double-cooked pork, and stir-fry bacon with onions.

Jiang Wan could only hide and secretly add food, but it was a pity that she couldn't take it out to share with Jiang's mother, Jiang's father, and Jiang's milk.

If anyone hears this, and she can get two liters of blood out of anger, this is a proper Versailles!

Eating meat and potatoes, and saying that his life is not good, this is simply looking for a beating.

What's even more annoying is that all the dogs she raises eat better than others. Ever since Coconut moved into her bedroom, she has followed her to add meals every night. All kinds of fruit snacks are constantly being eaten, which is called a relish.

Jiang Wan was lying on the bed with one hand flipping through the phone, while the other hand finished eating a banana, and threw the banana peel to the coconut who was standing beside the bed watching her mouth. A message on the Internet caught her attention.

"The largest pet breeding base in Guancheng, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, as long as you want, we have it here, cheap processing, only exchange for food and pure water, contact quickly if you need it. "

Jiang Wan rubbed the coconut's head, "Isn't the opportunity here?"

The animals and plants she collected before are all very common in the market, and you can almost buy them in supermarkets, vegetable markets, wholesale markets and other places.

At that time, she was busy hoarding supplies, and she didn't have time to collect some rare animals and plants. When she had time, the virus had already arrived, and there was no way to go out.

Coconut chewing on the banana peel glanced at Jiang Wan resentfully, and every day he would lick its dog's head, and the hair on his head would be bald.

(End of this chapter)

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