Chapter 62 Eat Pets?
Jiang Wan pretended not to see the grudge of the coconut, found the contact information of the pet farm, contacted there, and agreed to meet at the farm tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Jiang Wan ate breakfast and put on protective clothing to prepare to go out.

"What are you doing." Jiang Nian saw Jiang Wan's protective suit directly blocking the door, "What are you doing, it's so dangerous outside, what else is there to do now."

"Good thing, wait for me to bring you something good." Jiang Wan comforted Jiang Nian.

How can Jiang Nian feel relieved, "No, if you don't make it clear, I won't let you out."

"I contacted a merchant. He said that he raised a few pigs at home. Now that water resources are in short supply, he can't afford it anymore. He wants to sell it. I will buy some meat."

Jiang Wan made such an excuse for herself. When she came back, she could justifiably take out some food in the space.

"Really? Don't you infect pigs, right?" Jiang Nian was really moved by Jiang Wan's words.

"Aren't you worried about my work? Someone will test for infection, as long as the test is safe." Jiang Wan said, pulling Nanny Jiang aside to prepare to go out.

"Then be careful, take precautions, and come back early." Jiang Nian asked again worriedly.

Jiang's father and mother were in the living room, watching Jiang's milk staring at Jiang Wan who was leaving, eager to see.

"Mom, don't worry, Xiaowan has grown up and she knows what to do." Dad Jiang advised.

Nanny Jiang closed the door, walked to the living room and glared at Dad Jiang, "Is Xiaowan your own, why don't you seem worried at all."

Dad Jiang: .
Now Jiang Wan's idea is bigger than his, is it because he doesn't let him go out?Besides, it was also his precious daughter, how could he not be worried!

The farm is in the suburbs. Jiang Wan drove her car all the way out of the city. There are almost no cars on the road now. Due to the thick fog and the dark clouds covering the sky, she did not dare to drive too fast.

Halfway through the drive, I passed a gas station and saw someone wearing protective clothing operating there. Jiang Wan also filled up the gas tank on purpose.

Jiang Wan came to the agreed farm according to the navigation. There was already a person wearing a protective suit waiting at the gate. Seeing Jiang Wan got out of the car and walked towards him, he hurriedly stepped forward and greeted him.

"Hello, my surname is Li. You can call me Lao Li. Are you the one who made an appointment with me to buy a pet yesterday?" Lao Li warmly went up to say hello. It's not easy to find a client now.

"Hello, I contacted you." Jiang Wan replied politely.

With such a young voice, and still a girl, Old Li was quite surprised, and led Jiang Wan towards it, "Do you want to buy pets to keep, or to eat? The animals I left here. They are all healthy and absolutely free of infection, so you can rest assured."

"Eat pets?"

Listening to Jiang Wan's doubts, Lao Li explained, "A lot of people come to me to buy some edible pets like rabbits, pigeons, and little pigs and go back and kill them for meat.
To be honest, every time I hear this, I can't bear it, but I can't help it. I can't afford to feed so many animals every day, so I can only deal with it as soon as possible. "

This breeding factory is bigger than Jiang Wan imagined. The factories are next to each other, and the chirping of animals can be heard.

The current new breeding plants are basically kept indoors at constant temperature, and food and water are fed mechanically, so when the poisonous fog hits, there is not much loss here.

When the real loss was water pollution, a lot of animals died because of drinking the polluted water. This made Lao Li feel bad, so forget it.

After the water is polluted, the water source is in short supply, and there are so many animals waiting to drink water. Where can he get so much water? Now the water fed to the animals is the clean water that was stored in the fish pond before, and the water will not last for long.

"How many kinds of animals do you have here?" Jiang Wan asked.

Old Li said distressedly, "A lot of people died before, and now there are still tens of thousands of them."

This made Jiang Wan's eyes light up. There are tens of thousands of species. Wouldn't it be possible to collect [-] non-specialized specimens, and to ask Tang Shiyuan to give her an electrical outlet, so that she could squeeze juice in the space.

In fact, it is not difficult to collect non-special specimens. Take dogs as an example. There are more than 400 dog breeds in the world, and more than [-] kinds can be used as pets.

It's just dogs, there are cats, rabbits, mice, hamsters, tortoises, all kinds of fish, birds, and the list goes on and on.

Lao Li took Jiang Wan to visit the factory building. Those pets that are good-looking and not good-looking, and all kinds of pets, were not affected by the virus at all.
They eat, sleep, and live a leisurely life in their own nest. From time to time, I can see three or two employees busy feeding them and shoveling shit.

Jiang Wan even saw a few alpacas strolling around in the pens. Alpacas were imported from abroad, and I didn't expect that there were also alpacas here.

"Which animals have you taken a fancy to? Just tell me, the price is easy to negotiate." Old Li looked at Jiang Wan and kept looking, but he didn't show which one he liked very much, and he was a little anxious.

Some of these animals can be eaten, but most of them cannot be eaten. Even if they go to eat, there is no meat, and the taste is not good. No one wants to buy them.

Keep it for yourself, the feed and water consumed every day will eat him up sooner or later, and he may end up starving to death in the end. At that time, the bamboo basket will be empty.

Now a buyer has finally arrived. No matter how much he buys, he will only sell one.

"I'll buy ten of all the animals here, both male and female." Jiang Wan didn't plan to miss this good opportunity to collect specimens.

Old Li almost thought that he heard it wrong, and said uncertainly, "Everything? I have tens of thousands of varieties!"

Seeing Jiang Wan nodded again, she was so excited that she was almost speechless, this is a big deal!
"The price of these pets is not cheap. According to your request, this is a large amount, and I only need food and water now. Are you sure you want to buy it?" Old Li confirmed again.

He didn't even ask why Jiang Wan could buy any animal at all. As long as she was willing to buy it, she could say anything.

Jiang Wan nodded, "I'm sure, but there is no water. I have a lot of flour and grain."

Her space produces food, but not water, and she definitely won't exchange water for things.

"Yes, yes, food is also fine, you can see where these animals will be sent to you at that time?" Lao Li said excitedly.

Jiang Wan thought for a while, "Now the poisonous mist outside is dangerous, and transportation is inconvenient. If you have a suitable factory here, you can lend it to me first, and then I will also deliver the grain and flour to the factory. "

(End of this chapter)

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