Chapter 73

"Then if you can't endure the acid rain, your seedlings will die?" Li Li was worried for Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan waved her hand unsurprisingly, "Investing, isn't it just gambling, always thinking about how to do business if you lose."

Uncle Li Li admires this courage secretly. It's really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. How dare you bet on it now?

The sun has disappeared for half a year, and the acid rain has come again. Is this a bet that the seedlings can feed?This is a bet on when the sun will come out and when the acid rain will not fall.

Jiang Wan immediately said to Uncle Li Li, "I want all kinds of plants, as long as I have them, flowers, landscape trees, trees, vegetables, fruits, even weeds and flowers, I want them all, but I don't want much. A dozen or so species are fine, I just like to collect them and keep them for myself, if any one goes extinct, I will make a lot of money."

Uncle Li Li's mouth twitched slightly after listening to it. This investment is a bit biased. Is this expecting that after the extinction of which plant, he will make a lot of money with a single seedling in his hand?

This is investment, I'm afraid it's not the eldest lady who came out to make a fool of yourself.

But he doesn't care about this, as long as someone is willing to buy it, he can sell things.

"Okay, I'll collect the plants from others and put them in my greenhouse. It's convenient for you to move them out, but." Uncle Li Li said embarrassedly, "You and Li Li are both friends. , Not only do I have something in my heart, but to buy something from someone else's house, I always have to make a deposit first."

In fact, he was worried about himself. If Jiang Wan could not afford the food and ran away after the plants were harvested, and he could not explain it to others, then he would contact the seller after he was busy, and he would be pitted by Jiang Wan in the end. How annoying.

Jiang Wan naturally knew what he was thinking, "I understand, but I'm short of manpower now, I'll give you the warehouse address later, and you have to send someone from your side to pull the grain. As for the purchase price of plants, you should be more careful than me. I can do business, so I won't suffer."

Jiang Wan's words are nice, but she is actually telling him that as long as the price is fair, she is willing to accept it. As for whether he will lower the purchase price and make a difference in it, Jiang Wan doesn't care about it.
After all, they helped contact the seller after their busy schedule, and then helped the seller to transport all the plants, which saved her a lot of effort.

Uncle Li Li is a businessman, so he naturally understood what Jiang Wan meant and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you won't suffer in terms of price."

How realistic people are now, if there is no profit in the middle, can Uncle Li Li help her with such kindness?
After talking about this, Jiang Wan originally planned to go back, but in the end, she couldn't resist Li Li. She was dragged to her house for dinner, and she chatted with his grandfather, and negotiated a price to buy her family's traditional Chinese medicine.

The medicinal materials were sent to Uncle Li Li's greenhouse. After Jiang Wan took them away together, they put the food in the greenhouse and they went to get it themselves.

At this time, Jiang Wan felt that it was good to have capital in hand. As long as he was willing to pay for food, someone would handle everything.
She only needs to use the time to put the plants in the space, and then take out the negotiated amount of food.

When he returned, Jiang Wan rented a nearby warehouse, put [-] tons of grain in it as a deposit, and sent the location and password of the warehouse to Uncle Li Li.

There are almost no people renting warehouses here, plus the rain is pouring down, the sky is dark, and people who are okay don't go out much at all, and they don't come to the storage area where there is nothing.

Jiang Wan didn't have to sneak in at night. Seeing that no one was around, the camera was a little far away, and she couldn't see through the dense raindrops, so she put the food in directly.

When he went back at night, Jiang Wan met an unexpected person, and was sitting on the elevator with him upstairs.

When he got home, Jiang Wan took off his raincoat and hung it outside the door. He couldn't help but say to his family, "Guess who I met in the elevator just now?"

"Who is it?" Jiang Nian replied perfunctorily to her.

"Yan Huai, he didn't die, he was cured and discharged from the hospital."

Is this considered a disaster that has been left for thousands of years, why is his life so big?

"Who?" Jiang Nian thought she heard it wrong, and looked at Jiang Wan and confirmed, "Is that Yan Huai who sells virus mineral water in the community?"

Seeing Jiang Wan nod, Jiang Nui pouted and scolded, "This person is a bad guy. He has hurt so many people, so why was he discharged from the hospital? No one came to arrest him?"

"He sells virus mineral water, but he doesn't know it, and he drank it himself. He is considered a victim and can't catch him. Since he is not dead, he should be able to find some information about the water seller from him, which will help in the capture. " said Dad Jiang.

Yan Huai was discharged from the hospital not because of his death, but because of the acid rain in the past few days. For some unknown reason, the original virus gradually lost its activity. It is no longer as terrible as before, and the infection will multiply in the internal organs.

According to research, the virus activity in the water source is reduced, and it is not infectious. Although it is not fatal after drinking it, it will cause gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea, and may cause dehydration in severe cases.

All in all, the water is still not drinkable, and it is no problem to use it to wash clothes and dry them.

This good news can finally let those who have been reluctant to wash their hair and bathe with water for four or five months have a good shower.

Water can be used so unscrupulously, only for a month or two, and it can no longer be used after acid rain pollutes the water source.

The pure water to drink now is issued by the Zhengfu once every three days.

The pure water distributed is filtered through advanced filtration equipment. Jiang Wan remembered that she had watched a program before, introducing the newly developed water filtration system of the company, which could filter the dirty water seeping out of the garbage into drinkable water. water.

Such a filter can filter out viruses in water and convert it into pure water, but it cannot convert acid rain into pure water.

This means that as the acid rain keeps falling, the pure water will become more and more tense. Each person can receive five liters of pure water every three days, and it becomes three liters per person every three days.

It is equivalent to one liter of water per person per day, which can only maintain the basic needs of the body.

"I'll save water to drink in the future. I thought it would rain and I wouldn't worry about running out of water. Who knew that it was acid rain, but it made water more scarce." Jiang Nian put the twelve liters of water she just brought back into the study. , worried.

Most of the water in the study has been used up after several months of consumption. I don't know what the situation will be in the future. Can you not panic?

Jiang Wan sat leisurely on the sofa and ate potato chips. She didn't need to worry about food and water. She had a lot of space in her space.

(End of this chapter)

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