Chapter 74
It's a pity that she can't tell her family that Jiang Ma and Jiang Nian have not been tempered in the last days, and they don't know that people's hearts are sinister.

Isn't that causing trouble for yourself?If you let people know that your home has a steady stream of energy to take out food, you have to gather around to ask for it, or grab it if you don’t. It’s better not to tell them first.

"In the recent virus mineral water incident, with the unremitting efforts of people, the criminal gang has been arrested and brought to justice. At present, there is still a criminal gang leader who is absconding, and the official is carrying out the arrest."

Television news showed images of the arrest scene, where rows of people with handcuffs and black bags over their heads were escorted away.

Jiang Wan remembered that this crime boss was very cunning and ruthless, and he caused many troubles later.

"Tsk tsk, I was caught. These people killed so many people for making money. They are inferior to beasts. They should pay for their lives."

Jiang Nian didn't know when, standing behind Jiang Wan, she suddenly spoke angrily and gave Jiang Wan a big jump, shaking off more than half of the potato chips in her hand, and was picked up by the coconut.

"Grandma, don't get excited, you won't easily bypass them." Jiang Wan looked at Jiang Nui's injustice, and quickly comforted her and sat down.

Jiang Nui sighed, "I just look angry. For these people, isn't life more important than money? It's really devoid of humanity."

Jiang Wan didn't expect that Jiang Nui still has this kind of chivalrous courage, so she comforted, "Don't be angry, these things are not our worries, let's think about what to eat, or pick some green vegetables from the balcony and make stir-fried vegetables. eat?"

When it comes to the vegetables she grows, Jiang Nian is proud. The small vegetable garden that she arranged on the balcony last time is now crowded with vegetables, and the lush look is more than gratifying.

Especially when there has been no sun for half a year, and the crops in the field have long died, Jiang Nian can still grow such gratifying green vegetables, and her sense of pride has skyrocketed.

Every time it was reported on TV how many plants had died, Jiang Nian would proudly pat her chest and say that she should be hired as a planting expert.

Look at those experts who can't do anything about it, she can grow green vegetables.

Every time this time, Jiang Wan thinks that Jiang Milk is too cute.

For the next period of time, Jiang Wan was not idle, looking for all kinds of animals and plants for sale on the Internet, but if she did not have it, she would contact to buy it.

In just one month, in addition to the medicinal materials purchased from Uncle Li Li, as well as the flowers, trees, fruit and vegetable seedlings he helped contact, Jiang Wan also contacted some sellers.

Some are pets that cannot be raised and sold, some small animals left over from their own farms, and some rare seeds purchased from seed dealers.

It can be said that as long as she is willing to provide food, there is nothing she cannot buy.

Many merchants are now unable to sustain it after half a year. For them, it is the most sensible decision to replace the useless seedling animals with the now scarce food.

When they heard that someone bought it, they were very happy, and some friends they knew sold it, and they would also introduce it to Jiang Wan.

During this month, Jiang Wan can be said to have reaped a lot. In order to buy specimens, she exchanged 200 tons of more than 130 tons of wheat in her space.

"If you collect [-] kinds of super specimens, you will be rewarded with up to [-] cubic meters of storage space. If you have collected [-] kinds of non-superior specimens, you will be rewarded with a land cap of [-] acres. In addition, you can have a helper to bind to. System, to assist you in collecting specimens." Tang Shiyuan's voice sounded briskly.

"Help? Do you mean that you can find another person to bind? Then don't you have two hosts?" Jiang Wan asked.

"The host is still you, but the helper you bind can also enter the space. As for the rights he has in the space, you give him the right. Whether the helper can take things from the space, and whether he can come in to grow vegetables and collect vegetables, these are all You set it up." Tang Shiyuan explained to Jiang Wan.

"This is a good thing!" Jiang Wan's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Every day, she goes into the space to collect vegetables, grow crops, pick fruits to feed animals, kill chickens to make some finished food when she has nothing to do, and turn her around every day.

Now that the space land has increased to ten acres, she can't be more busy. If she can have more helpers at this time, she will be much more relaxed.

But who is this helper looking for?
Jiang Wan looked at Dad Jiang, who was sitting on the sofa and playing the king. I am afraid that there is only Dad Jiang in this family. It is the most suitable.
In the last life, Dad Jiang protected him. In the ninth year of the end of the world, Dad Jiang's wisdom and ability to accept and adapt are needless to say.

"Come back, what are you rushing forward for, your assistant, do you think you are very resistant to beatings?" Dad Jiang shouted excitedly because he wanted to jump in anger from his cheating teammates.

Jiang Wan: This is an internet addict.

When Jiang Wan was playing games at home, Dad Jiang always said that she was not doing her right job, but now it's better, she is more addicted to playing games than anyone else.

Being bored at home, after Dad Jiang asked Jiang Wan to teach him to play games, he began to indulge in games. In half a year, he forcibly went from a game novice to the highest rank.

"This cheating teammate, you lost." Jiang Dad turned off the phone angrily and stopped playing.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Jiang Wan looked at him faintly, and he felt a little nervous, "Why are you staring at me like this, you often run outside this month, ask you what you are doing, and don't say anything, it's mysterious and mysterious. , after finally staying at home honestly, and looking at me with this kind of eyes, you must have caused trouble for me outside, right?"

Jiang Wan leaned closer to him and said mysteriously, "Dad, what do you think of your ability to accept new things?"

"Don't look at your father's lack of culture. He has a strong ability to accept new trends. If you look at my position, you may not beat me." Jiang Dad said proudly, thinking something was wrong, "You won't really beat me. Get into trouble outside!"

"No." Jiang Wan waved her hand, "I have a big secret to tell you now. I don't know if you can bear it."

"What secrets can you have? How big can you be? Does it matter so much to the survival of the world?" Dad Jiang said with a smile, how strange is this child.

Who knew Jiang Wan nodded solemnly, "You're right, come with me."

Jiang Wan took Jiang's father into the bedroom, locked the door, and was overheard by Jiang's mother and Jiang's mother.

"Why are these two mysterious?" Jiang Nian asked curiously.

Ma Jiang said with a smile, "Who knows, maybe it's a little secret that you don't want us to know."

(End of this chapter)

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