Chapter 79

Since the acid rain, the crops and trees outside have withered, and animals have died.

Everyone's hearts sank to the bottom, and their hopes for life to return to normal sooner are also fading little by little.

Doomsday rhetoric began to circulate wildly on the Internet.

"It's been raining for so long outside, when will it stop?"

"I haven't seen the sun for more than half a year. The end of the world is really coming."

"When is it going to be a head? Stop the acid rain outside."

"Now the water source is polluted by acid rain and can't be used anymore. I haven't washed my hair for half a month, and I feel like there are bugs growing on my head."

"That's not right. If you catch the bugs on your head, it's meat. You can raise it yourself."

"It's really humorous upstairs, and I'm still in the mood to joke about this situation now."

"Then what can I do, have fun in the midst of suffering."


During this period of time, in addition to the shortage of food, the temperature was lower than usual. It has entered autumn, and the acid rain outside kept falling. The temperature was lower than in previous years.

Community Wang Qing: "In order to save manpower, starting from today, the point of receiving the relief food will be moved to the big shopping mall not far away, and you can go there by yourself. Since several surrounding communities are all picking up at the shopping mall, there may be more people. You go as early as possible."

The news of Wang Qing has exploded in the owner group, and many people are reluctant. There is such a heavy acid rain outside, coupled with the cooling and cold, no one wants to go out.

Room 6, Building 2304: "There is such a heavy acid rain outside, and there is no raincoat that can cover the whole body at home. How can I get there?"

Room 4, Building 2502: "That's right, isn't it good downstairs? Why do you need to change the collection point? There are elderly people at home who can't travel that far."

Community Wang Qing: "The collection point is downstairs because it was inconvenient to go out because of the poisonous smog. Now the poisonous smog has disappeared. As long as the acid rain outside is protected from being drenched, there will be no problem. You can go by yourself."

It is really too labor-intensive to have four people in each building. Now that the acid rain is constantly falling, there are more and more places that need people. Collecting the collection points in one place can save a lot of labor.

Room 3, Building 1001: "We're selling raincoats. Anyone who wants a raincoat can buy it from me. It costs 2000 yuan a set."

Room 2, Building 1504: "It's you again. Last time you sold virus mineral water and killed many people. Now you are selling raincoats. Why don't you grab it at such a high price."

Room 3, Building 1001: "What you said, I didn't know there was a virus in the mineral water at the beginning, I didn't drink it myself and got infected? Do you like this raincoat, if you don't, you won't be able to buy it with money in two days. ."

Jiang Ma worried about the news in the group, "Should we find a way to buy two sets of raincoats, there were only two sets at home before, and it was not enough to wear, so we can't both go to receive relief food."

"Who said there are only two sets." Jiang Wan pulled out four or five brand new sets from her bedroom and placed them in front of Jiang's mother.

Jiang Ma: This girl will not be the reincarnation of Doraemon, how can she take out everything?

Jiang Wan smiled and said, "When I went out for a walk two days ago, I saw someone selling it, so I bought a few sets."

Dad Jiang comprehended and smoothed out Jiang Wan, "You bought it well! It's just right for use."

"When you came back, why didn't I see you taking it? When did you buy it?" Jiang Ma wondered. She always felt that something was wrong, and she didn't know what was wrong.

"I saw it. You were cooking that time, so I didn't see it." Dad Jiang was talking nonsense.

Jiang Wan was overjoyed. Sure enough, there were many people playing the game, and she felt a lot more relaxed.

Jiang Nian sat quietly watching them perform, and she also felt that the father and daughter were strange during this time.

Leaving the coconut at home, Jiang Wan's family went out to the mall with raincoats to get relief food.

Waiting for the elevator to open, when a few people were about to walk in, a large package came out and almost hit Jiang Nian.

Listening to the sound of the package falling heavily on the ground, the contents inside should be quite heavy. If it hits people, it can't knock people down.

Jiang Wan's face was cold, wanting to see who was so blind.

At this moment, they came out of the elevator. An old lady and a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. The boy was playing games with a mobile phone. The old lady came out with two luggages in her hands.

Inside, there was an old man's voice scolding, throwing the packages out one by one, "Play, play, you know how to play all day long, and you can't do anything. When you're done playing, you will be yelling for this to eat and that to eat. I don't know who taught you to be like this, what's the difference between you and a waste."

"Oh, don't say a few words. We have this grandson left now. After this one is left, do you still want to scold him away?" The old lady's face was very ugly.

Speaking of this, the words in the old man's mouth were even more nasty, "You know that this is the only one left, he's gone, it's better if he's dead, how did our son die, it's not all made by this bastard. It's not that he insisted on eating fried chicken, potato chips, and milk tea. If he didn't find him, he would be locked in the house without eating, saying that he would starve to death.
If his father has no choice, can he go out and find someone to buy it for him?The result was good, the things were not bought back, and the protective clothing on his body was taken away. When he died, this bastard didn't shed a single tear, and his mother threw him back to his parents' house.

You say that you have been responsive to this bastard since you were young, and you are used to this kind of thing, cold-hearted and cold-blooded, you only have yourself in your eyes, only games, just live in the games, I can't wait to strangle him to death . "

When the old lady heard the old man's words, she didn't say a word, she just shed tears secretly while carrying her luggage out.

The boy was leaning against the wall next to him, playing games with his mobile phone. He didn't seem to hear the conversation between the two, nor did he see a pile of luggage on the ground to be moved.

It seems that the game world is real, and the reality he is in is illusory.

Jiang's father and mother, who were not very happy at first, stopped talking, stood by and waited quietly for them, moved things out of the elevator, and then walked up the elevator and went downstairs.

"It's a sin." Jiang Nian sighed deeply, like Wang Tiancheng, who killed himself by himself, there is nothing to say.

This kind of going out to find someone to buy snacks for the sake of the child, but being robbed of protective clothing is really a hurdle in people's hearts.

"It's the people from Room 2504. They lived here for two years when we first bought the house. Later, when they heard that their son was doing business and running a restaurant in the city center, the family moved to the city center. I'm back." Jiang Ma said.

(End of this chapter)

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