Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 80 Adding more rewards to Ying Tao's reward

Chapter 80 Adding more rewards to Ying Tao's reward (11)

"It's all someone else's business, so don't sigh. There are so many people who have suffered misery. Do you know that you have to feel uncomfortable for them." Jiang Wan advised them to think about it. There will be more such things in the future. , can not be so sentimental.

"I hope the sun will come out soon, it won't be a problem if it goes on like this." Jiang Nui looked forward to it.

The sun will come out sooner or later. It is estimated that when the sun comes out, Jiang Nian will definitely feel that it is better to go out.

The family came to the underground parking lot and drove to the mall to collect relief food.

In fact, Jiang Wan and Jiang Dad didn't really want to come. If they had to pick it up downstairs, it would be fine. Now they have to run so far, and it is still raining outside, which is very troublesome.

Just grow some food in the space, enough for their family to eat, but unfortunately Jiang Nanny and Jiang Mama are unwilling.

When Dad Jiang tried to propose that he couldn't get it, he was scolded by Nanny Jiang for a long time, saying whether he was floating, whether there was a mountain of food at home or a drop, and he didn't want any relief food anymore.

Seeing this posture, Jiang Wan quickly shrank his head and came honestly.

When they arrived at the mall, there were already several long lines lined up. Ten distribution points were arranged in the large shopping mall on the first floor, and they came forward one by one with their ID cards.

Everyone was wearing a raincoat, and the falling water made the ground very wet, and it was easy to slip. Some people without a raincoat were covered with thick plastic bags, which were put on their heads and could barely keep out the rain.

Today's raincoats are even more difficult to buy than the original protective clothing. Some time ago, they were fine. Many people could not use them without going out. Now they need to go to the big shopping malls here to get relief food. Without raincoats, it will not work.

For a while, the price of raincoats and rain boots rose again and again, to the point where money could not even buy them.

With the passage of time, food has become more and more scarce, and after the online supermarket announced its closure, receiving relief food is the only source of food for many people.

In order to be able to go out, many people use their brains to think of various tricks. Those who have plastic bags use plastic bags, those who don’t have plastic bags use a large pot lid, and put on long curtains. People are in the middle, which can also prevent acid rain. On the body.

Jiang Wan was queuing up to look at those odd-shaped rainproof tools, and had to admire their wisdom. Unlike herself, she didn't have anything at home to show her IQ in this regard.

"Let's go! Follow us to investigate." Jiang Wan was groping, when there was a commotion ahead, and many people looked up with their heads up.

I saw someone rolling around on the ground and not walking, and was finally dragged away by two people in police uniforms.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? What did that person do?" Many people who like to join in the fun asked.

"It seems that he came to collect the relief food with someone else's ID card and was found."

"Then this person is quite courageous. Doesn't it mean that those who pretend to be recipients will be blocked? They will not be given relief food in the future. Let's see what he will eat in the future."

Jiang Wan felt that this person didn't seem to be very smart, but he actually wanted to challenge the intelligent system. When the person stood in front, the whole person's information was displayed. It was easy to be found out if he was holding his ID card.

He doesn't think that as long as he comes with an ID card, no one will verify it?

When it was Jiang Wan's turn, the staff scanned their ID cards, looked at them in surprise and said, "Take off your hat and show your face."

After the information was correct, I handed them 16 liters of water and 16 catties of flour.

Dad Jiang found it wrong when he received it. Shouldn't the four people be 12 liters of water and 12 pounds of flour?

If this was in the past, he would definitely take it and run quickly before the staff found it, but now there is space, there is no need to sneak around for this thing, so he said to the staff, "You seem to be wrong, more I gave four pounds."

The staff found that the man was quite sincere and smiled, "The system shows that you are excellent citizens, and each of you can receive an extra liter of water and a pound of flour."

"So that's the way it is, thank you." Jiang Dad just walked away with his things.

The people behind saw that they had received so much, and thought they had given more, but before they had time to be happy, they saw that they were still three liters of water and three catties of flour.

Pointing to the backs of Jiang Wan and the others, he said unwillingly, "Why can each of them receive an extra liter of water and a pound of flour?"

"During the virus period, they donated more than half of their family's assets, and reported meritorious deeds. They are excellent citizens. If you are also an excellent citizen, or a veteran or family member of the military, you can also get an extra liter of water and a pound of flour."

When the man heard it, he immediately shut up and didn't speak.

After leaving the mall, Jiang Wan and the others were stopped by a man in a black raincoat, "Do you sell your water and flour? The price will definitely satisfy you."

"Not for sale." Dad Jiang refused him decisively.

The man followed behind unwillingly, "Really, how about giving you 1000 yuan for ten liters of water? This price is not bad."

"I said no to sell, go away." Jiang Dad was a little impatient.

When they came in just now, they saw a few people here collecting water and food, and the prices they paid were okay. They also saw a few people who were excited and sold some of the water and food they had just received.

But Dad Jiang would not sell it. Jiang Wan told him that the money in the future would be waste paper, and what would he do with the money.

Seeing Dad Jiang's resolute attitude, the man could only give up and continue to ask the next person.

Back in the car, Jiang Ma was very happy with the newly received flour and water, "I didn't expect this title to have such benefits."

"No, I said, if you are good to the country, the country will be good to you, and we will never forget us in the future."

Jiang Wan finally raised her eyebrows at this moment. Because of the donation to the supermarket, Jiang's mother had been nagging her for several months.

"Tsk tsk, you can do it." Jiang Ma said with a smile.

When Jiang Wan and the others got home, the door to Room 2504 was open, and they were jumping around.

Taking advantage of Papa Jiang's opening, Jiang Wan listened with her ears sideways. It seemed that two old people from the family were going to the mall to get relief food, and they called their grandson to go with them, but the grandson said that it was raining too much outside. , life and death.

The old man was going to be angry and was about to slap him with the belt. The kid saw that something was wrong, so he went straight into the house and locked the door. No matter how much the two old people shouted outside, they couldn't get out.

Jiang Wan can now understand the old man's mood. With such a grandson, he can indeed strangle the popular man to death.

The relief food received by each person is not much, barely enough to feed himself. If the child does not go, the relief food that the old couple receives will have to be eaten by three people, which is not enough.

 Thank you Sakura Tao for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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