Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 83 It's useless to ask God

Chapter 83 It's useless to ask God
"Leave this to me." Dad Jiang patted his chest with a posture of wrapping himself around me.

After Dad Jiang finished his farm work today, he started tossing the materials on it.

First of all, it is cold-proof. When it rains and there is no sun, the temperature will definitely be much lower than usual. Down jackets with strong warmth, large quilts can be used, and three electric blankets are also available.

There is also the battery. The household battery is not good. It is not a problem to supply a few electric heating fans at home. It is not a problem to charge the mobile phone.

The rest is the food issue. Dad Jiang set up a few racks in the field, and started to marinate the meat, chicken, fish, and pork. After marinating with seasonings, hang them on the racks to dry.
What if there is no wind in the space?Take a big fan and blow on the meat rack, and it can be stored for a long time after it is air-dried.

After the meat is done, he finds a few glass jars to pickle pickled cabbage. Fresh vegetables and fruits are hard to find now, but some pickled vegetables can still be found. When he takes out pickled vegetables and ginger mother, they won't be too suspicious.

Finally, I took out some dry goods, such as kelp fungus and yuba, dehydrated vegetables, dried seaweed, etc., and put them together, just waiting to find a suitable opportunity to take them out.

Jiang Wan watched in amazement from the side. Dad Jiang was indeed an all-around player. She definitely couldn't make these cured meats and sauerkraut.

The acid rain continued day and night, dams burst in many places, and mudslides raged. Some villages living at the foot of mountains or low-lying villages were submerged by mudslides and washed away by floods.

The country immediately organized rescue teams to go to the disaster-stricken areas for rescue. Roads submerged by mudslides and bridges washed away by floods caused a lot of trouble for the rescue teams.

What has been reported on TV in the past two days is the recent disaster situation in various places and the progress of rescue.

People's hearts were pounded, and they silently prayed that the rescue team could save more people safely.

"God bless, the natural disaster will stop soon, don't let people die!"

"Upstairs, the natural disaster is from God, it's useless to ask God!"

"I hope the affected people can be rescued, and the rescue team will come on! Come on, people!"

"I would like to join the rescue team!"


Jiang Ma was flustered by the news on the TV. She picked up the phone and contacted her uncle and second uncle in her hometown, asking them to pay more attention to the situation in the back mountain. Once there were signs of mudslides, they would make plans as soon as possible.

Jiang Wan listened to Jiang Ma's nervous words, and felt that Jiang Ma was thinking too much. The mountains behind her hometown are not high. The mountains in that piece are all stone mountains, and the mountains are made of rocks.

And there is a thin layer of soil on the top of the mountain with dense trees, so there will be no disasters such as mudslides and landslides.

Otherwise, Zhengfu would not build the base in that mountain range.

"Cough, I'm going out to buy something!" Jiang Dad said to Jiang Nanny and Jiang Mama, and at the same time he didn't forget to wink Jiang Wan to send a signal.

Jiang Wan immediately understood, Dad Jiang was going out for a walk, pretending to buy things, but actually taking out the things prepared in the space.

"What are you going to buy? What else do you want to buy now?" Jiang Nian quickly asked when Dad Jiang was about to go out again.

She didn't even know what the father and daughter were busy doing every day?Going out in a few minutes.

In the past, Jiang Wan used to find an excuse to run outside alone, but since the two of them finished whispering that day, they became two people running outside,

Go out empty-handed and come back empty-handed, I don’t know what I’m busy with, is it because I’m bored at home and can’t go out for a walk?

It's either poisonous smog or acid rain outside, who would go out for a walk if they have nothing to do!

"It's a good thing anyway, just wait at home." Dad Jiang went out.

Jiang Wan thought about going out to buy things, but she couldn't come back so quickly. She had to do her best. She didn't know where Dad Jiang would go for a long walk and come back. went.

Who knew that Jiang Wan had nothing to do in the afternoon, and hid in the bed and went into the space to find snacks to eat. He was seeing Dad Jiang busy in the space, picking fruits and growing vegetables for food, and humming a little tune.

"Dad? Where have you been? Why did you still enter the space?" Jiang Wan looked at him curiously.

Dad Jiang smirked, "I don't have a place to go? Just sit in the car and play in the space, don't wait for me for dinner, I'll go back in the evening when no one is going up and down in the elevator, so as not to be seen. "

"Okay!" Jiang Wan pulled out a box of hawthorn rolls, and pulled off one of the newly marinated chicken legs from Dad Jiang, out of the space.

Dad Jiang was having fun in the space today. Lying in the car, he was not afraid that Mama Jiang would suddenly call him and play as long as he wanted.

The marinated meat he made last night, and the pickled sauerkraut that he made last night, has been in the space for a month, and Dad Jiang divides the ingredients and packs them in vacuum bags one by one. It is also convenient to eat.

Estimated the estimated time, about ten o'clock in the evening, put on a raincoat and go outside to soak in the rain, pretending to go out,

Go back to the underground parking lot, and take out all the things that were prepared before from the space in the car.

Five tanks of natural gas, you can cook when there is no electricity, a household storage box prepared in advance, three electric heating fans, three electric blankets, several thick cotton quilts, down jackets with strong cold resistance, and two lighting lamps.

And all kinds of dehydrated vegetables, dried vegetables, chicken, duck, fish, and sauerkraut packed in vacuum bags are all taken out and put into the elevator for transportation.

This time, I also specially brought out some snacks, two boxes of milk, a few packets of twist, and raw melon seeds, peanuts, etc., which are all snacks that Jiang Ma Jiang milk likes to eat.

The two of them can't be eaten secretly by themselves, Jiang Ma and Jiang Nian can't eat it, and they can't share it with the family. How embarrassed the two of them are eating!

Just wait, wait for Jiang Ma and Jiang Nian to experience some things, don't be so soft-hearted and naive, maybe you can tell them about the space and the end of the world, and then you don't have to be sneaky.

It was late and no one went out. Dad Jiang didn't meet anyone in the elevator, but when he was carrying it to the house, he alerted the two neighbors.

Fortunately, Dad Jiang packed all the food he ate in big cardboard boxes, and they didn't see what was inside.

Ye Chu and the people in Room 2504 opened the door to see that the large and small packages were being transported to their home. It was like moving, and they didn't care about closing their door.

Jiang Nian looked at all the things for winter, and slammed her mouth, "It's not winter yet, what are you doing buying so many padded jackets? There are clothes at home, what do you spend this money on? It's not cheap to buy now, right? !"

"There is no sun this year, and it is still raining. It must be colder than in previous years. Prepare early to be prepared. It will definitely be more expensive to buy it when winter comes." Jiang Dad explained.

"Is it necessary to buy five cans of gas? Is there not enough natural gas?" Jiang Nian expressed incomprehension.

(End of this chapter)

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