Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 84 It's true that she is holding a kitchen knife

Chapter 84 It's true that she is holding a kitchen knife
"That's not right. Now that the road is blocked by the flood of cement, it will definitely be scarce in the future." Dad Jiang continued to fool around.

Jiang Wan nodded in charge and agreed.


Jiang Ma opened one of the large cardboard boxes and saw that there were cured meats packed in vacuum bags, chickens, ducks, fish and pork. The box was full of dozens of kilograms.

He quickly closed the box again, turned his head to see that the door was closed, and asked in a low voice, "This is meat! Where did it come from? Today's meat cannot be bought with money. Basically, they are all dead, where can I buy meat?"

"If you can't buy it on the market, it doesn't mean that there is no meat to eat. Some rich people can still afford animals, and there are all kinds of frozen meat to eat, but the price is too expensive. I bought it from a rich customer." Dad Jiang proudly said nonsense.

Opening the cardboard boxes one by one, all kinds of meat and vegetables were presented in front of Jiang Ma and Jiang Nian, which shocked them both.

"Good boy, there's so much to eat." Jiang Nian was shocked and didn't know what to say.

Papa Jiang enjoyed the adoring gazes of Nanny Jiang and Mama Jiang, only Jiang Wan silently rolled her eyes, Papa Jiang was more able to fool her than she was.

"Hey? Is this milk expired?" Jiang Ma took out the box of snacks. She was very happy to see two boxes of milk, but it was expired.

"Look at me!" Dad Jiang leaned over to take a look, it was over a month later, and looked at Jiang Wan silently.

Expiration is impossible, her storage space time is still, it will not be damaged, but the date on it looks expired.

"The shelf life only means the best date for its consumption. Expiration may not be the best, but it does not mean that it is broken and can be drunk!" Jiang Wan explained.

Jiang Nian didn't believe it, "It's true, don't drink diarrhea."

"You can really drink it. If you don't believe me, I'll drink a bottle first. If you don't have diarrhea, you can drink it later." Then he opened a box, took a bottle and drank it.

"This child..." Before Mama Jiang could stop her, she drank half the bottle.

The food I took out this time should be fine for two or three months. There is meat, vegetables, rice, noodles, grain and oil. I have saved a lot before, so I don't need to worry about it.

There is still some pure water, save it, and it can be used for two months.

At least until you come back to your hometown, you don't have to worry about the food at home.

They can have so much delicious food, others are not so lucky.

Nowadays, the only food in many people's homes is the flour and water they bring, not to mention meat and vegetables. Many families have even run out of seasonings.

At the beginning, I would go to the Internet to shout miserable, thinking about how happy it was to go to the roadside to have a small barbecue and drink a beer after get off work.

Look at the current life, it is simply not the life of people.

After a long time, the voices of these complaints on the Internet have gradually disappeared. It seems that people have begun to accept this reality and have become numb to all this.

At least they still have water and flour. Some people who have been blacklisted for committing crimes can't even get relief food.

What if you don't eat?Just grab other people's food.

These people are purely bad. They are blacklisted by the government for their own bad deeds. They rob other people if they can’t get the relief food. Another type is that they dislike the relief food they receive is too little and not enough to eat. Go out and grab someone else's.

I heard that the crime rate has been extremely high recently. Many people have been robbed on the way after receiving relief food from the shopping mall.

There is no sun outside now, plus the pouring rain, it's pitch-black, and if someone robs you, you don't know who robbed it. The surveillance on the road is too dark and the rain is blocking the line of sight, so you can't see clearly at all. .

"I heard that people in our community were robbed again on the way back after receiving the relief food. It was a family of several people who walked together. Those gangsters didn't dare to do anything if there were too many people.
I didn't think they should rob or rob, and they were still holding knives. If they didn't give it, they would dare to stab someone. "Jiang Dad looked at the news in the owner group and said.

"Honey, why are you stabbing people? You stab people just for stuttering. These people are too bad! The relief food they received has been snatched away. This family can't go hungry for a few days!" Jiang Ma said in horror.

Dad Jiang's expression of this was not so exaggerated. "Food is life now. Many people take risks for one bite. It seems that we need to bring some self-defense things when we go to collect relief food in the future."

Jiang Wan listened quietly, now blocking the road and robbery is just the beginning, and after a while, they will dare to enter the house and kill them.

Jiang Nian sighed in her heart, but Jiang Nian had seen the world when she was a child. "People can do anything when they are hungry. When I was a child, there was a famine, not to mention robbery, for children to eat."

"Mom, what you said is too scary!" Jiang Ma's heart was trembling when she heard it.

"It's not scary, it's all true, man, in order to survive, you will do anything." Jiang Nian sighed.

Jiang Ma thought about what Jiang Nian said, and the more she thought about it, the more scared she became.

bang bang bang~
The knocking sound from outside the door scared Mama Jiang into a smart one.

Seeing her like this, Dad Jiang comforted him, "What are you afraid of? If there is a gangster who doesn't have long eyes and dares to come to our house, I will let him go without food."

When Dad Jiang thought about the weapons that Jiang Wan prepared in the space, he felt a little confident.

"I'm going to see who it is!" Jiang Wan ran to the door, leaned on the cat's eye and looked out. It was Yi Chen and Ye Chu, who were also wrapped in black raincoats.

Jiang Wan opened the door and asked, "Are you two going to collect relief food?"

"Yes, we have also seen the news in the owner group. I want to ask if you want to go together. There are many people and strengths, so you can take care of each other." Yi Chen asked.

Originally, Ye Chu was still a little hesitant, thinking about their three women and one man, the fighting ability was not very good, but when he thought of Jiang Wan's posture of hacking people with a kitchen knife that day, he felt that Jiang Wan was a person who could handle it. The kitchen knife is really good.

Nowadays, most people don’t drive to collect relief food. Since the mudslides and floods ravaged, many roads have been broken, making transportation very inconvenient.

There is no way to bring in the materials, and the materials in the city become extremely precious.

Gasoline and diesel at the gas station have long been out of business, but have been reserved for rescue teams and government transportation of supplies.

Every private car runs out of oil and has nowhere to add it, so they can only walk to the mall to get relief food, which also gives the criminals more opportunities to take advantage.

Jiang Wanke has gasoline. Seeing that other people's cars can't be driven because they don't have oil, she can't be too high-profile, just walk there. Anyway, their community is not particularly far from the shopping mall.

"That's fine, you wait for us for a while!" Jiang Wan returned to the house, Jiang Ma Jiang Ma and the others had their raincoats ready to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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