Chapter 85

Jiang Wan made more preparations today, took out the mountaineering bag she bought before, took out a crossbow arrow from the space and put it in, and put a rainproof bag on the outside of the mountaineering bag, and then went out with her family.

Don't blame her for being rude if anyone who doesn't have long eyes offends them.

Everyone else thought she was carrying a bag for flour and water, and no one asked.

The bean-sized raindrops smashed down and fell on the head one by one, as if through the raincoat, they felt like they could smash people to the ground.

A group of people walked to the mall in the rain. Today's mall is much more guarded than before. There are four or five soldiers standing at the gate with guns in their hands. They should be worried about those gangsters and put their ideas here. Come.

There are also people guarding it, standing beside the team from time to time and looking around. Once there is a sneaky person, they will pull away and ask.

The people who have been in a state of panic recently have felt a lot of peace in their hearts in a moment. Sure enough, the soldiers are a strong protective shield for the people.

"Have you heard? There was a fatal case on this road two days ago. It seems that the gangster robbed the food. The man didn't give it. The gangster stabbed the man directly in the stomach. It's gone."

"Really or not, this is too scary, I don't dare to go back after you say that."

"It really can't be more true. Several houses in our community have been robbed, but people are fine, but the food is robbed, and the family will inevitably starve for three days."

Don't look at these people, it's quite fun to line up and chat here, as long as you leave the mall, this sense of security will disappear instantly.

Walking into the majestic rain, surrounded by pitch black, I always felt like someone was staring at me in the darkness in the distance.

If these gangsters just snatch the food, that’s fine. Sometimes they will kill them. Even if they honestly give them food, they will still be stabbed for no reason. Whether they can leave their hands alive or not depends on the their mood.

Not to mention being stabbed to the core, even if it is slashed and the wound is infected with acid rain, it will be difficult to heal.

In this situation, how could they not be afraid, no one wants to come out to get relief food, and their lives are lost on the road.

"Xiao Wan, why do I always feel like someone is staring at us from behind." Jiang Nian hugged the four jins of flour in her arms tightly, shrank her head and said tremblingly.

Jiang Wan looked back, only a dark rain curtain, "Grandma, no one, you are just scaring yourself."

"We have a lot of people, and we receive a lot of food. Maybe someone will be watching." Jiang Nian estimated that in the shopping mall, after hearing a lot of other people's words, she would always scare herself.

When the other two young people saw Jiang Nian so frightened, they each took out a kitchen knife from their waists.

"Grandma, don't worry, if someone dares to attack us, I will cut him." Ye Chu and the two stood on both sides of Jiang Nanny and Jiang Ma to make them feel more at ease.

Jiang Nian saw the kitchen knives in their hands, and it was better to have weapons for self-defense than to come with bare hands.

"Who are you going to cut?" A deep voice came from in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, four or five people in black raincoats came out of the rain curtain in front, blocking their way, with baseball bats, big axes and machetes in their hands.

Jiang Wan and the others groaned in unison, are they still being targeted?
"Don't talk nonsense, keep the food if you want to survive." The leader said.

They have been following this group of people for a long time. There are three women and three men, and the three women are basically incompetent. As for the three men, two of them are still skinny young people, and it would be easier to rob them.

These people received [-] catties of flour and water, and grabbed it, enough for them to eat twice.

"What, what should I do? Do you want to give them something?" Jiang Nian tightened the flour in her hand and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Nian pondered, these people are very bad, and it would not be worthwhile to argue with them for this food, and it would not be worthwhile to get hurt again. Besides, there is still food at home.

Ye Chu and Yi Chen became nervous in their hearts, what kind of luck is this, why did they meet them.

Jiang Wan quietly walked to the front, protecting Jiang's mother and Jiang's mother in the middle, and came to Jiang's father's side, "Dad, do you want to clean up them, practice crossbow arrows in space for so long, and now it's time to try it out."

"God, with a weapon in your hand, you can still plant yourself in the hands of these bastards?" Dad Jiang said fiercely, there will be more difficulties in the future, he will compromise when he encounters these bastards, and how can he protect his family in the future.

Dad Jiang turned his head to Ye Chu and Yi Chen who were behind him and whispered, "No matter what happens in a while, you stay by their side, be careful if anyone sneaks up behind them, don't let anyone hurt them, just leave the rest to us. "

Yi Chen was shocked when he heard it. This was a decision to start a war. "Where are the five of them, can you two do it? If not, give them the things, as long as we can leave safely."

The gangster headed in front was a little impatient when he saw that they had been whispering to each other, the machete in his hand gestured in front of him,
"You have been murmuring for a long time, and have you discussed whether to leave things behind, or wait until we beat you to the ground, and things stay and leave?"

Jiang Wan took off her backpack, opened it, and handed it to Dad Jiang, "I choose to beat you all down before leaving."

After speaking, before the people on the other side could react, Dad Jiang and Jiang Wan quickly took out a crossbow arrow from their backpacks and set it up to fire.

In just a split second, the menacing men on the other side fell to the ground and wailed.

Jiang Wan was very satisfied with the effect. Fortunately, the crossbow arrows she bought could fire three arrows in a row. Dad Jiang and her shot at the same time, killing these gangsters in minutes.

The sticks and machetes in their hands are fine for ordinary people who have no power to hold back their chickens. In addition, they have a bad reputation for being ruthless and ruthless, and ordinary people do not dare to confront them.

In order to protect himself in the apocalypse, Jiang's father Jiang Wan started to practice crossbow arrows in the space early, not to mention these little gangsters, even if they are real desperadoes, they dare to face the two of them in a hurry. bar.

Nanny Jiang and Mama Jiang were stunned, and Ye Chuyichen was also stunned. Is it that simple?Just like this, let the gangsters who are frightened by the wind get down on the ground?

The father and daughter seem to have been prepared for a long time, and they cooperated so well?
"Daughter, call the police." The two of them didn't kill, but just shot them in the legs, making them unable to walk.

Dad Jiang stepped forward and kicked away the machetes, axes and other things in the hands of the gangsters, and regardless of whether they hurt or not, he directly pulled out the arrows that pierced his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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