Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 87 The Grandson Who Doesn't Have Eyes

Chapter 87 The Grandson Who Doesn't Have Eyes
There is an Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Guancheng. In order to conduct agricultural research, many rare plants should be planted, but you can go there and have a look.

"Why didn't I think of it before?" Jiang Wan straightened up and slapped her forehead.

She set her sights on the market for collecting animals and plants before, and felt that as long as she could buy specimens, she should be able to buy them in the market. Instead, she forgot about the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a place where all kinds of plants are collected.

"What do you think?" Dad Jiang was bending over to concentrate on collecting vegetables, thinking about what to cook after planting vegetables later, and was taken aback by Jiang Wan's sudden action.

"I will go to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences tomorrow to see if I can collect some plants there. We basically have all the animals and plants that can be bought on the market now, just waiting for the flood to come, I will go to the final collection, We can go back to our hometown." Jiang Wan explained.

Jiang Wan went out by himself, and Dad Jiang was a little worried, "Do you want me to go with you tomorrow?"

"No, I'll come back after I go and have a look. It's not very safe these two days. You are staying at home with my grandma and my mother. It's really uneasy for the two of them to be at home." Jiang Wan is afraid that if any trouble comes to her door, Jiang Wan will come. Milk and Jiang Ma can't handle it.

The sun has disappeared for more than half a year. In order to protect the survival of animals and plants, the state has set up special departments to bring animals and plants together for unified cultivation.

Some extraordinarily rare plants should have been dug up long ago, but some leftovers, if not dead, would also be a harvest for Jiang Wan.

Flowers and plants with weak vitality, not many can survive, and trees with tenacious vitality, but there are still some survival, leaves in twos and threes hanging on the branches, not far from death.

Jiang Wan didn't dislike it either. As long as he dug it back and planted it in the black space of space and raised it well, he would still be able to survive.

Now the Academy of Agricultural Sciences is quiet. People from schools and enterprises have long been home for vacation. Jiang Wan is digging around with a pick for a long time, but no one is seen. From time to time, a big pit can be seen from the ground. , it should be left by conservation agencies or the like to dig the tree.

She didn't run in vain this time. She actually dug up dozens of rare trees. They were all half-dead and couldn't survive in the hands of others.

Carrying a pick, she walked around the entire Academy of Agricultural Sciences, looking at the withered flowers and plants on the ground, Jiang Wanxin was dripping blood, these were all good varieties cultivated by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, why didn't she remember to come earlier.

If you come earlier, you might be able to collect a lot of things.

It wasn't until there was really nothing to dig inside that Jiang Wan decided to go home.

Back in the car and drove out through the small side door where she came in, the road was also quiet.

This area is mainly composed of campuses and commercial streets, and there are relatively few residential areas. In this situation, basically no one comes here, and there is not even a shadow of a car on the road.

The heavy rain blocked the view. Even if there was no car, Jiang Wan did not dare to drive too fast. He played soothing music, and took out a packet of Guole Guoxiang biscuits and a glass of lemonade from the space. on.

Suddenly, there was a dazzling light in front of her, and she couldn't open her eyes through the rain. When she came to her senses, a big truck rushed straight towards her, so fast that she couldn't do anything at all. measure.

Immediately, the world was spinning, and the car was hit and flipped a few somersaults in the rain before it stopped. Jiang Wan only felt dizzy and confused.

After waiting for a long time, the pain in the left arm was piercing.It made her conscious for a while, and then she realized that she was head down, squeezed into the driver's seat by the airbag.

Raising his left arm, the broken car window glass on his forearm has drawn a palm-length blood opening, which is bleeding down.

I moved my body a little bit. Fortunately, there were no other major injuries or fractures on my body. This is a fortune among misfortune.

It seems that in the black land of space, the food grown is not for free. After the nourishment for the past six months, the body is still relatively resistant to construction. If this was her before, even if she survived such a car accident, she would have to break a few bones. .

"Which grandson who doesn't have eyes." Jiang Wan said angrily in his heart, greeting the eighteenth generation of his ancestors who drove across from him.

With brute force, he tore off the seat belt, turned over to the co-pilot and turned his head up. He took out a bottle of iodophor from the space, poured it on the wound on his left arm, and wrapped it tightly in a plastic bag to prevent the wound from being drenched by acid rain.
Putting the raincoat on his body, he kicked open the co-pilot's door and climbed out of the car.

"Yo, you have a big life, and you actually crawled out alive?"

Jiang Wan just stood up and put on his raincoat, when he heard a man's mockery coming from the side, turned his head and looked around, about a dozen people in black raincoats were walking from not far away, watching playfully. following her.

It's like watching a cat that fell into a wolf's den, as if it could open its mouth and kill her at any time.

"Who are you?" Jiang Wan looked at the unkind person in front of her, and then looked at the big truck parked in the middle of the road, and a bad idea came to her mind instantly.

She thought it was an accidental car accident, but now it looks like it was a murder, and these people came for her life.

"The person who came to take your life, our boss said that since we see you being single, we will take your life first, and then slowly clean up your family." The headed man smiled wantonly, as if he had seen Jiang Wan's nothing. The sound fell to the ground.

Jiang Wan's face was ugly, "Who is your boss and why did you kill me?"

She couldn't think of who her family had offended, Jiang Yan?For that little financial grievance, she might feel unhappy and try to trick her own home, but she never reached the point of directly buying and killing people.

Who else could it be?Donating things in the supermarket, but not selling them to people in the community, will you be remembered?That doesn't mean that you want to kill people and kill their mouths, but also want to kill their family, how much hatred this must be.

Jiang Wan thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out who would hate her family so much.

"You don't need to know who it is, you just need to know that you will definitely not survive today. In order to take your little girl's life, we brought more than ten brothers here. Do you think you can escape from us? But?"

The man paused for a moment, the corner of his mouth joked even more, "If you are willing to play with our brothers first, maybe it will make your death more pleasant, how about it, think about it?"

As soon as the words fell, the man behind burst into laughter, and Jiang Wan's face turned pale.

What should I do?How to get out!

This was the only thought in Jiang Wan's mind. Looking around, she didn't see anyone or any vehicle except for the sound of rain. It was impossible to ask for help. The only thing she could rely on was herself, and she could only save herself.

(End of this chapter)

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