Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 88 Don't Delay Me Changing Hosts

Chapter 88 Don't Delay Me Changing Hosts
Call out?There were more than ten men, and even if she had a good physique now, she would not be confident enough to think that she could win.

into space?She can only enter the space with mental power, but not the body. When the body dies, she will still die.

system?That's right, Tang Shiyuan, this is the only person she can call for help at the moment.

A glimmer of hope crept up in Jiang Wan's heart, the system is so powerful, it can definitely save her.

"Tang Clan Yuan?"

"Tang Xiyuan, come out quickly, or I'll be finished!"

"Tang Dynasty Yuan!!!"

As she shouted loudly, the system did not respond at all. The system that would usually bicker with her turned its head into a turtle at this critical moment. She knew that Tang Xiyuan must have heard it, but she did not want to help her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wan's heart sank to the bottom. She has such a golden finger as the system, but it would be too much of a loss to break it here today.

"How's it going? Little sister, have you figured it out? Are you planning to play with us and die in comfort, or do you want to be tortured and then die!"

The man's voice came into Jiang Wan's ears like a demon. Seeing them step by step forward, Jiang Wan unconsciously stepped back and leaned on the car weakly.
She decided that even if she fought to the death, these people would not try to take advantage of her.

The coldness from the body she was relying on was the same as her heart at this moment, extremely cold.
and many more!

Immediately afterwards, the group of men looked at the scene in disbelief as if they had seen a ghost.

I saw Jiang Wanyin's little face hidden under the raincoat hat, from frightened to fear, slowly calmed down, and then showed a cold smile, the curvature of the corner of the mouth was like a sinister knife, which made them feel bad.

Before they could take action, Jiang Wan flipped the car on the ground, disappeared instantly, and then appeared above their heads in an incredibly unscientific way,
Before even screaming, the more than ten men who were aggressive just now turned into a puddle of mud, leaving no one alive.

She cautiously looked at the big truck parked in the middle of the road, turned around and saw that there was no opening, Jiang Wan was only slightly relieved.

Looking at the large swathes of blood on the ground, Jiang Wan thought that she had to leave here quickly.

These people died tragically, and she couldn't call the police, otherwise people would see clues.

There was a lot of blood and mud on the ground, and she couldn't completely clean up the scene.

The only way is to leave here quickly. Under the cover of the heavy rain, even if someone finds out, they may not be able to find out that she did it.

Jiang Wan put the disgraceful car she fell into the space, erased her own traces, then pushed the big truck over and pressed it on those people, causing a car accident scene, and then she left in the dark rain curtain.

What Jiang Wan didn't notice was that there was a black luxury car parked at the corner not far away.

"Master, shall we go?" The driver asked the man sitting in the back row with a respectful accent.

The young man was sitting by the car window, with his right leg folded on his left, leaning slightly against the back of the chair, Junxiu's face had a suitable smile, neither cold but with a sense of alienation.

Just sitting there quietly can give people an inviolable appearance of a noble son. He looked in the direction of Jiang Wan's disappearance, and his clear eyes were intriguing.

"I'll go down and have a look." His voice was clear, but not questionable.

Put on a raincoat, put a rain cap on your head, cover your beautiful eyebrows, open the car door, and step into the corrosive acid rain with a pair of leather shoes that look like a lot of money.

The driver quickly put on a raincoat for himself, got out of the car with an umbrella, and held an umbrella for the son. The tall and strong man in the co-pilot who had been silent all along also got off the car and followed the son not far or near.

The young master walked to the scene of the car accident, stepped into the blood water step by step, squatted down to look at the dead man under the big truck, and said in a soft, shallow voice, "What do you think?"

The driver who was busy holding an umbrella for the son quickly replied, "This is a murder case. The murderer pretended to be the scene of a car accident and fled. When we first arrived, there were clearly sounds of vehicles colliding and fighting. Now eh? Vehicles collided. Voice, why is there only one car at the scene? Did I hear it wrong?"

"You heard that right!" This is why he got out of the car and went to the scene to have a look.

When they passed by just now, they heard the sound of vehicles colliding from a distance, as well as the sound of rapid braking and steel rubbing the road, and they felt that there was a car accident here and decided to come and have a look.

However, when they arrived, he saw a strange scene. He saw a white shadow with a flashing light, disappearing, appearing, and finally disappearing. The truck station was in good condition. How much force does it take to push the truck over?
Although he could see it blurred through the rain screen, judging from the previous voice, the white smear should be another car, but how did that car disappear in such a short time?

If what he saw was true, he would be a little interested in this case,

The disappearance of the white car, is the murderer's modus operandi clever, or is there another reason?

When I first arrived in Guancheng, it seems to be quite interesting here.

After Jiang Wan left the scene, he chose a small alley to walk around, making sure there was no one around, so he found a shared bicycle that could still ride to rush home.

She pedaled the car hard, feeling the piercing pain in her left arm, her mouth was not idle, she kept scolding the system, "Tang Xiyuan, you bastard, you are really watching me die! handle."

Tang Xiyuan didn't care about it, she just scolded it, anyway, it's just a procedure, and you can scold it for whatever you want, "Don't you humans like a word called survival of the fittest? If you have such a big golden finger, you won't. Use, even a few gangsters can't deal with it, it means you are stupid, don't expect to live for the next ten years, die early, don't delay me changing the host."

Jiang Wan: Why do you think it makes sense?

With the existence of the super-powerful future technology of the system, Jiang Wan does have an inexplicable self-confidence, as if she feels that no matter what happens, Tang Xiyuan should help her.

Today's events made her understand that she was too optimistic before, she was only in a cooperative relationship with the system, Tang Xiyuan had no obligation to save her, and she still had to rely on herself.

Tang Xiyuan saw that Jiang Wan didn't speak, but just pedaled the car sullenly, and was very satisfied. It's useless to think about relying on it for everything. It's not omnipotent. It can save her life for a while, but it's nothing. can help her.

If Jiang Wan wants to be really strong, she wants to lead her family to find a way to survive in the ten years of natural disasters. She needs to strengthen her heart and constantly tap her potential.

The nutrients contained in the black soil are not only for strengthening the body after consumption, it can gradually stimulate all the potential of the human body.

 In the modern text, it is called the son, is there a little sense of disobedience?But I thought about a lot of titles, and none of them could better reflect his noble temperament.

  What young master, the youngest and the second are too Mary Sue.

  And the titles involving some modern official positions are also not allowed to be used.

(End of this chapter)

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