Chapter 94
The man sighed unbearably, "The woman has no clothes, and her body is covered in bruises, pinched, scratched, burned, terrible, and finally strangled to death from behind, I heard that the youngest daughter of the family was the only one When I was a teenager, I don't know how much torture I suffered before I died."

"Beasts!" Several people were shocked when they heard it. "They dare to do evil in this daytime? No one can see it and stop it?"

"Even if you know, who would dare to stop it? Today is the day of receiving relief food, and most people are not there. Even if a small number of people know about it, no one dares to come forward. What if they are stabbed twice, even if it is What can we do if we catch them? They must have accomplices, and if they are retaliated by their accomplices at that time, there will be no good end. "

"Have you called the police?"

"Reported, come over in a while."

Jiang Wan felt a little guilty when she heard the police. She had killed more than ten people at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and she had been waiting for relevant news reports to come out. She had a good idea.

As a result, there have been no relevant reports, no one found out, or is there something else?

Fortunately, after such a long time, no one came to the door. It should be that nothing was found. It seems that I am safe and don't need to worry about exposure.

"Dad, I'm going out, you stay at home." After Jiang Wan finished speaking, she stuffed the water in her hand into Dad Jiang's arms and walked out.

These gangsters dare to blatantly rob and kill, they are definitely not individuals committing crimes, it is very likely that gangs have such confidence, then these people are very likely to be with those who wanted her life after following the Academy of Agricultural Sciences last time. of.

Now that these people have set their sights on me and my family, instead of waiting at home for them to come to the door at any time, it is better to take the initiative. Those people have just left, and she may go after them, and she can follow them to find their nest.

"Hey, what are you going to do? The thread on your arm hasn't been removed yet, and you will be running out after a few days of being honest at home." After Jiang Ma said, Jiang Wan was nowhere to be seen.

Dad Jiang didn't say anything. He knew what Jiang Wan was thinking, and he followed up to help, but Nanny Jiang and Mother Jiang needed someone to watch over him.

Jiang Wan is a measured person, so don't get hurt again this time.

Jiang Wan followed the direction where those people left. There is a small alley here, and they are likely to leave from here.

When Jiang Wan followed them, they really saw traces of these people. They were crowding a few petite people, who looked like girls, into the alley to move their feet.

These people are not very courageous. They don't leave the crime scene quickly after committing the crime, and they dare to stay in the surrounding area.

The girls were a little scared and wanted to escape, but someone held a knife low on their waists, blocking their way.

"Today, my buddies are in a good mood. I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. Take off the raincoat on your body, and if you have any valuables, we will let you go as long as you give us the food."

These people seem to do whatever they want at the victim's house just now, and they are in a good mood, and they don't particularly embarrass these girls.

The girls did the same, put the flour and water wrapped in plastic bags on the ground, took off the raincoat and some decent jewelry, and handed them over timidly, the whole body was instantly drenched in acid rain. wet.

In such a cold day, I walked back like this. I had to catch a cold and have a fever, and my skin would be slightly corroded by the acid rain. Fortunately, I saved my life, which is a fortune in misfortune.

A few gangsters seemed quite satisfied when they took it, and kicked a girl's butt, "If we didn't take a lot of things today, we had to tie you back, you're lucky, get out, next time. If you meet us again, you won't be so lucky."

When several girls heard this, they walked away crying. Several gangsters carried flour and water, as well as the thick clothes and quilts they had stolen, and walked into the alley.

He still talks from time to time, "I still like the girls we grabbed back. They have taste. These little girls have no meat in total, so it's not fun."

"Then you can take it easy when you go back. No matter how hard those girls are, they won't be able to withstand your rudeness. If you die, you won't have to play."

"What are you afraid of, you don't have to play and then grab it, there are not many women."

"Hahaha, what you said makes sense. Who said that life is not easy now. I am very optimistic about it. I have never been as comfortable as I am now in my life."

"Yeah, today, feel free!"

The area here is on the edge of the city. Going down this small alley, there is an industrial park around a few corners. Now the park is closed, and there are basically no people in this huge area.

With the sound of rain and the cover of the dark sky, Jiang Wan hung far behind.

Those people may feel that they have been doing bad things for so long and haven't been caught yet, they are a little proud, and their hearts relax.

Every time they commit a crime, they do not have a fixed location. After committing the crime, they leave. When someone calls the police and someone arrives, they are long gone.

In addition, the police force is not enough now, some people have been taken away for emergency rescue and disaster relief, and some people have to watch at the material distribution point.

Now that there are so many people committing crimes, the remaining police force is simply too busy, the weather is not strong, and there are obstacles everywhere, which has caused them to stay away for so long.

Jiang Wan's tracking ability is also not covered, otherwise she would not dare to follow by herself.

In her previous life, she had a top-notch kung fu in order to grab food, hide from bad guys, and escape and follow. Not to mention that she ate so much, the food grown in the black land of space, her speed, stamina, and intelligence were all improved. A big improvement, slightly higher than ordinary people.

Following the affairs of these little minions, she is very handy.

Following them to a factory in a remote part of the industrial park, Jiang Wan saw a few people go in and leaned on a window to look inside.

There was a large bonfire lit in the middle of the fire, and a large pot was standing on the fire, and something was cooking in it. Looking at it from a distance, there were bones on the surface of the pot. I don't know what it was cooking. what meat.

The few people who went in threw the grabbed things on the ground, and one of them took off his raincoat and said to his companion, "I'm going to play."

"Go, let's go." The rest of the people comprehended and leaked a wicked smile.

I saw the man walk into a room next to him, and after a while, there was a sound of whipping and a woman's shrill screams.

There were still twenty or thirty accomplices sitting by the fire outside, and they asked the few people who had just returned, "How are you doing what the boss asked you to do?"

One of them took off his raincoat, sat down and poured a mouthful of broth for himself, and sat by the fire to warm himself up, "It's all done, we've all been familiar with that community today, and the next time we go, we'll take them When the Jiang family is dead, I want to see how sacred the Jiang family is, and let our brothers go into it again and again."

(End of this chapter)

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