Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 95 Your Burial Place

Chapter 95 Your Burial Place

Jiang family?Jiang Wan listened carefully through the window. Is this talking about his own home?These people robbed their own community today, in fact, to explore the route?Your next goal is your own home?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wan's eyes were extremely cold, and she wanted to see who couldn't live with her family.

"Don't take it lightly. The first wave of people who robbed them was sent to prison, and the second wave of more than ten people who went to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences to kill them has not even seen anyone, so it is estimated that they are dead. now,
I am afraid that the body has also been destroyed. The body has not been found yet, and I don't know how the woman did it. She obviously went out alone at the beginning. Does she have helpers outside? "

They couldn't understand, who saw them during the robbery, didn't they scared to death, how could this family of four be so difficult to deal with, they had [-] brothers in, and the family was still unscathed and living well of.

Jiang Wan was also puzzled. The dozen or so people were obviously shot to death by her car and left in the middle of the road. As long as they went to look for them, they would definitely be able to find them. Could it be that the police discovered and cleaned up the scene in advance?
"Don't worry, next time I bring some more brothers, I will definitely not be able to escape them. Tell me what kind of grievance our boss has with them, do you have to kill them?"

"Who knows, I haven't heard the boss say it, don't mind him, anyway, stabbing anyone with a knife is a stab. If the boss wants the life of that family, he will take it."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, what game do you play today, and who is longer?"

"Haha, it's not like you lost yesterday, boy, and you're dissatisfied today, so plan to win back. I'm afraid it's useless for you to win in those two minutes."

"Just say it's not comparable!"

"Bi, I can still be afraid that you won't succeed, and pull the woman with the big breasts and the buttocks over."

"Okay, I'll go!" The people next to him cheered, "You two should work harder!"

A man pulled out a naked woman from the next room. On her fair skin, the marks of the knife and the whip were particularly striking.

His hair was messed up into a chicken coop, his eyes were blank, and he was left at their mercy. It seemed that he was numb and had no desire to survive.

"Slot!" Jiang Wan scolded while lying on the window when she saw this situation, this group of people are real beasts.

Seeing that the woman was neither dead nor alive, the man just stopped and kicked the woman hard, "It's like a dead fish every day, it's not interesting at all."

The man who made a bet with him, was a little blushing just now that he was laughed at, and he had nowhere to put his face, and now he also vented his breath on the woman, slapped the woman in the face, "It's just the way you look that makes me uninterested, It caused me to lose yesterday, and you give me the initiative today."

The woman was slapped, and her face instantly became red and swollen. She still lay on the ground motionless, her eyes were blank, as if she was not hit and felt no pain.

This move even aroused the ridicule of other men, "You can't do it, you can't do it, why are you still relying on others."

The man was so angry that he picked up the woman's hair and walked to the fire.

"You're going to die, right? I'll make you die." He pressed the woman's face on the fire.

A scream resounded throughout the workshop, and when she was pulled out, half of the woman's face was bloodied.

Jiang Wan couldn't bear it anymore, kicked open the door and walked in, "Let go of her!"

She originally thought about how to solve them, whether to call the police and let them accept legal sanctions, or use other methods, but now she doesn't think about anything, such people are not worthy of any kindness, she decided to be tough!

Her roar really stunned the people inside. After seeing that this was not theirs, they all got up and looked at her vigilantly.

Some people went outside and came back after a round of inspections, shaking their heads at the people inside, "There is no one outside, it seems that she is the only one."

"A person? Or a woman? Dare to come here? Did one of your relatives defect over here!"

They were a little unbelievable. Where is this place, can you come here casually?
Everyone shook their heads!

"Second brother Liu, do you think this person looks like the one the boss asked to kill?"

Jiang Wan took off the hat on her head, revealing her true face, and everyone who saw it was slightly taken aback.

They have all seen photos of Jiang's family, and this girl really looks alike.

It's not for revenge, is it?If she came to seek revenge alone, she should be said to be courageous or not brainy. Everyone was a little confused at the moment.

Brother Liu looked at her vigilantly, "What are you doing here?"

He didn't think this girl was a fool. It was impossible for him to put himself in danger, so it was better to be vigilant.

"I want to see your boss!" Jiang Wan wanted to know who wanted to harm her.

"Are you alone?" Brother Liu asked uncertainly.

"I am alone, let your boss come out to see me."

Brother Liu looked at the person who went out for inspection again, and the person nodded, "It's really her. There are no extra vehicles and personnel outside. I have looked at the corners and hidden places, and there really isn't any."

Brother Liu suddenly laughed out loud, "Little sister, you are here to court death, do you know where this is?"

"I know!" Jiang Wan said coldly, "This is your burial place."

"The tone is not small, you are afraid that your brain is broken!" Second brother Liu's eyes widened, as if seeing the strangest thing he had ever seen in his life.

"Where is your boss?" Jiang Wan asked herself.

Brother Liu was a little bit amused, "Okay, if you have a grudge with the boss, let the boss decide what to do with you. What about the boss?"

"I was too tired to play yesterday, so I went to bed later!" Someone replied.

"Go and shout, maybe the boss likes her." Second brother Liu looked at Jiang Wan and smiled, "This is the first time in my life that I have seen the sheep that I drilled into the wolf's den."

Soon, a man came out from behind, yawning, "Who are you talking about? Who's coming to the door?"

Jiang Wan saw that the popular itchy teeth, it turned out to be this bastard.

Yan Huai!

"You bastard, did my family invite you to provoke you?" Jiang Wan really couldn't figure out how her family provokes him, so she wanted her life just because she quarreled a few times?

"Yo? It really came to the door." Yan Huai saw the person coming, and suddenly laughed, "In order to kill you, but I have damaged many brothers, how do you want to die?"

"I ask you, why exactly?" Jiang Wan just wanted to figure out what was going on.

"Why? Why don't you know better than me? Why don't you ask me?" Yan Huai smiled coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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