exclusive favor

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
Back at the hotel, when I was about to take a shower, I realized that the suitcase was still with Qin Chen.

At this time, the assistant knocked on the door and came in: "Sister, are you feeling better, do you want me to go down and buy you some digestive medicine?"

Ye Xi shook his head: "No, I'm going to give you another more difficult task now."

"What task?" the assistant was curious.

"Go to Qin Chen's room and bring my suitcase here."


Xiaotang swallowed her saliva, and said: "Sister, I dare not do it at night."

"If you don't dare, take my things, it's not a thief."

The abdominal distension still didn't ease, Ye Xi exhaled, and sent Qin Chen a WeChat message while walking towards the living room.

【Are you in the room?I asked the assistant to come and get the suitcase. 】

[Or you put the suitcase first... without anyone noticing it outside the door. 】


Ye Xi was typing the third sentence, and a reply popped up over there.

[Isn't it indigestion?Take a shower so early. 】

[I'm going to buy medicine for you outside, wait a minute. 】

buy medicine...

Ye Xi refused: [I won't eat. 】

[Probiotics, not bitter. 】

After a few seconds of silence, he sent another message.

[About 10 minutes, wait obediently. 】


A love emoji was thrown over.

Qin Chen finished taking the medicine at the pharmacy, glanced at the chat box, and smiled unconsciously.

At the beginning, she rarely sent him these things, but recently his Ye Xi seems to be getting cuter and cuter.

So in the elevator in the evening, she ignored him, not because she was angry, but... to scare him on purpose again.

Now she likes to see him get angry in a hurry and act like she can't help it.

Qin Chen thought about this all the way, and when he entered the hotel lobby, he met Jin Xiwei head-on.

The latter stopped in his tracks, his eyes subconsciously fell on the medicine bag in the man's hand, and he frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you? How can I buy medicine?"


? ?
After Qin Chen finished speaking, he didn't stop. He passed the opponent with long legs and walked inside.

Seeing the figure of the man disappear at the elevator entrance, Jin Xiwei stood in the lobby and pondered for a while, always feeling that something was wrong.

Until a greeting voice came from behind: "Sister Xiwei."

Jin Xiwei turned around and saw the actress who warmly toasted her at the previous dinner table.

The latter asked with a smile, "Haven't you rested yet?"


Jin Xiwei smiled: "Waiting for someone, you just came back?"

The actress nodded, paused, and inadvertently changed the topic: "I just saw Director Qin buy medicine, it should be for Ye Xi."

During the meal, the man said that Ye Xi had a bad stomach and wanted to replace wine with tea.

After dinner, Ye Xi said that he felt a little bloated, so he walked back to the hotel with a group of new actors.

Jin Xiwei knew all this.

Connecting back and forth, she understood almost immediately that the other party was deliberately hinting at her.

Seeing that Jin Xiwei remained silent, the actress smiled and said, "Director Qin always treats his heroine differently from others. Sister Xiwei must have received the same preferential treatment when she made Director Qin's film before. I am so envious." You guys."

That's right, if others don't remind her, Jin Xiwei probably forgot that she was also Qin Chen's heroine.

But as the female number one, his attitude towards people and things is really different.

At that time, because of her father's face, Qin Chen chose her as the heroine.

So, from the beginning to the end, he didn't take her even a little bit seriously.

Jin Xiwei held his breath in his heart, and didn't want to hear the other party continue talking, so he found an excuse, turned around and walked to the elevator.

In the corridor, Xiaotang walked cautiously to the door of the director's room.

Look around to ensure safety before reaching out to knock on the door.

Soon, the door opened, and the man pushed the suitcase to her. Xiaotang held the handle and quickly retreated.

As soon as he turned around, his eyes collided with the oncoming Jin Xiwei.

She froze.

Then Jin Xiwei recalled what he had just witnessed, and asked suspiciously: "Are you Assistant Ye Xi? What were you doing just now?"

Xiaotang said calmly: "Director Qin took the wrong suitcase of my goddess at the airport, and now he is back."

Got the wrong suitcase?
Qin Chen has always been calm in his work, how could he make such a low-level mistake?

This sentence happened to be heard by Liang Yin on the other side, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and joked to the assistant director next to him meaningfully: "Director Qin checked the wrong room again, took the wrong luggage, and offended the goddess twice a day , no wonder you have to block the wine for others during the meal."

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to wave and say hello to Jin Xiwei from a distance.

Jin Xiwei originally wanted to respond to the other party with a smile, but the successive blows tonight made her unable to laugh.

Didn't he say he already has a girlfriend?Now that he treats a female star so well and flirtatiously for no reason, isn't he afraid that his girlfriend will be jealous if he finds out?
Or, in fact, Ye Xi deliberately created a series of coincidences in order to attract Qin Chen's attention.

Jin Xiwei took a deep breath, stared at the suitcase in Xiaotang's hand for a while, and sneered in his heart.

In the past three years, what kind of goddess, what kind of zero scandal, now it seems that she has been underestimated.


In the room, Ye Xi felt much better after taking the medicine.

Strolling back and forth in the living room for half an hour, it was getting late, so she thought about finding out her pajamas and going to the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as she took off her clothes and turned on the shower, a video invitation popped up from her mobile phone on the shelf.

Ye Xi stayed silent, this night, you don't need to look to know who it is.

She ignored it, and the video invitation kept ringing.

After 2 minutes, silence returned.

After taking a shower, Ye Xi replied while wiping her hair with a towel.

[Why did you start the video just now? 】

The message was sent, and just as I was about to put the phone down, it vibrated again.

【want to see you. 】

Ye Xi bit her lip and typed.

[I was taking a shower just now, which is inconvenient. 】

After a few seconds, a sentence popped up over there.

[I've seen it before wearing it or not, what's the inconvenience? 】


[Director Qin, wake up, I don't have a penchant for sex! 】

After clicking send hard, Ye Xi ignored him and turned back to the living room to dry his hair.

Qin Chen's eyes gradually deepened as he looked at the phone, and he sat lazily on the sofa, thinking that it would take two months to come, and felt depressed for a while.

I glanced at the time, 09:30.

He got up and came to the French window, lit a cigarette and looked at the starry city night scene outside while smoking. In the thin smoke, the moist pink face after bathing was reflected in his mind.

She should be going to sleep now, turned on the air conditioner, wrapped the quilt tightly, and forgot to ask on WeChat just now, I don't know if her stomach feels better now.

Qin Chen stood by the window until late at night, one after another, sleepless all night, and soon the ashtray next to him was filled with cigarette butts.

Ye Xi slept soundly throughout the night.

After washing up, the assistant came in with breakfast, glanced outside the door, leaned closer and whispered: "Sister, Director Qin probably suffered from insomnia last night."

"how do you know."

"When we met in the corridor just now, Director Qin's face was very ugly."

The assistant paused at this point, and then made a logical analysis: "Men usually wake up in the morning in a bad mood, either because they had an argument with their girlfriend, or because they didn't sleep well, or... for some other reason."

Ye Xi took a sip of the porridge and asked with a smile, "You understand quite well, how many times have you talked about it before?"


Xiaotang said shyly: "I haven't talked about it, but I occasionally read Xiao H's book."

Ye Xi almost choked on a mouthful of porridge, and looked at the assistant quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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