exclusive favor

Chapter 116 To keep you innocent

Chapter 116 To keep you innocent

After breakfast, the big team set off to the recording site, the Olympic Sports Center about seven or eight kilometers away from the hotel.

The recording location has always been closed to the outside world, including the program team and all the staff of the Olympic Sports Center have signed a non-disclosure agreement, so except for insiders with inside information, almost no one outside knows that the second season of "The New Generation of Actors" will be born here.

After 10 minutes' journey, the long queue arrived at the south gate of the Olympic Sports Center. Ye Xi took a few steps behind, walked slowly to the director's side, and asked in a low voice, "Did you sleep well last night?"

The man glanced at her and said nothing.

After staying silent for a few seconds, Ye Xi asked again after the crowd in front walked a little further, "What's the matter? We didn't quarrel."

She looked at him with stubborn eyes, tilted her head, and looked puzzled.

Qin Chen's face darkened, and then his eyes fell deeply on her face: "You didn't play a video with me last night."


She didn't blink.

The man turned his head slowly, his Adam's apple rolled: "I am not satisfied with my desire."


The sun was burning overhead.

Ye Xi was in a daze, feeling that he had been hit violently.

There is a small H book in the back, and a dissatisfied desire next to it.

She blushed and lowered her head. Could it be that she has been so busy filming all day long that she really has lost her desires to the point where she can't keep up with the speed of the times?

Ye Xi took a deep breath, and went to look at the man again, only to find that there was a faint smile of interest on his lips.

After defiled her ears, her mood immediately improved.

Shameless, pervert!
"Call me in your heart?"

She glared at him.

The man walked leisurely, and patted her on the head with his big hand: "Don't worry, you will get used to it slowly."

"I'm used to you—"

Ye Xi held back his breath: "Director Qin, you were not like this before."

"Well, you were too young at that time, and I want to keep you innocent."


Oh, stay childlike.

thank you.

Pass through the wide gate and follow the crowd to quickly enter the Olympic Sports Center Area C.

Judging from the recording scene, Cloud Video has spent a lot of money this time.

The hardware facilities here are excellent, the venue is new, the space is large, and there are enough hanging points. It is very suitable for a variety show like "The New Generation of Actors" that needs to switch scenes constantly, has high production standards, and the stage beauty and lighting requirements are just right.

Moreover, the various sets that need to be used in the program will be made in advance outside the gymnasium of the Olympic Sports Center, and then delivered to the venue, so that various scenes can be presented with the help of stage machinery.

Such a huge project, every detail and perfection, the Olympic Sports Center, deserves to be called the incubation territory of Nanshi entertainment projects.

After 10 minutes of preparation time, a hundred media jury members came to sit in the surrounding audience seats, and the four instructors were located close to the front of the stage, with bright vision, and they could see the performance scenes on the stage in all directions without dead ends. of viewing.

Although it is not a live broadcast, due to the competitive nature of the competition program itself, it will invisibly increase the sense of oppression.

So before the countdown started, the whole scene had already fallen into a tacit silence, and all the staff entered a state of preparation.

Amidst the sound of background music, the assistant and host of this show appeared on the stage in formal attire. The opening remarks of a few minutes easily mobilized the atmosphere of the audience, and then introduced the four tutors from left to right.

The order of the tutor seats also surprised Ye Xi, the program team actually arranged her and Qin Chen in the middle two positions.

On her right is Jin Xiwei, while director Chen Chuhe lives on Qin Chen's left.

The competition system of the first phase was rather cruel. The 42 actors had to draw their own scripts from the blind box and assign roles to the actor group with the same script number. They only had one hour for preparation and rehearsal. To return to the stage to perform.

The four tutors will grade each actor according to their acting skills. If all four votes pass, the highest grade is A, followed by three votes is B grade, and if three votes or less are unified, the lowest grade is C.

There are a total of [-] scripts, and the number of characters included in each script is different, so for the actors in the first round, it is not only about their acting skills, but also their luck.

The big screen showed the situation of drawing the blind box in the background, and seeing the familiar faces, Ye Xi couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

Many of the actors have acted with her in the play before, and their acting skills are not bad, maybe they just lack a timing or a breakthrough point.

I didn't expect to meet again, and I would use such a mentor to guide other people's acting.

And at her age, if she wanted to convince the actors in the show, it would be useless to say anything, she could only rely on her strength.

During the preparation period, the mentor also went to the backstage lounge to study the script and set his own assessment standards for each character.

Thirty small scenes are all tailor-made by professional screenwriters for the first episode of the program. The proportion of scenes is reasonable and each has its own characteristics. After the actors get the roles, they will not feel disadvantaged, let alone unfair.

The lounge is not big, but it is comfortably furnished. The program team thoughtfully prepared a variety of fruits, as well as dairy products, drinks, massage chairs, etc. provided by the sponsors.

Ye Xi calmed down and looked at it for a while, and the assistant pushed the door lightly and came in: "Sister, let me tell you something, there is a quarrel in the cast."


"It's Feng Tian, ​​who is dissatisfied with his role and is arguing with his teammates."

Ye Xi's heart skipped a beat, from yesterday to now, she actually forgot about that girl.

"The scene was a bit intense, the two sides were fighting red-faced, and Director Liang was rushing over to coordinate." Xiaotang sighed: "It is obvious that Director Liang will definitely favor Feng Tian, ​​after all, he is the daughter of the boss."

"That's not necessarily true." Ye Xi asked the assistant: "Do you know what script number the dispute is about?"

Xiaotang shook her head, expressing her ignorance: "Sister, why don't I go and find out?"

"No, just tell me the result later."


The assistant happily ran out to continue watching the excitement.

About 10 minutes later, Xiaotang brought back news that Feng Tian finally compromised and obeyed the role arrangement of the program group.

Ye Xi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It seems that Liang Yin still has a few brushes."

"It's not because of Director Liang."


Xiaotang coughed, and couldn't help but laugh, "It happened that Director Qin passed by outside the rehearsal room and took a look inside. For some reason, Feng Tian became numb all of a sudden."

When the voice fell to the ground, Ye Xi's phone buzzed and vibrated a few times.

[Woohoo, sister Ye Xi, I've been bullied! ! ! ! 】

[Obviously that role is very suitable for me, why do you want to compete with me! 】

[Also, the director who asked my dad to teach me how to be a human being is actually there. 】

[It's the man named Qin Chen, I feel scared when I see him now. 】

[If I had known earlier, I would not have come to this shitty place. They said that I have no acting skills, and they all looked down on me. 】

Ye Xi rubbed his brows with a helpless expression after repeated WeChat bombings.

After a few minutes, she didn't reply until she vented enough and calmed down.

[When did you arrive in Nanshi?Did not see you yesterday. 】

 I didn't say anything tonight, everyone just punch in and go to bed~

(End of this chapter)

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