exclusive favor

Chapter 117 Director Qin asked to fry CP?

Chapter 117 Director Qin asked to fry CP?

【Half an hour ago. 】

【Come here as soon as you get off the plane, now you are tired and hungry. 】

Feng Tian opened the biscuit bag while complaining, took a bite and frowned.

[The program team is too stingy, these snacks are simply not for people to eat. 】


Ye Xi exhaled.

This girl's last show was like a joke, she did her own way, she didn't know how to restrain her personality, and when she came, she disturbed the actors backstage.

...this is the first issue.

She suddenly sympathized with Liang Yin.

Thinking of this, the phone vibrated again.

Qin Chen: [I'm next door to you. 】

? ?
Of course Ye Xi knew he was next door, then?
[Come and find me after reading the script. 】

【What are you looking for? 】

[Discuss the assessment criteria for the first round. 】

She focused her attention and carefully recalled the rules of the program. It seemed that she didn't mention that mentors could not exchange opinions with each other.

Ye Xi didn't think much, got up and walked out with the script.

In the lounge next door, when she entered, the man was standing with his back to her on the phone. When he heard the movement, he turned to look at her slightly, and then he briefly explained a few words inside, and then cut off the phone.

When she sat down, Qin Chen took a glass of water and said in a gentle voice, "Eat the probiotics."

Ye Xi frowned: "Didn't we discuss the script?"

"Enhancing the relationship between mentors is more important than discussing scripts."

"Then why don't you call the other two over?"

The air was silent for two seconds, and Qin Chen raised his eyelids to look at her: "I'm only interested in my girlfriend."


The man took out a small spoon from the side, adjusted the ratio of probiotics to water, and fed it to her mouth.

"Put it down, I'll do it myself." Ye Xi glanced nervously at the four corners of the room.

"I don't have a camera in my room."

Qin Chen's expression was gentle, his eyes smudged with a doting smile: "Hey, open your mouth."

She ducked her head back and stared at him through clenched teeth.

Obviously there is, the dark thing in the upper left corner is not a camera but something.

Seeing her excessive vigilance, Qin Chen breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at a certain place without a trace, and said in a serious tone: "It's just a display, don't you even believe your boyfriend?"


Ye Xi narrowed his eyes suspiciously: "Why is your room just a decoration?"

"When I signed the contract, I put a clause in it, and they agreed."


She was in a trance.

Can you do this in the last show?
Ye Xi cast an admiring look at the man, then stared at the spoon he handed over, hesitated for two seconds, and obediently opened his mouth to hold it.

Swallowing slowly, he murmured softly, "If someone sees me one day, my reputation will be ruined."

"It will be made public at that point." The man put down his water glass and looked at her calmly: "I will prepare for public control in advance. Whoever dares to hurt you with words, I will make him pay the price."

He spoke at a leisurely pace, and his flat tone seemed to be talking about an extremely ordinary matter, but Ye Xi saw a trace of coldness and sharpness in his eyes that could not be ignored.

She believed that he could protect her well.

But Ye Xi thought that it would be better if it could be blessed by the public if it was publicized.

Sometimes coercive measures can only stop other people's mouths.

With the last 15 minutes left in one hour, Ye Xi didn't stay any longer and returned back the same way with the script.

As soon as he entered the lounge, the cameraman arranged by the program group came in with a camera on his shoulders. From the second half, the camera will continue to track the situation of the instructor's backstage.

Ye Xi sat down and carefully read the script for a while. When the time came, the staff notified the instructor at the door that she could go to the stage. She picked up the cup and took a sip of water, then got up and walked out of the lounge.

After each group of performances in the first round, the four tutors need to vote and comment on each actor participating in the same script according to their own judging criteria. The host will divide the performers according to the number of votes.

However, more than a dozen rounds have passed, and most of the performance has gone on. So far, the number of people in the A-level area is still zero.

What is the concept of zero, that is to say, none of the performances of the first [-] can reach the full votes of the four instructors.

Among them, the mentor Qin Chen is the most important, because from the beginning to the end, the votes in his hand have hardly been cast for any actor.

As we all know, Qin Chen has always had high requirements for actors' acting skills, and it is difficult for him to catch the general level. But everyone never expected that Director Qin's vision would be so high.

The atmosphere on the scene was extremely tense, and the remaining actors who hadn't appeared on the stage were also under great pressure.

During the break, Liang Yin walked towards the man with leisurely steps, handed over a bottle of water, chatted and asked with a smile: "What does Director Qin think of the performance of the actors in the first half?"

Qin Chen took the water and said lightly, "If this is a match, the result is obvious."

Liang Yin remained silent.

The meaning of the big director's words is already obvious. In his opinion, all the people who have finished their performances so far are not enough to meet the ideal voting standard in his heart.

But this is not only a competition, but also...a variety show.

Even the nature of variety shows dominates.

Liang Yin came here on purpose because he wanted to communicate with Qin Chen. The implication was not to be too strict, but to relax the requirements appropriately. Otherwise, there would be no one at A-level, which would disrupt the overall layout behind the program group.

After listening to the other party, Qin Chen's originally tense face eased a little, and he spoke again, but it was another matter that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

"The camera in my lounge was dismantled sometime."

Liang Yin looked at the man in disbelief, and blurted out: "You know there are cameras and—"

"Let Ye Xi come in?"


Chatting and chatting today, I suddenly became embarrassed.

Seeing the other party's numb face, Qin Chen pulled his lower lip imperceptibly, rubbed the water bottle with his fingertips, and said casually: "I'm chasing her, it's convenient for me later."

Chasing, chasing Ye Xi?
Seeing the video at that time, Liang Yin thought he was hallucinating.

But after thinking about it carefully, he quickly calmed down.

But what shocked him was that he thought that the two had established a relationship, but he didn't expect that this man hadn't become a regular yet.

The well-known Director Qin actually chased someone into a variety show.

It's so strange.

Liang Yin quickly unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of water to suppress his shock.

"Don't worry, I'll explain it to you. They know what to do." After finishing speaking, he added: "The day you catch the goddess, remember to invite me to dinner, and it's best to wrap me a big red envelope."

No, what are you talking about, the business is not over yet.

Liang Yin patted his forehead, took a few steps and then backed away, looked at the big director and asked: "Then my proposal just now...?"

"As long as the effect satisfies me, everything else is fine."


Under Liang Yin's unclear gaze, the man's thin lips moved slightly: "I will not accept your salary for this show, and I will inject another 5000 million in my own name."


Before the latter came back to his senses, Qin Chen said indifferently: "But there is a premise."


"What premise?"

"Fire a CP for me."

Liang Yin opened his eyes slightly, Hun'er was thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

 Director Qin: The camera in my room is just a decoration.

  Ye Xi: Hmph, you lied to me as a dog.

  Wang ~
  Haha, Director Qin deliberately made it for Liang Yin to see.

  Liang Yin said that in order to save 5000 million film remuneration, I can also be a dog~

(End of this chapter)

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