exclusive favor

Chapter 136 Come and accompany her

Chapter 136 Come and accompany her
Ye Xi drove back to the hotel, and as soon as he got out of the car, a group of female artists walked towards him.

They greeted each other with a smile, but glanced at the SUV intentionally or unintentionally: "Sister Ye Xi, didn't you come back with the program team's car?"

"Well, I'm driving myself."

Someone suddenly.

"It turns out that Director Qin was driving sister Ye Xi's car."

She frowned, but before she could speak, another actress next to her said: "The current models are all similar, what kind of eyes do you see, you must have misread it."

"Oh, that's right, it's definitely not the same car." Then he apologized to Ye Xi, "I'm sorry, Sister Ye Xi, I'm a little short-sighted, I couldn't see clearly just now."

Ye Xi smiled: ...

Separated from a group of people, Ye Xi breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the hotel lobby.

While waiting for the elevator, Xiang Cheng's voice came from behind.

"Miss Ye Xi."

Her eyelids twitched suddenly.

Now he is like a frightened bird, whenever he hears someone calling 'Sister Ye Xi', he instinctively wants to run away.

The eyes of those female artists just now were too explicit.

He said to smooth things over for her, but in fact, he only missed the big words "We all know about you and Qin Chen" on his face.

Ye Xi stayed silent for a few seconds, turned to look at Xiang Cheng, and handed over the phone: "I'll hand it over to your director later."

Xiang Cheng reached out to take it: "Sister Ye Xi, didn't my brother come back with you?"


"Then what about his phone...?"

"I picked it up on the road."


The elevator door opened, and Xiang Cheng scratched his head with a confused look on his face.

Seeing Ye Xi go in, he asked again: "Sister Ye Xi, my brother—"

"Don't mention him to me."


The elevator doors closed slowly, leaving no gaps.

Xiang Cheng stayed outside for a long while before he managed to come back to his senses.

The car is there, the mobile phone is there, but the person is not.

Looking at Sister Ye Xi's appearance, she seemed to have quarreled with his brother.

So, his great director was most likely thrown out of the car halfway?

Xiangcheng was shocked for two seconds, and quickly opened the memo on the phone to record this very commemorative day.

Ye Xi went back to take a shower, and briefly read the three scripts, and it was already nine o'clock.

I'm not in the mood to eat at night, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable right now.

She opened WeChat, wondering if she should ask her assistant to go downstairs to buy some porridge, and while she was thinking, there were two knocks on the door.

Ye Xi walked over to open the door in her bathrobe.

At this point in time, it is almost unnecessary to know who is coming.

Standing outside the door was a tall and slender figure of Qin, with a midnight snack in his hand.

She was hungry, and she was even hungrier looking at the lunch box.

So before the big director spoke, she reached out and took Ye Xiao over.

Seeing that she was about to close the door, Qin Chen took a step forward with his long legs and raised his eyebrows: "Eat my love dinner, won't you let me in?"

Ye Xi blocked the door: "It's late at night, you, a director, stay in your own room restlessly, running around here and there."

"Going to other women's rooms is called running around." He put his big hands on the door frame: "Going into my girlfriend's room is called falling leaves returning to their roots."

"It's yours—"

She stopped suddenly, and from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of several figures coming from the corridor.

Those who live on the same floor, apart from other tutors, are the people in the program group.

Ye Xi glanced at the rich figure in the distance, turned his head and reminded the man in front of him: "Move your feet, I'm going to close the door."

"I'll just sit for a while."

"Can you move?"

The group of people over there got closer and closer, and soon Liang Yin's voice came: "Hey, the weather forecast shows that there will be heavy rain in Nanshi for a week in a row."

"Recently it is the rainy season, and many places are flooded."

"That's right. Fortunately, the terrain of Nanshi is relatively high, otherwise the recording process would definitely be affected."

A few people discussed the weather while walking, pretending not to see anything, passed by the door without squinting, walked leisurely, and then swiped their cards to go back to the room.

The corridor became quiet again, Ye Xi rolled his eyes and took a breath.

"Director Qin."

She looked up at him: "You are capable."

The whole program group seemed to be intoxicated by him, Ye Xi asked in a low voice, "Apart from 5000 million, what benefits did you give Liang Yin?"

The air was silent for two seconds.

Qin Chen looked solemn: "The price is quite high, so if you don't get something in return for this trip to the variety show, the money will be wasted."

"What do you want in return?"

"I want to fall in love with my family Ye Xi in a fair and honest manner."

Ye Xi closed his eyes: "Get lost."


This time, without giving someone a chance to argue, the door was slammed shut.

Everyone in the program group at the other end of the corridor heard the familiar loud noise and silently mourned for Director Qin for three seconds.

Sleeping until midnight, he was awakened by thunder outside.

Ye Xi turned on the phone and saw that it was only two o'clock in the morning.

She frowned and turned her lower body, and the discomfort in her abdomen spread again.

It should be a few cold drinks with ice cubes when eating at night.

Ye Xi lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and watched the lightning and thunder in the sky outside through the gaps in the curtains. In addition, the menstruation was uncomfortable, and after drinking some hot water in the living room, he fell asleep instantly.

In the dead of night, she took a blanket out of the bedroom, curled up on the sofa and checked Weibo.

The first episode of "The New Generation of Actors" will start broadcasting at [-]:[-] pm tomorrow night, and the first platform will be Cloud Video.

Various exciting clips were intercepted in the pilot film, which aroused the audience's expectations and enthusiasm to the extreme. Among other things, Ye Xi only cared about the hot pot party in the first issue, and what Liang Yin would make people cut.

Especially the part in the seasoning area, if it was all broadcast, the entire barrage would probably explode.

Ye Xi leaned back on the sofa, and the phone vibrated slightly in a daze.

There was thunder outside, and the big director didn't sleep in the middle of the night. He got up and asked her if she was afraid of thunder, and if she wanted to come and accompany her.

Seeing that line of writing, Ye Xi laughed a little.

He was probably just trying to send a question, not sure if she was awake.

Coincidentally, she was really woken up by thunder, and her stomach was quite uncomfortable during her period.

Ye Xi hesitated for a few seconds before typing in the chat box.

But after thinking about it, I deleted the typed words one by one.

Forget it, let him sleep peacefully at night.

Seeing that the time was almost four o'clock in the morning, Ye Xi turned off his cell phone, picked up the blanket on the sofa and went into the room. Not a moment after he lay down, there was a faint knock on the door outside.

Could her first reaction be auditory hallucinations? After all, there was lightning and thunder in it.

After a few seconds, the phone vibrated again.

Opened WeChat, and saw two words sent by the great director: "Open the door."


Ye Xi checked his phone repeatedly, but he didn't send the message just now.

Is it possible that there is a consonance to this point?
She exhaled, lifted the quilt and got out of bed to open the door.

Qin Chen really stood outside the door.

He glanced at her up and down, and walked in the door sideways.

"How do you know I'm not asleep?" Ye Xi asked after her.

When I entered, I realized that the man was not wearing a nightgown, but a neat shirt and trousers.

 Whether the next chapter can come out depends on luck, everyone understands it~

(End of this chapter)

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