exclusive favor

Chapter 137 Gave a Dog

Chapter 137 To a Dog
After asking, Ye Xi slowly came to his senses, received the message and replied within ten seconds, and the words 'the other party is typing' will be displayed on the chat box.

It's really secret.

It's just that I didn't expect this person to stare at the phone after sending the message.

She suspected that he was deliberately arresting her.

While thinking, Qin Chen went to close the window of the living room and came back, and asked her, "Did you have your period?"

No, you can guess this.

Ye Xi blinked: "Are you living a life?"

The man didn't speak, but raised his chin towards the sofa.

She looked closely, and there was a bag of sanitary napkins on it.

The great director... is really careful.

Ye Xi sighed silently, clutching his stomach and walking towards the bedroom with a distressed face: "It hurts so much to be so angry with you that your period is early."

Qin Chen:  …

He stepped in with long legs, sat on the edge of the bed and watched her curl up into a ball, and patted her on the head: "Is it really hurting, or is it just a joke?"

"..." She turned her head away, not wanting to talk to him.

Qin Chen lay down on his side, stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms. He warmed his palms to her lower abdomen and rubbed her lightly: "Seeing that you have been drinking cold drinks at night and blocking me by sending WeChat messages, this time Know the long lesson? Huh?"

"You can just gloat."

She muttered in a low voice, trying to turn over to get her phone, but his big hand went around behind her head, and his thin lips followed.

Well, maybe getting married also has an analgesic effect.

Ye Xi was so lazy that he had no strength, his mouth, nose and breath were filled with the clear and pleasant smell of his body, and his whole body was soft and fluffy, as if he was lying lightly on a cloud.

Rushing on her lips for a while, he let her go.

Ye Xi saw him getting up from the bed, arranging his clothes as if he was about to go out.

"The pharmacies should be closed so late."

The most important thing was that it was still raining heavily outside, so she was not willing to let him go to buy medicine for her in the rain at night.

Qin Chen fastened the buttons on his neckline and turned to look at her: "There is a clinic nearby, which is open 24 hours a day."

She blinked: "I don't know exactly where it is."

"You go to bed first, if you really can't sleep, just wait for me to come back." After Qin Chen finished speaking, he took his mobile phone and left the bedroom. Before leaving, he didn't forget to gently close the door for her.

Ye Xi lay under the quilt, searched the vicinity with his mobile phone, and searched carefully several times, but he didn't find such a clinic that was open all day.

Later, half asleep and half awake, I don't know how long it took, and I vaguely heard the sound of the door card being inserted into the card slot from the entrance.

She turned over in a daze, opened her sleepy eyes, and saw Qin Chen lying down with his clothes on, and hugged her into his arms, and then bursts of warmth came from her abdomen.

Accompanied by the steady flow of heat, gradually, the abdominal pain did not seem to be as painful as it was at first, and Ye Xi's whole body slowly stretched out. When it was almost four o'clock in the morning, he finally couldn't help but fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, due to heavy rain in Nanshi and road traffic jams, Liang Yin informed everyone in the group in advance that they do not need to go to the Olympic Sports Center.

Without recording, everyone naturally got up later.

The first time the alarm clock rang, Qin Chen stretched out his hand to hold it down, and the second time the phone rang, it was a call from his assistant Xiaotang.

Ye Xi rubbed his sleepy eyes and was about to pick it up when the man beside him picked it up and pressed the answer button first.

With the hands-free on, the assistant's cautious voice came over: "Well, sister, is Director Qin in your room?"


Early in the morning, ask such sharp questions.

She glanced at someone and lied without blinking: "Not here, what's the matter?"

Xiaotang exhaled, it's fine if he's not here.

"Sister, I just received a bouquet of flowers at the front desk, which was sent by LC. If you still want to sleep for a while, I'll take the flowers to my room first."


Ye Xi was dumbfounded when he heard half of it.

This is really, lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.

She cleared her cough and was about to speak when the deep voice of the man above her head slammed down: "Throw it away."

? ?
This time it was Xiaotang who was stupid.

After a few seconds of silence on the phone, the assistant tentatively called out: "Sister, Director Qin...?"

Ye Xi quickly took over the words: "You take care of it yourself first, don't worry about me for breakfast, I didn't record today, I'll sleep for a while, and hang up."

After speaking, he cut off the phone at once.

She raised her head, met the man's gloomy gaze, and smiled sweetly: "Good morning, Director Qin."

Qin Chen's eyes darkened, he raised her chin with his fingers, and kissed her hard.


Ye Xi didn't dare to resist.

Early in the morning, what a crime.

When he had kissed enough, her mind was almost in a mess.

"In two days, I'll go to the villa to visit your mother." Qin Chen hugged her in his arms, let her head rest on his chest, and the low voice in his throat reached Ye Xi's ears when he spoke, sexy and provocative .

She was in a daze, stroking his thin shirt fabric with her fingertips, feeling the warm and tense abdominal muscles underneath, her heart pounding.

"Not yet, I mean, after the recording is over."

"No, I can't wait that long."

Ye Xi blinked and looked at him pitifully: "Director Qin~"

"What are you doing, that look?"

She arched her head into his arms, her voice soft and coquettish: "We've only been together for less than two months, and I'm not ready yet, so let's take it easy."

"Are you sure it's only been two months?" Qin Chen lowered his head and asked with a half-smile.


Ye Xi pretended to be free and easy to explain: "The past is wiped out, and the previous ones are not counted."

don't count?

"We've been talking for four full years, and if you say it doesn't count?" The man's hand on her waist tightened slightly, and he asked in a hoarse voice: "Then tell me, who did you give it to for the first time?"


Ye Xi's face turned red.

this bastard...

"Huh? A heartless and ungrateful little thing, then who do you count as the first time?"


She stiffened her neck and repeated: "To a dog."


Qin Chen raised his head, took a deep breath, and squeezed her big hand somewhere: "Treat me like a dog? Believe it or not, I was a beast once, and now I will punish you severely."

The place he touched just now felt numb, and Ye Xi's whole body burned into a ball of fire.

His eyelashes drooped tremblingly, and he murmured softly, "Who is afraid of whom, as long as you don't feel sick, blood will splash on the bed sheet at worst."


The air fell silent.

After Ye Xi finished speaking, he turned his back and covered his face, wishing he could get in through the cracks in the ground immediately.

While shy and shivering, the man's magnetic and hoarse low voice fell from the top of his head: "Is your stomach still hurting? I put a pain relief patch on you last night."

She rolled her eyes.

Why did you suddenly ask this, the style of painting is a bit wrong.

She asked cautiously: "It doesn't hurt, do you want to tear it off?"

"Well, if you tear it up, you can concentrate on reducing the fire for me."


Before Ye Xi could react, the man had already embraced him with his long arms.

Her nerves tensed up to the extreme.

"You, what do you want to do, that kind of thing is not a joke!"

Ye Xi blushed, but got a muffled laugh from the man.

"You know you're afraid?"

His burning kiss fell to his ear: "Hey, change another way."




 Trembling, did you come out?
  For the sake of being so difficult for the author, vote monthly to encourage me:-D
(End of this chapter)

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