exclusive favor

Chapter 179 Jin Xiwei's Intention

Chapter 179 Jin Xiwei's Intention
After saying this, Jin Xiwei stopped on purpose, paying attention to every expression of the man in front of him, hoping to see how he would react.

However, what surprised her was that Shang Jinhan didn't seem to be interested in the relationship between Ye Xi and Qin Chen. In other words, there was no surprise at all.

As the lights turned on, the wine glass between Shang Jinhan's slender fingers glowed with a cool luster, just like the mood of the owner of the wine glass at this time, when the gaze behind the gold-rimmed glasses looked at Jin Xiwei again, there was a hint of deep interest in the warmth.

"Miss Jin Xiwei."

He casually sipped his red wine, and smiled slightly on his elegant handsome face: "LC will launch the 'Zhen Ai' series, which focuses on low-luxury romance next year, you should know that."

Jin Xiwei nodded: "I heard something."

Not only heard, in order to win LC's spokesperson for the next year, she has been paying attention to its brand trends all the time.

"What does true love represent?" Shang Jinhan asked again.

Before Jin Xiwei spoke this time, the man had gradually broken her fantasy: "It represents the only and true love."

He paused, and continued: "Just like the brilliant blue diamond tonight, the one who owns it must be the one who attracts attention and happiness in the end, and it just so happens that that lucky girl is our spokesperson."

Jin Xiwei is not stupid, she can naturally hear the deep meaning in Shang Jinhan's words.

As an international brand, LC does not care whether the spokesperson is in love or not. Not only that, but the Zhenai series that will be launched next will be more in line with the theme of the design because of the blessing of the spokesperson's romance.

In other words, Ye Xi's love affair not only did not affect her contract renewal, but also became a bonus item.

But Jin Xiwei was not willing to give up like this. She looked at Shang Jinhan and said, "LC has always selected spokespersons with openness and fairness. This is the rule set by your founder. Are you going to abolish the rules from now on and just make a default decision?" ?"

"In our place, there is no default." Shang Jinhan summoned the waiter, put the empty wine glass on the tray, and put one hand in his pocket as if he was about to leave after saying this.

He said: "Ye Xi is the person personally appointed by the founder early in the morning. I can feel Miss Jin Xiwei's persistence, and thank you for your love and support for the LC brand, but unfortunately, the identity of the global spokesperson is not Ye Xi. No one belongs to Xi."

It's none other than Ye Xi...

Just five words, like a basin of cold water in the cold winter, poured Jin Xiwei thoroughly from head to toe.

So, there is no hope at all.

She had been preparing for so long, and Ye Xi easily held something that she couldn't reach no matter how hard she tried.


Qin Chen's woman is really a natural favorite.

And she, the one who could only silently chase him behind his back, was nothing.

When Jin Xiwei was in a daze, Shang Jinhan politely proposed that he still had something to do to leave first. Just when the other party nodded to her and was about to turn around, out of some instinct, she pulled the man away in a hurry. stop.

"Mr. Shang."

Shang Jinhan turned his head to look at her, a trace of undetectable impatience flashed across the brown pupils behind the lenses.

However, his childhood upbringing and current status allowed him to hide his emotions well, and even maintained the elegant demeanor that he should have towards ladies on his face.

Jin Xiwei took a deep breath, fixedly looked at the man, and planned to make one last gamble.

"With Ye Xi's external image, I have nothing to say when you choose her as your spokesperson."

She paused, and then changed the topic: "But as a senior executive of the company, has Mr. Shang seen the potential risks that Ye Xi's love affair may bring to the LC brand?"

potential risks?

Shang Jinhan squinted his eyes, suddenly became interested again, and motioned for her to continue.

Jin Xiwei was overjoyed, tried hard to settle his thoughts, and expressed his views with reason and evidence.

"Once Ye Xi's love affair is exposed, it will attract wide attention from the public. If it falls apart one day, or if some negative news breaks out at the very moment when your new product is launched, then the impact on your brand will be..."

She stopped deliberately at this point, and the rest of the words were self-evident.

Shang Jinhan smiled after hearing this: "The brand side will naturally consider all aspects when choosing a spokesperson. Ye Xi has been as clean as a blank sheet of paper since her debut, and her current love partner has a very high reputation in the industry. I don't know you What exactly does the negative news refer to?"

Jin Xiwei said firmly: "It's okay for the two of them to separate, but together, it will be a matter of time before they break up."

"The Zhenai series symbolizes beautiful love. If it is reported that the spokesperson's relationship is broken, who will be willing to accept LC's new products? What's the point."

At this moment, the air fell into a silence.

Shang Jinhan carefully savored the deep meaning that Jin Xiwei wanted to convey between the lines, especially the phrase 'breaking up is a matter of time'.

Seeing that the man didn't speak, Jin Xiwei continued to add fuel to the fire: "Qin Chen once had an unforgettable relationship, and he still misses his ex until now.

The reason why I like Ye Xi is that she has the shadow of the old man in her body. How can such a relationship last long? If it were Mr. Shang, would he be willing to cherish a substitute and love her for the rest of his life? "


When this word was used on Ye Xi, Shang Jinhan felt it was particularly harsh, and he slowly frowned: "What evidence do you have, why do you think she is a double?"

Jin Xiwei did not answer directly, but gave an example: "Mr. Shang, if you once lost a game of truth or dare, you would say in front of the person you like that you have received the most precious gift in your life." Is the birthday gift the first time with your ex?"

The man looked at her without speaking.

Jin Xiwei showed a faint smile: "It's a coincidence that Qin Chen said that in front of Ye Xi. So until now, Mr. Shang still thinks that the relationship between your spokespersons is unbreakable, and the Zhenai series can still be handed over." To her?"

The moment the words fell, Shang Jinhan's eyes behind the lens suddenly burst into a stunning cold light, he stared at the woman in front of him, and said indifferently: "Miss Jin Xiwei, I am not someone who is easily fooled, you'd better guarantee that , what you just said is true."

"It's true, Mr. Shang went to ask the artists who recorded "The New Generation of Actors" before, and he knew that there were quite a few people present at that time."

Shang Jinhan's heart choked, and his hands in his trouser pockets were clenched into fists unconsciously.

There are even others.

What did the person surnamed Qin think of Ye Xi...

Anger turned to anger, but Shang Jinhan didn't fully listen to Jin Xiwei's one-sided words.

He will tell his subordinates to find out the truth of the matter one by one.

But what he is more worried about now is not the issue of the spokesperson, but if everything Jin Xiwei said is true, then how humble Ye Xi must be in this relationship.

He, Shang Jinhan, thought in his heart, and he would never allow the person he wanted to hold in his palm to be hurt in the slightest.

Even if this person is Qin Chen, it won't work!
 Haha, does the Golden Shadow Empress have a big brain? Not only does she have a big brain, but she also has a strong ability to make up stories.

(End of this chapter)

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